A Sincere Confession

I Feel Something When You're Around

Chansung's POV

I heard her calling for me, but I couldn't bring myself to turn around. I wasn't mad I just really wanted to be alone. No matter how much I told everyone that I was ok with Lily being with Doojoon as long as she was happy I knew it was a lie. It killed me on the inside. 

My attention was suddenly brought to a bus that was coming closer at a speeding rate. Either I was imagining things or that bus was out of control. I knew Lily wouldn't be stupid enough to cross the street while that thing was coming, but I had to make sure.

"Hwang Chan-" I heard it again, and I saw Lily smack in the middle of the road. Why wasn't she moving?!

"Lily!! Get out of the way!!!" I screamed. If she moved at that moment she could avoid an accident. "Lily!!" Her eyes were squeezed shut, she was frozen with fear. Without thinking twice I threw off my heavy coat, and ran to her. My feet carried me towards her, and I jumped in the air just in time. We landed heavily on the sidewalk. "Lily!" Her eyes wouldn't open. Did I hurt her when we landed? "Ireona!" I shook her, but she wouldn't wake up.

Doojoon's POV

"So umm, how much money does a place like this earn?" I tried forming conversation.

"Well, not much lately. There are a lot of damage fees we have to take care of." He was probably still mad about the chandelier.

"Hyung, how can you seriously still care about that? You guys can probably afford all of Seoul!"

"Yah! A debt is a debt!" 

"Yah! Be quiet for a bit." I heard the sound of tires squealing. 

"Omo! Who are you telling to be quiet?!"

"Lily!!!" I heard someone scream outside. I didn't even think, my feet raced out the door. For those few seconds my world felt like it was coming to a close. Nothing could happen to Lily! Not Lily! I was barely outside when I saw a bus race down the street. Chansung, and Lily were on the ground.

"Lilian!!" I've never used her full name ever in my life. She hated it, but seeing her on the ground brought up a pain that made my head throb. I wasn't thinking clearly. I fell down next to her who was unconscious on the floor. "Chansung-ah what happened?!"

"She...she...I..the bus.." He was incapable of speech. 

"Come, open the door for me." I pulled all my strength together, and picked her up bridal style. Chansung held the door open as I carried her inside.

Lily's POV

The last thing I remembered before blacking out was calling Chansung. Now I was slowly getting my vision back as I laid down in a booth at club MIROTIC. I shot up in shock, and had to lay down again due to the throbbing in my head. "Aish." I huffed.

"Omo she's awake!" I heard Chansung whisper. I looked up, and there he was sitting right behind me. I saw Chansung, but no Doojoon or Junho. I my stomach so that I was facing him. 

"Where's Doojoon?"

"He went with hyung to get medication, you have a concussion."

"Chansung-ah...what happened?''

"What happened?" I was shocked to see that he was near tears. "Lily! How could you run into the street like that?! How do you think I would feel if something were to happen to you?! Is it not enough that you broke my heart? Do you want to kill me too?!"

"Yah Chansung-ah. Why are you saying things like that? Who was the one ignoring me?!" What shocked me more was the fact that tears found there way into my eyes too. Why, I had the slightest idea. 

He stayed silent as his eyes welled up to the point where his tears were no longer capable of staying inside. "Lily..I couldn't face you because I was too embarrassed, but..." He got choked up. Seeing that amount of pain in his eyes put me in pain as well. I knew we became friends, but why was he capable of bringing so much emotion out of me? It was like I needed to protect him so I wanted to feel his pain for myself. "but when I saw that bus coming towards you I thought you would be out of my life forever, and you would never know how I truly feel about you..."

"Chansung-ah, I really didn't know, I-"

"Lily, ever since the first day we met I knew you were the girl I've always dreamed about falling in love with. That day you spilled your drink, and I helped you clean it up, you remember it right?"

I nodded.

"It only took 3 seconds for me to know how I felt about you. It was your beautiful green eyes that I stared into that day. When I looked up into them I saw my entire future before me. With me was you. No matter what I needed to have you by my side. Every day after that I couldn't stop thinking about that moment I got a glimpse into our future, and every day when you would tell me about your amazing friends, and how Doojoon never loved you the way you wished for I felt more confident that the day I confessed to you would be sooner than I dreamed of. However when I finally pulled up enough courage I was too late. The man of your dreams finally confessed, and knowing more than anyone what its like to meet the person of your dreams, and have them love you back I couldn't tell you my true feelings. But today I realized that if I didn't tell you I might never get the chance to."

By the end of his speech my face was covered in tears, and my cheeks were tickled as they ran down like a stream. What was I supposed to say? I knew Chansung, and I had a connection but it wasn't anything like what I had with Doojoon. "Chansung-ah...I'm sorry that you have to feel this way, and I'm sorry that there's nothing I can do about it. Even though I'm happily with Doojoon I can't help but feel a connection between us. I think that we must be soul mates. And soul mates don't always have to be with each other romantically, but they can also just be friends. I think that is what we're meant to be. Maybe in the far future we could grow to be more than that, but for right now, and the near future I love Doojoon." I wiped my face, and wiped his too and sat in silence as we waited for Junho, and Doojoon to return with the medicine.


Teehee how romantic!!!! that was actually an easy chapter to right because Hwang Chansung is not only my bias for 2pm but he is my forever bias. THE ONE GUY I CHOOSE TO MARRY!! Plz comment and subscribe if you like. In the words of Gikwang bye-yeom

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwww,, hahaha, great story! Anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
phylosophy #2
Chapter 22: ohyea, i just saw it hehe!
phylosophy #3
Chapter 22: nice plot here! hope you can make a sequel for this :)
Omg, the poster is seriously amazing!
Kya, great story, Unni. Congrats!
whaaa it's over.. but it's a good ending. i like that it's not a super total happy ending. =] i'm glad to have read this story and you are a super awesome author and writer, so i cannot wait for your next story~ =]
hellopanda23 #7
..it's not over! you can't end it like that. at least write a one shot like someone suggested!! seriously... that's not cool that it ended it on a sad note like that..... gnsdakfnsd long distance relationships are so harddddddddddddddd
it's over T_T
PLEASE write a sequel *-*
A Oneshot would be enough keke~
Awaw Doojoon is just to sweet:) Thank you for
writing such a great story. I really enjoyed reading
your story and I will always LOVE it! Your story
was super duper DAEBAK! Hwaiting for your
next story and I will also be looking forward for
it :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :3
I Love your story *_*
All the characters are so well written!