It's Not What It Looks Like

I Feel Something When You're Around

 It was hard for me to leave with Doojoon being mad at me. The good thing about the snow was no one could see my tears. As soon as I got outside the wind was eye blinding. There was no way I could walk, so I had to catch the bus. Once I made it to Hongdae I still had to crutch down the street to MIROTIC. (lol idk the verb for walking with crutches =-3 ) If there was a turtle walking next to me, I'm sure it would've been laughing at how slow I was going.

"Lily! Do you need help?" Chansung came running.

"Oh! Hi Chansung-ah. I'm fine."

"How did this happen?"

"Long story, I just want to clean so I can go home." Just then Chansung grabbed me, and put me over his shoulder. "Yah! Chansung-ah! Bwoyah!!" He carried me to MIROTIC.

"You're heavier than you look." He chuckled as he placed me in a chair.

"Thanks, but warn me the next time you plan on doing that!"


Lily! What have you been doing?! You're over two hours late." Junsu made his way over, and realized my leg. "Oh. Nice pajamas." He chuckled.

"Hyung, it's not fair for Lily to clean, she needs to rest her leg at home."

"Chansung's right. Why didn't you call us?" Taecyeon agreed.

"I figured the more I came to clean the faster I could repay my debt."

"Well sorry Lily, you're going to have to wait until you're healed." Nichkhun added.

"I guess it can't be helped." I sighed.

"Aigoo, you don't want this to be a wasteful day. Let's go to the arcade!" Junho smiled brightly.

"Umm, I'm have teenage mutant ninja turtles all over me."

"Who cares, let's just do something."

"If you're up to it Lily, I think we could really have fun." Chansung smiled.

"...I guess"

Junho's POV

"Good I'll grab my coat!" I ran upstairs to call Naeun. After three rings her innocent voice greeted me.

"Naeun-ah it's Junho oppa. Look, an opportunity for us to get Chansung, and Lily together has come up. Do you think you can get Doojoon to show up to the arcade across the street from our club?"


"Good! I'll see you soon." I ran downstairs as everyone was heading to the arcade.

"Junho turn off the lights!" Taec yelled.

"Ne, hyung."

Once in the arcade I had to figure out how to ditch Chansung, and Lily so they could be alone. Aigoo! He was going to be so happy!

"Why don't we play Rock Band?" I suggested. "I call drums!"

"I want bass!" Wooyoung grinned.

"Give me the mic!" Of course Junsu would choose that.

"Hyungs you two can play the keyboard, and guitar." I suggested to Khun, and Taecyeon. Haha! My plan was brilliant!

"What about us?" Chansung pouted.

"Go play something else until we're done." I shooed the two love birds away.

"Come on Chansung, I think I saw a wack-a-mole over there." Lily smiled.

Lily's POV

"I'm sorry if you want to be home right now." Chansung sighed.

"It's totally fine, I just hate having to lie to my boyfriend."

"Why don't you just tell him?"

"Because if he found out I've been paying you guys back for what happened that night, he won't let it go, and will probably take the blame himself.....and I already know what Taecyeon said about getting their information."

"He said he would call the police?" Chansung said recalling that night. "Look, if you're that worried about it I can get hyung to forget the police thing. I'm sure he wouldn't do it if he knew how important you were to me." My eyes shot up to meet his. Was he confessing?!

"Oh...thanks Chansung-ah" I felt a weight get lifted off my shoulders. The first thing I was going to do was tell all of the guys once I got home.

"But if you were so scared to tell your boyfriend, then why did you tell Naeun?" The sweet relief that I had for a millisecond was washed away, and was replaced with fear.

"What are you talking about?"

"The other day Junho was talking to some girl. He told me she was a friend of yours who was worried about you." With the small amount of girl friends I had, none of them would be that worried about me, and none of them had the name Naeun.

"That's strange...."

"Yeah! I was thinking the same thing." I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around, and was staring into the eyes of Doojoon, and the rest of my friends.

"Lily. What are you doing?" Junhyung asked.

"W-Why are you guys here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same question?" The look on Doojoon's face was unlike anything I've seen before. He looked at me with pure disgust.

"I can explain myself. Just give me a second." I reached for my crutches.

"I don't want to hear it! No matter how much you explain you're still gonna be a liar." I felt my insides die, and my heart crumble. If he would just listen to what I had to say he would regret calling me that.

All of 2pm were watching along with the rest of the arcade. "Doojoon..." I croaked.

Chansung stood behind me watching as my life fell apart.

"Excuse me. Doojoon this is not what it looks like at all." Chansung said.

"You dare to in when you've caused so much trouble!?" I've never seen Gikwang raise his voice to a complete stranger.

"You're lucky I don't punch your face in!" Junhyung was fired up. That wasn't an odd sight.

"Guys let's go." Doojoon sighed.

"Hyung, how can you just let this punk leave without a fight?!" Hyunseung gaped.

"Because it's not his fault." He looked me dead in the eyes.

"Doojoon!" I called him, but he wouldn't stop. None of them did, they all left me feeling like the worst person on this side of the earth. The room filled with whispers from all the onlookers.

"She just got caught cheating."

"That's what she deserves."

"I can't believe she was playing with those guy's hearts!"

Water was filling up in my eyes, and with one single blink they spilled over, and stained my  cheeks. My vision was blurred as I watched them walk out the door, and keep walking down the street until they were out of sight. Not once did they look back.

"Lily, let's get out of here." Chansung put his hand on my shoulder. His touch brought me back to the real world. Words wouldn't come out. I wanted to say something, but if I did I was going to start babbling nonsense. Somehow I found the strength to clutch myself out of the arcade, and into the freezing weather.

"Lily, I'm going to make sure you get home safely." Chansung insisted. I didn't know whether to take his offer, or not. I knew that if Doojoon saw him bring me home it would only make things worse.

I shook my head. " You can't."

"Lily please let me help you."

"No! I want to be alone Chansung....please."

His shoulders fell in defeat. "Fine. Just call me or text me so I know you're ok." I didn't respond, and began my long walk home. I didn't even care about the pain I was in from the crutches, or how my face stung every time a shard of ice would fly onto it. What was hurting the most was my heart.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's so hard to find time during the week. I hope you liked this chapter. I wish I was better at writing dramatic scenes...this is the best I've got lol. Plz comment and subscribe. In the words of Gikwang bye-yeom. p.s. OMFG IM SOOOO EXCITED FOR EXO'S DEBUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE MY MONEY ON ITUNES JUST WAITING TO BE SPENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  XDDDDDDDDDDD OHHMAGAWD THEIR SHOWCASE VIDEO WAS SOOO FLIPPIN AMAZING!!!!!

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwww,, hahaha, great story! Anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
phylosophy #2
Chapter 22: ohyea, i just saw it hehe!
phylosophy #3
Chapter 22: nice plot here! hope you can make a sequel for this :)
Omg, the poster is seriously amazing!
Kya, great story, Unni. Congrats!
whaaa it's over.. but it's a good ending. i like that it's not a super total happy ending. =] i'm glad to have read this story and you are a super awesome author and writer, so i cannot wait for your next story~ =]
hellopanda23 #7's not over! you can't end it like that. at least write a one shot like someone suggested!! seriously... that's not cool that it ended it on a sad note like that..... gnsdakfnsd long distance relationships are so harddddddddddddddd
it's over T_T
PLEASE write a sequel *-*
A Oneshot would be enough keke~
Awaw Doojoon is just to sweet:) Thank you for
writing such a great story. I really enjoyed reading
your story and I will always LOVE it! Your story
was super duper DAEBAK! Hwaiting for your
next story and I will also be looking forward for
it :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :3
I Love your story *_*
All the characters are so well written!