
I fell for my vet, she fell for my pet.



L & Yerim - Love U Like U (Shut Up Flower Boy Band OST)


“Bad day?” Myungsoo’s voice made ________ snap out from her thoughts. It’s been an hour since she has isolated herself inside her office, she didn’t even hear Myungsoo walk into the clinic nor did she notice EunJi step out for her lunch break.

“More like a sad, disappointed-at-myself day.” ________ sighed after letting out the keywords to what she was feeling.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Myungsoo wasn’t able to stop himself from asking.

“Hmmm…I don’t think we’re that close for me to be confiding with you like a friend. What are you doing here anyway?” _______ said as she still remained aloof towards Myungsoo. She didn’t even mean to divulge her feelings earlier but that made Myungsoo think that he could ask more about it.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes at her remark and just told her why he came in the first place, to buy dog food.

Unlike with Chansung and Taecyeon, _______ didn’t initiate to be ‘friendlier’ with Myungsoo. She stood up and went to the backroom to ask for the package of dog food from one of her employees to be brought out in front.


Myungsoo was paying for the item when _______ noticed his face.

“What happened to you?” She asked as she saw a bruise forming and a fresh small cut on Myungsoo’s face.

“I don’t think we’re friends so I don’t have to answer your questions.” Myungsoo answered similarly, just like the line that ______ used on him earlier when he asked about what was bothering her.

Actually, Myungsoo went straight to the veterinarian after finishing the shoot for his drama. During filming of a fighting scene, Myungsoo accidentally got a real hit on his face, causing a slight bruise and a cut because of the ring that his co-actor wore.

“Well then mister, I just asked because I can see blood and an open cut. You’re right, I won’t care anyway if that gets infected.” _______ replied in an indifferent manner.

“Just a small mishap happened while I was working. It’s nothing.” Myungsoo muttered.

“Wow, nothing must be the cool trend these days.” ________ sarcastically said.

It seemed like these two would always bicker whenever there’s a chance.

After writing Myungsoo a receipt, _______ got a couple of things from the drawer of her table and approached Myungsoo.

“Sit.” She told him as she opened the bottle of antiseptic.

Myungsoo raised his eyebrow at ________ and didn’t move from his place at all.

“Sit.” She repeated her command as she tilted her head to the direction of the chair beside her.

“I’m used to things like these. I can take care of this later.” Myungsoo nonchalantly replied back.

“Sit.” ________ sternly ordered one more time and that made him really sit down. Her tone would make people think that she was commanding a dog.

“Good boy.” She said as if she was really talking to him like a pet.

“I’ll be honest and say I’m doubting you right now since you are a doctor for animals and not for humans.” Myungsoo uttered as _______ started to clean around his wound before putting the antiseptic on a cotton ball.

‘Does she know what she’s doing?’ Yes Myungsoo’s obviously skeptical.

“We all take the basics in studying mammals, that include human beings. Besides anyone can practically do this, general stock knowledge.”

______ then started to treat Myungsoo’s injury. He hissed and winced at how the medicine stung him. Lastly, she placed small, narrow, adhesive bandages to cover the scrapes.
All through-out, _______ could see and feel Myungsoo’s cold yet warming stare.

“All done troublemaker.” _______ mumbled the last part.

“Do I have to pay you for this? Although in my opinion it should be free since I didn’t ask for this, in fact I opposed to it.” Myungsoo defensively said.

“For someone who looks like a cold, quiet guy you sure do talk a lot. But to answer your question, no, it’s free. Now we’re even.”

“Even? For what?” Myungsoo truly was confused with what she meant on them being even.

“For recommending my place and bringing in a new client.” ________ coolly answered back as she returned the items she used.

“Oh yeah. I did hear from Chansung and Taecyeon hyung that they already visited here. So do I get a ‘Thank you’?” Myungsoo smiled proudly although he was pushing his luck.

“No, you already got a free treatment from me.”

“I would’ve chosen the thank you over that. Oh well at least I feel that you’re indebted to me.” Myungsoo smirked.

_______ didn’t like what she heard from Myungsoo, nor did she like the expression on his face so she reached over to his cut and ‘secured’ the bandages by pressing on them a bit harshly.


Just before Myungsoo left he asked ______ again. “So you really won’t tell me what happened to you today before I leave?” Myungsoo didn’t know why he even tried to ask again. He told himself that he was just curious, it’s not like he was worried or cared for her or anything like that, right? He just didn’t want his dogs to suffer when she’s like that.

“There was a dog I couldn’t save earlier today.” ________ finally told Myungsoo what was on her mind. She’s been beating herself over that, guilt eating her up.

“Oh. Well don’t lose sleep over it, I’d like to give you the benefit of a doubt and say that you did your best. Hey, here’s my number…just in case you want to talk or something.” Did Myungsoo…did he really just comforted ________?

_______ raised her eyebrow at him, as if she was judging him, obviously thinking his gesture was a bit odd.

“What??! You’re the only vet nearby so it will be inconvenient for us to find another vet if you turn problematic or suicidal or what not.”

Myungsoo left it at that and immediately walked out of the clinic to save him from having any more awkward or embarrassing moment.

_______ chuckled at Myungsoo and glanced at the card he left one more time before tucking it inside her wallet.



YAY for a somewhat sweet moment, right? ;) 


~Comment Replies~

cupidzangel: YAY! We're the same, love love Taecyeon!!hihi ^_^ Makes me wnat to look up their live comeback performance of Like A Movie

pandagirl753: YAY! Glad you're looking forward to that, would do my best to let it unravel interestingly ;)

Alina1225: It's okay! Felt the same way too slightly lost motivation / interest cause of the crashes.

Happy you're loving the story! ^_^ I knew you'd like it when Chansung and his cat appeared.haha ;)

Yeah, just like us girls, the 'I-know-what-you're-thinking' eye

ColaSmackles: YAY! I'm happy he's your bias too! ;)

But if they're both your biases then you're going to feel torn.haha


Taec & Chansung exchanging 'knowing' glances.haha


Because I was thinking of using a guy that can be in the love triangle, and I forgot about heenim, bad me *_* haha Had Jaejoong on mind though.

Maybe after Eunhyuk's story, we can have SJ in my next WGM story?


The next story will feature Beast's Doojoon maybe :) Based on votes.

^_^ Love ya <3

RilenA: awww...thank you!!

Your comment was so cute! Made me smile ^_^


Hope you enjoy this update!! ;)

LOL can we share? *_*

anj_yesung: Yup, you're right ;) Will let them show up more in the future chapters :)

ForeverKeyLocket: Now where will you guys side, Team Taecyeon or Team Myungsoo? ;)

rahshiwon: Yeah, Taec will be the other guy to challenge ;)

Razzledazzle: YAY! Happy you're loving it!! ^_^ Hope you enjoy this update :)

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Will be updating tomorrow, July 9 :) sorry for the wait


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Chapter 19: SO CUTEEEE. > u <
good job! loved the ending.
i was debating whether she was the ine giving birth or what. orz
Chapter 19: KYYYYYAHHHH <3 <3 <3
Chapter 19: About time they finally got together keke^^
Wonderful ending to a great story!
Chapter 19: Awwwwwwww sweeeeeeeet :")
Chapter 19: i love the ending.. haha i knew it from the start that she is helping a dog to labor.. coz she is a vet.. haha dont mind me here.. XD omo it ended already... yay update to Hae's story now.. haha sorry im just excited.. haha XD
ColaSmackles #6
Chapter 18: D; Myungsoo being so insensitive over there, _______ had a sweet plan in mind. ;'c </3

Noooo!!! Last chapter before the finale, meaning the next update is the last one.. :'c

Thank you unnie! Gah, I'm so stressed with school, sleeping only 3-5 hours on school days. :/ Hope you're doing well :)

Love ya~
O.O what a way of seeing each other again then what happened next..??? omo ruined..
Yessss i did. Im getting frustrated that they're not together yet. Mhjdydjh if i were her, i would just laugh or chuckle at myungsoo's assumptions before telling him the truth. Lol =)) i wish she didnt got annoyed and all. Who rejects myung myung anyways? =))