Random Trip -Part 1-

I fell for my vet, she fell for my pet.

Jay Park - Carefree

^Loving that song^



It’s been over a month since that incident between Myungsoo and ________ happened. He couldn’t reach out to her much because he was preoccupied with Infinite’s activities. The group became busy because of their summer concert as well as their projects in Japan.

On the few times that Myungsoo did try to call or message ________, she did not answer, adding more to his frustration. Myungsoo tried hard to push her to the back of his mind because he did not want his distraction to add any stress or irritate the people around him. He knows the world doesn’t revolve around him although he highly wishes that _______’s world would, just like her effect on him.

To some extent, Myungsoo was glad of their busy schedules because that meant less time for him to think of her. Some days he would think about her during their break, but most of the time he would be too exhausted that he would immediately doze off when he becomes idle.

Despite their distance, Myungsoo swore to himself that he would be more pro-active in running after ________’s heart as soon as he lands in Korea and gets a day off.



“Unnie, you need to pick-up a VIP client at the train station. He says he needs your help as soon as he gets down.” Eunji told ________ as soon as she put down the phone.

“Is it an emergency? Maybe it will be faster and safer to refer them to a vet nearer to them.” _________ answered back thinking practically for the benefit of whoever that client is. She was about to get her contact list of veterinarians from the drawer when Eunji stopped her.

“No!” Eunji’s loud reply shocked ________. “The client specifically contacted us because he trusts only you.”

________ raised her eyebrow at the younger one’s sudden outburst.

“Sorry, you know how I value every customer.” Eunji let out a nervous laugh.

“Fine. Set up the time around my schedule.”

“Actually you’re free from now so let’s get moving.” Eunji grinned and handed ________ bag.



_________ looked down at her watch as she stood awkwardly at the meet-up place in the train station where Eunji told her to wait. People kept passing her by as they went to and from their designated train lines.

_________ didn’t even know who she was waiting for. Eunji didn’t give out the name of the client, she just told _________ that she would clearly know who it is as soon as her eyes sees him or her.

Something seemed fishy but ________ couldn’t exactly tell what it was…until she saw a very familiar face in the station.

‘Oh no. What was Eunji thinking?!’ _________ couldn’t believe who just came to view. Amongst the busy crowd, ________ spotted a Myungsoo and she knew that the reason why he was standing tall and scanning the people in the area was to look for her. She’s positive that Eunji and Myungsoo had some sort of talk and planned a conspiracy against her.

_________ quickly looked down and turned around, she was walking a bit slowly but surely it was towards the nearest exit. She was not yet ready to face Myungsoo, she still is speechless with his confession and her mind still didn’t absorb the fact that he flat out told her that he likes her. She couldn’t process it, human feelings is more confusing than rocket science.

_________ closed her eyes when she felt a hand wrap around her wrist halting her movements.

“Why are you walking away? You’re not even giving me a chance to talk to you?” She didn’t have to look to confirm who that voice belonged to.

She was pulled away to a secluded corner, away from people to see and gossip about.

“This is a misunderstanding.” ________ said although wasn’t specific on whether what was misunderstood.

“What if it isn’t?” Myungsoo replied after removing the face mask he used to cover the lower part of his face.

“Why? What do you think are you doing conniving with Eunji to take me away from the clinic?” She asked as she pulled her hand away from Myungsoo.

“You talk as if it’s such a bad thing being with me.” Myungsoo answered back. It was obvious he was starting to feel down and upset due to her reaction.

_________ sighed and felt guilty. “Why are you troubling yourself?”

“I haven’t seen or heard from you for weeks. I don’t know what’s going on in your mind, especially about me, that’s if you even take the time to think about me and my feelings.” Myungsoo sighed, he didn’t care if he sounded pathetic, no reason not to speak the truth.

“Well I don’t think this is the right place to talk about such serious matter.” ________ said as she looked around cautiously, fortunately no one’s paying attention to her or the idol.

“Let’s get on a train and take a random trip somewhere, get away even just for a day.” Myungsoo blurted out his not-so spontaneous plan.

“What?! Are you serious??” She asked back with eyes wide open. Things today just keep surprising her and she can only take so much unexpected happenings.

For the first time today, Myungsoo smiled and nodded at her. He put the face mask back and again got _________’s hand to lead her towards the ticketing booth.


The two ended up buying a random ticket to Suwon. It wasn’t too far yet the distance would be enough for them to feel like they’re on a mini get-away.

The train wasn’t full so they both didn’t have to think about others discovering about Myungsoo’s identity. They sat side by side and didn’t talk for a while but it wasn’t awkward since a comfortable silence engulfed them. Both were thinking on how to start a conversation. Should they begin catching up with a ‘How are you?’ or should they be questioning each other and their feelings?


“So, about last time...” ________ hesitantly spoke up first but the topic wasn’t on Myungsoo’s favor so he cut her off and changed the topic.

“Let’s not talk about that. Have you ever been to Suwon before?”

“Uhm…just a few times, I visited a university there before but I wasn’t able to explore much. How about you?”

“Same here. I’ve been there for occasional appearances with the guys, the last time we went we visited the world cup stadium but like you I also haven’t been able to go sight-seeing there. I’m excited to roam around.” He talked with a faint smile.

“Did you plan this trip?”

Myungsoo shook his head before answering “I planned to meet-up with you but I didn’t intend for us to go on an adventure. It just popped in my head this morning.” _______ noticed Myungsoo grin, showing that he was happy that the idea struck him. Thankfully he had a free day and ________ wasn’t that busy with work…well would she be given the option to choose even if she had a lot on her place?

“But you did talk to Eunji about this right?”

“I had to ask for her help and she was more than happy to oblige to my request.” Myungsoo chuckled as he recalled Eunji beaming when he asked for her support, even suggesting to him places and things to do.

“I bet she was.” _______ shook her head at thought of Eunji, typical of her to pull ________ out of work just so she can fix her ‘love’ life. Eunji would make such a great director or writer for a Korean drama.

“Oh have you eaten yet? Are you hungry?” Myungsoo asked ________ as he saw a staff slowly approaching them with the food cart.

“I think hunger is the least of my problems now.” ________ answered back and coincidentally Myungsoo felt the same. There were too many other feelings inside them, more important emotions to deal with later on.


While _________ looked outside the window to appreciate the view, Myungsoo took that chance to secretly take a photo of her on his smart phone before hiding it back. So far, so good.

“How did it start?” ________ couldn’t stop herself from asking.

“How did what start?” He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“You…liking me?” She mumbled like a shy girl.



Sweet and happy scenes coming your way ^_~

I miss writing cute and fluffy moments <3


~Comment Replies~

fishyfangirl: Haha a supposedly sweet confession brought about by a not so good emotion and scenario.

ColaSmackles: Yay for Myungsoo! ;)


Don't worry, they're about to get to the point of talking about the confession, their feelings, etc. Taecyeon will appear again later ;)


Myungsoo's been keeping too much so yeah he lost it in the middle of their argument and confessed whole-heartedly leaving her in a tough spot.

Hope you enjoyed this update although her feelings about the confession isn't clear ;)


Ah well it's better and safer to be hot and sunny there than have scary crazy rain. Fortunately, our area isn't affected but the nearby areas were flooded :|

<3Love ya

cupidzangel: Revealed his inner feelings in the heat of the moment *_* Now we'll see if that happened for a reason since he couldn't confess during normal times.

annyeoooong: A bit annoyed that she just left him hanging after that? ;)

Yeah poor Myungsoo but now that his secret is out he feels maybe better and instead of hiding it he can do more to prove his feelings. They're kinda in good terms?

starqueen: Haha a lot of you waited for that 'Finally'-worthy moment ;)

Aww...yay! I'm happy you're loving it ^_^

Hope you enjoy the update :)

anj_yesung: Yup that's pretty bold of Myungsoo to do although his emotions got the best of him thus the unintentional confession


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Thank you!
Will be updating tomorrow, July 9 :) sorry for the wait


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Chapter 19: SO CUTEEEE. > u <
good job! loved the ending.
i was debating whether she was the ine giving birth or what. orz
Chapter 19: KYYYYYAHHHH <3 <3 <3
Chapter 19: About time they finally got together keke^^
Wonderful ending to a great story!
Chapter 19: Awwwwwwww sweeeeeeeet :")
Chapter 19: i love the ending.. haha i knew it from the start that she is helping a dog to labor.. coz she is a vet.. haha dont mind me here.. XD omo it ended already... yay update to Hae's story now.. haha sorry im just excited.. haha XD
ColaSmackles #6
Chapter 18: D; Myungsoo being so insensitive over there, _______ had a sweet plan in mind. ;'c </3

Noooo!!! Last chapter before the finale, meaning the next update is the last one.. :'c

Thank you unnie! Gah, I'm so stressed with school, sleeping only 3-5 hours on school days. :/ Hope you're doing well :)

Love ya~
O.O what a way of seeing each other again then what happened next..??? omo ruined..
Yessss i did. Im getting frustrated that they're not together yet. Mhjdydjh if i were her, i would just laugh or chuckle at myungsoo's assumptions before telling him the truth. Lol =)) i wish she didnt got annoyed and all. Who rejects myung myung anyways? =))