The end of a puppy love

I fell for my vet, she fell for my pet.



Super Junior KRY – Loving You



________ stepped back in surprise as she tried to take in the view that greeted her upon opening the door of her room.

She cleared and that got the attention of the person sweeping.

“Oh…good morning!” Hoya waved his hand at _________.

“Uhm…Hi? What are you doing here? And how did you enter?” She had numerous questions and that’s not usually how she wants to start her morning with.

“Eunji let us in.” Hoya simply informed her.

“Why would Eunji let you in before we even open? And who’s us?”

“Actually the cause of all of this is Myungsoo. He said that he wanted to make it up to you.” Sungyeol was the one who answered as he passed by two to move a sack of dog food to the other side of the room.

The story behind all of this can of course be traced back to a month ago, the time when Myungsoo committed such a big stupid mistake that resulted to ________ not picking up his messages and calls. She was ‘always busy’ every time he attempted to drop by the veterinary clinic, even if he had his dogs with him to look like he had a ‘legit’ reason and a need to see her.

Myungsoo didn’t have all the time in the world as well because of their busy schedules. Luckily, one of the activities they were supposed to have for the week has been postponed, thus giving him the time to try to get _________ back again.


Myungsoo asked Eunji’s help once again since he knows she has an imaginative mind from watching all of those dramas and reading stories. Eunji reported that recently they’ve been shorthanded when it comes to the work and chores that needed to be done around the vet. They came to a conclusion that Myungsoo would be volunteering in the clinic and he forces the others to do the same to get on her good side. What a great way to get a chance to see and talk to ________, she can’t refuse people who offer free help and if they’re doing a good deed, right?


Myungsoo came to view as he walked towards ________ after he wiped the sweat off his forehead. He smiled at her and waved enthusiastically, his smile replacing the already tired expression on his face.

________ only smirked at Myungsoo as she thought of the perfect job for him to do.

“EunJi!” She called out for that troublesome worker of her.

Eunji rushed to her boss’s side and listened intently to her instruction.

“You’re still that mad at him? Are you sure?” Eunji asked as if she feared what she was going to make Myungsoo do. Her expression made Myungsoo very curious.

“Oh I forgot, you’re going with him.” _________ added and quickly got a sound of protest from Eunji.

“What? Unnie!”

“Be glad I’m only giving you one punishment for all the times you set me up.” ________ stated and gave her that look that made Eunji stop whining.

“Follow me.” Eunji grumbled to Myungsoo after pouting at _________.


“This is your fault! I shouldn’t have helped you in the first place.” Eunji whined as she scrubbed the dog mats while Myungsoo used the water hose to clean the cages.

The two were now getting down and dirty as per _________’s orders of them cleaning the smelly mats, cages and the area where the dogs and cats do their business. It truly is a torturous scent.

Eunji never had to do that work since _________ knows how unpleasant the smell is, she hires part-time cleaners to do it for them.  Now they both are doing their best in holding her breath and trying to finish the job as soon as possible.

“That crazy cruel woman! I’ll settle this once and for all.” Myungsoo stated firmly once he was through with the work and cleaned himself.

“So you really enjoy tormenting me, huh.” Myungsoo surprised ________ as he entered her room uninvited.

“You said you knew what you were getting yourself into Myungsoo.” She told him with a dull expression.

“Oh I do. But I also have my limits.” Myungsoo walked towards _________. Her make-shift bedroom isn’t big in the first place so Myungsoo’s small steps made him land just a few inches away from her.

“Then just go.” She said and stepped back when Myungsoo continued to approach her until her back met the wall.

Myungsoo now had ________ where he wanted her, he enclosed and trapped her in between his arms since his palms were now against the wall.

“I waited patiently for you and I’m sorry that I messed up last time but I won’t do it again. Let’s please stop playing games.” Myungsoo spoke softly as he stared deeply into ________’s eyes. Being so close to him actually made _______ nervous, she couldn’t keep her eyes fixed on him.

“I’m really into you _______ and you have to take responsibility for it. I like you so much that I couldn’t concentrate on anything else except on making you feel that and let me tell you, you’re not going to know what to do with all this love I have.” Myungsoo certainly manned up. ________ felt like the image Myungsoo was showing off now was different from the way he acted before.

Her flushed face was a giveaway of the effect that Myungsoo’s words and actions had on her.

“Tell me…what do you really feel?”

________ looked down and turned her head to the side and sighed. This is like a ‘now or never’ thing because she doubts that she can honestly say her feelings out of nowhere.

“At first you made me curious, then you got my attention and now…now you got me attracted, maybe even infatuated. I haven’t known you for a long time yet I feel so much for you.” She honestly expressed, her vulnerability came to light.

Myungsoo immediately grinned upon hearing ________’s confession. He felt like he’s been waiting for forever to hear her confirm her feelings for him.

________ finally faced to Myungsoo again and saw that he was smiling like a fool…which kind of annoyed her cause he pressured her into admitting her feelings for him and in return, he’s showing such a proud look.

“Why are you even standing so close? If you’re not going to kiss me then we can talk with space like normal adults–” Myungsoo cut _________ off when he finally placed his lips against her very own. Well that’s very adult-like.

________’s eyes fluttered close once she felt Myungsoo kissed her deeply. She placed her hands gently on his chest, she was still debating with herself whether she’d push him away or pull him closer. Her fingers slowly crawled up to rest on Myungsoo’s shoulders before enclosing her arms around his neck and letting it rest there as she kissed him back with much affection.

Myungsoo smiled in the kiss when he felt that ________ wanted him all the same. Everything paid off and everything felt just right.

They eventually had to break the kiss to take a breather but Myungsoo seemed to have not gotten enough yet so he kept pecking her lips and even around her face, almost tickling ________ with his delicious lips.



Second invasion to her heart…success!



“So…do you like me more than my pets now?” Myungsoo jokingly asked.

“Maybe…just a little bit.” She still but Myungsoo only hugged her tighter and even lifted her off the ground as he spun their bodies twice. He was so happy that he finally got her, nothing could ruin this happy moment.

“You…you really don’t know how much you affect me. I’m never letting what we have go to waste.” Myungsoo spoke seriously that it made _________ lean back from him. She felt the sincerity and love from him that she was touched…she didn’t know how she deserved to have that from such an amazing guy.

“Thank you Myungsoo. I will also do my best to make our relationship work and last.” She smiled softly at him, her simple but sweet words also moved Myungsoo

“Can I have my necklace back now?”

“Nope. You’re not getting that back anymore.”

“What?? Why??” She asked with a pout that just made Myungsoo want to squeeze her because of the sudden aegyo that came out from her.

“Because you deserve something better now that we’re officially together.” Myungsoo reluctantly pulled away from ________ and ran out to get something from the group’s van that was parked right outside the clinic.

He then rushed back inside to _______’s room and sat behind her who was waiting and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I got this ready in advance so I can present it to you at the right moment…just like now.” Myungsoo clasped the lock of the new necklace behind her neck and she looked down to see that Myungsoo changed the pendant into an infinite sign one.

“Wow. Are you using me as a promoter for your group?” She asked as she eyed Myungsoo weirdly.

“This girl…how can you be so sweet and cute one second and then be cold and aloof to me the next minute.” Myungsoo shook his head at his girlfriend.

“Tough love?”

“You should be thankful you’re blessed with a boyfriend who’ll take in whatever kind of love you have to offer.”

She scoffed before Myungsoo showed her that he had the same pendant on him. Now they have their first official couple item.

Her expression softened and she looked at Myungsoo with a thoughtful expression. What he just said is true though, he persevered through a lot and she is lucky and thankful.

“Seriously though Myungsoo. Thank you…for everything.”

Myungsoo didn’t reply with words, instead, he just cupped her face and kissed ________ to his heart’s desire.

She squealed when he suddenly pulled her body with him as he laid down with her body still attached to him.

“Now let’s sleep. You tired your boyfriend out.” He uttered with his eyes closed and a subtle smile on his face. He thought she’d push him away but she surprised him when she just snuggled up to him and placed her arm on his chest, resting it almost right on top of his fast-beating heart…his heart that went crazy because of her.

They just lay together and forgot about the world outside, not to mention the slaving members of Infinite and Eunji.

She felt so warm and fuzzy beside Myungsoo…like things were really falling into place. She did kind of hate herself for prolonging what they could have had and enjoyed much earlier.


Their former love-hate relationship now bloomed to a more love-centered one…but still has that little sassiness they started with.



– A year later –


“Myungsoo come back here! Don’t avoid the situation!” _______ let out a strangled voice as she stayed on the floor and carefully assessed what was happening.

“YAH!” She shouted again when Myungsoo didn’t reply nor did he show up in front of her.

“Why are you getting irritated with me?! I’m already helping you out.” He finally rushed towards her with soft towels and a heating pad and placed them where they should be.

“This is all your fault! You couldn’t wait and hold it in. You wanted things to happen as soon as possible.” ________ whined as she adjusted her body into a more comfortable position.

“How can you put all the blame on me when you wanted it that time too? ‘It would be fun’ ‘I bet the babies would be cute’ ‘We can handle it.’ Weren’t you the one who said all those?” Myungsoo answered back after imitating his girlfriend’s voice.

“But you still rushed it.” She mumbled.

“Just take a deep breath and tell me what I need to do and you focus as well, okay?” Myungsoo started to calm down since he knew that ________ was just stressed with the labor. He suddenly got nervous when __________ told him that it was already starting.

Even though __________’s a great vet, the reason why she was irritated with Myungsoo was because Nurungi, one of Infinite’s dogs, impregnated one of her favorite dogs in the clinic and so now the puppies are coming out with only the two of them handling the whole process.

Even though they had nothing to worry about, there’s always that risk that __________ got scared of.

The mother dog pushed out her puppies with minimal difficulty. With ________’s skills and experience and Myungsoo’s cooperation and preparedness, the couple’s teamwork made them do things smoothly despite the anxiousness.

After putting the newborn puppies in a comfy, warm basket with their mother nursing them, the couple started cleaning up the slight mess that occurred in the clinic.

“I don’t think I would want to get you pregnant in the future if you act the same, like with what happened earlier.” Myungsoo said as he walked towards the trash can,

“Oh wow. And who said I’d allow you to knock me up?? You’re getting ahead of yourself Mr.” ________ replied back with a raised eyebrow at Myungsoo.

“As if you don’t already enjoy the times we –” He was sniggering at his developing erted thoughts but he was cut off when and got a smack from his girlfriend on the arm. Myungsoo playfully glared at his woman and dropped everything he was holding before he tightly wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck before continuing to . “You hit me now but we both know you love silencing me with a kiss and you love it when I –”

_________ knew Myungsoo wouldn’t shut up unless she does what he just mentioned and ‘claimed’ that she loved to do…she used her lips to stop Myungsoo’s blabbering and naughtiness. Although she won’t openly admit to it, she knew this kind of way to zipping Myungsoo’s lips is a win-win situation for both of them.

She has been addicted to how he makes her feel and the same goes with Myungsoo, he’s somewhat obsessed (in a good and not creepy way) with his one and only girl.

The two haven’t been with each other for too long yet they’re already acting like a bickering yet love-filled married couple. It was a cute and funny sight to witness really. Although Myungsoo’s group members and ________’s co-workers would roll their eyes out of envy with the couple’s public display attention and they’d even tell the two to flaunt their affection somewhere far away from the single ones.

“Just for the record. I will marry you and you will be the mother of my children.” Myungsoo declared when he pulled back from the kiss.

“You wish.” ________ , although deep inside she wanted to melt because of how sure he sounded. She wanted all the same things that he wanted.

“Oh I do.”

“I love you.” ________ expressed suddenly yet sincerely.

“I love you too…much more than you can imagine.” Myungsoo tenderly replied and the two engaged in a loving lip-lock.

Recently, their bickering would start out childish and irritating but they’d almost always end up being sweet and cheesy.


They were compatible in many ways.

They love each other very much and they’re not afraid to show it to the world. Sure they’ve had their fair share of ups and downs but their disagreements never led them to walking out or away from each other. They decided and promised to stand strong together and fight for the relationship that they built to last for a long time, they knew they were not just ‘passing time’ with each other. On top of their bright careers, they now feel more fulfilled and contented because of the genuine love they have. A lot are telling them that they are still too young to settle down or to really recognize what true love is and maybe they’re right but still, both ________ and Myungsoo know that what they have at the moment is real and special. Maybe being crazy in love at a young age is a blessing because they would have a longer time to spend with each other and to fix or learn whatever mistakes they need to work on. Some people wait a life time to find their soul mates but these two were fated to meet early.

They belonged to one another and nothing could change that.




I hope I was able to slightly tease and fool you into thinking that she was one giving birth in the end.haha

Honestly it took me so long to complete the last chapter because I was not satisfied with the earlier scenes I wrote. I still am not that happy with the finale but I hope you all got to enjoy the story til the end.

Again, thank you so much for all the support!! I really do appreciate it ^_^ Love Love Love you all!! <3 

Hope you can check out my other stories if they interest you. You can reach me faster and more frequently on Twitter: Nisrandom (personal/day-to-day tweets + fangirling moments) or Nlikeskpop (Fangirling and story teasers / updates)

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Will be updating tomorrow, July 9 :) sorry for the wait


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Chapter 19: SO CUTEEEE. > u <
good job! loved the ending.
i was debating whether she was the ine giving birth or what. orz
Chapter 19: KYYYYYAHHHH <3 <3 <3
Chapter 19: About time they finally got together keke^^
Wonderful ending to a great story!
Chapter 19: Awwwwwwww sweeeeeeeet :")
Chapter 19: i love the ending.. haha i knew it from the start that she is helping a dog to labor.. coz she is a vet.. haha dont mind me here.. XD omo it ended already... yay update to Hae's story now.. haha sorry im just excited.. haha XD
ColaSmackles #6
Chapter 18: D; Myungsoo being so insensitive over there, _______ had a sweet plan in mind. ;'c </3

Noooo!!! Last chapter before the finale, meaning the next update is the last one.. :'c

Thank you unnie! Gah, I'm so stressed with school, sleeping only 3-5 hours on school days. :/ Hope you're doing well :)

Love ya~
O.O what a way of seeing each other again then what happened next..??? omo ruined..
Yessss i did. Im getting frustrated that they're not together yet. Mhjdydjh if i were her, i would just laugh or chuckle at myungsoo's assumptions before telling him the truth. Lol =)) i wish she didnt got annoyed and all. Who rejects myung myung anyways? =))