Damn it Myungsoo!

I fell for my vet, she fell for my pet.


_______ and Myungsoo did not meet each other for over a half a year. They still kept in touch with the occasional text messages but Myungsoo controlled himself from dropping by the clinic to see her, he wanted to give her the space that she needed. Maybe time apart will do them some good and will make her realize and compare how life is like when she’s not with Myungsoo.

Good things come to those who wait, right?


Instead of Myungsoo going to the vet, the other members were the ones who brought the dogs to ________, even their manager substituted for the boys when they would be too busy and would bring the dogs to the clinic when needed.



-One fateful morning-

Myungsoo woke up earlier than usual and decided to take the three dogs out on a walk since they haven’t been out because of the recent rainy season.

He couldn’t help himself and chose to walk the dogs to the park near _______’s veterinary clinic.

‘It’s not really my decision, it’s the dogs fault for going down this path.’ Myungsoo already thought of an excuse, just in case he needed one.

Myungsoo stopped walking when he saw a girl sitting on one of the park’s benches. The said girl was reading a book and had a cup of coffee next to her. At that moment, ________ felt someone was near her and when she did look up, she saw the guy that she hasn’t seen in months. The two smiled at each other instead of a verbal greeting.

________ placed her book inside her bag and hooked that on her shoulder and then got her coffee before walking towards Myungsoo.


“We meet again.” _________ chuckled with Myungsoo’s choice of words, he made it sound like they were arch nemesis.

Myungsoo tried to be casual and sly but his eyes actually wandered and looked around _________’s neck to check if she was wearing the necklace he gave her. Unfortunately though she was wearing a scarf and the item was wrapped around her neck pretty securely.

‘You’re killing me here.’ Myungsoo tried to let it go at first and offered a leash to ________. “Walk with me?”

________ nodded and got the leash of Coco and the two started walking around the park.


The two started to catch up with each other’s lives while the dogs continued to enjoy the stroll.

Myungsoo felt that he stalled too long. He knew he needed to face reality sooner or later.

“You’re not here for reasons I hope you’d have, right?” He spoke like he was giving out a riddle which confused _______ so she asked him to clarify his words.

“You made up your mind, haven’t you? You want to break it to me gently but truth is that we’re not going to be together, right?” Myungsoo let out a deep sigh and looked up at the sky.

“What made you come to that conclusion and what makes you so sure??” ________ raised her eyebrow at Myungsoo but she didn’t stop in her tracks.

“Well for starters you’re not talking about us, in a deeper sense. You’re not bringing up the topic we last had before separating ways months ago. You’re also hiding your neck behind the scarf very well and if I ask you why that is then maybe you’ll just reason out that you’re having a rash or some allergic reaction in that area because you don’t want me to see that you’re not wearing the necklace I gave you…because you’re not ready or because you can’t see yourself with me.”

“Myungsoo, you don’t know me enough so don’t talk as if you’ve already figured everything about me.” By this time ________ was already getting irritated with Myungsoo.

“But I do have my fair share knowledge of girls and based from how I see it, you’re rejecting me.”

“Seriously, you have to shut up because you’re annoying me more.” _________ was still trying to keep calm and to give Myungsoo a chance to redeem himself. She was about to give her side of the story when Myungsoo interrupted her.

“Why should I listen to you when you’re not even my girlfriend?? Ugh. Why am I so unlucky?!” Myungsoo didn’t hide his bitter emotions. He waited with a hopeful heart but it was just crushed, the months only prolonged his agony. He thought that he may have made a big progress with _________ because of their last trip but he guessed wrong.

“I can’t take it any longer. You know I had thought about this carefully, I had a plan in which I would act on how I feel like my scarf is suffocating me or something like that and then you’d run up to me, untie my scarf and then you’d see that I’m wearing the necklace you gave me.” ________ enumerated the ways she had thought of ‘confessing’ her feelings. She didn’t have a typical way of answering Myunsoo’s confession because she was honestly shy in saying her feelings straight up.

“But since you just judged me so quickly and made me mad like crazy, I might as well give you the satisfaction that you’re right and make your assumptions come true.” ________ hastily removed her scarf and then unlocked the necklace before shoving it against Myungsoo’s chest a long with Coco’s leash. “Here, give it to someone who will live up to your expectation.” ________ stomped away from the guy who just made her heart explode with mixed feelings.

What he thought would be a bad day really wasn’t going to be yet it turned out to be worse because of his own blabbering mouth.

Myungsoo wasn’t even able to apologize or run after her because he was stunned with what he realized, ________ was seriously going to make one of his wishes come true, he was so close to making her his girlfriend yet he ruined his chance with his careless actions and insensitive words.

“Argh!! Damn it Myungsoo! I hate myself. You better fix this!” The situation may have turned Myungsoo a bit crazy because he started to talk a loud and scold himself while his dogs just watched him.



Posted a new story / one-shot collection: Be with a guy who is...

Hope you can check it out and hopefully you'll like it ^_^


~Comment Replies~

ColaSmackles: Awww...well I wish you good luck in all the school activities you have to finish :)


Haha I was kind of having a writer’s block for this story since it's about the end and I want it to end great.haha So aone more bonus chapter before the finale ;)


Love you <3

kyuyul: awww...yay! I'm happy I was able to make you smile ^_^

Yeah the ending is near, one more chapter. I will be choosing a new story from that blogpost soon but I hope you check out my new one-shot stories first ;)

You can request / suggest someone from Infinite there if they meet the theme :)

annyeoooong: Aww...me too :| But I hope you enjoyed it from start to finish


I'm glad a lot loved cool yet cheesy Myungsoo from the last chapter :) Did you get annoyed with him in this update?hehe ;)

cupidzangel: Well maybe he wasn't able to catch on last time because of the way he acted in this chapter.

anj_yesung: She was so close to confessing in this update but Myungsoo ruined it :|


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Thank you!
Will be updating tomorrow, July 9 :) sorry for the wait


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Chapter 19: SO CUTEEEE. > u <
good job! loved the ending.
i was debating whether she was the ine giving birth or what. orz
Chapter 19: KYYYYYAHHHH <3 <3 <3
Chapter 19: About time they finally got together keke^^
Wonderful ending to a great story!
Chapter 19: Awwwwwwww sweeeeeeeet :")
Chapter 19: i love the ending.. haha i knew it from the start that she is helping a dog to labor.. coz she is a vet.. haha dont mind me here.. XD omo it ended already... yay update to Hae's story now.. haha sorry im just excited.. haha XD
ColaSmackles #6
Chapter 18: D; Myungsoo being so insensitive over there, _______ had a sweet plan in mind. ;'c </3

Noooo!!! Last chapter before the finale, meaning the next update is the last one.. :'c

Thank you unnie! Gah, I'm so stressed with school, sleeping only 3-5 hours on school days. :/ Hope you're doing well :)

Love ya~
O.O what a way of seeing each other again then what happened next..??? omo ruined..
Yessss i did. Im getting frustrated that they're not together yet. Mhjdydjh if i were her, i would just laugh or chuckle at myungsoo's assumptions before telling him the truth. Lol =)) i wish she didnt got annoyed and all. Who rejects myung myung anyways? =))