A Mad Confession

I fell for my vet, she fell for my pet.


Infinite - Paradise



Myungsoo was enjoying his much needed sleep since it was rare for him or for the other members to be able to get more than four hours of sleep because of their tight schedules. His slumber got cut short when his phone started ringing and the song he used as a call alert woke him up.

Myungsoo groaned, he tossed and turned before reaching for his phone.

Myungsoo rubbed his eyes and sat up straight, making sure that he read the caller’s name right.

He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, readying himself to take the call but then when he was about to answer the call the ringing stopped, leaving him flustered and wide-eyed.

‘No...no...no. Call back!’ He screamed in his head. ‘Ugh. Why did I take so long to take the call?? Well it’s her fault for calling this morning. Should I be the one to call back?’ Myungsoo stared at his phone, commanding for it to ring again but then he opened his contacts and looked at her number. ‘Do I call you back?’ Before he could even cave in and tap on the green call button, his phone ‘magically’ started ringing again, from the same person.

“Well…look who’s calling me so early. Excited to take that offer for a date now?” Myungsoo just couldn’t greet or answer her call normally. Is it his nervousness or cockiness showing through?

“I don’t have time to play games today. Can you come over here? Or will it also be convenient if I just go to your dorm?”

“Why? What’s going on?” He asked sensing the serious tone of her voice.

“We need to talk.” ________ answered a short but powerful phrase.

Myungsoo was worried since he couldn’t decode her words. He was anxious and he wanted to find out what was going on as soon as possible and it was obvious that _______ wasn’t going to tell him over the phone. “Let me ask our manager first about our scheduled call time and I’ll call you back.”


Myungsoo called ________ back after a few minutes and asked her to come to the dorm since he can’t escape the manager for today who didn’t want him to go out. _________ actually liked that set-up more since his presence in the clinic is the topic that she wants to talk to him about.

Myungsoo took a quick bath before _________ went to their place.


_________ was happily welcomed by the members of Infinite as soon as she stepped into the dorm.

Even though she crouched down and smiled at the dogs, Myungsoo saw through her.

Good thing that the guys didn’t tease the two when Myungsoo excused themselves from the group because they needed to talk privately, even if the topic is relevant to the others.

He immediately noticed the serious expression on her face as soon as they entered his room.

“What’s wrong?” He asked anxiously.

 “More fans and reporters found out that you guys frequent the clinic. So now they are always around waiting and asking, especially about you.” She explains how his plan backfires when fans got to know and confirm about the vet and started monitoring the place. “I’m worried that if this continues and escalates, the safety of the employees and other ‘normal’ clients will be at risk.”

Myungsoo warily puts his hand on top of hers, assuring her that everything will be okay.

“I think you should…I think its best that you go to another clinic, maybe a bigger one that’s used to managing famous stars’ pet concerns.” ________ told him as she slowly pulled her hand away from his.

Myungsoo couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he didn’t like a word that came from ________.

“________. I don’t think that’s necessary. I’m sorry we got this out of hand but we’ll take more precautions in the future, we’ll cover up more, we’ll go through the back door, we can-”

“I’m sorry but I can’t handle something like this. I’ll refer you to one of my mentors, the best one in town.”

________ then started rummaging inside her bag, looking for her calling card holder but was stopped when Myungsoo grasped her hand. Both of them were already tensed.

“Are we the only ones you’re simply passing of? Or will the others that I referred to you also be transferred? And what about Taecyeon??”

“What about him??”

“So he’s also not a threat to your clinic?! Don’t you think that’s being a bit double standard just because you’re dating him?! You don’t think that people have spotted him as well??” Myungsoo couldn’t stop himself from speaking the truth.

“What are you talking about?”

“Then tell me, are you going to do something about him?!”

“Maybe…maybe I’ll tell him to keep his distance first.” His behavior flustered her.

Myungscoo scoffed before answering back “You didn’t think it through, did you? Your process of elimination is too rash, unfair and biased.”

“Are you really getting that angry and affected because of my request?! Isn’t that selfish of you?!” ________ was now agitated and almost forgot that the two of them were not alone. The others could hear them since they were already raising their voices at each other.

“Me, selfish? Well maybe there is some truth to that because I want to be with you!” Myungsoo finally voiced out his true feelings, “Do you really think I just go to you randomly because of the dogs?!! I choose to see you rather than extend my sleep or stay in here to relax. Why do you think I offered to pay for your rent?! Because I didn’t want you to go anywhere far yet here you are pushing me away. I watched you date someone else from the sidelines while all I could do is just joke around, act confident and try to flirt because I’m too caught up in not knowing how to act myself when I’m around you. You don’t know what you do to me _________. You laugh at my attempts to compliment you or impress you but you blush and absorb everything Taecyeon has to say. Did you think I enjoyed being the other guy in your date and listened to you try to set me up with another girl? Are you dense or are you just too focused on another guy to see that I like you!” Myungsoo’s voice boomed through the room as his self-control wore down. The cool demeanor he has been showing collapsed and he admitted everything that he’s been keeping inside.

_________ opened to supposedly say something back at him but nothing came out, she could not formulate any word so she just closed it again. The shock from Myungsoo’s confession got to her and it was also only then that Myungsoo realized what he had done.

“I…uhm…I have to go.” Her voice cracked as she shuffled quickly to get out of the place.

Myungsoo frustratingly let out a sigh and hit the nearest thing to him.

Their talk wasn’t supposed to end like this. He wasn’t supposed to let out his feelings that way.


Things just happen…but is it always for a reason? 


Did this chapter make you think or say: 'Finally!'

Would love to hear your reactions on this chapter ^_^


~Comment Replies~

anj_yesung: Haha both of them were the '3rd wheel', they went for different reasons

INSPIRIT_4NIA0130: Awww...YAY! Thanks for commenting!! <3 So happy you're loving the story ^_^

ColaSmackles: Yup, Myungsoo went to witness and 'monitor' their date.haha


Haha Taecyeon has a lot of positive points now while Myungsoo has none?


Finally Myungsoo spoke his true feelings, especially in this chapter ;) Now your question still remains, will she take it seriously? ;)


Here's the drama you've been waiting ;)

Love ya<3 Hope it didn't rain there like what happened here.

cupidzangel: Myungsoo acting all smooth and cool to cover up his real feelings. But now she knows ;) Reactions?

rashiwon: Maybe you'll be having the same comment with this chapter ;)

fishyfangirl: Very true, the secret's out ;)

Would want to visit and try Miss Lee Cafe :)

AngelHae: Team Myungsoo, what's your opinion with this chapter? :)

annyeoooong:  Now he definitely did something! ;)

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Will be updating tomorrow, July 9 :) sorry for the wait


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Chapter 19: SO CUTEEEE. > u <
good job! loved the ending.
i was debating whether she was the ine giving birth or what. orz
Chapter 19: KYYYYYAHHHH <3 <3 <3
Chapter 19: About time they finally got together keke^^
Wonderful ending to a great story!
Chapter 19: Awwwwwwww sweeeeeeeet :")
Chapter 19: i love the ending.. haha i knew it from the start that she is helping a dog to labor.. coz she is a vet.. haha dont mind me here.. XD omo it ended already... yay update to Hae's story now.. haha sorry im just excited.. haha XD
ColaSmackles #6
Chapter 18: D; Myungsoo being so insensitive over there, _______ had a sweet plan in mind. ;'c </3

Noooo!!! Last chapter before the finale, meaning the next update is the last one.. :'c

Thank you unnie! Gah, I'm so stressed with school, sleeping only 3-5 hours on school days. :/ Hope you're doing well :)

Love ya~
O.O what a way of seeing each other again then what happened next..??? omo ruined..
Yessss i did. Im getting frustrated that they're not together yet. Mhjdydjh if i were her, i would just laugh or chuckle at myungsoo's assumptions before telling him the truth. Lol =)) i wish she didnt got annoyed and all. Who rejects myung myung anyways? =))