I just want to stay...with you?

I fell for my vet, she fell for my pet.


Infinite - Last Summer



“Got a new pet?” ________ asked Myungsoo as soon as she saw him enter the clinic holding a cat.

“No, I saw this cat waiting right in front of your clinic.” Myungsoo answered back as he slowly put the cat on top of the counter to let _______ and EunJi check the feline out.

“Well she really looks fond of you.” _______ voiced out based on her quick observation.

“Unnie look, she has a collar.” EunJi pointed out to what seemed to be a ribbon around the cat’s neck.

“Let’s see if this one has a tag. I see something’s attached to it.” _______ said as she looked at the note.


‘I’m not allowed to adore you the way you know I really want but I do.’ – secret admirer


“Ooohhh…is this for you unnie?” EunJi teased _______ right away.

“Don’t be silly, Myungsoo found him out on the streets that message could be for anyone.” ________ answered back as she disregarded EunJi’s way of thinking.

“Can you keep the cat here? I don’t think I can adopt her since we have the dogs. It’ll be a pity to leave her out on the streets. Maybe the owner will find her here again.”

EunJi is a big cat person and so she wanted to keep it. For their standard procedure, _______ checked if the cat had any health problems but they didn’t seem to find anything wrong out on the surface, nor heard anything problematic through the stethoscope.

The girls focus stayed with the cat as they speculated what breed it is and played with it, completely forgetting and ignoring Myungsoo, the ‘founder’ of their new feline friend.

“The dogs and the guys send their regards.” Myungsoo said out of the blue just so the attention would shift back to him ‘What kind of lame line is that?!’ Myungsoo scolded himself.

A flash of light startled the three before _______ could even respond to Myungsoo.

“Oh my gosh! Your fans!” Eunji pointed towards their window and noticed a group of girls who have their cameras and phones up against the window. Some started knocking on the glass and kept shouting for Myungsoo’s name, fortunately the guard outside could keep them from coming in. After that last chaotic incident with the landlord, ________ hired a security guard to keep unwanted people from entering.

“Fans are discovering about us and their idols. This is not good.” _________ muttered while Myungsoo turned his back from the fans after waving at them.

“There’s an emergency exit at the back. I’ll lead you out.” ________ told Myungsoo and he followed her right away just to pull her back.

“But I don’t want to leave yet.” Myungsoo whined as he grasped ________’s wrist…in his mind he thought of wrapping his arms around her waist to stop her, but of course that was such a ‘random silly’ idea that he shook it off.

“Your fans might try to ransack my clinic if they see that you’re still here.”

“And then they might chase me once they see me outside. Lie to them and say I escaped so they’ll try to run after an ‘invisible’ me while you, bring me to your room and I’ll wait there. Then we can lounge and just stay in your bed.” Myungsoo reasoned out.

“You know that sounds wrong, right?”

“Which part? Lying to the fans or me lying in your bed?” Myungsoo slightly changed his tone in the end to tease ________. “You have a erted mind if you take the last part wrongly…naughty doctor.”

“That sounds so wrong again. Fine just go to the room if that is what it takes for you to shut up. You make me want to throw you outside to the sharks, I mean girls.” ________ pushed Myungsoo to the direction of the room before going out to deal with the fangirls before they can even start spreading news.


“I wonder if Taecyeon hyung has been here?” Myungsoo wondered as he looked at the room that _______ moved into.  

He looked around and saw group pictures of the staff, he saw a bottle of medicine next to it and that made him wonder.

“Anti-histamine?” Myungsoo read the label aloud, and if that wasn’t enough to stir his curiosity, then the item right beside that will…________’s cellphone.

Myungsoo looked at the door before quickly taking his phone out from his jean pocket and turned it off.

“My phone’s battery died. I need to text one of the guys” He practiced his line just in case he gets caught as he checks ________’s phone. He smirked when he quickly saw her menu since she didn’t put any pin on. ‘Not such a smart phone, not a smart owner as well.’

Myungsoo tapped on the screen to go her inbox. He didn’t have to browse long since he found the name that made things very interesting.

‘Hey it’s not a joke, I do miss you. I want to go out with you as soon our schedule clears up. So have a free day or night ready for me one of these days, okay? Our next date shouldn’t be disrupted again. I won’t take a ‘No’ for an answer.’

Myungsoo wanted to see _________’s sent items to know what she replied to Taecyeon but he got alerted when he heard footsteps and _________’s voice, that meant she was close. He immediately pressed the home button on her phone and returned it back to its original place just in the nick time.

________ entered the room and raised an eyebrow at Myungsoo as she tapped her foot, she doubted that Myungsoo stayed put on the edge of her bed.

“What??” Myungsoo said as he tried to play it cool

“Don’t act innocent.” ________ said as she walked towards Myungsoo and sat near him.

“Hey, stop thinking I’m such a bad guy. I’m boyfriend material you know.” Myungsoo defended himself.

*mehrong* ________ stuck her tongue out, showing Myungsoo her slightly childish side.

“By the way, I saw your medicine. What are the anti-histamines for?”

“So you did go through my stuff!” ________ slapped his thigh after he confirmed her suspicions.

“I did not! It was scattered there, on plain sight. Don’t blame me for seeing your clutter.” Myungsoo rubbed his leg that stung because of _______’s hit.

“Hey I’m not messy.”

“Whatever. So what are you allergic with?” Myungsoo asked again.

“Believe it or not, even though I am a veterinarian I’m actually allergic with animals. It hasn’t got too intense though, I haven’t felt any suffocation or anything that extreme yet but I do get colds, watery eyes and my skin gets itchy from time to time but the medicine works so I get to do my job.”

Now that is a new revelation to Myungsoo. He kind of feels guilty because now he feels like that maybe the cat he bought, I mean, brought in will add to her allergies.

The two stayed in the room for quite some time and just talked.  In fact, they got to know more about each other, without too much bickering and teasing.

Myungsoo finally found out that ________ was just two years ahead of him, well actually three but since he was born in the early half of 1992, he slashed one year off and still won’t call her a noona, much to ________’s disagreement.


Random fact: Myungsoo is younger than me, just by one year though.haha 

Sorry if this update seems a bit boring, kinda needed a filler for the next chapter. 


~Comment Replies~

pandagirl753: Does this update contain another 'OMO' moment for you? ;)

imaginedreamlove: LOL mas malandi siya dito ;)

Haha I'm happy, I think a lot can relate to Eunji :)

Alina1225: So so true...the craziness is just about to start ;)


Oh wow, 6 whole days?! Well I hope your summer job isn't toooo stressful.

ColaSmackles: Yup, subtly helping her and slightly showing his 'true colors' haha ;)


Here's an update that is mostly about Myungsoo and her :)

Drama in the next chapter probably


cupidzangel: He gets tormented here just a bit ;)

Well it's his fault as well since he doesn't want to come clean with his 'feelings' yet.haha

nizzyool: Yup, kind sneaky Myungsoo ;)

Yes. something has to happen.haha You know me well :)

anj_yesung: A mix of cuteness and iness ;)

Thanks, glad you liked it :)

annyeoooong: It will somehow be revealed in the next chapter although maybe you kind of guess who did ;)

I'm not sure if he's the jealous type but I did see him on Invincible Youth 2 with Suzy and he did have a cute reaction when he sorta rejected him.haha

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Will be updating tomorrow, July 9 :) sorry for the wait


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Chapter 19: SO CUTEEEE. > u <
good job! loved the ending.
i was debating whether she was the ine giving birth or what. orz
Chapter 19: KYYYYYAHHHH <3 <3 <3
Chapter 19: About time they finally got together keke^^
Wonderful ending to a great story!
Chapter 19: Awwwwwwww sweeeeeeeet :")
Chapter 19: i love the ending.. haha i knew it from the start that she is helping a dog to labor.. coz she is a vet.. haha dont mind me here.. XD omo it ended already... yay update to Hae's story now.. haha sorry im just excited.. haha XD
ColaSmackles #6
Chapter 18: D; Myungsoo being so insensitive over there, _______ had a sweet plan in mind. ;'c </3

Noooo!!! Last chapter before the finale, meaning the next update is the last one.. :'c

Thank you unnie! Gah, I'm so stressed with school, sleeping only 3-5 hours on school days. :/ Hope you're doing well :)

Love ya~
O.O what a way of seeing each other again then what happened next..??? omo ruined..
Yessss i did. Im getting frustrated that they're not together yet. Mhjdydjh if i were her, i would just laugh or chuckle at myungsoo's assumptions before telling him the truth. Lol =)) i wish she didnt got annoyed and all. Who rejects myung myung anyways? =))