Chapter 2 Part 3

Les Chic

Krystal helped Amber all the way to her room and opened the door with her free hand. When they got into the room, Krystal helped Amber to the bed.

“Stay there. I’ll go find my aspirin.” Krystal instructed Amber and went into a room.

Amber looked around Krystal’s room. The room looked like any other guest room on the floor. She now understood the reason why Krystal never liked to stay in her own room and always chose to room with her instead. Krystal’s room was plain and generic. Her own room felt the complete opposite.

“Found it!” Krystal said. She came skipping out towards Amber. Just as she was almost at the bed side, she tripped and landed on Amber’s lap. Just then, Krystal’s front door opens with Yuri, BoA, Brian and Tiffany standing at the door staring at Krystal and Amber’s compromising position.

Without any time to react, Krystal stayed in that position. Amber looked from Krystal to the guys at the door and then back at Krystal again.

“Guys…it’s not what you think it is…” Amber started.

“Uh…Sure it is…” Brian smirked.

“Brian…” Krystal started. She immediately got up and straightened her dress. “What…what are you guys doing in my room anyway? How did you get in?”

“Your front door wasn’t locked…what are you guys doing? EXACTLY.” Yuri asked.

“AJ’s not feeling well, I was gonna give him these aspirins.” Krystal stuck her hand out to show everyone. “That was before I tripped.”

“Riiiight…” Tiffany and Brian answered together.

Krystal sighed. She knew that explaining was the last thing they’ll believe her. She kept quiet and handed Amber the medication and then passed her water to wash the pills down.

“So what do you guys want?” Krystal sat down on her bed and rubbed her temples. If she thought anymore about what just happened, she might develop migraine too.

“We were wondering why the two of you were taking such a long time. Everyone’s waiting you know?” Yuri explained.

“I’m sorry…” Amber finally spoke. “We…were actually on the way here to get the meds but we got stuck in the elevator for thirty odd minutes.”

“OMG. AJ…ARE YOU OKAY?” Brian rushed to the bedside. “Did anything happen?” he grabbed Amber’s face and started checking. “Should I call for the doctor?”

“I’m fine. I just need a rest. You guys go ahead without me. I think I’ll just head back to my room.”

When Amber said that, Krystal turned and looked at the ‘boy’. Amber saw that Krystal was a little disappointed. She didn’t stand up for her princess when she was in need. In other words, she didn’t save the damsel in distress.

“Okay. Just make sure you’re okay.” Yuri eyed Amber who nodded.

“Take care AJ. We’ll see you tomorrow? Or maybe the day after. You should take a day off. You did a good job.” Tiffany told Amber.

Brian stood up and messed with Amber’s hair before leaving with the two girls. Leaving only Krystal and Amber in the room. Krystal got off the bed.

“Close the door after you leave.” She walked towards the door.

“Krystal.” Amber called out. She didn’t stop. “Princess.”

“What is it AJ?” Krystal sighed and turned around to face the ‘boy’ on her bed.

"You said you were gonna take care of me…now you're abandoning me?" Amber looked tiredly at Krystal.

"You said that we should carry on without you. Doesn’t that mean I should join the rest too?" Krystal rebutted.

“Hey…I only said that so they could get out and stop disturbing you. Besides, I said I was gonna go back to my room because I know you don't really like your room. I’m asking you to come with me.” Amber smiled.

With just that one smile, Krystal couldn’t feel angry at the ‘boy’ any longer.

“Come on…let’s go then.” Krystal pulled Amber up from the bed and locked up the room and both made their way to Amber’s room.


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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)