Chapter 10

Les Chic

Present day


“How did you…”

“About 3 or so months after we started dating. Do you remember I was away for a week?” Krystal spoke.

“Yeah. I was…heavily…sedated by alcohol that week because I thought you wanted to break up with me.” Krystal saw Amber fighting back the tears that were about to fall.

“That was when I found out, Amber Josephine Liu.”

The tomboy immediately looked up at her girlfriend through blurry vision. Surprised that the girl in front of her had just called her by her full name, she was rendered speechless for that moment.

“There were some signs that told me that something about you was different from how I saw you initially. Ever since you told me about your ex, Hanbyul working in the building too. That was when I started to pay more attention to you. For 2 months, I found certain things very strange about you but I had nobody to talk to. I couldn’t go to Yuri. She wouldn’t tell me anything because she’s your best friend. So I went straight to Hanbyul. We had a talk and the day I left you the note, I really did consider breaking up with you. It was Hanbyul who convinced me to take some time off to think. During the week that I was away, I thought so much till my head hurt. I thought about the times you were there for me, how you treated me right. But then I would feel like you didn’t love me enough because you couldn’t tell me the truth.” She sighed.

“I didn’t mean…” Amber started

“I made up my mind the day I came back to Korea. I had left for Japan instead of a friend’s place that I told you of back then. Hanbyul picked me up from the airport and we had another talk and that was when I made up my mind. To be with you because all your good qualities and your love for me outweighed the lie you told me. I had that fear of gay people and it was you who taught me that love knows no boundaries. They’re just normal people like you and I. It’s not about the gender.”

“I’m really sorry I lied. I really wanted to tell you before anything bad happened but I couldn’t find it in my heart to hurt you. I still didn’t know how much you hated people like me.” Amber let her tears fall freely now.

“I couldn’t tell you that I knew about you either. I didn’t know how to do it. A couple of months after I acted out with the whole hating you for lying to me incident, I spoke to my sister about you. About us.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “That was when I found out that she has been in a relationship with your best friend for years now. She said she was so afraid to tell me because she was scared that I’d hate her too.” Krystal was on the verge of crying when she recalled the incident with her sister. “Can you imagine how hurt she must’ve been thinking that I would hate her? My own sister?”

Amber moved in to envelope Krystal in a hug, calming the girl down.

“Do you know how that made me feel? Like I was this monster that stopped people from sharing their loved ones with their family. I don’t want to become my parents, Amber.”

“I will not allow that to happen.” Amber hugged her tighter.

“I love my sister so much. She has shown me so much support over the years and I never ever wanted her to have to hide from me again.”

“I promise you we’ll get through this. All you have to do is trust me and I will take care of us.” Amber kissed Krystal’s head.

“Amber…I…I really want you to know…that no matter what…whether you’re a guy…or a girl…I’ll still love you. Because I love you on the inside.” She looked up at Amber who had some tears flowing out of her eyes. “I don’t think I can live without you either.”

Krystal moved closer to Amber and sealed their lips.

“I know we’ll get through this. As long as you’re with me.” The shorter girl whispered after the sincere but passionate kiss. “I love you…Amber.”

“I love you too Krystal.”



So what do you guys think of this outcome? Does this explain everything to you guys?

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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)