Chapter 1 Part 3

Les Chic

After Yuri's rather amusing display of craziness and plain idiocy, everyone in the Layout Department went back to their respective works, a little refreshed and very much entertained. Almost everyone had a smile on their faces as they type or sketch away; it's not every day that they get to watch someone breakdown for some unknown reason and it was pretty amusing.

Back in her fishbowl office, the events of five minutes ago still replayed in Krystal’s mind as she sat at her desk. She was in deep thought until a certain ‘boy’ broke her out of her trance.

“Hey Krystal, can I ask you something?" She saw Amber looking a little apprehensive. Krystal answered with a nod.

"Uhm, earlier on… the resident Interior Designer came in and did this awesome job on my workspace. So... do you think I could get him to help me redecorate my guest room? I mean, to how I’d like it?” Amber asked shyly.

“Interior Designer? Oh you mean Jo Kwon?” Amber nodded. “Sure! I'll give him a call now so he can get started. Do you have some photos of how you want your room to look like?” Krystal said as she reached for her desk phone.

Amber stood up and brought the laptop with her as she made her way towards Krystal's desk. After opening a few folders, she turned the screen so that it would be facing Krystal.

“This was my old place back home. I actually designed it myself and it took a lot of time before I got it done so I thought I might as well get some help here.” Krystal looked at the photo on the screen and was amazed at the paintings on the wall and how simple and very American her room looked.

Amber's apartment back in L.A. looked more like a studio rather than an actual home. It was a designer's haven, self-made paintings hanging on the walls, some neat graffiti spray painted artistically on the blank parts of the rooms and the floor to ceiling glass windows gave the whole flat enough illumination. Her furniture were mostly black and in leather while some are made of glass and metallic materials. It exudes minimalism and sophistication.

And apparently, it really looked like a guy's home.

“Wow. Your room’s amazing.” Krystal complimented out loud.

“Thanks.” Amber blushed.

“Okay. I’ll get Jo Kwon on the job immediately.” Krystal crunched in a few buttons and heard the other line ringing.

“Hey oppa! Do you think you could come up to my office again? I’ve got a favor to ask of you.”

Amber heard a few more words being exchanged before she heard the phone being put down. She went back to her own desk with her laptop in hand and sat there as they waited for Jo Kwon.

The two sat on their respective work spaces idly as they waited for the interior designer. It was then that Krystal had decided to ask 'AJ' about the small commotion that happened in Yuri's cubicle since she was their boss.

“Uh, AJ... What exactly happened at Yuri’s table earlier?” Krystal started, her face looking confused but interested nonetheless.

“Honestly?" Amber started as she looked away from her laptop screen a bit. "I saw her watching some horror flick and I think that particular scene must’ve freaked her out. She does seem like the kind of person to… do something like that when shocked.” Amber was really impressed at her lying skills.

“Hmm, makes sense. She really should be more careful though. Now I’ll have to get the maintenance guys to come patch up the broken window glass.” Krystal laughed a little. “She threw a phone out too. I really hope no one got hit by those stuff or else she might get sued or something.” Krystal shook her head while chuckling.

“Maybe a ghost called her.” Amber laughed at her stupid joke. Krystal joined in.



TOKYO, SEOUL, LONDON, N.Y. kimama ni sekai wo drive tonight...

A yellow and black Lamborghini Murcieliago zoomed past the streets of Seoul at speeds only akin to race cars. It flawlessly zipped in and out of traffic with ease, leaving everyone who had witnessed the y car make the daring moves, very much speechless and in awe.

Kakuchi de hirou suru new style Mita koto nai mono dake misetageru...

The people walking on the sidewalks saw the stunning tanned beauty driving the exquisite car lowered her windows and took off her designer sunglasses as she checked her side mirror. She was still driving at top speeds when her car came into a rather tight corner.

Hora kocchi wo mite sukoshi keikai SEYO!

Yuri threw her sunglasses at the vacant passenger's seat beside her as she slammed the clutch and brake pedals with her designer shoes-covered feet while she shifted the gears to the correct speed.

Ano hidariHANDORU yori nanbaimo...

Turning the steering wheel at the right angle, she smirked as she executed a perfect drift.

"I'm so fast," she said to herself with a prideful chuckle.

Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi...

Yuri glanced at her car phone as it rang mercilessly on its stand, its catchy ring tone filling the interior of her sports car. Driving with one hand on the wheel, she grabbed the blaring device with her free hand and quickly looked at the screen.


1 New Text Message.

Being a stunt driver in her previous work (she's a professional racecar driver too, believe it or not), Yuri opened the message as she continued driving, her eyes darting from the road to the phone's screen and vice versa.

From: Sica Baby ♥
If you're not here in 10 seconds, I'm gonna leave you and never come back. EVER. Get home now. NOW. RIGHT NOW. N.O.W!

The tanned girl felt went dry as her eyes bulged from their sockets at her girlfriend's rather threatening message. She knows Jessica.

And Jessica will never joke about something like that.

In an instant, reality knocked on Yuri's head as she was reminded why she was driving recklessly along Seoul.

It was not for showing off purposes or any of that sort.

It was to save her .

And her nearing-the-cliff's-edge relationship.

A now disheveled Yuri (her hair's all over the place because of the opened window) drove at the fastest speed she could, way faster than she had ever driven before in her career as a racecar slash stunt driver.

She can only hope that she'd reach her house, the one she had shared with her girlfriend for three years, in exactly ten seconds.


“Calm down Yuri, calm down. There's no point in panicking. Your Sica baby loves you, she won't leave you without hearing your explanation. Or would she? Damn it! Calm down Yuri… OMG I’M GONNA DIE FOR SCREAMING AT HER LIKE THAT!” Yuri whined to herself as she was nearing her house.

“If I ever see that psychotic again, I will throw her off the Layout Department floor, go down on the ground level and murder her again!” Yuri hissed in annoyance.

She sped up more and did an impressive drift as her car turned 180 degrees and made a full stop at their lot. It was a perfect parking.

“Keep calm and pray that my girlfriend doesn’t kill me first because I seriously want to kill Nicole," Yuri kept on mumbling.

Arriving at their front door, she slowly slid the key in and unlocked the door to their house. Heaving a deep breath, Yuri pushed the door open gently and poked her head first.

“Baby? I’m home~”


There goes the expensive lamp Yuri had bought in Paris when Jessica and herself went for a vacation there. What a waste, she thought.

But then she thought, if she hadn't retracted her head at the right time, her face would be the one that's going to look like trash now.



There goes the expensive China set.

"Sica! Please stop throwing things around! Let me explain, come on!" Yuri screamed from behind the door.



There goes another one of their expensive furniture.

"YES! Baby please let me explain!" The tanned girl was now begging.

The throwing stopped.

"I'm coming in, okay?" Yuri cooed.

After making sure that she's not going to be attacked by another flying object, Yuri slowly poked her head back, only to be greeted by a cushion.

“Oww…” Yuri groaned as the cushion hit her perfectly sculpted nose. After closing the door behind her, she bent down and picked up the cushion and hugged it rather tightly. “Keep… Calm…” She chanted in her mind.

She saw Jessica standing ominously in the middle of their living room, hands on her hips and her stance looking a little violent.


She kept going on about Yuri screaming over the phone as the tanned girl took careful little steps towards her fuming girlfriend.

“YOU’VE NEVER DONE THAT TO ME BEFORE! OMG… YOU DON’T LOVE ME ANYMORE DO YOU?! ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?! WHO’S THE GIRL?!" Her girlfriend was now glaring at her with murderous eyes. It was the scariest glare Yuri has ever seen her girlfriend give to her, or anyone else for that matter.

It made Sooyoung's glare look like a kitten's.


Jessica was cut off by Yuri's gentle hug.

The taller girl wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist and laid her head on the latter's shoulder.

“Jessica, baby, I would never love someone as much as I love you,” Yuri sighed and whispered as she hugged Jessica tighter. “Look. Something happened at the office. It was really unfortunate that you called me at the wrong time. Really.”

Yuri pulled away from Jessica and tugged her girlfriend's hand gently as she sat down on their couch.

“Then tell me what happened?” Jessica crossed her arms across her chest and pouted.

“You remember Amber? My best friend from L.A.?" Jessica nodded. "I told you that she’s starting her first day here, right?” Jessica nodded again. “Well, remember when I told you about that ex-girlfriend of hers that she, I meant WE, had to put up with for so many years of our lives?"

“Uh huh…” Jessica eyed Yuri.

"I seriously wonder how Amber could do it. I mean that girl is so freaking crazy I don't even-” Yuri chuckled.

"Stick to the point, Kwon." Jessica glared impatiently at her.

“Oops, sorry. Anyway. Well… she called me while I was at the office. And she wouldn’t stop calling!!!” Yuri was clearly stressed and Jessica noticed. “She’s practically stalking me!”

“Now why would she do that?” Jessica finally calmed down a bit and decided to ask Yuri a little nicer.

“Well cause, I was the last person Amber contacted before she came to Korea and I guess, that found out. I think I’ll have to change numbers soon. I’m sorry, Baby.” Yuri hung her head low and apologized.

Jessica saw the sincerity in Yuri's actions. Her story made perfect sense and she hasn't seen Yuri so stressed like this before.

“Okay. You’re forgiven...” Yuri looked up and smiled. "FOR NOW."

Her smile immediately turned into a confused frown.

"What do you mean?" The tanned girl asked.

"For your punishment… you’re gonna have dinner alone and you’re gonna sleep alone tonight,” Jessica concluded.

Yuri stared at her, wide-eyed and obviously dumbfounded.

“What? Why?!”

“Cause I’m going home to spend time with my family. It’s my Dad’s birthday today,” Jessica looked at Yuri with a blank expression.

"Now go back to the office before my baby sister fires you," Jessica teased.

With a defeated sigh, Yuri accepted her fate as she stood up and pecked her girlfriend at the cheek before making her way back to the front door, all the while mumbling to herself.

“I’m losing my mind. Someone please kill me already… Now that the crazy bi+ch knows where Amber's working, it's gonna be '4 years in hell' all over again," Yuri continued to mutter as she unlocked the door and made her way outside, leaving Jessica alone on the couch wearing a victorious grin.

“Happy dealing, Seobang~” Jessica spoke in a sing-song tone.



A/N: And that concludes Chapter 1. I know it's a lot to read, but I think they're good for Kryber deprived kids like us right? hahaha!

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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)