Chapter 2 Part 1

Les Chic

A whole month has passed since Amber started her work as a Junior Designer at Les Chic and she could never ask for more. She had the nicest colleagues, her workplace is like heaven and her boss, Krystal, is surely an angel. Especially now that their work relationship has been going on smoothly, Krystal had now started opening up to her, making them a little more closer than before.

There are times that Krystal would stay and spend the night over at the guest rooms since both of her and Amber have been working nonstop for the Mark Jacobs fashion show. Or sometimes, just to accompany the Junior Designer like the good and responsible boss she is.

All of these events happening with Krystal still being oblivious to AJ's real gender.

It was the night before the actual show and it was the most stressful not only for their team, but for every department involved. And being the nice boss that she was, she had let everyone else go home while she finished the rest of the pending works with Amber, who still stays at the guest rooms and is not planning to move out anytime soon.

The two are inside their fishbowl office and Amber is sitting at her desk, her face almost glued to her laptop screen as she finalized some stuff for tomorrow's event. Stealing a glance from her lovely boss, she furrowed her eyebrows as she saw Krystal pacing back and forth around her desk as if looking for something.

Before she could utter an inquiry, Krystal had beaten her to it.

“AJ, did you see my purse?” Krystal looked up at her before going back to ransacking her desk drawers.

Amber unconsciously smiled as she saw the cute pout on Krystal's lips. She returned her attention back on her laptop, that silly grin still plastered on her face.

“It was in your bag princess,” Amber spoke without looking up. “Or at least that was the last place I saw it.”

The Junior Designer continued typing away on her keyboard as she heard Krystal whined at her.

"I've already checked there and I still can't find it. And you were the last person to hold on to it too so where did you put it?” Krystal continued to whine like a little kid. It was late and she was tired and hungry.

Amber heard the distress in her boss' voice as she saved her work. Closing her laptop shut, Amber looked up at Krystal once again only to be greeted by an even more adorable pout.

“What do you need it for?” Amber asked as she willed herself not to faint at the cute sight.

“I'm tired. And I'm hungry.” Krystal let her body plop on the couch and rest leaned her head on the back rest. “And I think I’m going to go mad.”

Amber walked towards her lazily and joined her on the couch.

“Why are you going mad? It’s just the day before the show. The craziness hasn’t even started yet. And aren't you supposed to be used to these kinds of things already?” Amber joked with Krystal as she poked the latter's cheek.

“Geez, thanks for reminding me,” she turned and looked at Amber, pout still in full force. “Could you at least help me find my purse so that I could go and get us something to eat? I am seriously gonna lose it if I don't get fed NOW.”

Krystal saw 'AJ' give her an incredulous look.

“If you don't get fed? What are you, some sort of animal?" Amber chuckled as she saw Krystal glare at her.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Okay, how about you come with me and we’ll get something to eat together? You’re getting grouchier by the minute and I seriously don't want to fall victim to your grouchiness. And also, you need to sleep soon,” Amber said as she playfully tapped Krystal’s nose.

She got up from the couch and walked to her workspace, missing the pink hue that invaded Krystal's face as soon as her finger left the latter's nose. Amber took her wallet and keys and look around the office.

“You know, I think we’re done for tonight. I'm quite confident that we’ll be able to finish the rest before the show tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?” Krystal asked, her voice a little unsure.

“100% positive!” Amber shot her signature smile at Krystal.

“Fine, but if something goes wrong and we don't get to finish them, it's your head that's going on the chopping board," Krystal stuck her tongue out to Amber as the latter laughed at her childish antics.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's get the food and go back to your room!” She dragged Amber as they headed towards the elevators.


They dropped by the Cafeteria level to see if there was still anything to eat and almost immediately, they were greeted by a quiet atmosphere, a full 360 degree turn from what the Cafeteria level is when it's lunch time. It was pretty much deserted and almost barren.

It was already two in the morning and only a couple of 24-hour stores were open. Amber went to get them some Ddokbbokki and Odeng while Krystal went and bought some burgers and a couple of drinks.

They were on their way back to the elevators when they bumped into Sooyoung.

“What are the two of you still doing here?” Sooyoung said to them almost accusingly.

“Just finishing up. We’ve still got a little left but it’ll be done by lunch tomorrow,” Krystal answered.

“Hmm…” Sooyoung looked suspiciously at Amber and Krystal. “Where are you guys headed to now?”

“My room,” Amber answered innocently. Sooyoung was now eyeing Amber, her eyes reduced to slits.

After a few seconds of awkward staring, Sooyoung broke into a grin and patted their heads.

“Practice safe kids,” The giant said as she walked into the elevator that had just opened. She gave a final wave to the two dumbfounded girls as the elevator doors closed.

“Wait- What… was that?” Amber asked as she turned to Krystal, her face blushing.

“Sooyoung-unnie being herself?” Krystal giggled as her own cheeks mirrored the redness of Amber's.

After being in the company for a whole month now, Amber had still yet to get used to her co-workers behaviors and personalities, especially Sooyoung's.

“You’re not serious right? Practice safe ? But we’re just… gonna eat and then catch some sleep.” Amber answered innocently.

“But she doesn’t know that. It’s okay, she's just always erted like that. Come on, let’s go up to your room.” Krystal said jokingly yet in a rather seductive tone.

Amber gulped.

The taller girl started blushing as she ran into the elevator the moment the doors opened. She tried to hide her face as she purposely looked away from Krystal.

“AJ, are you blushing?” Krystal giggled, and almost immediately, Amber turned her attention to the ceiling of the elevator.

“Wow. I didn’t know how nice it looked in here,” Amber said as she clearly tried to change the topic.

“You're cute,” Krystal said to catch Amber’s attention.

“Huh?” Amber turned to face Krystal.


They stood there in awkward silence as Amber prayed for the elevator ride to go faster. She can still feel the unusual hotness of her cheeks and she can only hope to either have her face returned to its normal color or for the elevator to reach its destination already.


And she can never thank the heavens enough for her answered prayer.

“Here’s us,” Krystal stepped out of the elevator first followed behind by a very slow and silent Amber.

“Will you hurry up A?! I’m starving here!!” Krystal nearly shouted as the girl stood in front of Amber's room with her arms crossed.

“Sorry…” Amber immediately picked up her pace and immediately opened the door with her keys.

When they got in, Krystal helped Amber move the coffee table in front of the sofa for them to put their food on and not before long, they started digging in to their supper.


Krystal’s POV

It’s been a month since he started working here. I would say that we’ve gotten to know each other quite well and we’re on really good terms.

It might just be crazy talk but sometimes I do get the feeling that he likes me too.

But there are so many things I still don’t know about him though.

Like why is his name AJ? Does it even stand for anything?

Ashton Jay? Alan Jared? Alton Joe? Andrew Johnson? Aiden Joseph?

What was it, really? He never told me but I never asked too. He really doesn't seem like the person to talk about himself. He was always the one to ask me questions about my life and I feel like he knows me better than I know him. I wonder if that's a good thing.

Just what is it with him?

“Hey Krystal…” I looked at him.

“Yeah?” Oh god, he must have seen me spacing out.

“You got something on your face,” he said as he handed me a bunch of napkins. I tried to wipe the sauce off my face but I don’t think I was doing a good job as he still kept telling me that there’s more left.

“Here, let me help you.”

He took the napkin from my hand and helped me wipe it instead.

“There you go,” he said with a smile as he sat back into his seat.

Now I feel my cheeks go hot. I must be blushing again.

We continued to eat quietly but the awkward silence is killing me.

“AJ, are you close to anyone here? I mean here in Les Chic?” I decided to at least ask a question.

“Why the sudden curiosity? You don’t want me hanging out with some people here? Is there anyone I should avoid?” He looked at me worriedly.

He seemed too keened to my queries and requests and I feel like he gives importance to whatever I say. It's not like I don't want him to hang out with other people, but it's just that I'm scared that Key or Eunhyuk would gay him up. It would be a waste of good looks.

Like what they always say... All the good looking guys are either taken... or always turn out gay.

“Well, I do hang out with Key and Eunhyuk. They’re really nice guys.”

Great. Just the two he should try to stay away from.

“What do you guys talk about then?” Now I’m really curious. Cause he’s the only straight guy among the three of them. Oh my god, please don't turn him gay.

“Jonghyun-hyung and Donghae-hyung. They’d complain to me about those two guys being, well, guys, and for not treating them well enough,” He smiled innocently.

Okay… That must be really weird for him to sorta be their straight ‘counselor’. It would’ve been weird for me to be counseling Sulli about her relationship with Victoria-unnie when I myself, haven’t been in a relationship before.

“They’d also ask me how I treated you,” he laughed.

That pulled me out of my thoughts. I was now paying attention because I really wanted to know what he has to say about me.

“And I’d always say, ‘You’re my boss. Of course I treat you like a princess.’ But being gay guys, they just laughed it off, you know.”

Well, it’s true. All he’s ever done for me the past month was treating me nothing short of a real princess. He reminded me of stuff whenever I forgot them. He took me on long walks nearby to cool off, especially when he notices that I'm beginning to be too stressed out. He’d fill in for me when I really couldn’t make it.

He was pretty much like a servant to me.

Okay, I didn't intend to be mean by calling him a servant, but he really knows how to take care of me and I’m glad I have him around all the time.

“Thanks... AJ. For everything you’ve done for me the past month.” I meant every word I said.

“Of course. Anything for you princess,” he said as he smiled sweetly at me.

AJ finished up his burger and lay down on his bed right after.

“You know… I think you’re the nicest boss I ever had," I heard him said.

Okay. That one compliment alone… Calm down, Krystal. Just... Calm down. And try not to squeal.

OMG. I think I’ll be able to die in peace now!

It means so much to me, to be given some praises like this, especially from him. He had praised me about 33 times now. I counted.

What? Oh please… it’s not like I’m so into him that I write things about him down on paper… Or my planner... that I hide on the third drawer in my desk. I’m not a creep, okay?

“I’m…” He yawns. Wow, even the way he yawns is cute. “Going to bed now. You should too.” I saw him rub his eyes like a little kid.

I waited till he fell asleep then I walked to his bedside.

“You’ll always be this perfect to me… you know that AJ?” I whispered.

I took off my coat and joined him on the bed. I was too tired to think of anything else. I just really need to rest.

Tomorrow, we're going to war.



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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)