Chapter 3 Part 4

Les Chic


Amber’s POV

Krystal seemed to have calmed down immediately after Yuri and Jessica got off me. Is that like some sort of mechanism? To rage on anybody who jumps on me?

Damn I have to shake these thoughts off. What the hell am I thinking? It’s Krystal for god’s sake.


I’m talking to myself again. We’re back to this topic of, ‘Should I confess to Krystal?’.

She seems to have zoned out while sitting down on the couch.

“Hey. Are you even listening to what I was saying?” Yuri poked me.

“Hey. No poking. Want me to cut that finger off?” I threatened my best friend.

Did I just…just threaten my best friend?

“What the…are you sure you’re my best friend?” She grabs my face now. I had the urge to swat her hand away but her words cut me to it. “Krystal sure has rubbed off a lot on you. Tsk.”

“I…didn’t mean to say that…”

“Sure. like how I didn’t mean to strangle you earlier.”


"...but you still said it... and I still strangled you, so..."

I really need to start finishing my sentences. If only people would let me.

“We need to talk AJ. Let’s go into your room. Jessica will stay out here and keep Krystal company.” Yuri dragged me into my room.


That was one hell of a drag. Where did that strenght come from? Jessica sure has rubbed off a lot on Yul...

“What do you wanna talk about Yul?” I started.

“First off…Do you really like Krystal? Like from the bottom of your heart?” Yuri stared at me.

“HAHA! What are you? Five? From the bottom of my heart?” I couldn’t hide my laughter and burst out loud.


“What do you want me to say? From the pits of Grand Canyon? From the depths of the dead sea? WHAT?!”

“Oh god Yuri…I don’t even…” I shake my head.

When I finally finished laughing, I looked at her. For the many years that we’ve known each other, I can count the number of times that she was serious. This time, I could tell that she was serious. She had the look.

“Yes. I do. In fact, probably more than ex-girlfriend number three.”

“More than foolishly wanting to just get into a relationship with her?” Yuri cocked one eyebrow up.

“So much more than that.” I sighed. “You don’t know how much Yul.”

I give.

This is the first time I actually feel like I’m at a lost as to what to do. Krystal makes me feel like I’m five again. She’s definitely not like any of the girls I’ve met and I think Yuri can tell too. She never asked me if I really liked a girl. She just supported me every time I told her I was in a relationship.

The thing is…Krystal makes me whole. If you know what I mean. When I’m around her, she makes my world go round. When she laughs, she makes everything better. Although we fight so much, it’s like a mechanism of mine to try to get closer with her. I don’t know, I never did this with any of my other girlfriends. So this is new.

When she cries, I feel like a hole is being burnt through me. It makes me only wanna hold her tight and tell her that all her worries will go away. That I will protect her come what may.

Man she makes me feel like I’m dating for the first time…

She’s the one person that will make all my worries go away when I see her smile. She’s my cure to any illness. I just need her.

But she doesn’t know I need her that much.

 “Hey! Listen to me! I’m talking to you! Stop zoning out!” Yuri snaps me out of my thoughts. “I was saying…since you really like her, I think you should really go find out how much she really likes you.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?” I cross my arms while Yuri goes into her thinking position.

“I don’t know…uhm…be dirty!”

OMG. I won’t be able to live with myself!

“Uhm…like leave things around. Not bathe. Uh…be an irresponsible housemate!” Yuri came up with really ridiculous ideas.


“You know what? I’m gonna kick you out if you’re gonna continue coming up with strange and disgusting stuffs.” I warned her.

“No need for that. Yuri’s coming with me whether you like it or not. Your girlfriend, is too busy spacing out for me to bother. Let’s go Seobang.” Jessica came in and snatched Yuri away. I followed after the duo.

“WAIT. You still haven’t told me what to do?!” Crap you’re just gonna leave me here like this.

“Uh…just go test her or something!” Yuri said just as I saw Jessica drag her out through my front door.

Great. I just went from…no no help.

Thanks a lot guys.

End of POV

Amber walks back into the living room to see Krystal still day dreaming. And the mess around them.

“Hey Krys…help me with your stuffs? Yuri and Jessica have left.”


End of Flashback


Down at the parking lots, a certain Seobang was receiving the silent treatment from her girlfriend. Being dragged by the wrist wasn’t enough. The temperature seemed to have dropped by a couple of degrees too.

“Baby—” Yuri was cut off by Jessica’s glares.

When they got to the Lamborghini, Yuri slowly took the keys out from her jean pocket and hit the unlock button before slipping into the car. Jessica, impatient from waiting for Yuri to unlock the doors, hurriedly sat down on the seats.


Yuri’s eyes now wide open.

Jessica looked around to see what she ripped. She lifted her a little and saw a tiny scratch on the leather seat.

“OMG! MY BABY!!!!! MY LEATHER SEAT!!!” Jessica flinched a little at the loudness her girlfriend’s voice went. “What did that to my seat?!”

Jessica pulled out the item from her back pocket.

“It’s the cellphone strap you gave me for our first anniversary.” Jessica said nonchalantly.

“What the--” Yuri was lost for words.

“You love this car more than me! HOW COULD YOU KWON YURI!” Jessica got fed up and her hand dove into her purse to pull out a set of keys.

“No…sweetheart…not the keys. Specifically…not our house keys.” Yuri started panicking as she realized what Jessica was gonna do.

“If you love me more, you wouldn’t mind me doing this then…” Jessica placed the jaggered part of their house key on the leather seat and exerted as much force she could muster and drew a line across.


Yuri’s eyes twitched to the sound of tearing leather. That was it.


“You poor thing Seobang.” Jessica said with a blank face as she continue stabbing the seat. “So do you still love me?” She now glared at Yuri.

“Y—Yes I do…” Yuri continued weeping. She turned the ignition and the engine started.

“Let’s go home! I’m tired.” Jessica said as she yawned.

For the rest of the trip home, Yuri wept silently. Occasionally stealing glances at the leather seat.



A/N: And that concludes chapter 3. I've been meaning to post it a while now. it's just...I needed it to be perfect for you guys. Hope y'all like it as much as I loved writing the Yulber and Yulsic parts. They were fun :D

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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)