Chapter 2 Part 5

Les Chic

Two weeks had passed.

Whatever happened that night, none of them ever brought it up or talked about it further. Also because of it, they’ve become even closer, which of course, never fell short to Les Chic's queer employees' keen attention.

“Hey Yuri."

Taeyeon was innocently walking towards the latter's cubicle when she noticed what's happening inside the fishbowl office.

"Don’t you think they’re awfully a lot closer now. And what is with the holding hands? They freaking look like teenagers," the short girl said as she cringed at the Amber and Krystal's rather amusing display of affection.

Taeyeon had decided to bring up the matter as it was just begging her to do so.

“You know... I’ve noticed it too…” Brian cut in as he appeared from thin air. All of them looked over at the fishbowl office.

“Do you guys think that they’re... you know... dating...?” Yuri said to the others in a hushed tone.

“Why don’t we ask them? And can you please stop whispering? It's making you look creepy.” Brian said as he rolled his eyes.

"Tsk, whatever Brian." Yuri spat annoyingly at the guy.

"Ssh! Look!" Taeyeon shushed the other two as she pointed her chin towards the office.

Little did the gay trio outside know, Krystal had already noticed all the staring from outside. With her hand still intertwined with AJ's, she spoke her mind.

“What do you think they’re saying outside?”


Amber placed down the interior design magazine she was reading as she craned her neck to take a peek outside. She saw how the three idiots scampered like rats and dispersed towards all direction possible when they saw her look towards their direction.

The JD chuckled as she saw Taeyeon holding a design magazine upside down, Yuri talking on the phone, the one she destructively unplugged from the wall when Nicole called her, and Brian randomly doing push ups beside the two.

“Yes, them… Those three dorks outside…” Krystal nodded towards the group’s direction.

“Oh… I don’t know? But do you really care? I mean look at them...” Amber shook her head as her chuckles turned into a full blown laugh at the sight of the three.

“They must be talking about this.” Krystal raised their intertwined hands with a smile. “I don’t really care… but I’ve noticed all the staring these past two weeks. Don’t you? It's getting rather... stupid and... pretty annoying.”

“Yeah… but it doesn’t really bother me, you know? Simply because, this…” Amber shook their hands. “Is strictly between us. They can say whatever they want.” She smiled.

Krystal felt a familiar heat creep on her cheeks. She tried to hide her smile but failed... miserably.

“Why is it that you make me feel better with ANYTHING that you say?”

“I don’t know what you're talking about," Amber playfully feigned ignorance. "I’m actually a man of few words so I really don't know what you're saying.” Amber chuckled.

“Drop the act, old man.” Krystal scooted closer as she leaned her head down on Amber’s shoulder. “Gosh, I’m never finishing this. I’ve got too many paperwork to handle. How can one person finish all these?” She complained as she placed her free hand on her forehead to ease out the forming wrinkles.

“Maybe if you paid more attention to those papers instead of me then you might have finished them hours ago— Oww." Before Amber can finish her tease, Krystal had already elbowed her on the rib.

“That’s it!” Krystal flung Amber’s hand back. “You’re not invited to the party.”

Amber's ears perked at the word.

“What party?” She raised her eyebrow in curiosity.

She stared as Krystal stood up in front of her, the latter's hands on her hips and her stance somewhat violent.

“I was gonna invite you to my sister’s birthday party tonight. But seeing as you misbehave so often, let’s just say that I changed my mind.” Krystal brushed Amber off as the boss walked towards her desk, paperwork in hand.

“Sure. I’d love to go.” Amber said.

“In case you didn't hear, I'll repeat it for you. You’ve just been uninvited, idiot.” Krystal stuck her tongue out like a kid.

“Aaaww… But I’d love to meet 'Princess senior'!" Amber whined. "If you have such an angelic beauty… she must be a goddess!” Amber grinned as she boss further.

“OKAY, THAT’S IT. IT’S OFFICIAL. YOU’VE BEEN UNINVITED TO ALL OF THE GATHERINGS THAT I AM ATTENDING!” Krystal yelled as she dropped all the papers on her desk with a thud.

Seeing as how she had agitated and frustrated the girl beyond control, Amber stood up immediately as she tried to salvage the situation. In all honesty though, she really wanted to meet Krystal's older sister.

Amber walked towards Krystal and held the girl's hands gently.

“I was just joking. You know how I am, right? Sorry if I went too far.” Amber said apologetically.

“But why can’t you just be normal?” Krystal asked, frustration evident in her voice.

“I AM normal. What are you talking about?” Amber smiled as she shook her head. “Maybe all these paperwork have made you all loopy up there.” She poked Krystal’s head playfully.

“Stop poking. Or I’ll make sure that you won't be able to use that finger again.” Krystal threatened.

Amber stuck her hands into her jeans pockets immediately and listened to the princess’ commands.

“Oooh... Scary~” Krystal glared at her.

Amber gulped.

“I-I meant to say… y… Yeah, ha-ha… I meant y,” Amber corrected herself. “That was so y princess.” She smiled rather awkwardly.

“So, uh, what time’s the party?”

“It’s would be a dinner party. I already told my parents that I'd be bringing someone. My sister’s bringing her best friend too, so basically it’s just six people. Party starts at 7:30 tonight and I certainly don’t want us to be LATE so help me with these papers now. N.O.W.”

“Yes, your highness…” Amber slumped her shoulders and sighed in defeat.



Amber was already dressed and was just lying around waiting for Krystal, careful enough to not wrinkle her clothes.

'What is taking her so—'

As though Krystal had heard her, Amber’s Blackberry rang, bringing in a message from the princess herself.


From: Princess
Subject: Get your to my room. NOW AJ! I need help with my wardrobe!

Amber sighed and put on her best pair of Nike highcuts. She took her grey fedora that was idly lying on the table, put it on and looked at herself in the mirror.

“Keep calm. You’re just meeting the family. For the first time. It's just a small gathering.” She looked at herself again. “Don’t screw up.” She swallowed hard. "And don't forget to breathe."

She eyed herself from head to toe and scanned for any imperfections on her clothes. She was wearing a pair of loose Levis jeans and a Ben Sherman shirt and tie with a short blazer. She wanted to look presentable to Krystal’s parents and sister since this is her first time meeting them.

Amber walked towards the door and took the handle. She looked at her room for the last time with a sigh.

It was as if she was going to war.

“I hope they like me…” She said just as she turned the knob. Locking the door behind her, she took another breath. Closing her eyes, she let the air out slowly and smiled.

"It's show time," Amber said as she made her way towards Krystal's room.


After knocking a few times, Krystal finally opened the door, clad in nothing but a robe.

Amber had her eyes wide and her jaw literally glued to the ground as she failed to hide her gawking. Lucky for her, Krystal seemed too pre-occupied and anxious to notice her improper behaviour.

"Oh my god, I think I'm gonna die," Krystal said rather dramatically as she pulled Amber inside her room.

“What are you talking about?” Amber innocently queried as she sat down on the sofa.

She watched Krystal pace back and forth in front of her, the latter's face contorted with worry.

“I CAN’T SEEM TO FIND SOMETHING NICE TO WEAR!” Krystal finally exploded.

“Wait… Why are you even so stressed up about it?”

“You’re one to talk? Look at you!" Krystal continued to panic. "You’re all dressed up nice and here I am, still in a robe, hair not done, make up not done, no clothes to wear… AND WE’RE HAVING A FREAKING DINNER AT A FANCY HOTEL!” Krystal whined as she threw her hands in the air.

“Come on princess, quit whining. You'd look good in anything, I swear. Wear a potato sack now and I bet you'd still be more stunning than our resident models here in Les Chic." Amber tried calming Krystal down.

"Okay now you're just kissing my . You're not helping, AJ! Can you just…" Krystal massaged her temples. "Can you just pick out a dress for me?"

Amber nodded as she walked into Krystal's wardrobe and went through the dresses. After what seems to be forever for Krystal (but was actually for just a few minutes), she came out carrying a burgundy dress. The JD made her way towards her anxious boss, still examining the dress in her hand.

“Okay. Try this one on,” Amber gave Krystal the dress and returned to the wardrobe. “And these pair of heels.” She said as she went back carrying a pair of shoes.

“Well… I do like the colors,” Krystal said approvingly. “But hey, look… we’ll be dressed like a couple. You’re wearing a burgundy top too.”

“I can change if you want." Amber offered while Krystal shook her head. "Then I guess we should prepare ourselves for some teasing later on." She smiled.

“And also, in case you're wondering, I didn’t pick them out on purpose. I just think this dress and this color looks great for your complexion.” Amber concluded.

She then left the girl to change and decided to rest on the sofa while she wait. She laid down for a while and accidentally drifted off to sleep.

Twenty minutes later...


Krystal had managed to prep up in record time just so AJ and her wouldn't be late on her sister's dinner party. Upon seeing a sleeping AJ on her couch, her eye twitched and her blood pressure rocketed. Although the sight that greeted her in her living room was rather cute, she cannot afford to be late on such important occasion.

Krystal walked over and smacked Amber’s leg. "WAKE UP!"

“Wha— What?" Amber groaned. "Now I can’t even sleep? God… princess… I need a break too you know. If you hadn’t made me finish all your work…mmmbeaiiiwuuudden be soooootiyed.” Krystal covered Amber’s mouth causing the her last words to be muffled.

“I didn’t force you. YOU offered to help me, remember?” Krystal refreshed Amber’s memory.

A Flashback that Amber wished she could erase.

“I'm really tired! AJ, will you help me? Please?????” Krystal whined and begged like a puppy, complete with the round eyes and pouting lips.

“B-but..." Amber gulped as she saw the cute sight. "I just... I just finished the papers you gave me. I need a break too!” The JD whined.

Krystal cringed.

“You whine like a girl. Stop that.” Krystal shot at her.

“Excuse me?!”

“Stop complaining so much, you’re a guy. Now help me with my work!” Krystal took a bunch of papers and files and threw them to Amber whose eyes went big due to the large stack of work that were savagely given to her.

Krystal then went back to her seat.

“But I don’t wanna do them anymore,” Amber replied.

Krystal sat down and let out a sigh. She propped her elbows on her desk and buried her face in her palms. She started to cry.

Hearing the girl cry, Amber felt like she was thrown off the edge of 'Guilt' as she plummeted onto the murky waters of 'You-made-Princess-cry'.

Heaving out a sigh, she got up and went over to Krystal and knelt in front of her.

“Hey…” She tried to pull Krystal’s hand away from her face but the girl was strong. “Princess…”

“Just go away!” Krystal raised her voice and it made Amber flinch a little.

“Look, I’m sorry …” She placed her hand on Krystal’s leg. “I’m sorry I made you cry. I know you’re stressed. I’m sorry I shouldn’t push your limit.”

“It’s my sister’s birthday. I just thought I could finish up early and celebrate with her.” Krystal removed her hands from her face revealing her mascara-stained face.

It was a heartbreaking sight for Amber.

“Aaaww man… See, you look like a mess.” Amber walked back to her table to grab some napkins to clean Krystal’s face. “Look… I’ll make it up to you okay? Don’t cry anymore.” She brought the napkins over to Krystal. “I’ll do the rest of the work for you.”

“Really?” Krystal took the napkins out of Amber’s hand with hopeful eyes.

“Yeah. I’ll do it.”

“Awesome! Thanks AJ!” Krystal got up and smiled like nothing happened.

It was as if her emotions went 360 degrees in just a second.

“Actually, I was just feeling lazy today. Since you said you’ll finish up the rest, I’ll expect them to be sent to Joori-unnie by…" Krystal looked at her watch, "5:30PM.” She explained to Amber as she cleaned the mascara off her face.

Amber couldn’t believe what just happened.

"I'm just going to the washroom to clean up. Good luck with that!" Krystal chirped as she skipped outside the fishbowl office.

“I am in love with the spawn of the devil…” Amber sighed and quickly finishes up so that she could get the hell out of the office and rest.

Flashback end

“Whatever Krystal Jung…” Amber brushed Krystal’s hand away.

Krystal quiets down a little.

“We’ve gotta stop ‘fighting’ like a married couple.” Krystal brought up the topic.

“Why? It’s entertaining.” Amber roostered her head to the side wondering why Krystal suddenly wanted to talk about this.

“But it’s starting to get tiring sometimes. I just wish that we can go at least a day without picking on each other you know…” Krystal finally admitted.

“But… You know me princess… I love a joke or a prank… or two…” Amber said with a smirk.

“You know what? I’m done here. Let’s just go before I commit murder." Krystal said as she grabbed her clutch bag and her keys. “I really don’t wanna be late. Better yet… arrive before my parents and my sister.”


It was the perfect weather to cruise along the lighted streets of Seoul as its nocturnal establishments started to open one by one, bringing it's night life to a start. The streets are now devoid of exhausted people who just got out of work to join in on the rush hour to get home and instead, got replaced by a over enthusiastic ones ready to take the night away with temporary bliss and merriment, at least until a new day of work starts.

Amber had her head resting on the car window hoping to get some shut eye even for just a short bit. She was about to doze off when she heard Krystal sigh for the umpteenth time ever since they've gotten into the car.

No matter how tired and sleepy she got, Amber didn't failed to notice Krystal's rather disturbing behavior. Whenever they stopped at a red light, Krystal would take her hands off the wheel and rub her hands together. Whenever she started to drive again, her grip on the wheel tightens. Amber also noticed how Krystal kept fixing her hair.

"Krys... Can you please stop that? I'm actually getting more tired by just looking at you." Amber pointed out. "What's eating you? You seem pretty nervous."

“Oh, sorry… I just... I don’t know… It’s just that this is the first time I’m bringing a guy to a family gathering. I didn’t even bring Sulli and she’s my best friend.” Krystal explained weakly.

Amber reached for Krystal's right hand that was perched on the gear stick and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "It's gonna be fine, Krys. Let's just enjoy the night," she said with a smile.

They arrived at the Park Hyatt Hotel not long after and Amber decided that they should just take the valet parking to save time. The two went into the lobby after handing the car over to retrieve the keys to the room booked by Krystal’s parents two months ago.

On the elevator ride up, Amber noticed how Krystal’s nervousness has upped by a few notches. Actually, Krystal looked like an athlete who had just ran a marathon from all the sweating. She looked like a hot mess.

“Wow. So uh, your parents booked the penthouse suite, huh?” She tried to start small talk to calm the latter's nerves.

“Yeah. Since Jessica-unnie's not living with us anymore, they've been missing her so much..." Krystal suddenly chuckled. "Also, they deemed that celebrating her birthday in luxury can make Unnie forgive them for calling her best friend... what was the exact word... Ah! Queer."

Krystal was now grinning widely as she shook her head.

The whole incident happened a few years ago, and it was one of those moments that she knows that she'll never forget for the rest of her life. Also, it was the time when she had believed that no one is immune to her older sister's deadly glares, not even their parents.

“Your sister’s name is Jessica?” Amber looked over at Krystal who nodded. 'Hmm…Yuri’s girlfriend’s name is Jessica. Could it be?... Nah. Coincidental maybe...' Amber thought to herself. “So was your sister’s best friend really gay?”

“Yeah. Haha!” Krystal said with a laugh as she thought of how AJ would react when he discovers that Yuri is the queer person they're talking about. “You don't know how much we had to lie and reassure our parents a million times that Unnie's best friend wasn't into relationships at that time."

“And because of that, your sister chose to move out?”

“It's a part of it, yes. But the real reason that got her to storm out of the house with all of her things was that one moment when our parents told her to ditch her best friend and just look for a new one... preferably straight. I mean how could you even do that, right?" Krystal grimaced at the memory.

“Totally get it.”

“So yeah, my sister moved in with her gay best friend and I think she’s actually happier to be living away from our parents... Which, I now feel like doing too.” Krystal spoke honestly.

“Your parents that hard to live with, huh?” Amber sympathized.

“Oh you’ll see what I mean later. But they’ve actually been a lot nicer because they’re trying to get on my sister’s good side to get her to move back. Jessica’s not buying it, of course. And they’re being nice to me because they’re afraid that I’d move out just like my sister.”

“Well, are you?” Amber asked out of curiosity.

“Yeah, of course. Eventually... I can't live with them forever, you know. And also, I really can’t stand to be around them anymore. I know they're my parents but sometimes they're just too much.”

“Hmm... Well I need to find a house soon too. I can't live in Les Chic forever.” Amber said, obviously hinting to Krystal.

Krystal raised her eyebrow.

“Are you suggesting...?”

“Suggesting what? I don’t know what you're talking about, Krystal~"


Just then, much to Amber's delight, the elevator door opened giving way to her escape.

"Hey, get back here you—" Before Krystal can apprehend Amber, she spotted her sister just a few feet away from her.

Changing her target, Krystal pushed her revenge plot against Amber at the back of her mind and left it for another day as she approached her sister.

“Jessica!” Krystal called out.

Amber heard her boss yell and turned her head towards a blonde beauty.

'Wow... ' she thought.

“Hey baby sis.” Jessica gave Krystal a hug.

“This is… AJ. He’s my, uh… he's a good friend at the company.” Krystal introduced the two strangers. “AJ, this is my older sister, Jessica.”

They exchanged handshakes.

“Nice to meet you… AJ.” Jessica eyed Amber for a while and then she opened her eyes wide. Typical slow reflexes.

“Wait. You’re AJ!”

“Uh. Yeah? And you’re Jessica.” Amber didn’t understand where this was going. Just then a familiar figure came out from a room.

“Hey Yuri, come quick! You wouldn’t believe who I just met…” Jessica said.

Hearing her name, Yuri turned towards Jessica and instantly had her eyes popped out from their sockets.

“Am— J… AJ! What a nice surprise!” Yuri said as she stared Amber down with a 'what the hell are you doing here' look.

“Uh... Krystal invited me.” Amber had her eyes wide opened too.

“Yuri, you never told me your best friend from L.A was coming to the party.” Jessica asked Yuri a little coldly.

“I didn’t know he was coming…”

“Am…” Jessica started when she saw both Amber and Yuri glaring at her. “AM so glad you could make it. I’ve heard so much about you from Yuri when you guys were in college together.”

“Oh.” Amber just tried to smile things off.

'Crap...' Amber cursed in her mind.

Throughout this entire time, Krystal, who thought that she had the last laugh of keeping that one bit of info from AJ, was confused. She had just found out that ‘AJ’ had a best friend all these while and she was her sister’s gay best friend too. What are the odds, right?

"So how long have you known each other?" Jessica continued her interrogation.

“Uh... For about six years now. Seven this September.” Yuri answered the question because obviously the secret’s out. Amber silently thanked her with a smile.

Amber turned to Krystal only to see the latter's eyebrows furrowed. Before she can say something, Krystal had already pulled her to a corner.

"Why didn't you tell me that Yuri is your best friend from L.A.?!" Krystal hissed.

"Well why didn't you tell me that Yuri is your sister's best friend?!" Amber spat back.

There they are again, bickering like a married couple.

Amber's anxiety was making her impulsive. She was nervous as hell, her palms are starting to sweat and she felt like she was gonna hyperventilate any moment. She was scared of Krystal Jung. No, she's terrified. She’s going to have to choose her next words carefully if she wanted to live.

“You never told me you knew anyone from the company before you came here. And all these while, Yuri was actually your best friend. Nobody knew about it?” Krystal asked as Amber shook her head. “Why didn’t you want anyone to know?”

“No reason.” Amber shrugged it off. “C’mon… We didn’t come here to argue. Can we just… continue on with the party and I promise I’ll tell you everything later.” She bargained.

Krystal hesitated for a while before agreeing. The two walked back to Jessica and Yuri.

“Oh, hey! You're back!" Yuri said a little too suspiciously. "Uh, Krystal, can I borrow my best friend for a second? Thanks!"

Before Krystal could nod, Yuri and Jessica already took each of Amber’s arm and dragged her off to a room.

Krystal just stood there at the hallway, alone and dumbfounded.

"What was that about?..." She said to herself.


“Okay Amber…” Jessica started as soon as she heard the door close shut.

Amber stood there, obviously baffled.

“Oh come on, don't give me that look! You’re Yuri’s best friend and I already know everything about you.”

Amber looked at Yuri with an accusing gaze.

“What? I had to tell her. She’s my girlfriend.” Yuri answered with a shrug.

'Girlfriend?... OH!' Amber looked as if a light bulb flashed in her mind. She remembered seeing a photo of Jessica in Yuri's wallet when she discreetly "borrowed" a few bucks from her.

“So that’s why she looked so familiar!” Amber finally exclaimed while Jessica raised her eyebrow.

Yuri went over after locking the door and stood behind her girlfriend, enveloping the latter into a tight back hug.

“I had to show you off,” Yuri whispered into her ear which earned her a peck on the cheek.

Jessica held onto the pair of arms that's encircling her waist and leaned her weight backwards towards Yuri, making herself comfortable. “ANYWAY… Does Krystal know that you're really a...? Cause according to Yuri, my little sister thinks you’re a guy.”

"Unfortunately, she doesn't..." Amber said as she looked away and cleared . It was then that Yuri and Jessica's relationship had dawned upon her.

"Wait... Hold up..." Amber started as she squinted her eyes towards the couple. "If you're Yuri's girlfriend... that means you're also..." With wide eyes, Amber blurted out her question.


Before she can even finish her question, Yuri had already tackled her to the floor and covered .

"Can you be any louder?! Sheesh, Amber!" Yuri hissed at her as she tried to pry her best friend's hands away from her face.


"What? I can't understand you." Yuri said as she placed her right ear next to Amber's covered mouth.


With every strength she can muster, Amber had pushed Yuri off of her and sat up in a bolt as she clutched her chest.

"I said I can't breathe, you idiot— Ow!" Right then, Jessica smacked Amber at the back of her head.

"No name calling!"

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry."

“Anyway, to answer your question, no. Krystal doesn't know yet and we’d like to keep it that way. First of all, I've spent three long years convincing my parents that that babo there," Jessica pointed at Yuri who was still sprawled on the ground beside Amber, "is just my best friend. Three years Amber, three years." Jessica said coldly as she shoved her three raised fingers towards Amber's face.

“Also..." Jessica's voice suddenly turned soft. "I don’t want Krystal to hate me. The... the way we were brought up isn’t really the healthiest. Up until now, I still can't understand why our parents taught us to hate people who are different. I mean, gay people aren't actually different and it's making me sad that my family thinks otherwise. Sadly, Krystal isn't as open as I am." She explained further.

“So promise us that you won’t tell? Please Amber…” Yuri begged from her rather comfortable position on the floor.

Amber sighed. Who was she to ruin such beautiful relationship?

“Fine. But I do have to tell you one thing. Because you’re my best friend, Yul…” Amber started unsure. “And you’re Krystal’s sister.” Both girls nodded. “Uhm... Krystal likes me.”

“OMG.” Jessica said as she facepalmed herself.

“I knew it. All those flirting you guys have been doing these past two weeks was no joke. We all suspected, even other departments.” Yuri said as she shook her head.

“Let me get this straight... My sister likes you? But she doesn't know that you're actually a girl, right?" Amber nodded. "She likes you... because she thinks you're a guy?" Jessica asked again and it was beginning to annoy Amber.


“Damn… and here I thought that I’d finally have someone to share my happiness and way of life with.” Jessica whined.

“B-But she can’t know my true gender! At least not yet! I… I just don’t think that it's a good idea to tell her yet. So please, in return... Help me keep it a secret first, okay?" Amber pleaded.

“Of course.” Both girls promised.

"Now let's go back outside, before Krystal starts to suspect anything." Yuri finally suggested as she stood from the floor.


Dinner had finally started and like how dinners usually go, also being the first "male" guest to have ever graced a family gathering, AJ had been bombarded with tons of questions basically revolving around his life back in L.A., his family, how he's coping up with the recent transfer to Seoul and how sure he was that his current career is what he's going to pursue for the rest of his life. So many questions filled her to the brim.

Krystal was clearly embarrassed at her parents’ lack of manners.

“Mom, Dad, can we eat dinner in peace? You can ask questions like that later, AFTER dinner.” Krystal said. She turned to Amber and mouthed a ‘Sorry’.

As though unable to hear Krystal’s request to ‘shut up, eat first and ask questions later’, her father had proceeded to ask Amber another question, the biggest one that night.

“So AJ, a man to man question, how many times do you mastur.bate in a day?”

It was a rather inappropriate question to ask, especially in a dinner table but it somehow came out as a normal question, somewhere along the lines of 'how are you?' or 'have you eaten already?'.


As soon as they heard what Mr. Jung had said, Krystal and Jessica both dropped their utensils, Yuri’s jaw dropped, Mrs. Jung continued eating like it was nothing while Amber choked on the chicken that she was going to swallow.

“AJ! Omg! Are you okay?” Krystal started to pound Amber's back, scared that her father had indirectly murdered someone on her older sister's birthday. She handed the ‘boy’ her drink.

“DAD! How could you ask something like that at a dinner table?!” Jessica screamed, clearly frustrated.

“What? You can't blame me. We hardly get any boys as guests. And that reminds me, you should start bringing home some. Instead of always hanging out with your... best friend.” Mr. Jung innocently said.

At that, Yuri cleared and looked away with a blank face.

"You're unbelievable..." Jessica muttered low enough for only her to hear.

Krystal stood up from her seat and helped Amber from hers.

“That was really embarrassing, Dad.” Krystal shook her head as she stood up from her seat. After helping Amber from hers, the two excused themselves to 'get away'.


The two decided to settle in one of the rooms at the penthouse suite. Letting her body flop on the comfortable sofa, Amber finally got her break.

“Sorry, the choking was fake. I had to find an excuse to leave that table.” Amber admitted.

“No… it’s okay. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably do the same. I can’t believe my parents did that!”

“It’s fine… I understand. They, uhm, don’t normally get many… guests, do they?” Amber asked Krystal who was now feeling like her relationship with ‘AJ’ will become more distant because of her parents.

“And I guess it's now obvious why we don't bring guests along. Gosh, I hate it when they do that!” Krystal told Amber honestly.

“It’s okay. Maybe they’re just... too eager. And excited.”

There was silence for a while.

'He’s gonna start hating me soon… Thanks Mom and Dad.' Krystal thought as she mentally kicked herself for bringing AJ at the dinner.

'She must think that I’ll avoid her from now on or something.' Amber thought.

“So…” They both said together as pink hues started to form on their cheeks.

“Ladies first.” Amber urged Krystal.

“Uh…" Not knowing what to talk about, Krystal decided to ask about Yuri and AJ's friendship since she was so curious about it. "So how did you first meet Yuri?”

Krystal has been dying to ask that all throughout dinner and now she's finally glad that she said it out loud.

“Hmm…” Amber scratched her head. “What was it? I don't even know when...” she starts talking to herself. “Senior year?” she scratches her head again. “Yeah… it was senior year! Yuri had just transferred to my high school. She..." Amber suddenly burst into laughter.

"Oh my god, you don't even know how much Yuri changed! I mean if you look at her now, all y and confident and outgoing... God, she's nowhere near that back then! Back in high school, she was just a dork with glasses and braces," Amber stopped laughing and smiled warmly. "A dork... just like me. Probably the reason why we clicked instantly."

“So you guys became the best of friends that year I guess?” Krystal asked as she took a seat beside Amber.

“Well, Yuri told me that she transferred to my high school because her parents were actually in L.A. for business and it was gonna be for a few years. By her age, she should’ve been in college already at that time, but the system in the U.S held her back a couple of years.” Amber said as she took a trip down memory lane.

“Yuri, was a total dork then. As I said, braces and all. Nobody wanted to be friends with her because she was that transferee girl with a weird accent. But..." Amber's smile grew wider, "She was just the friend I needed because I wasn’t really popular back in high school you know?”

At that, Krystal gave her an incredulous look.

“Are you serious? You? Not popular? Well, it’s a totally different story now.”

"I guess." Amber nodded.

“Yuri and I clicked instantly. I helped her with English and she helped me with Korean.” Amber smiled again. “She was there for me when I broke up with my first girlfriend, Jenn.” Amber started feeling nervous, telling all these to Krystal now. Because she knew that one day, she’ll actually have to tell Krystal the truth, which was scarier than having Mr. Jung ask her about ion.

“Also, I used to stay at Yuri’s house and so I spend time with her family a lot and they really liked me. So they decided that they’d enroll Yuri in whatever course I was gonna take in college, which was Graphic Design. That dork is a really dedicated individual.” Krystal nodded along with Amber, agreeing with her as she’s seen the work Yuri has put in for the department.

“And she didn’t mind doing whatever course?”

“Yeah. She was pretty happy to be with me all the time, we're inseparable.” Amber laughed. “But... There’s something about her… I don’t even know if your sister knows…” Amber started.

“Omg… what is it? Is it a bad thing? Did she killed someone in L.A.?!” Krystal got worried.

“Calm down, princess, you're overreacting. There's nothing to worry about… What I mean to say was... Yuri’s actually a professional racecar driver.” Amber grinned, proud at her best friend. “She worked part time as a stunt driver in Hollywood. That was to help pay for whatever bills she had. Although, her parents could pretty much afford anything.”

“Wow… Yuri? A racecar driver? I really didn’t expect that. I mean, I saw her car, but I honestly thought that she just likes those kinds of stuff.” Krystal looked very surprised while Amber just smirked at her.

“Honestly, Yuri was the only person I could rely on when my psychotic ex ‘hunted’ me down.” Amber sighed and shuddered at the memory. “Yuri means a lot to me, you know. She's my best friend, and she's my family. But sadly, after our last year in college, her parents announced that they were moving back here. Yuri and I never stopped contacting each other since then. Unfortunately, my psychotic ex was still on my by the time she left. So I had like… three years of hell.” Amber sighed.

“Was that why you… decided to move?” Krystal asked.

“Yeah. Actually it is. I spoke to Yuri one day and let's just say I was nearing to committing suicide. After so much nagging, mostly just me listening, she finally convinced me to just leave everything and start anew here. Yuri took care of everything, my flight, my visa, and my resume while her parents took care of the cover up. Let's just say that AJ Liu just vanished from L.A. without any trace for my psychotic ex to follow. They helped me runaway from that living nightmare.” Amber smiled.

“Now I’m here with you.” She said as she held Krystal’s hand.


Their moment got cut short when Amber’s blackberry rang, carrying a message from Yuri.

Hey, Sica sent her parents off. It’s safe to come out now.

Okay. We’ll be right out.

“Yuri said that your sister had already sent your parents off. We can go out now.” Amber relayed the message to Krystal as she pocketed her phone.

“Jessica sent my parents off?” Krystal asked while Amber shrugged in response. “Maybe more of kicked them out.”

The two came out from the room and walked towards the dining area to see Jessica and Yuri cleaning up.

“Hey, I saved you kids some leftovers since both of you left in the middle of dinner.” Yuri said while handing Amber boxes of food. She was glad that she had managed to convince her girlfriend to bring some plastic containers, just in case.

“Thank Jess… I’m sorry Mom and Dad had to ruin it for you.” Krystal apologized as she side hugged her sister.

“It’s okay. I was expecting it really. I knew they’d be up to something. Just didn’t expect them to drop a bomb on AJ like that. It was actually pretty funny now that I think about it.” Jessica assured Krystal with a chuckle. “Go have your dinner with AJ. I bet you guys are starving. We’ll be having dessert and we’ll be watching a movie later too.”

Krystal went to the kitchen to grab a couple of plates for herself and Amber. Yuri then followed her.

“Hey boss.” Yuri playfully said.

“You do know that it's really unnecessary to address me like that, right?” Krystal sat down on a kitchen stool.

“What? It totally suits you.” Yuri earned herself a death glare from the younger girl. “See? Glares like a boss.” She laughs awkwardly.

“So, what do you want?” Krystal crossed her arms and leaned on the tabletop.

“You're really blunt, aren't you? Well, I just wanted to know how you guys are holding up. You know? You and AJ?” Yuri tried to dig information out from Krystal.

“We’ve been good. Wait, did I sensed an underlying question?” Krystal squinted her eyes at Yuri. “What’s this all about?”

“No, nothing like that. It’s just that… you know? AJ’s my best friend and even he’s not talking to me about this. I just thought maybe... you would?”

“We’re just in a really good place now. That’s all you should know.” Krystal got up and grabbed the plates she came in for. “He’s… the nicest guy I know Yuri and I really like him.” Krystal admitted.

Yuri stared at her with an unreadable expression. Krystal's beginning to get uncomfortable being under Yuri's serious gaze. She's not used to seeing the girl like that, because in all of her years working at Les Chic, she had always been greeted by a dorky Yuri.

“You don’t just like him do you?” Yuri finally talked. “You love him.”

Krystal cheeks turned to a slight tint of pink and she bit her lower lip.

“I…” Krystal looked Yuri in the eyes. “Is it really that obvious?”

“Like I said. I’m AJ’s best friend and I'm proud to say that I know him more than anyone. And you falling head over heels for him is just...” Yuri stopped, unsure of what to say. “AJ’s… a little different and I’m sure you’ve noticed that, right? He's Really nice, really good looking and just, really understanding. Even if he doesn’t, he still tries to.”

“Yeah…” Krystal couldn't do anything but to agree because for one, what Yuri said was spot on.

“That’s his charm.” Yuri walked over and placed a hand on Krystal’s shoulder. “Especially when he likes someone.”

“And you?" Yuri chuckled. "It’s so obvious that there’s something going on with you guys. Holding hands? Touching? Flirting? Hey… we’ve been seeing that for two weeks now, Krystal.” Yuri smiled. “Everyone knows, and I mean everyone.” She teased.

Krystal hung her head low in embarrassment.

“But of course I’m okay with it. I’ve known you for three years now and I think AJ deserves to have a nice girlfriend that can stay with him… well, longer than a year I hope. Although, the last girl lasted a year and a half, though… the last six months didn’t count. She was just plain crazy.” Yuri shuddered. She can still remember her dead laptop and cellphone.

“Is this some sort of a… green light?” Krystal looked at the latter with hopeful eyes.

“Well… duh?” Yuri waved her hands about.

“Thanks.” Krystal smiled. “You’re… like his family. According to him.”

“I am his family.” Yuri swings her arm over Krystal’s shoulders. “C’mon, let's get going. He hates being on an empty stomach.” Then proceeds to dragging Krystal out of the kitchen.

“You should tell me more about him.”

“Why should I when you can ask him everything?” Yuri said.

“Because he doesn’t open up.” Krystal pouted. Seeing her boss react this way, Yuri tried to find a way to help the younger girl.

“It won’t be easy. But now that he knows what he feels for you, he will eventually open up. Just let him be for a while, let him go on his own pace. Don’t worry so much, I see lots of wrinkles on your face already.” Yuri teased. “Give it a month or so. You guys just got to know each other.”

Krystal nodded.



A/N: AND THIS CONCLUDES CHAPTER 2! like finally right? for those who have read this before, just give me a couple more days and I'll update chapter 3. It's already written so....just wait a little while more.

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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)