Chapter 3 Part 2

Les Chic

When they arrived at the apartment, Henry, Kikwang, Minho and Taemin were already waiting in the lobby area.

“We were hanging out in the area.” Kikwang and Henry smiled.

“Yeah. We thought we’d drop by and help you know?” Minho added.

“Thanks so much guys.”

“Okay, so Henry and Taemin, you guys handle the not so bulky items, Minho and Brian with carry the bigger ones. Kikwang, you and AJ will unload the stuffs.” Victoria gave out orders. “Sulli, you help me with the luggages. We’ll bring it up to the apartment first.”

“Guys, the apartment is on the fifth floor. Unit number one. It’s on the right after you get off the elevator.” Sulli told the guys.

“Got it~” Everyone replied.

After twenty minutes, the girls arrived with Lee Joon to help too.

“Tiffany, could you text Donghae and get him to buy some paint.” Victoria asked.

“What colors would you like unnie?”

“AJ said…” She took out her notebook as she took down notes earlier. “Black, Grey and Red. Also, get Donghae to buy some white color markers too.”

“Okay. I’ll get right on it.”

After thirty minutes, everything was moved up into the apartment. Donghae arrived together with Siwon and Leeteuk after their dinner.

“Here you go Victoria. Got all the paints and brushes and what not that’s needed.” Donghae walked over to Victoria with all the bags in his hands.

“Okay. AJ, Henry and Donghae will paint the walls that AJ thinks needs painting. Brian…you, Siwon and Lee Joon will unpack everything that are in the boxes. Taeyeon, Tiffany and Hyoyeon, you girls will help Sulli and I with AJ’s luggages. Minho, Kikwang and Taemin, you’ll handle the kitchen. Everyone understood.”

“Yeah umma!” they replied.

“So AJ, where do you want to start painting first?” Henry asked.

“Let’s start with my room.” Amber said as the three of them moved everything into Amber’s new room.

Once they laid everything down, Donghae poured the black paint onto the tray and dipped the brush in. by , they slowly covered one wall.

“Phew. Now that is done…anywhere else?” Donghae asked.

“This small wall too.” Amber pointed to the tiny space she was going to use as a chalkboard for ideas or thoughts. “I think I can do it on my own.”

“Hey no…let me paint it. I like painting.” Henry said.

“I never knew Henry…” Donghae looked at the younger boy as he found out something new from his colleague and team member.

Henry immediately picked up the extended rollers and started painting down the wall. Just then, Siwon and Lee Joon came in with furniture.

“Woah…I didn’t buy this…” Amber said.

“Nope. But Brian did.” Lee Joon told her.

“Wow. Thanks homie!”

“What are homies for right? Take this as my welcoming gift and also a very late gift for a your first project well done. The runway show went awesome because of you.” Brain patted Amber’s back.

Slowly, shelves, tables and an LCD TV was also moved into the room. Brian had gone all out for a homie.

“Oh guys, one more place to paint black before we move on to grey.” Amber brought the other two guys to the kitchen. “I kinda want the top to be black but I’m not tall enough to paint it.”

“Leave that to me.” Donghae said as he took the roller out of Henry’s hands.

Once they were done with the kitchen, they moved onto the small bedroom and got to painting the walls grey.

Meanwhile, the girls were helping Amber sort her clothes up.

“This kid has tons of clothes and footwear.” Hyoyeon complained.

“The number of highcuts she has in here is my entire shoe collection.” Tiffany said.

“Seriously?” Sulli looked at Taeyeon.

“I think she brought all her shoes from L.A.” Tiffany chuckled.

“Baby. You didn’t do that when you moved here.” Taeyeon turned to face Tiffany.

“I would’ve if I had known I was gonna fall for you and live here forever.” Tiffany leaned in for a kiss that Taeyeon was more than happy to give.

“Oh please guys. Can we just focus here?” Hyoyeon complained once again.

They then returned to sorting out the clothes. It took them two hours to get everything up and tidy. Tiffany even took out her perfume and sprayed it around the room because it smelled of paint and that wasn’t welcoming.

They exited the room and helped the rest outside sort things out. It was only about six-thirty that everyone had finished with their job. They gathered in the living room.

“Thank you guys for helping me out here. Just with a text message and you’re here to help. I really appreciate it very much. I’ll treat you to dinner next week after work okay?” Amber told her colleagues.

“OKAY!” The girls cheered loudly.

“We’ll be making a move first okay?” Minho and Taemin held hands and was ready to leave.

“Us too.” Kikwang and Henry said.

“Yeah. Speaking of which, I have a date with Hyukkie tonight at the movies.” Donghae suddenly remembered. “I have to go home and change.”

“We’re meeting the other guys to go to a ball game.” Siwon and Leeteuk said together.

“Okay. Thanks so much for helping. Minho hyung, Henry hyung and Donghae hyung, I’ll see you guys at the gym same time next week. Taemin, teach me that move again okay?” Amber nudged the skinny boy. “The rest of you girls gonna leave too?”

“I have a date with the dance studio.” Hyoyeon said.

“We…have our house to be at.” The TaeNy lovebirds said.

“Okay. I’ll see you guys on Monday then. Lunch on me.” Amber said.

Not before long, only Brian, Sulli and Victoria were left.

“So what’s this…house warming party that all of us have been working for the whole day for?” Amber asked out of curiosity.

“You’ll see in twenty minutes. Now go and take a shower. You’re beginning to stink.” Victoria said as she pushed Amber towards her room.

“I’ll make my move then. Don’t want to stink this place up further.” Sulli chuckled then waved goodbye.


“Okay. Krystal will be here any minute. You think she’ll like this place?” Victoria asked Sulli.

“Of cause umma. It’s all our hard work here. Plus…AJ’s staying here. They REALLY like each other.”

Amber came out of her room looking freshened up and dressed nicely too.

“You look good hyung!” Sulli complimented Amber.


“Okay I need to run down to my car to get some stuffs. Ssul, stay here and entertain her.” Victoria said the moment she received Krystal’s message.


When Victoria spotted Krystal at her car, she walked over and gave the younger girl a hug.

“In a hurry to find a house I see?” She said to Krystal.

“Yeah. Well…personal problems that I cannot seem to solve.” Krystal shrugged the question off. “So you said you have a house in mind?”

“Yeah. Come on. Let’s head upstairs.” Victoria guided Krystal.

“So this place is affordable right?” Krystal asked while in the elevator.

“Well…you’ll see. It’s a three-bedroom apartment with kitchen and living room space plus two bathrooms.”

“That’s a lot of space for one person to live in.” Krystal looked over at Victoria. “Sounds expensive too.”

“Depends on how you see it. Well, just come in and you’ll get the picture. The place has already been furnished and painted. Looks simple and chic. There’s this…certain flavor to the house that I believe you’ll love.”


To: Ssulbaby

From: mama

Subject: Keep AJ in the room till I say it’s safe to come out.


Victoria flashed Krystal her pearly whites.

“Why do I get a feeling you’re up to something umma?” Krystal said.

“Oh it’s nothing~” Victoria shrugged the suspicion off.


They reach the fifth floor and Victoria took the keys out from her bag and opened the door.


“Wow. This place looks amazing!” Krystal said. “The kitchen looks fantastic!”

“Told you that you’ll love this place!” Victoria beamed.

“Did the house already look like this?”

“No. It just got done up. Literally like minutes before you came in.” Victoria told Krystal who looked amazed by the outcome of the house.

“The style does look familiar though.” Krystal said as she walked into the living room. “Like AJ’s style.” Victoria just smiled awkwardly.


“Sulliver…are you really gonna keep me hostage in my own room?” Amber stood up impatiently. “I wanna go grab something to drink!” She whined.

“But umma said to stay in here for awhile.” Sulli tried to convince Amber to stay put.

“What if I had to pee?” Sulli then looked around.

“Maybe we should build a bathroom in here.” Sulli suggested.

“I’m going out.” Before Sulli could stop Amber, the tomboy had already reached the doorknob and already opened the door.




“So as I was saying…” Victoria’s sentence got cut off when Amber came out of the room that she clearly told Sulli to keep Amber in.

“AJ?” Krystal looked surprised to see her ‘boy’ standing in front of her.

“Krys?” Amber, equally as shocked, couldn’t take her eyes off Victoria. She now understood why the older girl wanted her to pretty up the house.

Because Krystal was the guest.

“What are you doing here AJ?” Krystal asked Amber but kept her eyes on Victoria.

“I live here now. This is my new home. Victoria found this place for me. But it’s a little big for one person to live in.” Amber said as she sat down on her couch.

“You live here? Umma, you said that this place…”

“Because Krystal, you wanted to look for an affordable place and you, AJ, you’re new to Korea, so who best to live with than with each other?” Victoria came up with an excuse on the spot.

“Well…you have a point umma.” Amber agreed to Victoria’s excuse.

“Yeah…but I’m not too sure” Krystal spoke honestly.

“I don’t wanna force you into it.” Amber reasoned. “But I can promise you that I’ll take care of you. You should know that the best.” She winked at the girl who blushed and tried to look in the other direction.

“It is a nice place and it’s definitely good to live with someone I know. It saves the rent too.” Krystal spoke her thoughts out loud. “Oh umma…you really took me by surprise today.”

“To tell you the truth Krystal…this place is being paid by Les Chic.” Victoria told the younger girl.

“Omg. Seriously?” Krystal looked at Amber then over to Victoria. Both of them nodded at her. “Which means…”

“You don’t have to come out with a single cent.” Amber beamed at her boss.


“Take it?” Amber completed Krystal’s sentence.



A/N: Well, I meant to post this earlier, but I've been experiencing problems with aff so whatever I've tried posting, never got posted. I'm just lucky aff is working for me tonight :D *cross my fingers*


Enjoy some Les Chic!

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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)