Chapter 4 Part 1 and 2

Les Chic

It’s been two weeks since Krystal had moved in. Everything has been going smoothly for them. Which wasn’t the way Yuri had planned it.

After lunch one day, Yuri popped by the tomboy’s table when their boss was out running errands.  Propping her hand on the table, she started questioning her best friend.

“So…how’s life with your new housemate?” Yuri started. Tuning in to every word her best friend was gonna say.

“Hmm…The two weeks with her has been better than our four years together. It was utter bliss to tell you the truth.” Amber grinned.

“HOW COULD YOU COMPARE YOUR TWO WEEKS WITH HER TO OUR FOUR YEARS TOGETHER! AND YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY BEST FRIEND! OH…MY LIFE…MY HEART!~” Yuri dramatically whined. Amber chuckled in her corner before bursting out in laughter.

“Amber Josephine Liu. You’re gonna regret that.” Yuri turned around to stomp off when Amber grabbed her by the wrist.

“What did you really wanna talk to me about?” Amber curbed her laughter and looked seriously at Yuri.

“Did you decide to test her?” Yuri asked.


Amber’s POV

‘Test her or something.’

Yuri’s words keep ringing in my head. HOW THE HELL AM I GONNA GO THROUGH WITH IT?! I won’t be able to live with myself if I hurt her.

I don’t even think I can bear seeing her cry. The last time that happen, I went all-weak. It’s gonna be so damn useless. One look, one pout, one glare, one tear from that girl and I cave.

Amber Josephine Liu…how can you be so weak?!

Oh right…only Krystal Jung is able to do that to you.

I need to grow some balls.

Just then the devil herself broke my train of thoughts. She had walked into our office after running some errands earlier.

“Hey. Ready to go home? I just finished everything that I needed to do. You done yet?” She asked casually.

“Yeah. I’m done. I’m so tired today.” I faked a yawn.

“Alright let’s go home so that you can get a warm shower.” Krystal said as she picked up some of her stuffs and waited for me.

Me on the other hand, just watched as she moved around.

“Are you going? Coz once I go home, I’m not coming back here to pick you up you know?”

“But…I’m feeling so lazy today Krys…” I tried to put on a cute smile.

“Come on…stop being a lazy bum.” Krystal walked towards me and tried to pull me up from my seat, but I wouldn’t budge. “AJ…are you gonna stand up or not?” She warned me.

“I’d like to…but I seriously have…no strength. I think I emptied my energy earlier during the client meeting.” I lied.

“You did do well during that meeting. But I really need you to get your off the chair and down to the basement with me. I really, really wanna go home.” Krystal pouted a little. I was enjoying myself that I almost forgot my objective in trying to be a bum.

“Help me up please?” I stuck my hand out for her to pull me up.

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes slightly and took hold of my hand.

Just as I saw her try to muster all the strength in her to pull me up, I smirked to myself. I then felt a pull in her direction and immediately, I stood up. But because I stood up partly from her pull and from my own will, we were now standing close to each other.

The gap between us could be sealed anytime.

It felt as though time stood still. We looked each other in the eyes.

“You…could stand up on your own.” She spoke, breaking the silence. “Didn’t seem to need my help.” She cleared and started walking out of the office.


“Yeah?” She turned around when I called her.

“Nevermind. It wasn’t important.” I smiled it off.

“Let’s go. Dinner’s my treat for your good work today.” She continued walking out the door.

I smiled.

I just wonder how long it’ll take me to confess to her. I mean, I know she’s the one without having to put up to Yuri’s crazy tactics. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. So, why not just go with my gut feeling then?


Flashback End


“No…I’m not gonna do anything to her Yul. I’d be crazy if I did.” Amber turned her attention back to her computer screen.

“What? Why!” Yuri flung her arms.

“Just…because.” Amber answered calmly only piss her best friend off further.

“Look. If she really does like me, I think I’ll be the first to know. She looks like the type to pour her whole heart out into a relationship, but it is never shown. Only the person she loves can tell.” Amber continued.

“And you’d know?” Yuri cocked one eyebrow, not convinced by Amber’s answer.

“We live together, work together. What more should I say or tell you to convince you? If she really likes me, all I have to do is wait Yul. Knowing you and your patience, I’m pretty sure you’d be probing me for answers in a few days time.”

“You know me too well…it’s creepy.” Yuri gave Amber a smack on her back.

“It’s creepy you can try to think of ways to find out whether my boss is any good for me. That’s scheming.” Amber looked at Yuri in disgust.

“In my defense, I’m just trying to help my best friend.”

“Help your best friend with what?”

Yuri stood frozen in her spot. Amber silently chuckled behind her table.

“Uh…AJ needed help with uh…some indigestion!” Yuri coughed up an excuse.

“EXCUSE ME?!” Amber stood up from her seat. “I do not have indigestion! You’re the one with indigestion YUL…”

“Yuri, I suggest you get back to work. There’s some stuff that Photog needs help with. Could you please run over to their floor to assist?” Krystal gave out her orders before going back to her seat.

Yuri bolted out from the room and left Amber and Krystal in the midst of their awkward silence.


“Don’t worry about it. The…indigestion. Next time, you can just ask me for the medication. I keep them in my drawer here.” Krystal blushed slightly. Amber got the hint and walked over to her boss.

“I…really don’t have that problem Krys…but, I’ll take care of you when you’re not feeling well. Just…tell me and I’ll do everything to make you better.” Amber went on bended knee.

“Thanks…I…didn’t mean for that part of myself to leak…but…now you know.” She smiled nervously.

“Don’t worry about it. I want to know everything about you.” She took Krystal’s hand and gave it a little squeeze. “Besides, Yuri was just trying to be a prick and brought up past memories of my school years with her.” Amber lied. “She…has her ways of…you know…being a jerk.”

Krystal laughed.

“That’s your best friend you’re talking about.”

“Well...maybe that’s why I can call her anything I want.” Amber laughed.


After living together for almost a month, it was hard for both Amber and Krystal to deny the feelings that they felt for each other. Days spent together in their home seem to pass slower and slower.

Everything was about to change. Today was the day. No more waiting.

It’s a Friday and work was slowly clearing up for Krystal as they had just finished a project for Coming Step. All that was left to do was report and send the layouts to Prints.

Towards the end of the day, Krystal told AJ that she was going to head home first because she was feeling unwell. Amber advised her to stay at the guest rooms in Les Chic just in case she felt worse on the journey home. Plus she was driving.

Amber who couldn’t bear seeing Krystal suffer, told the girl to take the last thirty minutes off. She went out of their fishbowl office and walked towards Yuri’s table.

“Sup dude. What’chu need now?” Yuri said without even looking up at her best friend.

“Could you send Krystal home? She’s not feeling well and I don’t want her fainting behind the wheel.” Amber leaned against the tanned girl’s table.

“What’s in it for me?” Yuri finally looked up with a cocked eyebrow.

“Fine…dinner’s on me tomorrow night.” Amber sighed. ‘She’s an extortionist.’ She thought to herself.

“Deal!” Yuri stood up and shut her laptop while grabbing her clutch bag and keys then her coat that was hanging on the coat stand. “So I leave now?” Amber nodded.

“Meet me at the Carpark. I’ll bring her down. She looks like she wants to finish some stuffs first.” Amber instructed her friend. Yuri nodded and walked towards the elevator. Amber on the other hand, walked back to the fishbowl office.

“Hey. Where did you go?” Krystal looked up at Amber.

“Went to find Yuri. She’s gonna take you home. I’ll cover here for you. You go get some rest. I’ll make dinner for us tonight okay?”

“Huh? Wait. You’re gonna make dinner for us tonight? The last time I remembered you making dinner for any of us, I ended up sleeping in the bathroom for a night. I’m already sick. Please don’t make me suffer more.” Krystal said as she fakes a cough.

“Okay. Then, I’ll order in for us okay?” Amber said gently. “Now, pack up. Yuri’s waiting in the car for you. I’ll bring you down.

Amber then proceeds to pack up all of Krystal’s stuffs and even grabs the girl’s jacket before Krystal could move and do anything.

“Come on. Go home and rest. I’m not used to seeing a sick princess. Princesses should never fall sick.” Amber joked. Holding on to everything Krystal, she hits the button of the elevator and waited patiently.

“How long has it been since we’ve known each other?” Krystal asks Amber randomly.

Thrown off guard by the question, Amber looks at Krystal with an unreadable expression. “Uh…”

‘Cute.’Was all Krystal thought when she examined Amber’s confusion. “How long?”

“Eighty two short days.” Amber recovered from her puzzled state. “Emphasis on the SHORT.” She added charmingly.


The elevator doors opened and Amber assisted Krystal in, afraid that she would pass out anytime.

“So it’s been eighty two days huh?” Krystal said. “Feels as though we’ve known each other longer than that.”

“I totally know what you mean. It feels as though I’ve known you my whole life.” Amber added.

“Why didn’t we get to meet each other earlier?” Krystal questioned herself out loud. Amber looked down at her boss and smiled.

“It’s okay. At least we meet now.” Amber said causing Krystal to blush rapidly. Noticing the pink hue on Krystal’s cheeks, Amber chuckled. “Talking to yourself again?”

Krystal nodded and then hung her head low in embarrassment.

“It’s okay. Don’t have to be shy about it. I like it when you talk to yourself. Out loud.” Amber whispers into Krystal’s ear causing the girl to go weak in the knees.

“Stop teasing me, AJ.” Krystal shoves Amber aside.

“Sick but strong like a bull.” Amber teased again, this time earning a deadly glare from the princess. “Sorry.”


The doors opened and she walks Krystal to Yuri’s Lamborghini. Amber then opens the door and waited for her boss to step in and sit comfortably before closing the door.

Leaning on the window seal, she popped her head in a little to speak to the driver.

“Make sure she gets home safely. Please drive carefully too. Don’t think cause you’re a stuntwoman in your previous profession means you can drive like some maniac on the road. I want to see her at home when I’m done. Any cuts on her, you’re the first I’ll go after Yul.” Amber warned.

“OMG. You sound like some old lady talking, AJ. Drop the act and get a room you two.” Yuri shot Amber a look but got one in return from her friend that said ‘When I see you tomorrow, you’re dead’.

“You’re only allowed to drive at seventy. The most.” Amber got back at Yuri by setting the speed limit for her best friend.

“WHAT! You know I’ve never gone THAT slow!”

“That or I do the driving and you can do all our work for us.” Amber threatened. Yuri gulped and slowly came to terms with their agreement. “Good. I’ll see you at home okay Krys?”

“Yeah. See you at home.” Krystal smiled weakly at Amber.

“Okay. You can go now.” Yuri chased her best friend away. “I’m gonna drive off now!”

She revved up the engine and started to drive off slowly.

“God…the things I do for that loser.” She muttered under her breath but didn’t go unnoticed by Krystal.

“Look Yuri. I’m not actually sick.” Yuri immediately turned and stared at Krystal like the girl grew two heads.


“Oh quit being so dramatic Yul. I’m doing this so that…I can confess to AJ tonight.” Krystal immediately went silent after telling Yuri her plan. 

“Oh.” Was all Yuri could reply.

The drive back to Amber and Krystal’s apartment was awkward and silent, Yuri didn’t know what to say about Krystal’s big plan to confess to Amber while Krystal didn’t know how to set things up to confess to Amber.

“Does he…” Krystal started. Yuri took a quick glance at Krystal. “Does he like romantic things?”

“Uh…” taken aback by the sudden question, Yuri quickly thought to herself if her best friend really liked romantic stuffs. “Well, it depends on the person he likes. Do you like romantic stuffs?” Yuri asked Krystal the same question.

“Sometimes. I just don’t really fancy it when it becomes cheesy like that.” Krystal answered carefully. Afraid that Yuri would go running to her sister telling her everything that Krystal liked and disliked because she wasn’t really one to show all feelings and emotions and wear them on her sleeve like a lot of people in Les Chic

AJ likes cheesy. Sometimes.” Yuri laughs. “It can get ridiculous too. But I’m sure whatever it is you’re planning for him, he’ll love it because he loves you.” Yuri told Krystal honestly. “When AJ loves, it’s with his whole being. It’s good you chose tonight.”

‘So I guess he’s romantic after all.’ Krystal thought with a smile on her face.


After arriving back home, Krystal immediately changed into something more comfortable then started running around the house like a headless chicken finding things and cook books and setting up the dinner table.

Everything had to be set by 7 that evening.


Krystal’s phone sounded, carrying a message from Amber.


From: AJ Baby

Subject: Hey I’m gonna be running late. Will be home at about 8-ish? Give or take. If you’re sleeping when you get this, good. If I find you awake, you’re so gonna get it from me. Just kidding my princess! J


Krystal then released a sigh of relief. It gave her an hour and a half to get everything done. She called up last the person she should be calling at this moment.


Ten minutes later…

“HEY GURL~” Key said in his oh-so-flamboyant tone. “So you need my help tonight?” He invited himself in the moment Krystal opened the door for him. He came with two huge bags in hand and barged into the house. 

“Uh…yeah.” Stepping aside as the flamboyant gay boy entered. “I kinda need help with something. And I couldn’t think of anyone else to ask. You just happened to pop up in my head.”

“So what is it? Wanna get together with a girl and not let anyone else know?” Key chuckled. what he meant was AJ.

“NO!” Krystal glared at him. “IF you’re going to keep going at that, you know where the door is. You’re welcome to leave anytime.”

“Jeez, was just kidding with you. Who are we talking about here? AJ?” Key pretended to ask since everyone in Les Chic knows that there’s something going on between Amber and Krystal.

“Yes. AJ. Look…I really need your help to make this place look as romantic as possible. But not over the top because then he would know that I’ve gotten help from someone. I just want it to be believable. I just want everything to be honest and from my heart.”

“Aww…so sweet…” Key started playing the scene of Krystal’s confession in his head.

“Uh…hello? Key?” Krystal snapped him out of his imagination.

“Okay. First, we’ll have to settle the menu for tonight. Second, the settings for the dining area, lastly, the speech. That’s my three tips. A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. So what’s cooking?” Key eyed Krystal who looked nervous. “You have cooked before right?”

“Yeah…I just don’t remember the last time I was in a kitchen doing the cooking alone…” Krystal answered with guilt laced in her voice. “But I am very good with baking…”

“Okay. Then we shall do baked pasta. I happen to know that you’re in love with beef so, I actually brought the meat along for your menu tonight. Let’s see. For appetizers, we’ll have a Shredded Tex-Mex Salad with Creamy Lime Dressing. Followed by the main course, which is Penne with Five Cheeses. You won’t ever go wrong with cheese. That will be served together with Beef Hash, topped off with Red Wine that I happened to bring along. For dessert, Spicy Grilled Mangoes with Crema.” Key looked proud of himself with coming up with the night’s menu. Krystal looked worried.

“Don’t worry, I’m actually really good in the kitchen, that’s how I got JjongJjong to be my boyfriend after I cooked up a storm.” Key said as he threw his frilly pink apron on. “You just help me with the salad then off you go to set up the dining area.”

For the first ten to fifteen minutes, Krystal helped in the kitchen, then Key shooed her out. She then started clearing the table in the living room area. The good thing about being housemates with Amber was that things were always kept neatly. Lucky for Krystal, their living room space looked simple and chic. All she had to do was the lightings. She went into her room and pulled out some candles that she’ll light closer to the time Amber comes home. In the mean time, she checked the bags that Key brought along. Inside were all sorts of table clothes.

Scratch that, he probably took some of the cloths from his department. They looked expensive but Krystal couldn’t care less in this circumstance. She draped them over the little table in the living room and also draped some on the sofas. She stood up and walked back to observe the living room. She then went into the storage room and brought out the futons she and AJ bought on their last furniture trip but never got around to use them since both loved the couch too much to move to their carpeted flooring.

She then moved to turn on the air conditioning. Then walked into the kitchen to search for wine glasses. Glad that AJ and herself had labeled all their cabinets in the kitchen, it made searching for things easier. After finishing up with the final touches, she dims in the lights in the living room and goes back to the kitchen to help Key finish up.

“Almost done.” Key said as he placed the Grilled mangoes in one oven, while the pasta and the beef went into another oven to stay heated up. “You can serve them once AJ gets in. Salad’s in the fridge, the crema for the mangoes are also in the fridge. Looks like I’m done here.” He washed his hands and took off the apron and checked out the living room. “Nice job Jung. I’m sure he’ll love it.” Key smiled at Krystal. “Okay I better get going before he comes home and everything will be ruined. Remember…my last tip is the speech. So make sure, you nail it!”

“I will. I’m sure I will.” Krystal said confidently. “Key…thanks…so much for helping me out the moment I called you. I really owe you.”

“It’s okay. It’s because of you, that JjongJjong learnt to become a better boyfriend to me, I should thank you and AJ for that.” Krystal gave the gay boy a hug.


“Anytime. I think you should get dressed soon.” Key pointed out. Krystal nodded. “I’ll let myself out. Go, go!”

While Key let himself out, Krystal quickly walked into her room and chose outfits quickly and went to shower. She had exactly, ten minutes to fix her make up and hair. But she didn’t want it to look so formal because this confession was done at home and it should be casual.

After her shower, she jumped into a pair of hot pants and a graphic tee with a cardigan and waiting on a chair in the kitchen for Amber.

Less than five minutes later, Amber walked through the door. She stopped short when she saw the sight before her. The scent had also hit her nose and she heard her stomach grumble immediately.

Dimmed lightings, candles lit, wine bottle on the table. But where was Krystal?

“HEY KRYS…I’m home!” Amber said as she took off her shoes and placed her keys into the fruit bowl they used to keep important items. “Where are you?”

“Here. Go take a shower. Dress casually. Dinner will be served shortly.” Krystal appeared next to the tomboy.

“Something special tonight?” Amber asked.

“Just go shower.” Krystal pushed Amber all the way into her room.

While her crush went to take a shower, Krystal immediately took out plates and what not and placed food on them and bringing them to the dinner table. She then sat down and waited for AJ to join her.

She didn’t have to wait long as Amber showered like the speed of light and before she knew it, the tomboy was dressed in jean berms and a graphic tee as well. She took her seat opposite Krystal.

“Wow. You did all these?” Krystal nodded. “You didn’t have to out do yourself Krys. Aren’t you sick? You feeling better?” Amber bent over the table to check Krystal’s forehead.

“I’m fine. Not sick anymore. Come on…dig in. I’ve got something for you later.” Krystal smiled.


After dinner, Amber helped wash up while Krystal retreated into her room to retrieve her gift for Amber.

“Hey…dinner was fantastic. I especially loved the dessert.” Amber praised Krystal who smiled shyly.

“Here AJ. I got this for you.” She handed Amber a bag. Amber sat down on the couch and started opening her gift.

It was a box wrapped neatly. Not wanting to rip the nice wrappings, Amber cautiously peeled the tapes off. Inside the box laid a Red Sox NEWERA cap and another box which held a necklace with a steel cross.

“Omg…” Amber was shocked to see the gifts. “You…bought the cap that I almost bought yesterday. How did you…” She looked up at Krystal.

“I actually, wanted to buy that for you weeks ago when I saw it. I guess I really know your taste.” Krystal replied.

“AJ, Happy birthday.”

“How did you? I didn’t even tell you…” Amber was surprised.

“Yuri told me.” She answered. “…actually I have something to say to you.” Getting more nervous, she started biting her lip.

“What is it Krys?” Amber asked as she placed her presents aside.

“I’m in love with you. And from the day of my accidental confession, I grew to like you more. To the point that I realized that it was love. Not just any crush.” Krystal started. “I don’t know if you feel the same but I just wanna give it a shot. You won’t believe how much I love you because there’s no way I can put it to words. So I only wish to show it to you. I chose tonight because it’s a happy occasion and celebrating love is also a happy occasion. Because I love you this much.” She paused for a while.

“Would you please be my boyfriend, AJ?” She finished off.


Amber stood there, shocked by the words that came out of Krystal’s mouth.

‘She beat me to it.’ Amber smiled as she thought.

“I…” Amber began, trying to find the right words to say. “I should be saying all those to you Krystal. Not the other way around. I should be doing all these for you. Not the other way around. I should have been the first to make a move, not the other way around.”

“What I’m trying to say is that, you mean the world to me Krystal. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re that balance in my life right now. Even in all the craziness we go through daily, having you by my side, I feel safe and at peace.” Amber took Krystal’s hand in hers

“Yes. I’d like to take the next step with you. Yes, I wanna be your boyfriend.” She then pulled Krystal into a hug.

“Thank you for loving me back.” Krystal was in tears. “I thought I’d never…see this day come.”

“Hey…don’t cry…” Amber wiped the tears away. “I’d love it if you never cry again. I promise, I’ll never make you cry. I’ll only make you laugh and smile because I want you to live longer and healthier. No wrinkles or white hairs for a long time to come.” Amber kissed Krystal’s forehead. “Okay?”

“Okay.” Krystal proceeded to wiping the rest of her tears away.

“I love you Krystal.”

“I love you too.” Krystal told AJ as they close their distance and sealed their night with a kiss that has been one too many days overdue.



A/N: OKAY! WHO'S GONNA PARTY NOW THAT KRYBER ARE FINALLY TOGETHER?! after many chapters and parts, they're finally together. Sorry I didn't update this fic in a while. I have a lot to write. I'm updating 5 fics....HAHA!

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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)