Chapter 4 Part 5

Les Chic

Just before lunch, Amber happened to sit up and stretch when she saw the head of Photog make her way over to the fishbowl office. She knew this was about the bet. Yuri must’ve told her.

Just like she had imagined it in her head, Sooyoung came storming in and had her arms folded in front of Amber’s table. Standing tall, her left eye slightly twitched before she spoke.

“Yuri…told me the news this morning…” She started. “You bet cause you knew you’d win…didn’t you?” She slammed her hands on Amber’s table. The tomboy jumped a little from the shock Sooyoung caused.

“No…” She tried to sound as convincing as possible.

Sooyoung stayed in that position for a while before standing up and reducing her eyes to slits. She then pulled out a huge wad of Won from her back pocket and threw it on the table.

“You may have won now…but this isn’t over pretty boy…there are more in the future and you better make sure you take part because this money you just earned, ain’t coming easy…” Sooyoung immediately took her leave.

The tension in the room suddenly cleared and both of them could finally heave a sigh of relief.

“Omg…that was…scary…” Krystal said.

“Is she always like that?” Amber said as she wiped the sweat on her forehead. She then picked up the cash Sooyoung left behind. “Wow…there must be at least a thousand dollars here…it’s seriously thick!” Amber exclaimed as she held out the bills to her girlfriend.

“Really? Should we count?” Amber started untying the cash and separated the bills. “Here, you take the 50,000 bills. I’ll take the rest.”

“Wow…it really is a lot…no wonder Sooyoung unni seemed pissed. Maybe she bet a lot on us…” Krystal said as she split the money.

“She did…” Amber said as she placed the 10,000 won together. “Like a few hundred thousand won…I think…”

“Ouch.” Was all Krystal could reply.

“Maybe, I can set aside a certain amount and we can use that for a department dinner? You know, we haven’t done that yet since I came.” Amber suggested.

“That’s a pretty good idea. I don’t want the other guys to have a bad impression on you. You know? Maybe we can invite some of the other guys from the other departments too.”

“What about Sooyoung noona? She might take it as we’re using her money…”

“Well, we’re still using her money one way or other…”

“Good point. Or maybe, let’s just have a department dinner. To be safe. I don’t want to die just yet. I’ve only been with you for two days.” Amber admitted.

“You’re so cute.” Krystal pinched Amber’s cheek. “Could you go tell the rest that we’ll have the dinner tonight then?”

“Okie dokie princess!” Amber leaned forward and place a kiss on Krystal’s cheek before skipping outside to tell the rest of her colleagues about the dinner.


“So with the money we used to place a bet on you guys, we’re gonna have a department dinner?” Hyoyeon whined. Amber just nodded.

“Well, I’m just glad I betted really little. Too bad for Sooyoung cause she placed like…what? Three million won on ‘Sleeping with each other’.” Brian laughed.

“That’s cause she’s erted like that!” Taeyeon exclaimed.

“Yeah! This coming from another ert~” Hyoyeon teased.

“Don’t jump on me like that. You’re just feeling sour cause you bet a lot too.” Taeyeon stuck her tongue out to the fellow choding.

“Really? How much and what did she bet on?” Curious, Amber decided to ask.

“HAH! She bet on ‘Together just for the ’. Now isn’t that erted too?” Taeyeon spat out. “Like seriously…a million won just for that? You’ve got to be kidding me.” Trying to rub more salt in the wound.

“Thanks for the dinner then Hyo~” Yuri joined in.

Next thing they knew, Hyoyeon was throwing markers at both Taeyeon and Yuri. To avoid the ‘war’, the rest of them retreated to their workstations and continued their work. Amber went back to the fishbowl office to see that Krystal had already finished counting their winnings.

“So how much did we make?” She said as she sat down and checked her email while waiting for her girlfriend to answer her.

“You won’t believe it.” Krystal said as she made her way over to Amber’s table.

“Try me.” She said without even looking at Krystal. Just then she saw an email from Joori, titled, Thanks for the bet. She immediately clicked the link and went through the mail with Krystal.


Dearest AJ,


Thank you for placing the bet on ‘Getting together, just wait’. If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have won half the bet! Would you believe that? HAHA!

So I guess Sooyoung has delivered your half of the winnings? We must really thank people like her, Hyoyeon, Gina and Lizzy. Because they were the ones who forked out the most.

Cheers and congratulations to both you and Krystal. May your relationship last long and be strong.

Jung Joori



“Woah…noona won half the bet too?” Amber looked at Krystal in disbelieve. “How much did you say we won?”

“I didn’t…” Krystal swallowed. “We won like…ten million won…”

“OMG!” Amber stood up and hugged her girlfriend. “I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!” she started jumping around while hugging Krystal.

“You know what? I’ll buy you anything you want.” She calmed down and smiled at her girlfriend.

“I don’t want anything. I just want time with you.” Krystal pecked Amber’s lips.

“I love you.” They smiled at each other. “But just to let you know…there’s a war going on out there. Hyoyeon’s killing people.”

“What?!” Krystal turned her attention to the outside of her fishbowl office. “Omg…” She saw chairs being thrown. “Don’t tell me I’ll need to call the janitors…”

“I think we might need to call the medics too…” Amber said.


News spread fast about the new couple and soon everyone in the company knew they were dating. Most people went up and congratulated them, but the few who hated Krystal, started backstabbing them.

“We should just tell Krystal that AJ’s a girl!” said.

That day, the girls gathered at the conference level. In one of the rooms at the very end and corner of the floor, they planned to ruin the relationship.

“You know, we’re all so much better looking than that homophobe, I think we should try to seduce AJ in front of Krystal. That will definitely put a dent in the relationship don’t you think Lizzy?” Eunjung asked the youngest girl.

“Yeah. Or…we can always dig up something from AJ’s past. Exes? Maybe she had some crazy ones that will help us.” Lizzy replied, earning nods from the elder two.

“Okay. We’ll do that. Meanwhile, we’ll start with the seducing. Once we get hold of AJ’s information, we’ll use it against them.” The three ladies laughed evilly. 




A/N: how do you guys like it now? comment comment comment. Don't stop typing! I love reading comments!

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Chapter 30: Update plsss
Alerth #2
When are you updating? :(
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 24: Thanks
Chapter 30: Just so you know I really love this story. I reread it for a few times already. So please comeback if you've got ideas coming to you okay ? Thank you for writing this great story.
Chapter 30: author update's been too long since you update...pls update soon...
ezrasoul #7
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeee......
This is awesome! Up voted! Keke xD I really love how you made hanbyul lead Krystal to the right decision :D
Chapter 30: I really love your story but Im just waiting for you to update D: I wanna know what will happen next, please update soon or I will die waiting D: like with BigBangs comeback haha~~ I really really like your fic, congrats!:) just update soon8)