Cinderella's Fairytale (Chapter 8)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 8



Ryeowook went inside the room bringing two large boxes




Heechul run towards her and help her carry the boxes and put it on their bed


“Where did you get this?”


“The messenger of Lord Jay sends that boxes here”




Ryeowook shook her head and hand her sister a piece of paper


“The messenger told me to give this to you”


Heechul opens the letter and start reading it aloud



Lady Kim,


            I send you two lovely dresses; one for you and for your sister. I want you to wear it later on my birthday celebration. Please My Lady, I’m expecting you to come as well as your lovely sister. It will be my pleasure if I see both of you later and I’ll be happy seeing you again Lady Kim.


                                                                        -Lord Jay of Nakai-




Heechul sigh and sit on the bed; she stares at her sister


“Do you want to come with me later?”


“Do we need to attend the party? We’re going to be an outcast”


“Of course not”


“But that party is for Aristocrats and Royalties”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“Do you think Prince Hangeng will be there?”


Ryeowook nod


“Lord Jay is his best friend”


“How about the evil Princess of South?”




Heechul smile


“Then we shall go at the party”




“Nothing; I just want to see how the Aristocrats and Royalties celebrate a party like this”


“I thought you don’t want to see Prince Hangeng again and you hate his face?”


“Well, I change my mind”


Ryeowook raised her eyebrow


“I have a very nice plan later my dear sister”


“What is it Unnie?”


“He treats us like an insect and even degrades us”


“That’s what will happen to us if we attend the party”


Ryeowook hold her sister’s hands


“Unnie, please don’t be insane”


“YAH! I told you to follow me”




Heechul pulls her sister to sit with her on the bed


“That arrogant Prince will see who he is calling a lower class girl”


“What are you thinking?”


“If he’s a very arrogant Prince and I can’t melt his heart by my words then I shall use my beauty to capture his attention and beat that evil Princess”


Heechul smile devilishly


“If he wants to play, then I’ll give him what he wants. I’ll show that arrogant Prince that lower class people is never an outcast in the society”


Heechul hold her sister’s face


“We’re going to outshine them later”




“Just trust me ok; we’re going to attend the party later”


Ryeowook stare at her sadly


“I don’t want to see Prince Yesung”


“If I were you, just reconcile with your Prince”


“Lady Krystal will be there, I’m just going to see them together”


Tears start forming in her eyes


“I don’t want to go Unnie”


“I’m sorry Wookie but you need to come with me”


Ryeowook shook her head


“So what if you see him with her?”


“It breaks my heart seeing him with her”


“That’s why you need to prove that you’re better than her”


“I’m no match for her”


Heechul stare at her seriously


“YAH!!! How many times do I need to tell you not to look down at yourself? Status doesn’t matter for as long as you have beauty and brain, you can definitely outshine them. Not all high class women are talented and intelligent; they only have money that’s why people look up to them but it’s time for them to realize that money is not important. You’re going with me, do I make myself clear?”


“Do I have any choice?”


“No or else I’m going to hate you for the rest of my life”


“Ok, I’m coming”




Heechul smile and start preparing for the party







The Royal Families and Aristocrats start to arrive at the Pelagia Palace to attend the party of Lord Jay of Nakai. He smile upon seeing the King and Queen of the Northern Land with their two sons


“It’s good to see you Your Majesty”


“Happy birthday”


Sungmin hugs him


“Thanks Your Majesty”


Kyuhyun pats Jay’s shoulder and smile brightly


“Time travels so fast Jay; I expect that you’ll invite us in your wedding soon”


“Let’s not talk about that Your Majesty”


“Don’t be too slow or else Prince Hangeng and Prince Yesung will leave you behind”


Jay smiles at him and excuse his self as he greets his other guests







“Where are you going?”


Heechul smile at her mother


“To Lord Jay’s birthday party”




She shows her mother the invitation


“Wookie and I are invited”


“Do you really need to go there?”


Heechul nod her head


“The carriage from Pelagia Palace will be arriving soon to fetch us”


Teukie stares at them nervously


“Are you going to be ok there?”


“Yes, so please don’t worry about us. We know what to do”


Teukie smile and hugs her daughters


“You guys look so beautiful; a perfect beauty”


“Of course and that arrogant Prince will drool over me later. I’m going to show him who is Kim Heechul”


Heechul smile; Kangin knocks on their room


“My lovely Princesses, the carriage is here”


Heechul hold her sister’s hand and kissed her mother’s cheek


“We’ll be back later”


“Be careful and behave”




Kangin smile at his daughters and give them a sweet hug


“Be back before twelve midnight”


Heechul frown


“We’re not Cinderella”


“Who is Cinderella?”


“It’s a fictional character in the book that I’m reading; she’s a Princess”


“Cinderella or not Cinderella, you will go home before twelve midnight”




“Please take care of your little sister”




“Enjoy the party and behave properly”


“We get it”


Ryeowook wave her hand and follow her sister outside. Heechul gives her parents a flying kiss as the carriage leaves


“I hope that they will be alright”


“Don’t worry because Lord Jay is such a good man and Minnie is there”


Kangin hugs his wife as they watch the carriage leaving the town






Hangeng and Mimi approach Jay who keeps on looking around


“Looking for someone?”


Jay smile at his best friend


“I’m waiting for someone”


“And who is she?”


“My Lady”


Hangeng laugh softly


“Don’t tell me that you’re already dating someone?”


“Not really but I like her”


“I’m sure that she’ll be lucky to be your girl”


Jay smile and look at Mimi


“How’s your preparation for the betrothal?”


“Our parents were the one who takes care of it”


“You better take care of my best friend”


“Of course, I love him so much”


Mimi smile at Hangeng; Jay notice him faking a smile


“I think you guys will be a perfect couple”


Jay teases Hangeng who keeps on flashing a fake smile. Jay’s messenger walks towards him and whisper something on his ear


“Lady Kim and her sister is already here”


Jay smile so brightly


“Please excuse me for awhile Your Highness, my Lady is here with her sister. I need to welcome them”


“No problem”


“I’ll return and introduce them to you”


Jay bows his head and run outside to welcome Heechul and Ryeowook


“I thought you wouldn’t come, my Lady”


“Of course I can’t reject you”


Jay smile and kisses her hand and look at Ryeowook


“You’re so beautiful just like your sister; if only I have a younger brother, I’ll ask him to marry you”


Ryeowook smile shyly as Jay hold her hand and kissed it


“It will be my pleasure to be the of two lovely ladies”


Heechul and Ryeowook smile at him


“Let’s go inside”


Jay hold their hands as he escorted them inside; all eyes are set upon them, whispers can be heard as they set their eyes upon Heechul and Ryeowook who are smiling sweetly while walking with Jay.




Yesung run towards her but he suddenly stop when Henry approach Ryeowook


“May I have the honor to be your my lovely lady?”


Ryeowook look at Heechul who just nod her head; Henry hold her hand to capture her attention


“By the way I’m Prince Henry of Maples”


Ryeowook bows to him


“It’s nice to meet you Your Highness; I’m Kim Ryeowook”


“What a very lovely name”


He kissed her hand and smile at her


“I’ll be very happy if you will be my Princess tonight”


Ryeowook just smile at him as an answer


“I’m going to introduce you to my best friend”


“That arrogant Prince?”


Jay laugh


“Prince Hangeng is not like that”


“He is an arrogant Prince”


“Maybe your first meeting is not that good”


Jay walks towards Hangeng and Mimi


“Your Highness, I’ll like you to meet my lady”


Heechul smile at Hangeng who is staring at her with wide eyes open


“It’s nice to meet you again Your Highness”


She looks at Mimi and smile


“And your fiancée”


Heechul bows her head in front of Hangeng


“What are you doing here?”


“Lord Jay invites me here”


Hangeng stares at Jay who is smiling brightly


“She’s the woman that you’re talking about?”


Jay nod his head happily


“You’re kidding right?”




“She’s my teacher”


“She’s my lady”


Hangeng frown at him; he moves closer and whisper to Jay


“She’s mine”


“Since when?”


“Since the day that I met her”


Jay laughs softly


“Please excuse us for awhile Your Highness”


Jay bows his head and walk away with Heechul; Hangeng follows them with his stare




Mimi tries to catch his attention


“Prince Hangeng”


She holds his face and frowns at him


“Honey, what’s wrong?”


He stares at his fiancée and walks away





Hangeng keeps his eyes upon Heechul who is dancing with Jay


“I think Prince Hangeng likes you”




Jay nods at Heechul


“I hate him”


“As much as you hate me?”


Heechul shook her head


“So you don’t hate me?”


“Why will I hate you? You’re not doing anything for me to hate you”


“Do you want that arrogant Prince to be jealous?”


“What are yo—“


Heechul was shock when Jay kissed her; he looks around and smiles at Hangeng who start staring at him seriously


“What the hell is that?”


“Just go on with the show”







Henry walks towards Yesung and Krystal to introduce Ryeowook


“Prince Yesung and Lady Krystal I’ll like you to meet my lovely lady; Kim Ryeowook”


Yesung stare at Ryeowook


“You never told me that Prince Henry is your boyfriend”


Ryeowook just stare at him


“I’ll be glad seeing you in my betrothal to Lady Krystal”


Yesung kissed Krystal in front of Ryeowook


“I’ll see you around”


Yesung smirk and walk away with Krystal




Krystal slaps him


“Who told you to kiss me?”


“You know why I did that”


“Pabo! If you’re just making her jealous, don’t use me ok”


Krystal frown


“How dare you for making that woman sad?”


“She’s the one who start flirting around”


“You’re jealous”


“She’s mine”


“But you just break up with her”


“She’s the one who break up with me”


“Then chase her back”


“How? She’s already dating with Prince Henry”


“Who told you? Prince Henry is mine”


Krystal pokes him


“Instead of making her jealous because of me, can we just think of a possible way to bring her back to you?”


“Why are you helping me?”


“We’re childhood friends”




“Aish! I don’t want to marry you and you know that”


“We’re just friends ok”


“Of course, that’s why I’m helping you so King Kyuhyun will stop bothering us about our betrothal”


“But Appa will not listen to us”


“But I love Prince Henry”


“Does he love you?”


“Not now but he will soon love me”


“Then what shall we do?”


“You bring her back to you, that’s it”


Krystal stuck her tongue out and left him alone






Heechul was busy talking with Sungmin when someone drags her and pours water on her face


“Damn you !”


Mimi shouts at her


“You’re just a lower class woman!”


She slaps Heechul’s face


“You’re just a beggar! Social climber girl!”


Heechul smile at her


“At least I’m not an evil witch like you”


Mimi was about to slap her but Heechul catches her hand


“I never knew that a girl who came from the Royal Family is acting like an animal. How did your mother raise you? I maybe a lower class girl but my mother teach me to behave and respect people unlike you. You never even know how to give respect, shame on you. A princess who acts like an uneducated woman, I feel pity for your parents”


Heechul smile sweetly as the crowd keeps their eyes upon Mimi and start whispering at each other; Hangeng run towards his fiancée


“Not here please”


Mimi pushes him away and run towards her mother; Sungmin stare at her husband


“Is that the kind of girl that you want for your son? So shameful”


“Shut your mouth”


“Hangeng will never marry that girl”


“He will marry Princess Mimi no matter what happen”


“You have to kill me first before you do that”


“I’ll be the one who will send you to your own grave”


Kyuhyun told her; Hangeng grabs Heechul’s arm and drag her at the corner


“Let go of me”


He gets his handkerchief and wipes her face


“I’m sorry in behalf of my fiancée”


“She’s more arrogant than you”


Hangeng look at her eyes


“Who are you?”


Heechul smirk


“Pretending not to know me?”


“I’m just...”




“I just can’t believe that you’re really Kim Heechul”


“Because you always treat me like an insect. You’re an arrogant Prince and you never consider other people’s emotion”


“Do I need to consider that?”


“Of course, if you want to be a good King you must hear not only your voice and those people who belong to the upper class but you also need to listen to the voice of the lower class people because we are also human and we also have the right to live peacefully in the society”


“Is Lord Jay courting you?”


Heechul just smile at him


“Are you jealous?”


Hangeng smirk


“You’re so confident”


“That’s what you get when you throw the most beautiful woman away from your life. This is the last time that we’re going to see each other Your Highness”


Heechul bows at him and was about to leave but Hangeng hold her arm to stop her


“Yes Your Highness?”


“What if I’m jealous?”


Hangeng kissed her lips and left her speechless

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
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