Cinderella's Fairy Tale (Chapter 23)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 23


Hangeng was standing at the balcony, staring at the sky blankly, thinking about Heechul and their child inside her womb. Sungmin went inside his room carefully to fetch him; the carriage is already waiting for them, the wedding will begin so soon. She saw her son at the balcony, thinking so deeply; Sungmin walk towards him, she stands beside him and look at the sky.


“The weather is great today for you to be lonely”


Hangeng look at his mother


“I’m just thinking about Heechul. I wonder what is she doing at this hour, I want to know if she’s fine because being pregnant is not easy.”


Hangeng drop his head, hiding his tears from his mother


“I want to see her, and hug her in my arms. I want to be with her forever and take care of her. I want to be the father of our child and be there with her when she gives birth to our first born. I want to give our child a better future and complete family”


Sungmin keeps her eyes at the sky


“Time is running sweetheart; you can never bring back what was lost, but you can fight for your destiny. You alone can do it”


“But how?”


Sungmin smile, still looking at the sky


“Use your brain and follow your heart, and you’ll find the answer”


Sungmin pat his shoulder


“You should go downstairs now; Sungie and I will be going at the church first. Your carriage is already waiting for you, the ceremony will be begin soon”


“You’re not going with Appa?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’m no longer his wife and the Queen of the Northern Palace. I already put my crown on my throne. Well, he’s already at the church; he went there with his mistress”




Sungmin smile


“Well, if you have time; try to investigate and you’ll find out who is she. She’s the girl who puts the scar on my face”


Sungmin was about to go but her son hold her arm to stop her


“Yes sweetheart?”


“You don’t need to leave the palace”


“I need to”


Hangeng stare at her sadly


“This is your house”


She shook her head


“My house is the old house near the river, I live at the town and not here. I’m no longer your father’s wife and I’m also not a Queen anymore, so I don’t have the right to stay. I need to go back to my old house”


“But Umma”


“I will be happy to live there again”


Sungmin was controlling her tears from falling


“I’ll live there happily and peacefully, away from your father and to all the painful memories”


“But you’re still Appa’s wife”


Sungmin shook her head


“No, because if he still considers me as his wife, he wouldn’t hurt me like this and he will listen to me”


Sungmin brush her fingers on his face


“Sweetheart, I’m not leaving because I don’t love you and your brother, I’m leaving because I want to live my life peacefully again. I’m sorry if this thing needs to happen in our family, but I do all my best to save it. It’s really painful to leave, but I can’t stand living with Kyuhyun anymore”


Hangeng wipe the tears that fall on her eyes


“But at least stay for me and my brother”


“You can always visit me there, Teukie and Kangin will watch over me. You don’t need to worry, my friends are there to help me, they are my family and I belong there and not here”


“Please stay”


Sungmin just smile at him


“Sungie and I will leave now; you go downstairs if you’re already done thinking. Your decision will change everything, Heechul already done her part; now, it’s your time to decide and do what is right”


Sungmin kissed his forehead and leave the room; Hangeng stare at the sky and takes a deep breath


“I need to do it”


He went inside his room and look at the Red Diamond of Globe Amaranth lying on the table. He stares on it for the meantime before going out of his room to go to the church for his wedding to Princess Mimi of South.






Heechul was lying on the bed, feeling so weak. She wants to die because her heart is still aching, knowing that her husband will be marrying another woman in just a few minutes. Her tears keeps on falling from her eyes when she feels a cold wind, she stares at her watch and notice the time stops.


“Ahjumma, please show up now”


The old woman walks towards her and sit beside her


“Why are you here?”


The old woman didn’t answer her


“You’re the one who sends me here, right?”


She nods at her


“Then you have the power to bring me home”


The old woman stares at her sadly


“Do you want to go home?”


Heechul nod


“There’s no point for me to stay here, my Prince Charming already left me and today is his wedding to that evil witch”


“The battle is not yet over, it’s still about to start”


Heechul smirk


“Well, I don’t want to fight anymore. I don’t care if they will have a very tragic ending. Just let me go home now! I want to go home; I don’t want to stay here anymore! Everything is over! I already do my part, but he’s the one who ruin it because he listens to his father”


Heechul takes a deep breath and rub her tummy


“Tell me what will happen to my baby, when I go back at my own world”


“You will not know until you finish the story”




The old woman stares at her


“I can’t bring you home now”


Heechul raised her eyebrow, controlling her anger towards the old woman


“Why not? If you can bring me here, then you need to bring me back to my own world. I want to go home ok”


The old woman shook her head


“Not now”


“Why? AISH!!!”


The old woman holds her hands


“Because the end of this fairy tale is on your hand”




“You need to put an end to everything”


“What do you mean by that?”


Heechul stare at her curiously


“You already change the history, but it’s up to you how you’re going to end the story”


“Why me?”


“Time is running Heechul, and you’re the only one who can do it”


“I don’t get it”


The old woman smiles at her


“Whatever will happens to you here will determine your happy ending”


“What if I don’t have a happy ending?”


The old woman shook her head


“Of course you’ll have but not here”


Heechul stares at her curiously; she was staring at her face closer, that’s the only time that she stares at her like that. Heechul notice a scar on her face.


“Ahjumma, what happen to your face? You’ve got a scar on your cheek”


The old woman immediately covers her face with her cloak


“Prince Hangeng is waiting for you”


She snaps her fingers and vanished


“Aigoo, where did she go? I’m so confused, how will I end the story? Why do I need to end it? I want to go home now”


Ryeowook went inside the room




Heechul look at her


“Please come here”


Ryeowook sit beside her, Heechul immediately hugs her tight


“Are you feeling better now Unnie?”


Heechul shook her head


“It’s still painful Wookie”


“Don’t stress yourself, you’re pregnant. I’m worried about you and the baby”


Heechul wipe her tears and stare at her


“What time is the wedding of my husband to the evil witch?”


Ryeowook shook her head


“I don’t know Unnie; I haven’t talk to Prince Yesung. We’re not yet seeing each other”


Heechul notice her sad face




“His messenger just told me that King Kyuhyun locked his son in the palace. His soldiers are watching them very carefully, so they can’t go out without his permission”


“That King is really evil”


Ryeowook hold her sister’s hands


“Unnie, are you going to stop the wedding?”


Heechul shook her head


“Why not?”


“Why will I do that? I have my own pride”


“But Unnie”


Heechul shook her head again; tears start to fall from her eyes again


“I don’t care anymore! I hate him! Don’t try to persuade me because I’m not going to stop that wedding no matter what happen”


“Even if you know the real reason why he left you?”


Heechul and Ryeowook stare at the owner of the voice; Kangin was standing at the doorway with Teukie


“Appa, since when did you get there?”


Kangin smile


“Just now, your mother and I are talking outside and we decided to tell you the truth”




Kangin and Teukie enters the room and sit beside their daughters


“Prince Hangeng loves you so much”


Heechul flash a sarcastic smile


“It’s a lie”




“If he loves me, he wouldn’t marry that evil witch. I beg for him, for our child, but he didn’t even listen to me. He still chooses to follow his evil father and marries that evil Princess of South”


Kangin look at his wife, Teukie nods at him


“Well, where do you want me to begin?”




Kangin takes a deep breath


“Please listen to me, you need to know something”


Heechul nod and focus her eyes upon her father while holding her sister’s hand tight


“I’ve been abducted by King Kyuhyun”


Heechul and Ryeowook’s eyes widened


“He tortures his wife and put her at the dungeon then abducted me and put me at the dungeon with Minnie”


Heechul hold her lips


“How’s Queen Sungmin?”


“She’s fine now but she got a scar on her beautiful face”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“Scar? As in scar?”


Kangin nod


“Scar on her cheek?”


Kangin nod again


“Could it be...”


Heechul’s heart start beating so fast


“What’s wrong sweetheart?”


Heechul just shook her head


“What do you want me to know?”


Kangin takes a deep breath before answering her


“King Kyuhyun threatens Prince Hangeng that he will kill us if he will not marry Princess Mimi of South”


Kangin hold her hand


“Your husband gives up his love for you for my sake and for his mother’s sake. He doesn’t want our family to be involved in a chaos, and he just want to protect you against his father.”


“Is that true?”


“Very true, he loves you so much that he gives it up to protect us”


Heechul stare at her father with teary eyes


“Why are you telling me this so late?”


She stares at her watch


“At this time, he’s already married to Princess Mimi”


Kangin shook her head


“You still have fifteen minutes; the wedding is just about to begin”


Heechul stare at her parents; Teukie smiles at her


“Follow your heart sweetheart and be happy with him. Your child deserve to have a complete family”


She hugs her parents as tears keep on falling from her eyes


“Thank you Umma and Appa”


Teukie kissed her forehead and wipe her tears away


“Do what is right”


Heechul nod and look at her sister


“I promise to bring your husband with me later. I’ll give you and each of us their own happy ending”


Heechul kissed her sister’s cheek


“Please wait for me”


Ryeowook nod; Heechul wave her hand and left the house.





Yesung was walking back and forth while thinking of possible ways to stop the wedding. Henry was sitting on the chair, watching him.


“Prince Yesung”


Yesung stop and stare at him


“Are you done?”


Yesung shook his head and sit beside him


“What are we going to do?”


Henry shook his head


“I don’t know, but we need to stop the wedding. Your brother must not marry my evil sister or else our life will be miserable”


Yesung and Henry sigh


“If only Chullie Noona can stop the wedding”


Yesung and Henry stare at each other


“That’s right; we can fetch her and bring her here”


Henry smile at him


“We can’t do that”


“Why now?”


“We don’t want to involve her and the baby here; I mean her life will be in trouble if she came here”


Henry frown


“You’re right, but she’s our only hope”


Yesung nod


“I’m hoping to live with Wookie someday and have a lot of kids, but I guess it won’t happen anymore”


Yesung’s tears start forming in his eyes, Henry pats his shoulder to comfort him. Hangeng arrives at Manchineel Church. Jay immediately approach him, he drags him at the corner.


“Are you sure you want to do this?”


Hangeng stare at him


“Can I ask a favor?”


Jay nod


“Please fetch my wife and her family, bring them in your palace”




“Please look after them, and wait for me there”


Jay nod


“Where is my brother?”


Jay point his finger on Yesung and Henry’s direction


“Jay, I’m counting on you”


“Don’t worry, I’ll do my best”


Jay smile


“I’ll leave now”


“Please hurry”


“I’m sorry because I can’t witness your very dramatic wedding”


Jay laughs to




Hangeng smiles at him


“Arasso, I’ll go now. Please go straight at the Pelagia Palace after your sweet I don’t”


“Just take care of my wife or else”


“I know”


Jay salute at him and run outside; Hangeng walk towards his brother




Yesung stare at him


“We’re going at the Pelagia Palace later”


Yesung stare at him blankly


“I need you to stick with Umma and Prince Henry”


Henry and Yesung just stare at him


“No matter what happen don’t go far away from each other, do you understand me?”


Yesung nod




“Just do it, and trust. I know what I’m doing”


Yesung nod again


“I want you to protect Umma and Prince Henry”




Henry stares at Hangeng


“Prince Hangeng”


Hangeng look at him


“My sister is already here”


Henry points his finger towards his sister


“Just don’t forget what I told you to do”


Yesung and Henry nod at him. Hangeng takes a deep breath and walk towards his bride.






Jay arrives at the Kim’s house with his soldiers and their palace’s soldiers.


“I’m here to fetch all of you”


Kangin stare at him curiously


“Prince Hangeng told me to bring you and Heechul at my palace. We need to leave now before the Northern soldiers arrive. My father just told me before I left the Manchineel Church that King Kyuhyun was planning something evil. He wants to abduct Heechul; he will use her against Prince Hangeng just in case he will runaway during the ceremony”


Kangin’s eyes widened


“But our Heechul just left”




“She went there to stop the wedding”


Jay takes a deep breath


“I’ll go back there to fetch her, please go inside my carriage. We need to leave now before they can capture us, my soldiers and our palace’s soldiers will protect you, let’s meet at the Pelagia Palace. Prince Yesung, Prince Henry and Queen Sungmin will be there too”


Teukie hold Jay’s hand


“Please take care of my daughter”


Jay nod at her


“I’ll promise to bring her at the palace safely”


They went inside the carriage; Jay looks at his soldiers and their palace’s soldiers


“Please take care of them, Krystal is waiting at the palace. Don’t let something bad happen to them”


They all nod at him; Jay salutes and drives his horse to look for Heechul






Heechul sits on the ground while holding her tummy


“It’s so painful”


She takes a deep breath


“Baby, please hang on. We need to go at the Manchineel Church to stop the wedding of your father. Please hang on and help me”


She stares at her watch


“I’m late, the wedding just begin. Prince Hangeng please don’t marry her, please”


Heechul sigh


“How on earth will I reach that church? I don’t even have a horse or a carriage, I’m sure when I arrive there the wedding is already finished. I’m a total failure, my tummy is aching, I hope my baby is safe”


Heechul rubs her tummy


“Please don’t leave us, stay in my womb safely”


Heechul stand up very carefully and heard a familiar voice




Heechul turn around and found Jay riding on his horse


“It’s good that I found you”


Jay immediately jump off his horse


“Why are you looking for me?”


“We need to go”




“Pelagia Palace”


Heechul shook her head


“I’m not coming with you; I need to go at the Manchineel Church to stop the wedding. Prince Hangeng should not marry that evil witch. I’m not going to allow it”


“I know, but we need to go at my palace and wait for him there”


“I will stop the wedding”


Jay holds her arm before she can leave


“Listen to me Lady Kim”


Heechul stares at him


“Your life is at risk; King Kyuhyun wants to abduct you. He will use you against Prince Hangeng just in case he change his mind and runaway during the ceremony”




“You need to come with me; we will go at my palace. Your family is already there, you need to calm down and go with me. I need to protect you, Prince Hangeng will be there and the rest”


Heechul stare at him curiously


“What are you talking about?”


“Just trust him”


Heechul nod


“We need to go now, I’m sure that the Northern soldiers are already looking for you”











Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun were sitting together while smiling brightly


“Our dreams are getting clearer”


Eunhyuk smile at Kyuhyun


“I told you that we will win. I know the weakness of my son, I’m sure that he will follow my command forever because I will use Heechul against him”


Eunhyuk stare at him curiously


“I tell my soldiers to abduct her. Prince Hangeng will be under my control, he will follow whatever I want or else I’ll kill her”


Eunhyuk laugh softly


“You’re really a wise King”


“Of course, our wedding will be next month”


“How about your idiot wife? You can’t marry me unless she’s death”


Kyuhyun smirk


“She’ll die tomorrow”


“And that’s the day that I keep on waiting. I want to see her eyes closed forever”


Kyuhyun hold her hand


“I told you, we will win”


“Because that’s the right thing”


Eunhyuk laugh softly; the priest look at Princess Mimi and smile


“Princess Mimi of South, do you accept this man, Prince Hangeng of North to be your husband?”


Mimi smiles brightly


“I do”


The priest looks at Hangeng and smile at him


“Prince Hangeng of North, do you accept this woman, Princess Mimi of South to be your wife?”


Hangeng just stare at the priest


“Prince Hangeng of North, do you accept this woman, Princess Mimi of South to be your wife?”


Hangeng remains quiet, Mimi looks at him


“Prince Hangeng?”


Eunhyuk look at Kyuhyun


“What’s wrong with him?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Don’t worry I’m sure he’ll say I do or else I’ll kill his mother and that lower class girl in front of him”


The priest asks him for third time, but Hangeng remains quiet. He takes a deep breath and stare at Mimi


“I’m sorry, but you know that I don’t love you”


Mimi’s tears start forming in her eyes


“What are you talking about? Just answer the priest”


Hangeng shook his head


“I can’t, I don’t love you. I don’t want you to suffer, this is not right”


“But you’ll learn how to love me”


“No, Heechul is the only girl that I love and she’s the only girl who holds my heart. I’m really sorry, but I can’t do it. I need her in my life and of course our child”


Mimi holds his arm but Hangeng push her away. He stares at his father


“I’m sorry Appa but I really can’t do it. Heechul needs me and our child needs me too; I need them in my life”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened


“You can’t do this Hangeng, you know what will happen”


Hangeng nod


“I’m willing to fight you”


Hangeng draw his sword and run towards his brother who is holding their mother and Henry’s hand tight.






One of Kyuhyun’s soldiers slash Yesung’s arm




Yesung manage to smile at his mother


“I’m fine Umma, it’s just an arm”


Blood keeps on drifting on his arm, Sungmin rip her cloth and tie it around his arm


“We need to go Umma”


Hangeng help his brother to stand


“I’ll take care of our mother; you take care of Prince Henry”


Yesung nod and draw his sword; Hangeng hold his mother’s hand and pull her closer to him


“What is this sweetheart?”


“We need to go at the Pelagia Palace”


They run at the door but the Southern soldiers and Kyuhyun’s soldiers block their way


“You can’t go anywhere”


Kyuhyun told them; Hangeng face him


“Please let us go”


“Why will I do that?”


“Appa, I don’t want to marry Princess Mimi”


Kyuhyun smile


“Then you need to face the consequences of your stupid action”


“LET US GO!!!”


Kyuhyun order his soldiers to seize Sungmin, but before they can do that, someone stop them. Kyuhyun’s eyes widened upon recognizing the soldiers, a tall handsome man stand beside Hangeng while holding his sword.


“My soldiers will protect you until you reach the Pelagia Palace”


Kyuhyun stare at his nephew seriously


“What is the meaning of this Changmin?”


“I thought you’re wise, but how come you don’t know? Aquidian Palace will support Prince Hangeng of North”


Kyuhyun flash a sarcastic smile


“You can’t do that”


Changmin smile


“Of course I can, I am a Prince and I rule the Aquidian Palace since my father died”


“Why are you doing this? I didn’t do anything to you”


Changmin nod


“I know uncle, but that girl”


Changmin points his finger on Eunhyuk


“Needs to be executed soon, she needs to pay the price for ki—“




Eunhyuk shouts


“I have the evidence Queen Eunhyuk; you’re going to your grave soon”


Changmin look at his cousin


“Please leave now”


Hangeng stare at him nervously


“How about you”


“I’m fine”


He stares at Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk


“They can’t kill me here; a lot of people will witness it. They don’t want to be executed right away, am I right King Kyuhyun and Queen Eunhyuk?”


Kyuhyun clench his fist because of anger


“Alright, I accept my defeat today. You all leave this place peacefully”


He stares at Hangeng


“But we’re not yet over”


“I’m not scared of you”


Hangeng carries his mother on his arm and left the place, Yesung and Henry follows them. Changmin stares at Eunhyuk and give her a deadly glare before following his cousins.








Hangeng and Henry carries Yesung inside the palace, Sungmin and Changmin follow them from behind. Ryeowook run towards him, Yesung hug her tight


“What happen to you?”


Tears start to form in her eyes, Yesung stare at her and shook his head


“I’m fine, it’s just an arm. The cut is not that deep”


“But still”


Yesung kiss her


“I’m fine and I’m happy that you’re here with me”


Yesung embrace her


“We need to go at the sanatorium; the medics need to check your arm”


Yesung nod, Henry helps him stand and bring him at the sanatorium with Ryeowook.




Jay stares at Hangeng


“What will happen now?”


Hangeng stares at them; he takes a deep breath and look at his mother


“Umma, we need to stay here for the meantime”


Sungmin nod; Hangeng look at Jay


“Let’s go at the meeting hall, we need to talk about it”


Jay nods at him


“Where is Chullie?”


“She’s in her room, resting”


Jay answer him; Hangeng look at Kangin


“Appa, can you go with us. We need to talk about a very important matter. King Kyuhyun is declaring a war, we need to talk about the things that we need to do and prepare”





Sungmin went inside Heechul’s room; she run towards Teukie and give her a warm hug


“I’m glad that you’re safe”


Teukie hug her tight


“We’re so worried about you, where are the others?”


“Yesung is with Wookie and Henry at the sanatorium”


Teukie stare at her with worried face


“It happens that one of Kyuhyun’s soldiers slashes his arm, but the cut is not that deep”


“He’s fine?”


Sungmin nod


“Hangeng went at the meeting hall with Jay, Changmin, and Kangin; Krystal is inside her room, taking a rest”


Teukie stare at her blankly


“Kyuhyun is declaring a war”




“He’s insane”


Teukie nod


“We need to prepare for it”


Sungmin nod and stare at Heechul who is sleeping peacefully on her bed


“How is she?”


“The medics told us that she needs to rest for the baby”


“How about the baby?”


“The baby is fine, Chullie must not stress herself”


Sungmin Heechul’s hair gently




Sungmin look at Teukie


“It’s about your scar”


She shook her head


“It will remain on my face forever. This scar will remind me of how evil is the man that I love the most and the girl that I was once called a best friend”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes




Teukie stare at her


“Let’s not talk about it ok?”


She nods at her


“I’m trying my best to forget him”


Tears start falling from Sungmin’s eyes


“It hurts me so bad; I never dream that our family will be like this. I love him so much, but I need to let go because he’s no longer the man that I love before”


Teukie hugs her


“He completely change, and I don’t know him anymore”


“You need to be strong for your children”


Sungmin nod


“Geng and Sungie are the only treasure that I’ve got; they are my strength, and I know that I can live peacefully without Kyuhyun because my sons are there for me”


“We will all give you strength; you just did the right thing, King Kyuhyun had done a lot of troubles into your life and he even dare to exchange you from that ”


Teukie wipe her tears


“Stop crying now, that jerk doesn’t deserve those tears”


Sungmin manage to smile


“Thank you Teukie for being here with me always”


“Don’t mention it, we’re family”


“I hope our grandchild will grow like his father and I hope that Hangeng can give him a good future and protect them until the end”


Sungmin smile and watch Heechul sleeping peacefully.





Heechul was reading a book when someone enters her room.


“Hi Princess, did you miss me?”


Heechul’s eyes widened while staring at the owner of the voice, tears start forming in her eyes


“You’re here”


Hangeng smile and sit beside her


“What happen to your wedding? I try to stop it, but Jay brings me here and told me to wait for you”


“I run away”


Heechul raised her eyebrow


“Run away groom? I’m sure that your evil Princess was already throwing tantrums now”


Hangeng kissed her lips


“I run away because I love you and I realize that I can’t live without you. I need you in my life as well as our child”


Heechul suddenly blush


“Why are you blushing?”


She shook her head


“Do you still love me?”


Heechul hug him tight, her tears start falling from her eyes


“Why are you asking me that? Pabo, of course you know the answer”


“I want to hear it from you”


“I love you, I really do. I want to love you for the rest of my life”


Hangeng smile and hug her tight


“Stop crying, it will be bad for you. The medics told me that you need to take a rest and you must not stress yourself too much. You need to follow, for our baby”


Hangeng look at her and wipe the tears that keep on falling from her lovely eyes


“I’m just happy that you’re here with me. I thought that I’m going to lose you forever”


Hangeng shook his head


“I won’t let that thing happen, we’re going to live happily with our child. I will protect you no matter what happen and give our child a good future. I won’t let anyone hurt you and those innocent people.”


Heechul brush her fingers on his face


“I love you”


“I love you too”


Heechul manage to smile and control the tears that will fall any minute from her eyes. She knows that she needs to return to her own world soon, she wants to stay but it is very impossible because she doesn’t belong in his world. The old woman just sends her in his world to change the history of the book that her mother gives her. Heechul hugs him tight.


“I love you, please don’t forget that. No matter what happen, you’re the only man that I will love”


Hangeng stare at her curiously




“I want you to take care of yourself always and be the best King”


“Why are you telling me this?”


Heechul shook her head and flash her sweetest smile


“I just want to give you advice, just in case you become like your father”


Heechul lied


“I’m not going to follow Appa’s footsteps”


“That’s better”


Heechul kissed him


“Chullie, can we go out? The rest are gathering at the living room, we need to join them because I need to discuss something”


Heechul nod


“Or you just want to stay here?”


“I’m fine, I’ll go with you”




Heechul nod happily; Hangeng hold her hand and smile


“Let’s go?”


Heechul nod while holding on to her husband’s hand tight





Heechul and Hangeng went at the living room to join the rest of the group. Heechul notice them staring at Hangeng.


“What’s going on here?”


Heechul ask them curiously; Hangeng told her to sit, she follows his order and sit beside her sister. Hangeng stare at them, he clears his throat before speaking.


“We are all aware that King Kyuhyun declares a war against us”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“Is that for real?”


Hangeng nod at her; Sungmin stare at her eldest son nervously


“What is your plan?”


He stares at Heechul before answering his mother


“I will fight him alone”


Sungmin shook her head


“Sweetheart, please don’t be insane. You can’t beat your father alone, you know him very well. He will do anything to defeat you, he can kill you”


Hangeng stares at his mother


“But he wants me and I don’t want to involve other people here”


Jay stands up and walks towards him


“This is our battle, you’re not alone”




“Hangeng, don’t be a hard headed boy.”


Hangeng takes a deep breath and stare at them with worried face.


“We can never beat King Kyuhyun’s army. They are strong; Southern Kingdom will all support him”


“Halimeda Palace will support us”


Henry in


“My father’s cousin is the one ruling the Halimeda Palace and she’s mad at my evil mother”


Kangin smile at him


“That’s good, soldiers from Halimeda Palace are well trained because I’m the one who train them”


Henry nods at him


“I already talk with my Aunt; she told me that she will support us if ever King Kyuhyun declares a war”


“Aquidian Palace will support you too”


Changmin told his cousin


“And of course don’t forget the Pelagia Palace”


Lord Tim smile at Hangeng


“There army is still better than us”


“So? We can do it if you will be our leader”


Jay told Hangeng; Sungmin stand up and walk towards her son


“Sweetheart, you need to be our King”


Hangeng nod


“We don’t need to lose hope even their army is big compare to us.”


“Yes Umma”


Kyuhyun arrive at the Pelagia Palace with Eunhyuk and Mimi


“How did you get in?”


Kyuhyun smirk at Jay


“I’m still the King, don’t forget that”


Mimi saw Heechul and run towards her. She raised her right hand to slap her, but Heechul catch it before it landed on her beautiful face


“Not so fast evil witch”


Heechul slap her hard


“I won’t let you hurt me again”


Teukie push Mimi away from her daughter


“Don’t touch my daughter”


Mimi smile at her


“You don’t know who you’re talking to. You’ll regret it lower class woman”


“Of course I know who you are; you’re the evil Princess of South. But you’re not my Royal Highness, so I won’t lower my head to you”


Mimi blush because of anger; Heechul stand up and hold her mother’s hand


“Let me handle it Umma”




“Just let me handle it, don’t worry I’m fine”


Heechul look at Mimi


“You’re really pathetic, shame on you”


Heechul told her and show her ring finger on her; Mimi’s eyes widened while staring at the infinity ring around Heechul’s finger


“You want this? Well, I’m sorry but you can never have it because Prince Hangeng loves me and not you. You’re just a pathetic girl who always chases him, begging him to marry a girl like you. To tell you the truth, my husband has a very high standard in girls and you don’t even pass that standard”


“How dare you talk to me like that?”


Heechul smile at her


“I have the right to talk to you like this, don’t forget that I’m a Princess now; is that the way you talk to a Royal Highness, you suppose to lower your head and bow in front of me, but I guess you’re lucky because Southern people only bows to Southern Royalties”


Mimi was about to slap her but Sungmin hold her arm tight


“If that stupid hand lands on her face you’ll see what will happen to you. Don’t hurt my daughter in law, or you’ll regret it. Remember, you’re here at the Northern territory”


“You’re no longer the Queen of North”


“I know, but Heechul is the Princess of North”


Eunhyuk drag her daughter away from them


“Stop it Mimi, they don’t deserve it; they’re just a lower class women”


Sungmin smile at her


“Yes we are lower class women, but at least we’re not a like you. Compare to you, we’re legal wives and you’re just a mistress. How sad? You’re pathetic like your daughter”


Eunhyuk was about to hit her but Kyuhyun stop her


“Stop it Hyukkie!”


“She’s the one who start it”


Kyuhyun stares at Sungmin


“And you stop it too. We’re not here to cause chaos”


Sungmin clap her hands while smiling sarcastically at her husband


“Yes, you’re not the one causing the chaos here; it’s your pathetic mistress”


Kyuhyun eye her


“What are you doing here King Kyuhyun?”


Hangeng ask him calmly


“I just want to tell you that I’m declaring a war against you and your stupid people”


“I know and I’m going to fight you”


Hangeng draw his sword and point it on him


“You want me right? Now, draw your sword and let’s have a duel. You don’t need to involve innocent people; this fight is just between you and me”


Sungmin run towards them


“Kyuhyun, don’t do it”


Eunhyuk smirk and look at Kyuhyun


“Draw your sword honey, and teach that arrogant son of yours a lesson that he won’t forget for the rest of his life”


Sungmin hold his hand


“Please don’t do it, Hangeng is your son. Kyuhyun please listen to me”


Kyuhyun stares at her


“Shut up!”


Hangeng keeps his eyes upon his father


“King Kyuhyun, draw your sword and let’s have a duel”


Sungmin hold Hangeng’s hand to stop him


“Sweetheart, please”


“Umma, we need to end this battle. Only one man will live and will win”


Hangeng focus his eyes back to his father


“Draw your sword King Kyuhyun, don’t be a coward. You want to have a war then let’s have a war”


Kyuhyun stare at his eyes and draw his sword and point it at him


“I’ll wait for you tomorrow morning, nine in the morning to be exact. I will wait for you at the Northern Palace, let’s finish this battle. If I win, you will follow everything that I want and I’ll execute your mother as well as your beloved wife”


“I’m not scared of you. If I win, you will step down to your throne and I’ll be the King of the North”




Kyuhyun stare at him seriously before leaving the palace with Eunhyuk and Mimi.





Heechul went inside Ryeowook and Yesung’s room




“Did I disturb you and Prince Yesung?”


Yesung shook his head


“What is it Noona?”


Heechul walk towards them


“I just want to talk to you and my sister for the last time”


They stare at her blankly; Heechul smile and hold their hands


“I want both of you to be happy forever”


They nod at her, Heechul look at Ryeowook


“You need to be a good wife and mother. You’re going to be the best woman living in this era, always take care of yourself and watch over Umma and Appa. Love your husband always and never take those sweet smiles on your face. I love you so much and I’m really lucky to have a sister like you”


Heechul look at Yesung


“Please take care of my sister and always protect her. Be a good husband or I’ll haunt you down”


Yesung nod


“I will always love Wookie”


“And please give Umma and Appa cute grandchildren”


“Of course, Wookie and I will have one dozen of kids”


Yesung smile brightly


“Then let’s exchange, you’ll be the girl and I’ll be the man. You carry all that one dozen kids in your womb”


Ryeowook told him; Heechul laugh


“You guys are really cute and romantic”


Heechul hug them tight


“I love you guys and I’m really happy that I met you”


Yesung and Ryeowook stare at her


“Never mind, I’m just being emotional because of happiness. I’m really happy seeing you together, and I’m hoping that I can see my future nephew and niece someday. Please take care always, arasso?”


They nod at her


“Good night”


Heechul kissed their forehead before leaving the room. She went inside her parents’ room and hug them tight


“Why are you still awake?”


“I’m about to sleep, I just want to see you before I go to bed”


Teukie hug her




Heechul just shook her head, controlling her tears from falling


“Umma, Appa”


Kangin and Teukie stare at her


“I just want to thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for being a good parent, please take care always. Wookie and I are really lucky to have parents like you. I love so much Umma and Appa. It’s been a pleasure meeting you and being your daughter”


Kangin hug her


“What’s wrong?”


“Nothing, I just want to tell you how thankful I am and I love you so much”


They hug her tight


“We love you too so much sweetheart”


Teukie smile at her


“You need to take a rest now; you need it for your baby”


Heechul nod; they kissed her forehead before she leaves the room. She went inside her room and saw her husband at the balcony. She walks towards him and give him a back hug


“Are you sure about it?”


Hangeng turn around to face her


“I need to end the war between me and Appa. I don’t want to involve a lot of innocent people here, he wants me so I need to fight him”


Hangeng kissed her


“I’m doing this for you, for my people, my family and for our child”


“Please take care of yourself”


Heechul hug him


“Don’t worry about me; I won’t let him hurt anyone”


“I’m just worried”


Hangeng shook his head


“You don’t have too, I’ll be fine. Kangin Appa and I practice awhile ago. I’ll be fine tomorrow and I will defeat my father and return the justice to those innocent people”


Heechul look at him


“I love you”


“I love you too”


Heechul stare at his eyes


“I hope to stay by your side forever”


“Of course you will and I’ll stay by your side too”


Heechul manage to smile in spite of the sadness that she’s feeling on that moment


“If ever we meet in the other side of the world, would you still choose to love me?”


Hangeng nod


“Yes, you’re the only woman that I will love; even if I was to be born again, I will still choose to love you”


Heechul kissed him and rest her head on his chest.

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu