Cinderella's Fairy Tale (Chapter 24)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 24


Hangeng was putting his armor, preparing his self for his battle with Kyuhyun.


“Do you really need to do it?”


Hangeng turn around and found his mother standing at the corner with his wife.


“I need to do it alone; this is the only way to settle everything”


Hangeng walk towards them; he hugs his mother tight


“I’ll be fine”


Sungmin hug him back


“I’m so scared; you don’t know your father so well. He’s powerful, he will do anything to win even if he cheats and he will kill you”


“It’s better to die than nothing. You’re the one who told me that I should not let go of the little hope that we have”


Sungmin stare at him


“Please be careful, it’s really hard to wait knowing that you’re going in a battle. But, I will wait here for your safe comeback”


Hangeng nod at her


“I can do it Umma; this is for all of us”


He kissed his mother’s forehead and immediately hugs his wife


“You’ll be safe, right?”


Hangeng nod


“Can I come with you?”


Hangeng shook his head


“You need to rest for the baby”




Hangeng hold her lips


“Jay, Sungie, Changmin, and Kangin Appa will be with me, you don’t need to worry”


“But you’re the only one who will fight King Kyuhyun and not them. They’re not allow to help”


“At least I have a companion, just stay here ok”


Heechul stare at him with teary eyes


“Please promise me that you’ll comeback safe”


“I promise, I will be back for you and for our child”


Heechul hug him tight


“I love you”


“I love you too”


“Please take care, I’ll be waiting for you; all of us will be waiting for you”


Hangeng nod and kissed her; Yesung went inside the room to fetch his brother


“Hyung, we need to go now”




Sungmin hug her younger son


“You also take care; all of you need to be back here safe”


“Yes Umma”


Hangeng went out with Yesung; Heechul and Sungmin follow them; they are all gathered at the living room. Heechul give Hangeng his sword




Hangeng smile at her


“You’re my strength, and I know that I can do it because you’re here with me”


Hangeng gives his sword to his mother


“Please give me your blessing”


Hangeng kneel down and bow his head; Sungmin raised his sword and tap his shoulders gently


“Fight with your heart and be safe”


Hangeng stand up and smile at them


“We will be back soon”


Sungmin give the sword back to her son


“We will be waiting”


Hangeng stare at Heechul before leaving the palace.






Kyuhyun was standing at the living room, walking back and forth


“Is there something that bothers you?”


Kyuhyun stop and stare at Eunhyuk


“I’m just thinking a lot of things”


Eunhyuk raised her eyebrow




Kyuhyun move closer and stare at her eyes


“It’s about what my nephew said when we’re at the Pelagia Palace”


Eunhyuk’s eyes widened


“What about it?”


“I’m just wondering what you did for him to be mad at you”




Eunhyuk’s voice was shaking because of fear


“I’m just curious, my nephew don’t even meet you or go at the Southern Palace at all. I mean you often see each other, you first met him during the wake of his mother but you didn’t even have any conversation with him, and then the last time that you guys met is during my brother’s wake; but then again, you guys didn’t talk with each other at all”


“So? Do we need to talk every time that we will see each other?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I just keep on wondering, why on earth is he mad at you? Was it about my brother?”


“Are you accusing me for his murder?”


“Of course not, why? Do you know something about his murder?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Why are we talking about it? Prince Changmin is crazy; we should be talking about your battle with your arrogant son”


Kyuhyun smirk


“He will never win against me. My sword techniques and skills are better than him because Kangin is my teacher before”


Eunhyuk laugh


“I didn’t know that he became your teacher before”


“He’s good in sword fighting; Hangeng is no match for me. I’ll defeat him in an instant, and I’ll make sure that I’ll kill him with my own hands”


“Then let me kill your stupid wife”


“No problem and Mimi will take care of Heechul and the baby inside her womb”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I can’t believe that my son will impregnate that lower class girl, but of course I will not let them live. They don’t deserve to live, the society doesn’t need them. I won’t let that child to be a part of the family; he needs to die before he can see the light here on earth.”


“That’s right”


The soldiers enter the palace


“Your Majesty”


They kneel in front of him


“Prince Hangeng is already here”


“Is he alone?”


They shook their head


“He’s with Lord Jay, Prince Yesung, Prince Changmin and your servant Kangin”


“That’s nice; they will all witness the death of Prince Hangeng”


Kyuhyun laugh


“We need to go now my Queen”


“Arasso, you need to defeat him”


“I will and I don’t care if he’s my son”


Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk smile at each other and went at the coliseum





Kyuhyun and Hangeng bow at each other and turn around, taking three steps away from each other. The soldier blows the horn and they turn around to face each other. Kyuhyun draw his sword and smile at his son


“You will never win against me”


Hangeng smirk and draw his sword


“Shut your mouth because we’re not yet starting. This battle is just about to begin”


“I’m will never go easy on you”


“Me too, because on this day, you’re no longer my father”


“And you’re no longer my son. I’ll kill you with my own hands”


Hangeng was shock when two arrows hit his right arm; one of Kyuhyun’s soldiers shot him


“Hey! That’s not fair!”


The people start to shout


“YAH! You need to be fair King Kyuhyun!!!”


Yesung shouts at his father; Kyuhyun smirk while staring at Hangeng, sitting on the ground while holding his bloody arm.


“Nobody set a rule and don’t forget that we’re here at the Northern Palace, so I am the rule”




Yesung shouts


“Shut your mouth Prince Yesung, after I kill your arrogant brother, you’ll be my next target”


Kyuhyun shoot him a deadly glare, he return his gaze upon his son who is still sitting on the ground


“Pick up your sword and fight me!”


Hangeng immediately pull the arrow away from his arm, bearing the pain. His hands were trembling because of pain and blood keeps on drifting from his right arm. Kyuhyun kicked Hangeng’s sword before he can pick it up. He raised his sword to stab him but Hangeng hold it tight, blood start to come out of his hand.


“You need to fight fairly, you coward King”


Kyuhyun laugh at him


“This is my territory; you need to follow my rule”


“You can never set a rule in a duel”


Hangeng slowly stand up and push Kyuhyun, he run immediately and pick up his sword before Kyuhyun can strike him with his sword.


“Now, it’s my turn”


Hangeng told him while concentrating on his defense and let his muscles settle into the rhythm of swordplay.


“You can never defeat me Prince Hangeng”


“Let see who will win until the end, so don’t be too confident King Kyuhyun”


Hangeng face his father and look him into his eyes while raising his sword; Kyuhyun shoot him a deadly glare and raised his sword as a response, he shifted in a defensive posture, ready to strike his son. Hangeng stood still, watching him very carefully. Kyuhyun attacked him, but he struck out his sword quickly. Hangeng flew at him, striking out short rupture, not letting his father find any break to attack him. He holds his sword tightly, ignoring the pain in his hand and the blood that keeps on drifting on it and on his right arm. Hangeng keeps on striking him but Kyuhyun’s block is automatic.


“If I were you, accept your defeat right away before I can hurt you badly and kill you”


Hangeng ignores him


“I’m not a coward like you”


Hangeng manage to slash his left arm, causing it to bleed. Hangeng’s blows and moves are strong, but Kyuhyun will never lose to him easily. He stares at his son, he step back and catch him by surprise; he barely scrapes his leg, leaving a cut on his cloth. Hangeng forward, throwing him off balance, but Kyuhyun immediately return his balance, just in time to block his attack.


“Not so fast Prince Hangeng”


Kyuhyun pushed him away, metal clashed against metal, ringing in each other’s ear. They are staring at each other’s eyes full of anger and sorrow. They’re both fighting for their own reputation, the only difference is, Kyuhyun was fighting for his own good while his son was fighting for the people he love, care about and who are very important to him. Kyuhyun shifted his weight forward, ing his sword and slashed his son again. Hangeng didn’t block that attack, and two arrows hit his arm again. The crowd start shouting, half of it were cheering for Kyuhyun while the other half was mourning for Hangeng; they are worried about him




Jay shouts at Kyuhyun, he draws his sword but the Northern soldiers stop him


“You can’t enter the battle field”


“You’re King is fighting cowardly; he’s not being fair. His soldiers can help him, but we can’t help our Prince?”


“That’s a rule”


Jay stares at him


“You can never set a rule in a duel! Your King is being unfair here, he’s afraid that Hangeng will defeat him”


The soldiers point their swords at them


“One wrong move, all of you will die. You’re here in our territory”




“You can’t do anything Lord Jay; actually all of you can’t do anything. King Kyuhyun will surely win the battle”


Yesung hold Jay’s arm and whisper something to him


“We need to find a good timing, so please calm down. Of course, we will not let Hyung die here. We promise Heechul Noona that we will all comeback safely”


Jay just nod at him and they continue watching the battle quietly, with fears in their heart





Heechul were walking around the living room while holding her chest. She can’t breathe properly because she suddenly felt nervous and she feels a deep fear in her heart. Her hands are trembling and she can’t help but to worry about her husband.


“Sweetheart, please sit down”


Heechul stares at her mother


“I’m really nervous and I can’t take it anymore”


Her heart keeps on beating fast


“I’m going at the Northern Palace to see what is happening there”




They stare at her nervously


“I really want to go even if you stop me, I will insist to go there”


Sungmin stand up


“I’m going with you. I have a very bad feeling about it, I know that my son is in trouble”


Heechul hold her hands


“Umma, we need to save him”


“We need to go at the Northern Palace now”


Teukie and Ryeowook stand up and walk towards them


“Can we join you?”


Sungmin nods at them; she looks at Henry and Krystal who are staring at them with worried face


“Just stay here, you guys will be safe here. We’ll be back soon”


“Please be careful”


Sungmin nod and left the palace with Teukie and her daughters in law.





Sungmin and Heechul were riding in the same carriage; Sungmin notice Heechul staring at her face, she immediately hide her scar.


“I already saw it; you don’t need to hide it from me. Where did you get that scar?”


Heechul asked her curiously


“Queen Eunhyuk was the one who put this scar on my face”


Heechul just nod; Sungmin stare at her sadly






“Read the book and you’ll find the answer that you’re looking for”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“Are you reading my mind?”


Sungmin shook her head


“The book will answer all your questions”


She holds her hand and stares at her eyes


“One must sacrifice something in order to save someone”


“What is the meaning of that?”


Sungmin just brush her fingers on her face and smile at her






They arrive at the Northern Palace and went at the coliseum immediately; they run towards Jay, Yesung, Changmin and Kangin who are very quiet as they keep their eyes on Hangeng who are lying on the ground full of blood.


“What happen?”


Jay stares at Heechul nervously


“King Kyuhyun is not fighting fairly; Hangeng has no match for him”


Heechul stare at Hangeng, tears start to fall from her eyes while staring at him


“He will be fine right?”


Her voice starts to tremble as her heart keeps on beating so fast


“Tell me that he will be fine”


Jay just drops his head and fell silent




Jay shook his head as a reply; Hangeng was crawling on the ground, trying to reach for his sword, fighting for his life. Kyuhyun step on his right hand, Hangeng shouts because of pain. Kyuhyun keep his foot on his hand and stare at him.


“Prepare to die my arrogant son”


Kyuhyun laugh




Kyuhyun stare at his wife who is crying hard


“Don’t kill your own son! Don’t you have any heart? STOP IT”


Kyuhyun just answer her with his evil smile




Kyuhyun kicked him hard and pick his son’s sword on the ground


“I win”


Kyuhyun raised his sword, ready to strike his son and kill him.




Hangeng stares at his father’s sword and close his eyes. He feels so weak and helpless. He wants to protect the people whom he love, he wants to see his child and watch him grow and he wants to love Heechul forever, but everything seems to be impossible because he will die now. His no match for his father, his father defeated him and his already raising his sword to strike him any minute. He feels sorry for his self because he fails to protect those people he love, the innocent people who are hoping for fair treatment and justice and the people who are counting on him. He will never see his son and will never hug his lovely wife again because his father will surely kill him... Kyuhyun stare at him for the meantime, he takes a deep breath




Eunhyuk shouts at him. Kyuhyun raised his sword, Hangeng can feel his death coming, and he will be facing his grave soon. He was thinking about Heechul when he feels warm arms around his body; someone was hugging him tight and he heard a loud shout


“HEECHUL!!! NO!!!”


Hangeng opens his eyes only to found out the girl that he love, hugging her while blood is drifting out of body; she was holding her tummy as blood keeps on coming out from her. He stares at his father and saw his sword with Heechul’s blood. He just realizes that she saves him from his father’s attack. Hangeng’s tears start falling from his eyes, he shoot his father a deadly glare.


“Why do you need to involve them here? Why do you need to hurt my wife and my unborn child? WHY?!!! YOU’RE SUCH A COWARD!!! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!”


Whispers are echoing inside the coliseum, they all witness the cruelty of the King North and the Queen of South. Kyuhyun’s hand starts trembling, his sword fall at the ground, he can’t believe that he just killed an innocent people and he knew very well the consequence that awaits him. Eunhyuk gulp nervously. Hangeng was about to attack his father, but Heechul hold his hand to stop him. Hangeng embrace her in his arms as tears keep on falling from his eyes. Jay ask someone to call for a medic


“Heechul, please don’t leave me”


Heechul brush her fingers on his cheek; her tears start to fall from her eyes


“I need to go”


Hangeng shook his head and hold her hand tight


“I need you and our child”


“We need to go”


“Why did you do it? Why did you protect me against him? You need to live and you suppose to live, our child need to live”


Heechul manage to smile


“Pabo! You’re the one who needs to live because you will be the next King. The people need you”


“But I need you too. I don’t know if I can live without you”


Heechul can feel his tears falling on her cheek; Hangeng hold her closer to him


“Please don’t live me, not like this”


Heechul hold his face and wipe his tears


“You promise your people that you will be back safe, you don’t want to break that promise right? One must sacrifice something to save someone”


Hangeng start crying hard


“You will be a great King and you will lead your people wisely. You will bring back the justice that was once lost and you wi—“


Heechul cough


“Shhh, don’t speak anymore. The medics will be here, they will us”


Heechul shook her head


“Please promise me that you won’t be like your father”


Hangeng nod


“You will live for your people”


“Please live for me”


“I can’t do that, I need to go”


Heechul takes a deep breath


“I’m sorry; I always want to live with you forever. I wish I could, but I can’t. I need to go”


Hangeng lean his cheek on her face and hug her so tight


“Can you promise me one thing?”


“Anything for you my Princess”


Heechul look at his eyes; tears keep on falling from her eyes, she can’t control the sadness that she’s feeling, she doesn’t want to leave him, but she needs to go.


“Can we meet in the other part of the world?”


Hangeng kissed her forehead


“You’re the only woman that I will love, even if I were to be born again, I will find you. No matter what century, era or time, you’re the only girl that I will love and you will stay in my heart forever. Even if I were to be born again, there’s only you”


“I will wait for you”


Hangeng nod at her


“I love you”


Hangeng kissed her lips


“I love you too, until we meet again my Princess”


Heechul smile and slowly close her eyes. Hangeng hug her tight while his tears keep on falling from his eyes, mourning of the death of his beloved wife and unborn baby.





Heechul can feel cold wind blowing, she can feel that she’s falling and her body feels so light like a feather. She can see a light shining so bright though her eyes are still closed. Heechul opens it slowly and found herself inside her car crying so hard, while resting her head on the steering wheel. She just realize that she’s already back in her world. She looks around but the street is empty. She went outside and look for the old woman but she can’t find her.




Heechul shouts at the top of her lungs




She shouted again; Heechul run, hoping to find the cabin that was once become her home with Prince Hangeng, but she realize that she’s already in a modern world so she will never find that cabin again.


“I’m just dreaming”


Heechul whisper, her tears keep on falling from her eyes




Heechul shouts so loud but there are no signs for the old woman


“Ahjumma, where are you?”


Heechul walk towards her car and sat on the ground, she buries her face on her knees and start crying hard.


“Please let me go back. I love my Prince Charming, we need each other”


She notice an infinity ring around her finger; Heechul keeps on sobbing while staring at her wedding ring


“If only I can reset the time; Ahjumma, please let me go back”


Heechul’s phone suddenly ring




“Chullie, are you crying?”




“Yes it’s me”


Heechul wipe her tears


“Where are you? I’m waiting for you. How’s the old woman?”


“She’s fine”


“And why are you crying?”


“I’m just sad”


Heechul takes a deep breath


“Taemin, I’m sorry but I need to go home”


“A sudden change of heart”


“I bet my parents are already looking for me”


“You’re right, they already calls me but I lie to them”


“I’m sorry to involve you here”


Taemin shook her head


“It’s ok, please be safe on your way home”




Heechul hang up. She stands up and was about to enter her car when she notice a book lying on the ground. She picks it up


“This is my book”


She stares on it for the meantime, tears start falling from her eyes again. She can’t help but to think of Hangeng


“I love you Prince Hangeng, I’m going to wait for you”


Heechul wipe her tears and went inside her car; she starts driving it to her home.




Heechul was shock to see a lot of police officers outside their house; she saw her mother crying while her father hugs her. Heechul also see her butler and their chef outside the house, helping the police officers to look for her. She parks her car at the corner and went out. She run towards her mother




Kibum run towards her and hug her tight; Heechul’s tears start falling from her eyes


“Umma, I’m so sorry”


“Where have you been? We’re so worried about you”


“I’m sorry”


Kibum shook her head and wipe her tears. She kissed her daughter’s forehead and smile at her


“Shhh, it’s ok. What matters most is you’re already here and you’re safe. Please don’t run away like that again, you’re going to send me in my grave early”


Heechul nod; Siwon walk towards his daughter and hug her


“I’m sorry sweetheart. I shouldn’t slap you awhile ago”


“It’s ok dad, I understand. That graduation ball is not important to me anymore; it’s ok if you won’t allow me to go”


Heechul wipes her tears and walk towards Hongki and Onew


“I’m so sorry”


They were shock when she hugs them


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry for being a brat and for always scolding you. I’m sorry for calling you stupid and for always throwing tantrums, but I promise to be good now. I’m really sorry, please don’t go anymore. Don’t leave us”


Onew smile and pat her back


“It’s ok young lady, it’s my fault anyway. Please stop crying now”


“Promise me first that you won’t leave”


Onew nod


“I promise”


Heechul smile at them and wipe her tears


“Thank you for everything”


Onew and Hongki smile at her though they really can’t understand why she suddenly changes her attitude, but its ok rather than being a brat.





Heechul was sitting on her bed after taking a warm bath. She was staring at her infinity ring, she grabs the book and hugs it tight, and tears start falling from her eyes.


“Prince Hangeng, I love you. I will wait for you”


Heechul feels sleepy; she lies down on her bed and slowly closes her eyes







Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk were standing in front of the judges; Prince Hangeng put them in trial and he wants to execute them for killing Heechul and they finally proved that Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun are the people behind the death of King Donghae of Black-eyed Susan and they just found out that Eunhyuk is Kyuhyun’s mistress. Their hands are locked in a chain.


“King Kyuhyun of Castile and Leon and Queen Eunhyuk of Celandine are proven guilty for the murder of King Donghae of Black-eyed Susan”


Henry’s tears start to fall from his eyes; those tears are not for his mother, but for his father. Finally, he gives his father his justice. Mimi’s eyes widened hearing the news; she can’t believe that her mother was the one who actually kills her father.


“Umma, why?”


Mimi ask her but Eunhyuk remain quiet


“King Kyuhyun of Castile and Leon was proven guilty for killing Princess Heechul of Myrtle and her unborn baby”


Kyuhyun drop his head, he can’t believe that he is already facing his own defeat and it’s hard for him to accept it.


“Queen Eunhyuk of Celandine was proven guilty for being the mistress of King Kyuhyun of Castile and Leon and...”


Changmin stare at her while waiting for the judge to continue talking


“For the murder of Prince Junsu of Arum”


Whispers can be heard inside the trial court; Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes, Changmin hugs her


“We win Queen Sungmin, we already give your father his justice and of course my father too”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened and stare at Eunhyuk


“What is the meaning of this?”


Eunhyuk didn’t answer; Sungmin stand up and stare at her husband


“Now, do you regret listening to that devil?”


She stares at him seriously


“Do you regret following that evil mistress of yours? She’s the one, who murders your brother, but you didn’t even listen to the people who saw the crime and you listen to your mistress. You capture my innocent and very weak father and execute him without undergoing a court trial. Can you already feel all the pain that I’m feeling on that day? The day when you take the life of my father away from him; he’s innocent but you never listen, are you regretting it now? You kill an innocent man because you listen to that ! Tell me, who is lying? Was it me or that mistress of yours? Who is fooling you? Was it me or that ? And who keeps on betraying you? Was it me or that desperate mistress of yours?”


Kyuhyun look at Eunhyuk


“What is this? How can you lie to me?”


Eunhyuk didn’t answer him


“I’m asking you!”


She remains quiet and avoids his serious glare. The judge raised his hand, asking for a total silence, he clears his throat before speaking.


“Prince Hangeng of North will succeed the throne and will rule the Northern Land while Prince Henry of Maples will succeed the throne of his father and will rule the Southern Land. As for King Kyuhyun and Queen Eunhyuk, they will be executed right now for killing a lot of innocent people”


Eunhyuk’s eyes widened while staring at the judge


“NO! You can’t do this to me”


The judge dismisses the session and the soldiers start dragging Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun outside. Eunhyuk manage to escape and run towards Sungmin. She kneels down and hugs her feet


“Please don’t do this to me”


“It’s not my decision, you’ve done very terrible mistakes and you need to pay for it”


Eunhyuk shook her head, tears start falling from her eyes


“I don’t want to die, don’t do this to me. I’m begging you, please talk to your sons and tell them not to punish us like this, just make me your slave. I’m begging you”


Sungmin stare at her and push her away






“I said no”


“You’re doing this because you want to take revenge”


Sungmin lift her up and slap her face. She hold her chin tightly an force her to look at her face


“Look at my face; can you see the scar that you put on it? This scar will be the evidence of your evilness, you’re a devil. This scar will always remind you the things that you did to me, all the pains and sufferings that you did to me, to my family and to my friends. Cutting your head is not enough for you to pay all the chaos that you bring into my life. I’m regretting the day that I met you and help you”


Sungmin push her hard, causing her to fall on the floor


“I beg for you before but you didn’t even listen to me, now it’s your turn to beg. But even if you do that, even if you kiss my feet or cry a river of tears, I won’t listen to your cry. It’s my turn to laugh while seeing them executing you. Your blood is not enough Lee Eunhyuk, I’m sure that your soul will be in hell now”


Sungmin stares at the soldiers


“Take this woman away from me and cut her head, send her to her grave now”




The soldiers drag her outside. Sungmin went out and saw Kyuhyun standing at the corner, waiting for her.




Sungmin ignores him


“Can we talk?”


“We don’t need to talk”


“I know, but I just want to tell you something before they execute me”


Sungmin stare at him, controlling her tears from falling. She can see sadness and pain in her husband’s eyes.


“I’m sorry, can you forgive me?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Even if you don’t ask for it, I already forgive you”


Tears start falling from her eyes, she can’t control it anymore. She feels so sad that they need to end like this. She feels so sad for her husband, but she needs to do the right thing. They need to bring back the justice that was once lost because of her husband’s selfish ambition. They need to give back the justice of those innocent people that her husband and Eunhyuk killed.


“Please don’t cry”


“You know that I’m bad in controlling my tears and emotions”


Kyuhyun stare at her with teary eyes


“I know that I can’t bring back the time anymore. I’ve hurt you so much and our sons. I’ve done the biggest mistake and I kill an innocent child and the girl that Hangeng loves the most. I’m already regretting everything, for leaving you and for listening only to Eunhyuk. I’m so sorry, but I need to face my punishment and I’m ready for it. It’s hard to accept my defeat but I can’t do anything to save myself”


Kyuhyun hold her hands


“Do you still love me?”


Sungmin hug him tight


“You’re the only man that I love and will love forever. I love you so much Kyuhyun”


“Thank you”


Sungmin kissed him; Kyuhyun wipe her tears and smile at her


“Please don’t shed your tears for me, I’m not worth it. I always want you to smile just like before; don’t ever take that away from your face”


Kyuhyun hug her


“I’ll be happy leaving this world because I have a very loving wife like you. I love you Minnie and goodbye”


Kyuhyun kissed her forehead; the soldiers drag him at the execution hall. Sungmin sit at the corner and start crying so hard.








Heechul wake up and stare at the clock, it was two in the morning


“I think I’m dreaming”


She sits on her bed and found the book lying on the floor. She picks it up and starts reading it


“The Southern Kingdom is composed of five palaces, namely; Southern Palace, Emerald Palace, Pearl Palace, Halimeda Palace, and finally the Atlantis Palace. The Lee family is the one who governs the entire Southern Kingdom”


She turns the page


“King Donghae of Black-eyed Susan, is the ruling King of South. He died because someone poisons him. It is said that his loyal servant was the one who killed him, but after a further investigation; they found out that the real culprit behind his murder is his wife Queen Eunhyuk of Celandine and his friend King Kyuhyun of Castile and Leon. Some say that they kill the innocent King because Queen Eunhyuk is the mistress of King Kyuhyun and he wants to rule both the North and South when Prince Hangeng of North marries Princess Mimi of South, but the wedding didn’t happen”


Heechul turns the page and stare at the picture of Eunhyuk


“You evil mistress”


She takes a deep breath and read the details about her


“Queen Eunhyuk of Celandine was proven guilty for killing her own husband and for being the mistress of King Kyuhyun. She was also proven guilty for the murder of King Kyuhyun’s brother, Prince Junsu of Arum. She was executed as her punishment”


Heechul smile


“That serves you right, !”


Heechul turns the page and continue reading


“Princess Mimi of South find out the truth about her real identity, she finds out that she’s an orphan and her real mother was the servant that has been executed because they accused her of killing King Donghae”


Heechul stop reading, her eyes widened


“What? She’s an orphan and I didn’t even know about it. That evil mistress is really good in hiding the truth. I suddenly feel sorry for that evil witch for listening to her evil mother. Aish! They are both evil anyway”


Heechul continue reading


“It’s good that Prince Henry keeps her as his real sister; he’s really sweet. It’s also good that he end up marrying Lady Krystal and become the King of South. It seems that everything turns out so well in the Southern Land, now let me see what happen at the Northern Land”


Heechul takes a deep breath and start reading the page about the Northern Kingdom


“King Kyuhyun of Castile and Leon was executed for killing King Donghae of Black-eyed Susan, Princess Heechul of Myrtle and her unborn baby...”


Heechul stop reading


“Hey, does mean that I really exist on that era? I’m so confused”


She turns the page and smile while staring at Sungmin’s picture


“She’s really beautiful”


She stares at her face closer and see the scar on her cheek


“I’m so stupid to know it lately, that you’re the old woman who brings me to that old era. I wonder why you choose me and not any other girls”


Heechul start reading


“Queen Sungmin of Mayflower kills herself; they found her inside her study room. She was holding her husband’s sword on her right hand; they found a letter on her left hand saying...”


 Please bury me beside the grave of my husband. I want to be with him until my last breath...


Heechul sigh


“Wow, that was a true love. I salute her for loving him until the end though he hurts her badly and she suffers a lot under his hands”


Heechul turn the page and smile brightly


“Prince Yesung of Mistletoe became the King of North because his brother steps down after ruling the Northern Kingdom for two years. He is married to Princess Ryeowook of Cheonan and they have two wonderful sons”


Heechul smile


“I hope I can see them, it’s nice that my sister manage to be the best woman living in her time. It’s good that they live together with their kids”


Heechul turn the page, her tears start forming in her eyes while staring at the picture of the man she loves


“Prince Hangeng of North rules the Northern Kingdom for two years, but he step down on his thrown after the death of his mother, Queen Sungmin of Mayflower. He gives the throne to his younger brother Prince Yesung of Mistletoe and become his advisor in ruling the Northern Kingdom. He’s married to Princess Heechul of Myrtle; he never marries again after she died”


Heechul turn the page; her eyes widened while staring at the picture of a girl that look exactly like her. Her heart starts beating fast as she reads the details about her.


“Kim Heechul, Princess of Myrtle...eldest daughter of Kangin and Teukie, sister of Princess Ryeowook of Cheonan. She is the wife of Prince Hangeng but she died during the battle of Prince Hangeng to King Kyuhyun. She died protecting her husband, it is said that she’s pregnant at that time. She died with her with her unborn child”


Heechul keeps on staring at the picture


“Kim Heechul”


She keeps her eyes upon her


“Kim Heechul”


She repeats her name over and over again


“Wait a second, Kim Heechul...Kim Kibum”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“OMO, Umma must know the answer”


Heechul run outside and went at her mother’s study room. Kibum was surprise to see her daughter


“Why are you still awake?”


“Umma, I need to ask you something”


Kibum nod


“Your surname is Kim, right?”


Kibum nod


“Did you ever wonder about your family history? I mean did you ever trace your family background, your ancestors or what?”


Kibum smile at her




Heechul show her the book


“Are you finish reading this?”


Kibum stare at the book and nod at her




“Are you by any chance related to Kim Heechul, Princess of Myrtle?”


Kibum laugh softly and shook her head


“Don’t be insane sweetheart”


“But Umma, look”


Heechul show her the picture of Kim, Heechul.


“That’s we’re I got your name. I name you after her, but I really don’t expect that you will grow up just like her”


“If you’re not related to her, then how come we’re exactly the same? I look like her”


Kibum shook her head


“I don’t know”


She holds her daughter’s face between her hands and smile at her


“Chullie, there are a lot of people who keeps on telling me that you look exactly like Kim Heechul, and they told me that you’re the reincarnation of her”


“And you believe that?”


“I’m the one who supposed to ask you that, do you believe that?”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“Sweetheart, is there something wrong?”


Heechul shook her head


“I’m going to sleep now, good night Umma and don’t stress yourself too much”


Heechul kissed her mother’s cheek and return to her room. She sits on her chair and put the book on her study table. She stares at the picture of Kim Heechul again


“I’m a bit confused, it’s so mysterious”


Heechul stares at the picture and saw an infinity ring around her finger. She then stare at the infinity ring on her finger, the rings look exactly the same


“Aigoo, could it be...”


Heechul’s eyes widened while staring at the picture of Kim Heechul


“Now I finally understand why Queen Sungmin chooses me and not other girls.”


Heechul turn the page back to Prince Hangeng and stare at him


“If I’m the reincarnation of Kim Heechul, would it be possible that...”


Heechul hold her chest, feeling her heart beat


“Could it be possible?”


Tears start to form in her eyes


“I know it will be possible, can you hear my heart beat? I will wait for you my Prince Hangeng. Please, fulfill your promise that we will meet again”

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu