Cinderella's Fairy Tale (Chapter 25)

Cinderella's Fairytale

A/N: I want to thank all of you who read this fic, and for loving it until the end. Thank you so much, I'm really thankful to all of you for appreciating this story, though it's a bit boring I know. This is the last chapter, I'm really sorry to give you an epic fail ending, but to tell you guys honestly, it's hard for me to think of an idea on how to write the ending. I hope you'll enjoy it though it really ...Thanks a lot, I love you all <3




Chapter 25


Heechul was sitting on a chair while staring at the mirror blankly. She was thinking about Hangeng again, she can never forget him. He’s her first boyfriend and the man she only love. He’s her husband and the only man whom she share her life with. She holds her tummy, tears start forming in her eyes.


“I hope the baby didn’t die. It’s ok if I bring our child here in my world”


Heechul sigh


“But I’ll selfish if that’s the case because our child will grow without a father. I’m sure Umma and Appa will kill me, and they wouldn’t believe me at all”


Heechul pout


“Of course it’s really hard to believe. How will I explain to them that I travel back in the old times and marry a Prince and he is the father of the child that I’m carrying in my womb? They will surely think that I’m crazy. I also can’t believe that it happens, or maybe I just still can’t accept the fact that I’m no longer in the old era. I’m no longer with Prince Hangeng”


Heechul stares at the mirror sadly


“I’m still hoping that we will meet someday; though it’s really a very impossible thing, but I know in my heart that he will comeback for me. I will keep my promise and wait for him”


Kibum and Siwon enter her room and saw her staring at the mirror blankly




Heechul turn around to face them


“Is there something wrong?”


Heechul nod and sit on her bed, joining her parents. Kibum smile at her


“You look so beautiful, very beautiful”


Kibum notice her sad face


“What’s wrong? It seems that you’re not happy. Today is your graduation ball; you should enjoy and be happy”


Heechul nod


“I’m just tired and I’m thinking a lot of things for my college life”


Kibum hold her face


“You need to smile and don’t think too much”


Heechul nod again


“By the way”


Siwon in


“Sweetheart, where do you want to have a vacation? Your mom and I already talk about it; we’re going on a vacation as our gift for you for being the valedictorian of your batch”


Heechul shook her head


“I don’t want to go on a vacation; I just want to stay here in Seoul”


“Are you sure”


“Yes dad”


Siwon hold her forehead


“I don’t have fever, I’m completely fine”


“I’m just checking because you’re really acting so weird lately”




Heechul ask him curiously; Siwon nod


“You don’t throw tantrums anymore when you’re mad, you just locked yourself on your room and read a lot of books. You stop being a brat and seem that you hate going in a vacation”


“I’m not on the mood and I’m much happier whenever I read books”


Heechul smile at her parents


“I have a better idea”


They stare at her curiously


“Let’s just go out and have dinner, can we?”


“Is that really what you want?”


Heechul nods happily


“Ok, if that’s what you want then let’s go out tomorrow and have dinner”




Heechul hugs them; Kibum give her a small box


“Your father and I bought that for you. We want you to wear it tonight”


Heechul opens the box and was shock to see a familiar necklace


“The Red Diamond of Globe Amaranth”


Heechul stare at her mother


“Where did you get this?”


Kibum smile


“We bought that in Greece. I’m happy that you really enjoy reading the book that I give you”


“Is that really true?”


Kibum nod


“Of course it is, do you expect me to give you a nonfiction History book?”


Heechul shook her head


“I’m just asking. I can’t believe that Historians found this necklace”


“You need to take care of that because that’s not fake. It’s the real Red Diamond of Globe Amaranth; mind you that was very expensive. Don’t lose it ok”




Kibum put the necklace around her daughter’s neck and smile brightly at her


“See, it really suits you. It’s so beautiful and it suites your black dress”


Heechul smile while holding the necklace close to her heart






“I’m going to ask something”


Kibum nod


“Where did you get the book?”


“That’s the original copy”


“That’s why it looks so old”


Kibum nod


“When I was in Egypt, studying about the Pharaoh’s tomb, I met an old woman and she gives me that book and told me to give it to my daughter. I read it first before I give it to you. I was so shock when I stare at Kim, Heechul’s picture because you really look like her”


“Maybe I’m a Princess in my past life”


Siwon laugh


“You’re already a Princess because you’re our Princess”


Heechul stare at her mother


“Umma, did the old woman tell you her name?”


Kibum shook her head


“She just told me that her name was written in the book, but I don’t have time to look for it. Why?”


Heechul just shook her head and smile


“I think I need to go now or else I’ll be late”


Kibum and Siwon hug her


“Behave and please take care”


“Your driver will fetch you before twelve midnight”


Heechul frown at her father


“I’m not Cinderella”


“I know but you need to be home before twelve midnight”


Heechul sigh


“Fine, I will not complain anymore”


Kibum smile at her


“You need to go down now; your driver is already waiting. The Grad Ball’s Queen must not be late”


Heechul smile brightly and follow her parents outside.





Taemin sit beside Heechul


“Are you not having fun?”


“Of course I am”


Taemin stare at her with worried face


“It seems that you’re sad, did you fought with your parents again?”


Heechul shook her head


“You’re not happy for being the grad ball’s Queen?”


Heechul shook her head again


“Then what?”


“I’m actually going home now”


Taemin’s eyes widened


“It’s still early. I thought Siwon Appa told you that your driver will fetch you before twelve, it’s only ten in the evening”


“I want to go home, I call already call my driver and he’s waiting at the lobby”


Taemin pout


“You’re so unfair”


Heechul hug her


“I’m sorry Taemin, but I really want to go home now. I’m so sleepy and I just want to go home”


“Fine, let’s just have a party before I fly in New York”


“Do you really need to study there?”


“Do you really need to reject the scholarship that Harvard was giving you?”


Heechul nod


“I don’t want to go in US; I want to stay here in Seoul”




“I’m waiting for someone and he promise that we will meet again”


Taemin smile


“Childhood sweetheart?”


Heechul shook her head


“He’s my first and last”


“And who is the lucky man?”


Heechul just smile at her


“Can you accompany me at the lobby?”




Heechul and Taemin were walking at the lobby when Heechul spotted a tall handsome man


“Prince Hangeng?”


He was talking at the receptionist. Heechul’s tears start forming in her eyes, Taemin notice it


“Chullie, are you ok?”


“Prince Hangeng”




Heechul point her finger on the man’s direction


“What about him? I know that he’s handsome, very handsome”


“Prince Hangeng”


Taemin raised her eyebrow while staring at her


“Who is Prince who?”


Heechul stare at Taemin


“Taemin, he comeback”




The man went outside the hotel, Heechul follows him




Heechul start to shout, but the man is not looking at her. It seems that he doesn’t hear her calling him




He went inside the black BMW car; Heechul run to chase his car, Taemin run after her


“Chullie! Where are you going?”


Heechul ignores her best friend and run as fast as she could to chase the black BMW car.




Heechul shouts at the top of her lungs




People are already staring at her; Heechul fails to chase the black BMW car, she sits on the ground and start crying hard when she feels warm hand around her arm


“What are you doing? Are you crazy? Why do you need to chase that car? Did that man rob you or what?”


Heechul shook her head; tears keep on falling from her eyes. She stares at her best friend and hug her tight


“He comeback, but I’m afraid that he can’t recognize me at all. I’m longing for his comeback, he promise that we will meet again, but...”


Taemin hug her


“What are you talking about? Do you know that man?”


“He’s Prince Hangeng”


Taemin stares at her blankly


“Who the hell is Prince Hangeng?”


Heechul just stare at her; she knew that Taemin will never understand and will never believe her even if she explains everything to her.


“Who is Prince Hangeng?”


Heechul didn’t answer


“I think you’re going crazy for reading a lot of fantasy books. You’re just hallucinating ok”




“Yes you are”


Taemin sigh and wipe her tears


“Don’t make a scene here, people are staring at you. Don’t forget that you’re the daughter of the Prime Minister of Korea”




Taemin hold her lips


“Shhh, your driver is already waiting for you. I think you just need to have a lot of rest and stop reading fantasy books first. It will help you”


Heechul stare at her sadly, Taemin stand up and help her best to stand. She bows at the people who keep their eyes upon them and accompany Heechul towards her car. Heechul’s driver opens the door; she went inside thinking a lot of things




She nods without looking at her


“Have a good night rest; let’s see each other before I fly in New York”


Heechul nod; Taemin smile at her and wave her hand. Heechul’s driver closes the door and start driving the car.





Heechul was standing at the balcony while holding her necklace closer to her heart. She was staring at the sky while her tears keep on falling from her eyes. She feels so lonely and sad, she longs for Hangeng. She wants to hug him and live with him. She already misses him and she wants to see him badly.


“I know it’s you because my heart keeps on beating fast when I saw you, but why?”


Heechul drop her head


“Did you already forget me?”


Heechul takes a deep breath and shout




She sits at the corner and start crying so hard


“Please, let’s see each other again. I want to hug you, even if you already forget about me. Just let us see each other again. Please fulfill your promise to me, I’m longing for you. I don’t know how to live my life and smile without you. Prince Hangeng, where are you? I need you in my life. I keep on hoping that someday we will meet again and I know that day will come. I will wait for you; you’re the only man that I will love. No matter how hard is it, I will keep on waiting for you”


Heechul bury her face on her knees, crying her heart out.








It’s been five years since Heechul encounter an old woman that sends her back to the old time. It’s been five years since she met Prince Hangeng, the man that she loves most. It’s been five years; Heechul is still waiting for him. She’s already a University teacher, and she’s teaching History and Literature at Seoul University of Arts.




Heechul stares at her mother while carrying a lot of books


“Do you have work today?”


Heechul nod


“It’s Saturday”


“I know, I’ll be teaching students from the Master’s class. They assign me there because they are lacking of teachers”


“I see, about your father’s proposal?”


Heechul shook her head


“I don’t want that guy; I don’t want to marry her”


Kibum stares at her sadly


“You’re already twenty two years old”




“You never entertain guys, you always reject them. Your father and I are just worried about you, it seems that you want to be single forever”


Heechul smile


“That thing will come but not now. I’m enjoying my career and I’m still young, no need to rush”


Heechul kissed her mother’s cheek


“I’ll go now”


“Drive safely”


Heechul nod and went outside





Heechul sigh upon reaching the classroom, she stares at her watch; it’s only seven in the morning


“I guess I’m so early today”


She walks towards the teacher’s table and put her things on the table and sits on her chair and stares at the empty classroom.


“I really want to be early anyways. I wonder how many students I will have today; one is enough”


Heechul laugh softly


“Pabo, you will not enjoy if it’s a one on one class. That’s not even possible”


Heechul gets her pencil and start writing, she suddenly stops writing when she notice a book


“I thought I left it at home”


She grabs the book and turns the pages. She focus her eyes on Prince Hangeng’s picture


“It’s been five years, but you’re still not here”


Heechul frown


“Yah! When do you plan to show up? When my hair is already white and I can no longer walk properly because I’m already old?”


Heechul keeps on scanning the book


“I wonder who the author of this book is”


She keeps on scanning to look for any name, hoping that she’ll find the author’s name. Her eyes widened while staring at the bottom left of the book


Lee Sungmin, Queen of Mayflower




Heechul stare at the name of the author


“She’s the author of this book? OMO, this is getting so weird. So mysterious”


Heechul was busy staring at Sungmin’s name; she didn’t even realize that someone enters the room


“Excuse me”




Heechul answer without looking at the owner of the voice


“Are you our class’s new teacher for History and Literature?”


Heechul nod, still not looking at the owner of the voice


“I think I’m early, my classmates are not yet here”


“Just have a seat”


Heechul told him, her eyes are still focus on the book. The man smiles at her and sit on her chair but Heechul ignores him. She was thinking so deep, the man stares at her.


“Excuse me?”




“Can you please look at me? I’m talking to you Heechul”


“How did you kn—“


Heechul raised her head and stare at the owner of the voice. Tears start forming in her eyes while staring at the man, sitting on her table while smiling at her.




Heechul keeps her eyes upon him, he reach his hand out


“I’m Han Hankyung”


Heechul bite her lips, controlling her tears from falling. She was staring at his face


“I’m going to melt if you’re going to stare at me like that”


Heechul hold his hand


“Choi Heechul”


He smiles at him


“You’re still a crybaby”


“Pabo, what took you so long?”


Hankyung stare at her necklace and smile, he notice the infinity ring on her finger


“Did you miss me my Princess?”


Heechul’s tears start falling from her eyes, Hankyung hug her tight


“I’m sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I’m here already, so don’t cry. I’m Hankyung, my name might be different but I know that the soul of your Prince Charming is within me. I am him”


“I thought we’re not going to meet again. I’m living my life full of fears, each and every day I cry, but I didn’t lose my hope. I trust and believe on your promise, that someday we will meet again and I keep on waiting for you”


Hankyung cupped her face and wipe her tears


“I told you that no matter what century, era or time, I’m going to find you. Even if I were to be born again, I will choose to love you and you’re the only girl that I love”


Hankyung kissed her lips


“I keep on longing for you; I wait for this day to come. I thought I wouldn’t meet you again”


He wipes her tears


“Stop crying now my Princess, I’m back for you”


Heechul hugs him so tight


“I love you”


Hankyung smile and hug her back


“I love you too, and this time we should have a child”


Heechul blush and stare at him


“Pabo, you should marry me first”


“We’re already married right? You’re actually wearing our wedding ring”


Heechul pout


“How are we going to explain it to my parents?”


Hankyung smile


“Of course I’m going to propose to you in a proper way and marry you again because we’re living in a new century”


Hankyung kissed her


“I’m happy that we meet again, so don’t chase my car again, arasso?”


Heechul stare at him with wide eyes open


“You saw me at that night and you just let me chase your car? How could you?”


Hankyung laugh softly


“Of course I saw you. I saw you when you arrive at the hotel for graduation ball. I heard you calling me but I ignore on purpose because that’s not the right time for us to meet”


“That’s why you keep me waiting for you for five years?”


“I’m sorry, but don’t get mad at me”


Heechul kissed him


“I love”


“I love you too Chullie, my one and only Princess Heechul of Myrtle”


Hankyung embrace her into his arms. He sits on his chair as his classmate start to arrive one by one. Heechul start the class happily, Hankyung stares at her as he listens to her attentively. 



A/N: This is a boring ending, I'm really sorry...but if you want to write your own ending of the story, it's fine with me :). Thanks a lot for spending some time to read it. Saranghae <3 Mwah :)

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu