Cinderella's Fairy Tale (Chapter 21)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 21



Yesung was about to leave the palace to fetch Ryeowook and Minho at their meeting place; today was the big day, it’s his loving brother’s wedding to the girl he truly loves. Yesung was about to enter his carriage when someone calls his name. He looks around and saw his father walking towards him


“Where are you going?”


Yesung didn’t answer


“I’m asking you Prince Yesung”


Shindong went out of the carriage when he heard Kyuhyun’s voice. He bows at him and smile


“Your Majesty, I just invite Prince Yesung to go in my house”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow






Shindong takes a deep breath


“I want to show him my latest collection of poems. He wants to borrow some good books about Literature, so he wants to go with me so he can choose which books to read”


“I see, just take care of my brat son. Teach him a lot of things for him to learn more, because he’s stupid”


Yesung stare at his father seriously


“I’m not stupid like you!”


He went inside his carriage, Shindong bows at Kyuhyun


“We’re going now Your Majesty”


“Go ahead”


Shindong bows his head before going inside the carriage. Kyuhyun watch it leave the palace, he calls one of his soldiers


“I want you to follow them”


“Yes Your Majesty”


The soldier bow his head and leave






Yesung smiles at his teacher


“Teacher Shin, thanks for covering up for me. I really can’t go out of the palace without your help”


Shindong pats his head


“No problem, I’m doing this for you and your brother. Where is he anyway?”


“Donggyoro, we’re going there to attend his wedding”


Shindong’s eyes widened


“Today is his wedding?”


Yesung nod happily


“With who? Princess Mimi of South? I thought he doesn’t want to marry that evil witch, that’s why he runs away”


Yesung nod again


“He will be marrying Kim Heechul”


“Kim Heechul? The daughter of your father’s servant”




Shindong stare at him blankly


“I don’t get it”




Yesung takes a deep breath


“It’s a very long story Teacher Shin, but Hyung is happy with her”


“That’s the most important thing. I also disagree that he marries Princess Mimi. Prince Hangeng will just suffer under her hands. By the way, why do you need to drag me along?”


“You’re going to be the witness”


“I see”


Yesung smile


“I’m sure Lord Jay, Henry and Krystal are already there”


“Where are we going?”


“We’re going at the town first, to Umma’s old house. We need to fetch my wife and the priest”


“I see”


Shindong look at the back and notice a man wearing all black following them, riding on a horse


“Prince Yesung”


Yesung stare at his teacher blankly


“I have a very bad feeling about it, I think someone is following us. I guess your father send some spy to follow us”


Yesung look at the back and recognize the man


“That was one of my father’s soldiers”


Yesung stare at Shindong nervously


“Teacher Shin what shall we do now? Appa must not know where Hyung is, or else he will be at trouble as well as Chullie Noona”


“Just calm down, I know what to do. Is there an appropriate time for the wedding to begin?”


“Well...they’re just waiting for the priest to begin the wedding ceremony”


Shindong sigh


“I think we’re going to be late, we need to have a road trip first”


Shindong smile and told the coachman to drive them at his house.






Heechul went out of the bathroom after taking a bath, she was wearing her robe. She stares at Hangeng who is wearing very formal clothes.


“Are you going somewhere?”


Hangeng shook his head


“Why are you so formal?”


Hangeng smile and kiss her lips


“I have a surprise to you, so better change now”


Hangeng gives her a simple but an elegant dress


“I want you to wear that”




“You’ll know it later”


Hangeng kissed her


“I’ll wait for you outside”


Heechul nod happily.


“I love you”


He kissed her lips before going outside. Hangeng smiles upon seeing Henry, Krystal and of course his best friend Jay.


“I have a lot of visitors”


Henry and Krystal smile at him while preparing their food


“I’m happy for you Prince Hangeng”


Krystal gives him a warm hug


“It’s really nice that you didn’t marry that evil witch”


Hangeng laugh softly


“Prince Henry will be mad at you”


Hangeng smile at Henry


“It’s ok Prince Hangeng, I’m used to it. A lot of people keeps on calling my sister evil witch. Well, she’s really evil”


Hangeng ruffles his hair


“Are you ok? Lord Jay told me everything?”


Henry nods sadly


“I just can’t believe that my own mother wants to kill me, and kills her own husband. I never knew that mom can do that. I’m so upset”


Hangeng notice tears on his eyes, he hugs him


“Don’t worry we’re going to give King Donghae his justice. I’m sorry, my father is also involved here”


Henry shook his head


“Don’t apologize; everyone of us will be their victim. We stop them before it’s too late. I really don’t mind if they execute my mother, she deserves that punishment and she needs to face it soon”


Henry stare at Hangeng sadly


“Prince Hangeng, please promise me that we’re going to give my father his justice, and we also need to give his servant her justice. She died because of their mistakes, and we need to protect those innocent people. We need to stop them from doing evil, please promise me that”


Hangeng nod and ruffles his hair


“I promise, everyone will live their lives peacefully. I won’t let those things happen anymore”


“Don’t unite the North and the South, don’t marry my sister”


Hangeng nod


“I’ll be marrying the girl that I love, that is Kim Heechul”


Henry hugs him


“I’ll go back at the palace to have a duel with my father. If we need to have a war, then I will give it to him. I won’t let him rule the North and South, and kill those innocent people”


“If there will a King that will rule over North and South, it must be you”


“I’ll fight with him; we need stop his selfish ambition”


Henry nod


“I just want you to stay at the Pelagia Palace; you need to be safe until the end”




Henry nod and walk towards Krystal to help her prepare everything for their simple reception. Hangeng notice Jay standing at the corner, thinking something so deep.


“It seems that you’re thinking a lot of things?”


Jay looks at his pocket watch before focusing his eyes on Hangeng


“They’re suppose to be here”




“Prince Yesung, Lady Kim’s sister, Teacher Shin, and the priest”


Hangeng’s eyes widened, he just realize that his brother is not around


“Where are they?”


Jay sigh


“I just receive a message from my messenger, he told me that Prince Yesung sends a letter at the Palace; they’re being followed by one of your father’s soldiers”


Hangeng stare at him nervously


“Are they safe?”


Jay nods


“But I’m still worried; they’re supposed to be here by now”


“Any news? What did your messenger told you?”


“Prince Yesung’s carriage is still at Teacher Shin’s house”


Hangeng takes a deep breath


“My father really wants to haunt me”


“We need to take extra care, King Kyuhyun will definitely do all his best to find you, and pursue your wedding with Princess Mimi”


“That won’t happen because I’m going to marry Heechul”


Jay and Hangeng stare at each other when they heard horses coming




Jay smiles while pointing at Shindong’s carriage


“It’s good that they arrive safe”


Hangeng breathe in relief; Yesung immediately went down and run towards him




He hugs his brother tight


“I miss you”


Hangeng smile at him; Ryeowook went down together with Shindong and Minho


“Prince Hangeng”


Shindong hugs him


“Thanks for coming Teacher Shin”


“No problem”


Shindong smile brightly


“What took you so long? Jay and I are worried about you”


“Well, we need to stay at my house for two hours because one of your father’s soldiers is following us. We need to put on a show so he would not know that we’re heading here. We don’t want to put you in trouble and your wife”


Hangeng smile


“How did you escape from him?”


Shindong laugh before talking proudly


“We sneak at the back door of my house; it’s good that he didn’t saw us. We left Prince Yesung’s carriage at my house so the soldier will not suspect. He didn’t know that w already left the house, with my carriage”


Hangeng smile at Ryeowook


“Your sister will be happy to see you”


He gives her a warm hug


“I’m happy that you’re here sister in law”


Ryeowook smile


“Where is Unnie?”


“Still inside, she’s getting dressed”


Ryeowook smile again and drag Minho in front of him


“Prince Hangeng, this is Minho. He will be the priest, he’s Unnie’s good friend”


Minho bows his head


“It’s nice to meet you Prince Hangeng”


“It’s nice to meet you too”


Minho smile; Heechul went out of the cabin and was shock to see them all gathered. She smiles brightly upon seeing her sister, Ryeowook run towards her




Ryeowook hug her tight


“I miss you”


Heechul smile and wipe her sister’s tears


“Don’t cry, I miss you too”


She gives her a warm hug


“How are you?”


“I’m fine”


“How about Umma and Appa?”


Ryeowook stare at her sadly


“They’re still looking for you. I feel so guilty because I’m not telling them that I know where you are”


“Just keep it a secret for the meantime”


Ryeowook nod


“They’re worried about you, but don’t worry because they are fine”


Ryeowook stare at her




“You look so pale, are you feeling ok?”


Heechul smile and whisper something to her


“For real?”


Ryeowook’s eyes widened, Heechul nod at her




Ryeowook smile and hug her


“Congratulation Unnie, I’m happy for you. I’m so excited to see the baby”


“You should be pregnant too”


Ryeowook blush


“I’m still young for that”


Heechul laugh; Minho walk towards her and smile brightly


“Hi Chullie, it’s been a long time”


Heechul stare at him blankly


“Are you not happy seeing me?”


“Excuse me, but who are you?”


Minho’s eyes widened


“Come on, what do you mean by who am I?”


“I don’t know you”


Minho frown


“We just saw each other last last month, it’s not that long ago for you to forget me”


“Huh? I never saw you before”


“I’m Minho, we’re friends. What’s wrong with you?”


Heechul focus her eyes upon him and notice his clothes


“You’re a priest?”




Minho gives her a weird look; Heechul whisper something on her sister


“Who is he? I’ve never seen him before, but he’s claiming that he’s my friend. I don’t know him at all”


Ryeowook stare at her with wide eyes open


“He’s your best friend”


Heechul shook her head


“Taemin is my best friend and not him”


“Who is Taemin?”


Heechul sigh and shook her head


“Ok, I get it. I always forgot that I’m not in my own world”


Heechul stare at Minho, she doesn’t know him but she’s confused about it. She feels that she knows him for a long time though she just met him.


“We’re really friends?”


Minho nod


“I see, maybe I just forgot. I’m thinking a lot of things lately”


Heechul told him as an excuse; Minho just smile at her. Hangeng walk towards her


“Why are they here? Is there some kind of a party?”


Heechul asked him curiously; Hangeng smile at her


“Yes, because today is our big day”


“Big day?”


Heechul stare at him blankly


“Today is the day that I’m going to marry you”


Heechul’s eyes widened




“Today is our wedding day”


Heechul’s tears start falling from her eyes




She shook her head, wipe her tears and smile at him


“I’m just happy, is this for real?”


Hangeng nod and whisper to her


“Of course it is for real; everyone is here to witness our wedding. I want to marry you and give our future child a complete family. I love you so much Heechul”


Heechul hugs him


“I love you too”


Hangeng smile at Minho


“We can start the wedding now”




Minho smiles back; the couple stands in front of him as their friends and families witness their simple wedding. Hangeng and Heechul exchange their vows in front of them; he gives Heechul an infinity ring


“This ring will be the symbol of my unending love for you”


Heechul smile, Hangeng put it around her finger


“I love you so much my Princess”


Hangeng kissed her; Minho smiles at them


“Ladies and gentlemen, Prince Hangeng of North and his wife, Princess Heechul of...”


Hangeng stare at Minho and smile


“Princess Heechul of Myrtle”


Hangeng kissed her


“Because you’re the symbol of my marriage and love”


Heechul smile and kissed him


“I’m happy that it’s you”


Hangeng told her; the crowd smiles at them and clap their hands to congratulate the newlywed couple.





The soldier return at the Northern Palace


“Your Majesty”


He kneel down in front of Kyuhyun who is sitting on his throne, he bows his head before talking


“Where did my younger son go?”


The soldier raised his head


“He went at his teacher’s house. I saw them enters the house, his carriage is still there”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“Are you sure?”


“Very sure”


Kyuhyun stand up


“That can’t be”


Kyuhyun sigh


“I know that he knew where his brother is”


“But he didn’t go somewhere; he’s staying at his teacher’s house. I saw it Your Majesty”


Kyuhyun smirk and walk towards him. He hands his soldier a parchment paper


“I want you to go at the town and give that to Kangin”


The soldier stares at him


“Yes Your Majesty”


“Tell him that I want him here now”


The soldier nod


“You can leave now”


The soldier stand up and bows his head before leaving; Kyuhyun smile devilishly


“My sons want to play with me, then I’ll give them what they want. I’m still smarter than them, they can never fool me”


Kyuhyun laugh softly


“I’ve got to ace towards their weakness; Hangeng will follow my command soon. First, their mother and now, it’s their love one’s father. Let’s see who will win between us”


Kyuhyun flash his evil smile and sit on his throne.

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
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Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu