Cinderella's Fairytale (Chapter 5)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 5



Heechul was standing at the corner of the big chapel; she was staring at the bride and the groom as they take their vow. They seem to be a rich people because their clothes are very elegant and the chapel is really big with a lot of aristocrat people. The bride is smiling brightly but the groom is looking at her blankly; he never smiles and seems that he’s thinking a lot of thing


“Is this a shot gun wedding?”


The bride smile as she kissed her husband


“The groom was the one who suppose to kiss his bride and not the bride kissing her groom”


Heechul saw a woman sitting in front wearing a crown and smiling devilishly then she saw the young man that just sneak at their window


“What is he doing here?”


Heechul was about to walk towards him but someone holds her arms




“If you let this thing happen, you will regret it”




The old lady snaps her finger and Heechul was shock to see dead people around her


“What is this thing? Why are we here?”


“This will happen if you will let your Prince marry the evil witch”


“I don’t understand”


The old lady looks at her sadly


“The King of the Cho Palace and the Queen of the Lee Palace will unite their selfish ambition. Queen Eunhyuk will kill her own husband and the King’s wife so they can marry each other and rule the whole land with evil plans. Princess Mimi will hire someone who will abduct your sister during her wedding day with the younger Prince and will brainwashed him so he’ll get mad at Ryeowook”


“Are you telling me the truth?”


The old lady points her finger towards a man lying on the floor; lifeless




Heechul’s tears start falling from her eyes and run towards her father’s dead body


“Your father will die because there will be a war between the Royalties and lower class people and your mother will be a slave”




“Your sister will be by hundreds of soldiers and will be hate by the younger Prince and will be thrown at the dungeon until she kills herself”




“If you let your Prince marry Princess Mimi of the South everyone will suffer because the King will never let him rule the throne and will kill his own son. War will start and many will die because of the selfish ambition of King Kyuhyun and Queen Eunhyuk”


“How will I stop them?”


“You must change the history”


“How can I change what is written?”


“You alone can do it”


The old lady snaps her finger and vanished




Heechul was sweating so hard when she feels that someone was shaking her body




Heechul can hear a familiar voice


“Unnie! Wake up, please wake up”


Heechul opens her eyes and was panting so hard; Ryeowook hugs her


“You’re dreaming”


Heechul’s tears start falling from her eyes


“It’s ok Unnie, you’re safe now. It’s just a dream”


Ryeowook wipes her sister’s sweat and tears


“Nightmare? You’re actually shouting and I’m so worried”


“It was a very bad dream”


Heechul jump off the bed


“I think I need to take a bath”


“Unnie are you sure that your ok?”


Heechul nod and went inside the bathroom





Kyuhyun was staring at the Northern map while discussing something with the Duke of the Northern Land


“So you’re planning to extend the palace until here?”




“How about the unison of the Northern Palace and the Southern Palace”


“We should connect bridges from the North going to the South”


“But your Highness there are some lower class men who lives beside the river”


“That’s not a problem, we should destroy their houses so they must evacuate”


“You will provide them with a new house?”


“Of course not”


“But you’re the King and that’s your duty and it’s you who will ask them a favor because they live there”


“I am the King so I will do what I want”


“But you can’t just destroy their houses, where will they live if you do that?”


“That’s not my problem anymore”


Sungmin enters the meeting room


“My dear King I’m going at the city with your sons. We will just buy books for their studies”


“Go ahead, you must leave now and don’t disturb me”


The Duke smiles at her


“It’s nice to see you Highness”


He kissed her hand


“It’s nice to see you too; Jay and Krystal are not with you?”


The Duke shook his head


“Krystal is busy with her piano lessons while Jay is busy preparing for his birthday. He will be here to visit Prince Hangeng”


“I see, please excuse me for awhile because I need to go now”


“Take care Highness”


Sungmin smile and was about to leave the room when her husband stops her


“Where is the younger Prince?”


“He’s going with me”


Kyuhyun look at the Duke


“Please excuse us for awhile; I’ll be back in a minute”


Kyuhyun hold Sungmin’s arm and drag her outside


“Where is Yesung?”


“He’s already inside the carriage”


Kyuhyun drags his wife outside


“Is my son already riding in the carriage?”


Kyuhyun ask the coachman while holding his wife’s arm tight


“He’s still inside Your Highness”


Kyuhyun was about to go back inside the palace when he saw his sons walking outside while chatting happily


“Prince Yesung!”


Yesung stop and stare at his father


“You go inside; I need to tell you something first before I let you guys go at the city with your sweet mother”


Yesung stares at his brother before going inside. Kyuhyun went inside with Sungmin


“Where have you been last night?”


Yesung stares at his father nervously


“Sneaking out?”


He shook his head


“So one of the soldiers who happens to saw you is lying, is that what you want to tell me?”


“No Appa”


“Then what?”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow while staring at his younger son seriously


“I didn’t go out last night Appa”


“Oh really”


“I think they have been mistaken me for someone else, I’m inside my study room the whole night because I have exams and I need to study. You can ask Umma if you don’t believe me because she brings my milk before she goes to bed”


Kyuhyun look at his wife


“Your son is not lying my dear King. He needs to study his lesson for his exams tomorrow”


“Ok I’ll believe you guys for now because I’m not the one who saw you sneaking out last night but if I happen to see you with my own eyes you and your mother will suffer the consequences”


Yesung nod nervously; Kyuhyun let go of Sungmin’s arm and return at the meeting hall


“That was close”


Yesung sigh


“Thanks for saving me Umma”


Sungmin look at him curiously


“I’m sorry when you bring my milk last night; I actually sneak after drinking it”


“Where have you been?”


“I went to visit my Princess”


“Please be careful next time, you know your father. He does what he says”


“Yes Umma”


Sungmin smile at him


“Let’s go now”







Ryeowook was staring at her sister who is busy looking for something; she opens her luggage and throws every single thing then opens her Channel bag to look for something. She walks towards the cabinet and opens it and throws all the clothes on the floor


“Unnie, what are you doing?”


Heechul ignores her as she search something in every corner of the room


“Is there something wrong?”


Heechul sits on the floor and takes a deep breath


“Have you seen my book?”


“What book?”


“It’s an old thick book about the Royal Families; the title is The History of Old Korea: The Royal Families”


Ryeowook shook her head


“I bring that book with me before I came here in your world”


“Maybe you just misplaced it Unnie”


“I don’t know, I can’t lose that book. I need to read it and know the history in this era”




Teukie went inside and frown upon seeing their dirty room; things are scattered everywhere


“What happen here?”


“I was looking for my book but unfortunately I can’t find it”


“What book”


“The History of Old Korea: The Royal Families, do you happen to see it Umma?”


Teukie shook her head


“I see, I think I really lose it”


“Please go outside after cleaning your room because we’re about to eat”


“Yes Umma”


Teukie left the room; Heechul sigh and start cleaning the room with the help of her sister


“Don’t worry Unnie I will help you find that book”




“Is that really important?”


Heechul nod


“I need to read it so I can change the history”




Heechul just smile at her


“Don’t mind me, I’m just going crazy because of that book”


After cleaning their room, Heechul and Ryeowook went outside. Kangin stares at them


“Why are you wearing weird clothes and where did you get that?”


“It’s Unnie’s clothes?”


Kangin raised his eyebrow


“Kim Heechul”


“Appa it’s really mine and I didn’t steal it or what”


“Are you telling the truth?”


“Of course”


Heechul sit on the chair


“How are you Appa?”


“Fine, thanks to your medicine”


“I told you it’s effective”


Ryeowook helps her mother in preparing their food. Heechul stares at her parents blankly


“Yes sweetheart?”


Heechul stares at the food that looks so delicious


“Where did you get those foods?”


Kangin smile


“Our Queen gives it to us because she knew that it was your birthday today; it’s a gift from her”


“Then the Queen is really nice, please send my regards to her when you go back at their palace”


Kangin nod and hand her a small box


“What is this Appa?”


“Open it for you to know”


Heechul opens the box and saw a hair clip


“I’m sorry but that’s the only thing that I can give you sweetheart; it’s not that expensive but I think it will suit you”


Heechul smile and put the hair clip on her hair


“Thanks Appa, I love it”


Kangin smile and look at his younger daughter


“Appa will just buy you one the next time that I earn extra money”


Ryeowook smile at him


“It’s ok Appa, I don’t need hair clips; I just want you to take care of your health that’s more important than a hair clip”


“Yes sweetheart”


Teukie hand Heechul a book


“Thanks Umma”


“I finally bought the book that you want to buy before. I’m sorry sweetheart because we don’t have money before that’s why I can’t buy that book for you but I’m lucky to serve four aristocrats and earn money to buy that book”


Teukie smile at her; Heechul notice her mother’s hands full of wounds


“What happen to your hand Umma?”


“I’m fine don’t mind it”


Ryeowook hand her sister a pink carnation


“Happy birthday Unnie, that’s the only thing that I can give you. I just ask that pink carnation from the old man at the flower shop”


“He gives it for free?”


Ryeowook nod


“That old man is really nice and he always gives me flower whenever I ask”


“Maybe he likes you”


“Of course not, he doesn’t have a child that’s why”


Heechul smile as tears start falling from her eyes


“OMO, why are you crying sweetheart?”


Teukie hugs her daughter


“Is there something wrong?”


Heechul shook her head and wipe her tears


“I’m just happy. Thanks Umma, Appa and of course Wookie; this is the best birthday gifts that I ever received in my entire life and this is the best birthday”


Kangin smile


“We’re happy to see you happy”


“I love you so much”


“We love you too so much sweetheart”


Teukie prepares the table and they start eating happily





“I want you to deliver this cake to Kim Heechul”


Sungmin hand her sons a big box of cake


“Why do we need to deliver this cake to a stranger?”


“It’s her birthday today”




Sungmin brush her fingers on Hangeng’s cheek


“Sweetheart please send it to her; that’s my birthday present to her so please do it as a favor”


Hangeng sigh






Sungmin smile and kissed his cheek


“This is her address”


Sungmin hand a piece of paper to her younger son


“I’ll wait you guys at the bookstore”


Hangeng and Yesung nod; Sungmin went inside her carriage and left




Hangeng ask his brother


“Do you want to ride the carriage or walk?”


“Let’s walk; it will be much fun Hyung”




Hangeng and Yesung walk at the street going down the town


“I can’t understand why Umma wants to give that Kim Heechul a birthday present”


“Because she’s the daughter of one of our servant”






Hangeng stare at his brother who is smiling brightly while walking


“How did you know?”




Hangeng raised his eyebrow


“By the way why did Appa call you awhile ago?”


Yesung’s smile vanished and stares at his brother nervously


“One of his soldiers saw me sneaking yesterday night”


Hangeng’s eyes widened


“How many times do I need to reprimand you my dear brother?”


“But Hyung”


“You don’t listen to me”


“I’m sorry”


Yesung bows his head


“What did Appa tell you?”


“Well I lied; I told him that the soldier just mistaken someone as me and Umma defended me to him”


“And you dare involve our sweet mother here”


Yesung fell silent


“I told you to stop sneaking around every night because someone might caught you and you didn’t listen and look what happen”


“But Appa believe me”


“Shut up! He might believe you today but he will start watching your moves”


“I know so I need to take extra care”


“Sungie please stop this craziness, what the hell are you doing? Why do you need to sneak around every night?”


Yesung just shook his head as an answer and continue walking


“We’re not yet done Prince Yesung”


“I know what I’m doing Hyung”


“Stop it before Appa can caught you with his own eyes or else you’ll be punished as well as Umma”


Yesung stares at him sadly


“Well let’s just stop talking about it”


“You never listen at all”


“I’m sorry, let’s just deliver the cake to Kim Heechul I know the house”


Hangeng stare at his brother curiously


“It’s not that far, we can find it easily when we arrive at the town”


“How come you know where that Kim Heechul lives?”


Yesung ignores his brother and continue walking





“Umma, Appa we’re just going at the city to have a walk and visit the bookstore”


Heechul kissed her mother


“Be back before dinner”


“Yes Umma”


Heechul wave her hand and hold her sister’s hand


“Let’s go my dear sister”


Ryeowook nods happily


“Let’s go at the bank first before we walk around the city ok”


“What are we going to do there Unnie?”


“Well I’m just going to exchange something so we can buy all the things that we need to buy”


Ryeowook stares at her blankly


“Just accompany me at the bank and no more asking questions ok?”




Ryeowook saw the old lady carrying a big basket; she runs towards her and help her carry the basket


“Ahjumma you’re not suppose to carry heavy things like this”


The old lady smiles at her


“We meet again sweetheart”


“Where’s your grandchild or maybe a son to help you bring those things?”


The Ahjumma just smile at her. Heechul walk towards them and help her sister


“Let me hel—“


Heechul’s eyes widened while staring at the old lady smiling at them




Ryeowook look at her sister


“Unnie you know her?”


“Yes, she’s the old lady in my dream and she’s the one who brings me here”




“How did you know her?”


“Well I bump into her when I was looking for you. She’s carrying sacks of coal so I help her first before I continue searching for you”


The old lady smile


“We meet again Heechul”


The old lady snaps her finger; Heechul was shock when everyone stop




She shakes her sister but Ryeowook is not moving; she stares at her watch and notice that it’s not moving


“Don’t be afraid because I need to stop the time so we can talk properly”


Heechul look at her


“Where is my book? I know that you have it”


The old lady nod


“You’ll have the book when you’re already back in your own world”


“Are you playing with me?”


The old lady shook her head


“Then why don’t you give me the book”


“What for?”


“I need to read it”


“You don’t have too because everything written there has been erased when you arrive here”


“But I need to know what happen; I need to know what happen to me”


The old lady sits on the chair


“You’ve done a very big mistake Heechul”


“What mistake?”


“You want to know what happen to you?”


Heechul nod


“Well you left upon hearing the betrothal of Prince Hangeng of North to Princess Mimi of South; you went on a far away land leaving your family and hiding your son to Prince Hangeng”


“Son? I’m going to be pregnant?”


“You and Prince Hangeng has a son but you didn’t tell him that you’re carrying his child because of your hatred towards him”


Heechul laugh sarcastically


“I’m just seventeen to conceive a child; I’m not even on legal age to be pregnant”


“You’re already twenty one in this time”




“The older Prince will never know about your child with him and you will never see each other again because when you come back everything are on chaotic situation; your father already died on the war, your mother is already crazy and a slave and your sister already kill herself. Prince Hangeng already died and Prince Yesung has been executed for defending the lower class men. The evil Princess will know about your comeback and your child to the older Prince. She will take your son away from you and throw him on fire while you become her slave”


“I can’t believe it”


The old lady holds her hands


“That’s why you’re here to change everything. Heechul you need to change the history”


“But how can I change the history if it’s already written?”


“Not unless someone reads it”


The old lady cupped her beautiful face


“You need to sacrifice something in order for them to live and change the future”




“You’ll understand it soon, I need to go”


“Hey please don’t leave”


The old lady snapped her finger and vanished; Heechul was staring at the wall blankly when she feels someone holding her arm




Ryeowook shake her sister to catch her attention


“Unnie, are you ok?”


Heechul look at her and nod




She nods again


“Where is Ahjumma?”


Heechul just shook her head


“Do we need to go at the city or do you want to go back at home and rest? It seems that you’re not feeling well”


Heechul flash a weak smile


“Don’t worry Wookie I’m fine. We need to go now because we need to go home before the sunset”




Heechul and Ryeowook were walking down the street; Heechul was thinking a lot of things, staring at the floor blankly while walking slowly. She was thinking all the things that the old lady told her and feels so weak while thinking of a good way to change the history and prevent those things from happening especially to her family. She loves her family so much especially her younger sister and she doesn’t want them to suffer, she wants to give them a happy ending before she goes back to her own world. Heechul was busy thinking when they accidentally bump into two handsome young men causing them to fall straight on the floor




Heechul rub her back


“What the hell is that? It hurts”


Heechul crawls towards Ryeowook and check her


“Are you ok?”


Ryeowook nod


“Are you hurt or what?”


“No, I’m fine Unnie”


Heechul look up and stare at the handsome men standing in front of them. She stares at the man holding a big box




Ryeowook hold her sister’s arm to stop her from talking but Heechul just ignores her


“You’re not looking at your way that’s why you bump into us”


The handsome man who is holding a big box raised his eyebrow


“You’re the one who is not looking on your way and watch your mouth because you don’t know what you’re talking about”


“You’re the one who supposed to watch your mouth ! You must apologize”


“What if I don’t want?”


Heechul smirk


“Who do you think you are?”


“I’m Prince Hangeng and who do you think you are talkative girl?”


“And you even dare to call yourself a Prince? So funny”


Ryeowook keeps on shaking her sister


“Unnie please stop it”


“Shut up Wookie, I’m just teaching those arrogant men a lesson”


“But you do—“


“Shhh and please let go of me”


Hangeng look at her and offers his hand to help him stand


“I don’t need your help”


“Well you’re the one who is being an arrogant here talkative sharp tongue girl”


“I can stand ok and I need you to apologize to me and to my sister. We’re hurt you know”


“I don’t think so”


“Aish! You really want to have a fight huh?”


Heechul stand up and stares at him seriously


“You look completely fine noisy girl”


“Is that how you treat women?”


“Only you?”


Heechul slaps him; Ryeowook and Yesung was shock


“You’re so arrogant!”


Hangeng smile at her


“Thanks for reminding me sharp tongue girl”


Heechul saw the other man helping her sister to stand; she walks towards them and pulls her sister closer to her and pushes the man away from her sister


“Don’t touch my sis—“


Heechul’s eyes widened while staring at him


“Hey I know you”


Ryeowook was shaking Heechul’s arm to stop her from talking


“Unnie please”


Heechul ignores her


“You’re the handsome man who has a very sweet voice that just climb on our window and went inside our room. So we meet again? But this time you’re not wearing black clothes and black clock, you don’t look like a robber now, you look so elegant”


Yesung smile weakly avoiding the serious glare of his older brother


“So what are you doing here?”


“He’s my brother noisy sharp tongue girl?”




She stares at Yesung then at Hangeng


“At least your brother is sweeter and nicer than you”


“At least your younger sister is silent than you”


Heechul stuck her tongue out; Ryeowook bows her head at Hangeng and Yesung


“Mianhae my dear Princes”


Heechul look at her sister


“Why are you bowing your head?”


Hangeng suddenly laugh


“What’s so funny arrogant boy?”


“Don’t you have any respect to your Royal Highnesses?”


“What Royal Highnesses?”


Ryeowook move closer and whisper something to her; Heechul suddenly blush while staring at Hangeng with wide eyes open





Heechul immediately bows her head


“Mianhae, I didn’t know”


Hangeng pats her head


“Now you know”


He cupped her head and kissed her lips before leaving with his brother





“Care to explain Prince Yesung?”


Yesung gulp nervously


“How come that nosy sharp tongue girl knows you? Are you courting her sister?”


Yesung nods nervously


“That’s why you’re sneaking every night just to visit her?”


Yesung nods again ignoring his brother’s serious glare


“You need to stop now before it’s too late”


“But Hyung I love Ryeowook”


“If you love her then you will stop whatever feeling you have for her”


“But Hyung”


“She’s a lower class woman”


“I don’t care”


Hangeng stop walking and shoot him a deadly glare


“Cho Yesung do you understand what you’re doing?”


Yesung didn’t answer him


“If you will pursue your love for her, you’ll put her in danger”


“I’ll fight for her”




Yesung fell silent


“You don’t know what our father can do if he finds out. If you love that lady then you better stop loving her now because you’ll put her life in danger as well as her family’s life. You’ll just make her life miserable. You can’t marry someone who don’t belong to our class”


“I can make it possible”


“Sungie please stop your stupidity”


“Hyung you’ll realize that it’s not about money or power when you finally found the girl you truly love. I’ll fight for her no matter what happen even if Appa disown me, I’m ready to leave my royalty life behind”


“You don’t understand”


“You’re the one who can’t understand”


Yesung walk away; Hangeng just sigh and follow his brother





“Unnie are you ok?”


Ryeowook shakes her sister who is staring on air blankly while holding her lips




Heechul look at her


“Did he just kiss me?”


Ryeowook nod




“I don’t know”


“Aigoo! That man is really arrogant”


“Unnie he’s Prince Hangeng, he’s our Highness”


Heechul frown


“I don’t care if he’s a Prince or what, I hate that arrogant man!”


She holds Ryeowook’s hand and they start walking again until they finally reach the city. Ryeowook accompany her older sister at the bank as she exchange her modern money for older money so they can buy a lot of things


“We now have 50 thousand won”


Heechul smile at her sister


“Where did you get that weird money Unnie?”


“That is a dollar, American money. We use it in modern era, in my world”




“You’ll never understand even if I explain it to you further. You’ll just think that I’m weird, just trust me ok. That money is mine and it came from good hands and I didn’t rob it”




They went at the nearby boutique and buy beautiful clothes and shoes for their selves and for their parents then went at the merchandise shop to but two fans. After buying what they need they went at the bread house and buy some delicious breads and at the market to buy delicious food; Heechul rent a carriage and ask the coachman to deliver it to their house so they won’t need to carry it at the bookstore. She pays the coachman and gives their address to him before dragging her sister inside the book store to buy some books


“I’ll look for good books for your studies”


“I’m happy to be your student Unnie”


“I’m not going to be your teacher”




Heechul smile at her


“Starting next week, you’re going in school”


“But how about you?”


“We’re going to school together”




“I’ll be the one who will pay for your school”


“How will you do that?”


“I have money”


“You’re not kidding Unnie?”


Heechul nod; Ryeowook hugs her tight


“I’m so happy thank you Unnie”


“You’re welcome”


“I’ll just walk around and look for a music book”


“Ok, if you find good books that you want to read give it to me and let’s buy it”


Ryeowook nods happily and start to walk around the bookstore to look for music books... Heechul was busy looking for good books that she can read when she spotted a beautiful woman wearing a very beautiful but simple gown talking to the owner of the store


“Ahjushi do you have books about the Wars of the Roses or any book about the literature of the West?”


“It’s out of stock your highness but we will try to reproduce as soon as possible for you”


Sungmin pouts as she looks at him sadly


“Just inform me if you already have one”


“Yes your highness”


Sungmin was about to leave the bookstore with her nannies and some of the soldiers when Heechul blocks her way


“Hi I’ve heard that you’re looking for a book about the Wars of the Roses”


“Yes but too bad they don’t have one”


“Do you want to sit there so we can have a little chat?”


Heechul points at the wooden bench, Sungmin smile and holds her hand and drags her at the bench. They sit together, Sungmin smiles at Heechul


“What can I do for you young lady?”


“Do you want to listen to me as I tell you about the Wars of the Roses?”


“That will be great”


Heechul smile and start talking


“The Wars of the Roses is a series of dynastic civil wars for the throne of England fought between two rival branches of the royal House of Plantagenet, house of Lancaster and York; the red and white roses. They were fought in several sporadic episodes between 1455 and 1485. The final victory went to a relatively remote Lancastrian Claimant, Henry Tudor who defeated the last Yorkist King Richard III and married Edward IV’s daughter Elizabeth of York to unite the two houses. The house of Tudor subsequently ruled England and Wales for 117 years”


Heechul stop and look at Sungmin who keeps her eyes upon her; staring at her full of amaze


“Do you want to know the Windsor Family tree so you’ll know the background of Queen Elizabeth II?”


“Who is she?”


“She’s the current Queen in England”


“But the one sitting on the throne in England is not a girl but a boy. He is King George III”


“George William Frederick? The son of Frederick Prince of Wales and Augusta of Saxe-Gotha”


Sungmin nods


“I see, so in your time it is the rule of the Hanover family in England but in my time it is Queen Elizabeth II; Windsor family”


Sungmin just stares at her blankly


“Any questions beautiful woman?”


“You love History and Literature?”


“Yes I love it so much. I’m here to buy some books about literature and history; I’m with my younger sister. She’s over there looking for music book”


Heechul point at Ryeowook’s direction, Sungmin smile


“Where did you live young lady?”


“At the town”


“I see, and your name is?”


“Choi Hee—I mean Kim Heechul”


“Are you by any chance related to Kangin?”


“Yes, I’m his older daughter. You know my father?”


Sungmin just smile and saw her carriage outside


“I need to go now”


“Hoping to meet you again beautiful woman”


“Of course we will surely meet again. Thank you for this wonderful day young lady; I learn a lot from you, let’s chat again when we happen to see each other again”


“I’ll be happy talking to you again”


Sungmin smile and left the bookstore








Kyuhyun was staring at his wife seriously as they eat their dinner quietly


“Is there something wrong my dear King?”


Sungmin asked him to break the silence


“I’m the one who suppose to ask that, is there something wrong with you my dear stupid Queen?”


Hangeng and Yesung stare at their father


“Appa we’re eating so ple—“


“Shut up Geng sweetheart, I’m not talking to you”




“I told you to shut up and continue eating!”


Hangeng bows his head and shut his mouth; Kyuhyun return his gaze towards his wife


“What the hell are you doing Lee Sungmin?”


Sungmin ignores him


“I’m talking to you”


She ignores him for the second time; Kyuhyun loses his temper and throws his knife towards her hitting her beautiful face




Hangeng and Yesung shout in unison


“Stop it!”


Hangeng hold his father’s arm


“Let go of me son!”


“Stop it!”


“I’m just teaching your mother a lesson for sending our servant’s older daughter a birthday cake”


“It’s just a gift”


“Your mother is always favoring the lower class men, opposing me!”


“But you don’t have to hurt her like that”


“Shut up before I cut your tongue!”


Yesung walk towards his mother and they went outside leaving his older brother and father inside the dining hall




Hangeng stares at his father seriously


“Stop hurting my mother”


“I won’t hurt her if she stops opposing me”


“She had the right to decide for her own”


“I am the King”


“And she’s the Queen”


“Just a Queen so she still needs to follow my rule”


Hangeng smirk


“But don’t you ever forget your promise to me. I agree to marry the Princess of South because you promise me that you will stop hurting my mother and you won’t bound my brother to marry Krystal”


Hangeng grabs his sword and point it at his father’s face


“A King must have one word and don’t you dare ruin it. If you hurt my mother again I will not follow any of your rules again”


“You’re just my son”


“Then let’s have a war my dear King because you’re just my father”


“Don’t try me Prince Hangeng”


“And don’t try me too King Kyuhyun”


Hangeng stares at him seriously and put down his sword and went outside

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu