Cinderella's Fairytale (Chapter 16)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 16



Sungmin was staring at Kyuhyun nervously while sitting on the grass


“I’m going to marry you Minnie”


Kyuhyun hold her hands and place it on his chest


“I love you and I want you to be the girl of my life forever. I want you to be my wife, my Queen and of course the mother of my children”


“I also want to marry you but how are we going to tell our parents about it?”


“About our wedding?”


Sungmin shook her head


“That I am pregnant?”


“Who knows that you’re pregnant?”


“Teukie, Kangin and Hyukkie”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened


“You know Lee Eunhyuk of Begonia?”


Sungmin nod


“She’s my best friend, why?”


“Nothing, because I know her too”




Kyuhyun nod


“Well don’t need to worry because we will tell them that you’re pregnant with my child then we shall proceed to our wedding”


“That’s not easy”


Sungmin stare at him sadly; Kyuhyun notice her sad face, he cupped her face and stare at her eyes full of love.


“Baby, why? You don’t want to marry me? I want to be a good husband and a good father”


“Of course I want to marry you because I love you and not because I’m pregnant. But, it’s really hard on my part because my parents will get mad at me for sure”




“I got pregnant out of wedlock and I didn’t even tell them that I have a boyfriend”




“They will disagree because you’re rich and we’re poor”


“Was it a crime to love someone?”


Kyuhyun sigh and brush his fingers on her cheek


“Don’t worry; I’ll handle it for you”


“Appa will surely disown me”


“That thing will never happen because I’ll be the one who will explain everything to them. I love you and I will take the responsibility. I’m going to marry you not because you’re pregnant but because I love you and we love each other. Don’t worry too much baby. It will be bad for our child; by the way, can I ask you something?”


Sungmin nod


“Do you want to be a Queen someday?”


“Well, I like to be the Queen of your heart”


Sungmin smile


“That’s not what I meant. What if you’ll be given an opportunity to become a Queen, what will you do?”


Sungmin shook her head


“What’s that?”


“I don’t want to be a Queen”


“Why? Being a Queen means a lot; you’ll have the authority to command, you’ll be famous among the girls, you’ll support the King in governing the land and the people and you’ll be the most important girl in the whole land of North”


“I don’t need fame, money or power; all I want is to have a simple life with you.”


“So you won’t marry me because I’m not living a simple life? Because I’m rich”


Sungmin hold his face between her hands and kissed him


“No matter who you are, I’m still going to marry you”


“What if I told you that I’m a Prince? I’ll be the next King, what will you do?”


Sungmin pinch his cheek


“Why are you so cute? Of course you’re a Prince because you’re my Prince Charming and you’re the King of my heart and that will never change”


“Minnie, I’m being serious here”


“I’m also serious”


Kyuhyun pout making her smile brightly


“What did I tell you awhile ago?”




“Baby, don’t forget that I love you. I love you for who you are and don’t you ever forget it. In my eyes, you’ll always be the perfect man”


Sungmin kiss his lips; Kyuhyun stand up


“I need you to come with me”


Sungmin stare at him blankly




“To my home, I will introduce you to father, mother and my brother. They need to meet the girl that I love and the girl that I will marry. We need to tell them that we’re getting married soon and that you’re carrying my child”


“I’m scared”


Kyuhyun shook his head and reach out his hand


“Don’t be, because my parents are very good people as well as my younger brother. Actually, they are very eager to meet you and I’m sure that my parents will be very happy if they hear the news that you’re pregnant”


Sungmin smile at him and hold his hand as he helps him stand


“Baby, I want you to trust me on this ok?”


Sungmin nod at him; Kyuhyun smile sweetly and give her a sweet kiss on her lips









Sungmin and Kyuhyun arrive at the Northern Palace; Sungmin stare at Kyuhyun curiously


“What are we doing here?”


Kyuhyun hold her hands tight and stare at her innocent face


“I’ll explain it to you later”


“But, I thought we’re going in your house?”


Kyuhyun nod


“This is my home”




One of the servants of the palace opens the door of the carriage for them. Kyuhyun go out first then he helps Sungmin to go down carefully.


“This will be our home baby”


Sungmin saw Kangin talking with Junsu; Kangin wave his hand upon seeing her and flash a bright smile. Junsu was shock to see Sungmin in the palace with his brother; he bows his head at Kangin and run towards them.


“Hi Minnie”


Junsu smile at him, Kyuhyun stare at his brother curiously


“You know Minnie?”


Junsu nod


“You know him too brother?”


“She’s my girlfriend”


Junsu’s mouth hangs open




“She’s the girl that I’m talking about; the girl that I love, the girl that I want to marry and the girl that I love most next to our mother”


Junsu was lost for words. He stares at them with wide eyes open; he doesn’t know how to react and what to say.


“Where are father and mother?”




Junsu mumbles, still staring at them curiously


“I need to introduce my Minnie to them and tell them that I’m going to marry her as soon as possible, not because she’s pregnant but because I love her so much”


“Wha...t? I mean, did I hear it right? Minnie is pregnant?”


Kyuhyun nod proudly


“She’s carrying my child”


Kyuhyun smile and ruffles his brother’s hair; Sungmin was so confuse on the situation, she looks at Junsu then at Kyuhyun then back to Junsu again and finally to Kyuhyun. She takes a deep breath and look at Junsu curiously.


“Do you know Marcus?”


Junsu raised his eyebrow


“Who the hell is Marcus?”


Sungmin points at Kyuhyun blankly


“He is Marcus”


Junsu suddenly laugh while staring at his brother


“Ha! His name is not Marcus”




“So he changes his name to capture your attention?”


Junsu start laughing again


“Brother, you’re really insane”


Sungmin pouts


“What’s going on here? I can’t clearly understand everything. Why are you calling him brother?”


“Well he is my brother; his name is not Marcus, he is Cho Kyuhyun”


Sungmin’s eyes widened while staring at Kyuhyun


“I can explain it baby”


Sungmin frown at him


“How could you lie to me?”


Kyuhyun hold her lips


“I’m going to explain it to you later”


Kyuhyun look at Junsu who is staring at Sungmin blankly


“Are you not going with us?”


Junsu shook his head, still staring at Sungmin


“It’s nice to meet your girlfriend; I have a practice with Kangin Hyung, he’s going to teach me some sword techniques for my exam next week”


Junsu force to smile; Sungmin stare at him but he look away to avoid her glare


“I’ll see you around my dear sister in law”




He looks at her and smiles




“Let’s talk later, Arasso?”


Junsu nod, he salutes at his brother and run towards Kangin who is waiting for him. Kyuhyun look at Sungmin


“You know my brother?”


“We’re friends”


“I see”


Kyuhyun smile


“Let’s go, father and mother are waiting”


Sungmin hold his hand and they walk together inside the palace; the servants open the door of the throne room wherein Jokwon and GaIn are sitting at their throne happily while chatting at each other. Kyuhyun enters with Sungmin; GaIn notice him and smile. She stands up and walks towards her eldest son and gives him a sweet hug


“What brings you here sweetheart? You’re father and I are having a little chat”


GaIn smile; Jokwon notice his son’s happy face


“You look so happy today son, what happen? Mind to share it with us?”


Kyuhyun nod happily; GaIn notice Sungmin standing beside her son while holding his hand tight


“Is this the girl that you’re talking about?”


Kyuhyun nod; he kissed his mother’s forehead and bow to his father before speaking


“She’s the girl that I’m going to marry”


Jokwon and GaIn stare at each other while smiling


“Lee, Sungmin right?”


Sungmin bows at them


“Yes, Your Majesty”


GaIn cupped her face and stare at her


“Kyu is right; you’re really beautiful and look so innocent”


GaIn holds her hands and smile at her


“You’re the daughter of our servant right?”


Sungmin nod


“You’re the smart girl that we send to study at the Northern Academy with your friend, Teukie”


Sungmin nod again


“Lastly, you’re Kangin’s friend right? You went here before with Teukie, Kangin’s girlfriend”


Sungmin nod like a kid; GaIn smile brightly and give her a bear hug


“Why are you so cute? I love to be your mother in law”


Kyuhyun stop his mother from hugging Sungmin


“Mother, please don’t hug her like that. It’s not good for her ok”


“Why not?”


Sungmin look at Kyuhyun nervously; he pulls her beside him and holds her hand tight and together, they kneel in front of Jokwon and GaIn


“My dear father and mother, I need to tell you something”


Jokwon nod


“I’m going to marry Minnie not because she’s pregnant but because I love her so much”


Jokwon’s eyes widened


“What is it again?”


Kyuhyun raised his head and stare at his father


“Please repeat”


Kyuhyun gulp nervously before speaking


“I’m going to marry Minnie not because she’s pregnant but because I love her so much. We’re going to marry each other because we love each other so much”


Jokwon stand up and stare at his son


“This girl is pregnant with your child?”


Kyuhyun nod nervously; Jokwon look at his wife and flash a bright smile


“Honey, did you hear that?”


GaIn nod happily


“We’re going to have a grandchild; a new member of the family will arrive soon”


“Daebak. I miss those days when I’m taking care of our little Kyuhyun and Junsu”


Jokwon and GaIn smile brightly and give each other a high five


“We shall arrange your marriage soon”


Jokwon giggles happily


“How about the betrothal?”


Jokwon stare at his son


“We don’t need that stupid betrothal; we shall proceed right away to your wedding”


“Are you not mad?”


Jokwon raised his eyebrow


“Why will I get mad? It will be nice to have a grandchild; I bet he will be handsome just like me”


“Having two or maybe a dozen of grandchild will be better, right honey?”


Jokwon nod


“I love kids and I really love taking care of them. Finally, there will be joy in the palace again; it’s really boring when you’re kids are already grown up, they tend to be kill joy and boring at the same time”




“I’m just telling the truth, I hope your son will not grow as a hard headed kid like you”


Jokwon stuck his tongue out; Sungmin laugh softly, Jokwon stand in front of her and help her stand


“If my son give you head ache just tell it to me. I won’t mind if he kneels down on the circular basket full of seeds all day”


Sungmin smile at him; Jokwon and GaIn smile and hug her


“Welcome to the family our daughter in law. It’s nice to have you in the family”


“Thank you Your Majesty”


Jokwon raise his hand


“Stop calling us like that; from now on you must call me father while you call my wife as mother”


Sungmin nod


“You’re our daughter now and starting today you will live here as well as your parents and they will no longer work as a servant”


Kyuhyun cough to catch his father’s attention




“Yes Kyu?”


“We still have a major problem”




“We haven’t tell it yet to her parents”


Jokwon stare at his son seriously


“As a man, you better face your responsibility. You need to face Minnie’s parents and ask her hand properly; if they protest then we can’t proceed to the wedding”




“As a rule of marriage, both parties shall give their blessings to the couple”




“You must follow”


Jokwon smile


“Don’t worry, if ever they protest I’ll help you in convincing them but you have to do your best too”


“Yes father”


Kyuhyun smile at him; Jokwon wink at GaIn and go back to his seat while staring at the couple happily




Sungmin was sitting on Kyuhyun’s bed while frowning at him


“How can you lie to me? How can you hide your real identity?”


Kyuhyun hold her hands and kneel down


“I’m sorry Minnie; I only did that because I’m afraid”


He stares at her sadly


“I’m so afraid that if you find out that I’m a Prince, you will not accept me into your life and will never love me”


“Who told you?”


“I’m really sorry baby; I really don’t want to lie but I’m just afraid to lose you”


“I’m so stupid because I didn’t even suspected you; that’s why you know a lot of things about the Northern Palace, the reigning King and Queen and very close with Kangin”


“I’m sorry baby, please forgive me”


Sungmin cupped his face and kissed him


“I love you for who you are; I don’t care if your Marcus or Kyuhyun, the most important thing is I love you”


“I love you too Minnie, am I forgiven?”


Kyuhyun stare at her like a kid


“How can I resist you? Of course you are forgiven, but please don’t hide anything from me again”


Kyuhyun nod


“We need to go at your house and tell Umma and Appa about our marriage and your pregnancy”


“I hope they will give us their blessings”


“I’ll do everything to convince them. I’ll prove to them how much I love you and I’m the rightful person to be your husband”


Sungmin brush her fingers on his soft skin


“Don’t worry, no matter what happen I will fight for you”


“Thank you Minnie”


Kyuhyun give her a kiss and hug her sweetly







“How dare you show your face in front of me?”


Sungmin’s father slap her face hard; Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes as she begs to her parents




“You’re telling me that you’re going to marry our Royal Highness and you’re pregnant with his child”


“I love him”


Sungmin’s father stares at Kyuhyun


“I love your daughter so much, I will marry her”


“Because she’s pregnant and you’re afraid that people will talk behind you because of your shameful action?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I won’t marry your daughter because she’s pregnant. I love her and I want her to be with me until the day that I die. I will marry her even though she’s not pregnant”


“You are both insane; you don’t even know what true love is”


“Appa, please listen to me”


“Don’t call me Appa, you’re not my son”


Sungmin hold her father’s hand but he pushes her away


“Go away and don’t ever show your face in front of me anymore!”


“Appa, please don’t do this to me”


“You’re such a shame! I don’t remember raising a daughter like you”


“Appa, please listen to me”


“Go away!”




“Get out of my house before I can hurt you”


Sungmin’s tears keep on falling from her eyes; Kyuhyun calm her as they left the house


“I’m going at Teukie’s house”




“I need to talk to her and Kangin; you can go home at the palace first. I’ll be there after I talk with my friends”


“Are you ok?”


Sungmin shook her head while crying


“I’m sorry Minnie”


“It’s not your fault so please don’t apologize. Just drop me at Teukie’s house”


Kyuhyun nod; they went inside the carriage as the coachman drives them at Teukie’s house





Teukie and Kangin were talking happily when Sungmin arrive, crying




Teukie stare at her worriedly




Sungmin hug her tight


“What happen?”


She grabs a chair and let Sungmin sit and give her a glass of water


“Don’t cry, it will be bad for the baby”


Teukie calms her with a hug


“Tell us what happen”


Sungmin drink the water and wiper her tears. She takes a deep breath before talking


“Umma and Appa hate me so much. They don’t want to give their blessings to me and Kyu”


Kangin stare at her


“So our brat Prince already confesses that he’s not Marcus but actually Prince Kyuhyun of North?”


Sungmin nod and frown at him


“You know?”


“Teukie and I knows”


Sungmin frown even more


“You know about it but you didn’t even care tell me? You’re my friends but how can you do this to me?”


Sungmin pout, Teukie and Kangin smile at each other


“He really love you so much”


Teukie told her


“He actually ask our help in courting you and he even told us not to tell you his real identity”


“He’s such a brat Prince but he really loves you, please believe him. He always bothers me about you and we already know that you’re pregnant before you inform us because he told us happily”


Kangin smile


“How about my parents? They don’t want me to marry him”


“You need to understand them; I know that they’re just afraid because they don’t want you to get hurt in the future and you get pregnant out of wedlock. Every parents will be mad and beside you’re their only child so it’s really hard to let you go”


Sungmin start crying again


“You don’t need to worry Minnie, trust Prince Kyuhyun. I’m sure that he will do his best to win your parents heart and of course give your parents time to think. They will not hate their little princess forever and I’m sure that they will be happy when they see their first grandchild”


Kangin ruffles her hair; Teukie wipe her tears and smile


“We’re happy for both of you”


Sungmin manage to smile


“Thank you for staying by my side always”


Teukie and Kangin hug her


“Of course, we’re family here and we promise to support each other always. Friends help each other through thick and thin, don’t you forget that”


Sungmin nod happily


“By the way did you ever tell Prince Kyuhyun about Prince Junsu?”


Sungmin stare at him blankly


“It’s really sad that both brothers were courting the same woman”


“Prince Junsu and I are just friends and he knows about it”


Kangin sigh


“We didn’t even have a chance to practice awhile ago because he keeps on crying. His really a broken hearted man”


“But I love Kyu and not him; I already told him before to stop courting me because I only love him as a brother and a friend”


“Don’t worry because Prince Junsu is a good kid just like his brother. He loves you so much but he told me that he will give up his love because you’re happy with his brother”


“I still need to talk to him later, but please don’t ever tell it to Kyu. I don’t want them to fight because of me, let’s just keep it a secret to him forever”


Teukie and Kangin nod


“I don’t want them to hate each other because of me”


Sungmin smile at them


“I think I need to go home now, Kyu is waiting for me for sure”


Teukie hug her


“You can always visit us whenever you want and we will visit you there always”


“Just live with me in the palace”


Kangin and Teukie both shake their head


“Why not?”


“Prince Kyuhyun offer us to live in the palace so you won’t be living far from us but we also decline”


“Why? You don’t want to be with me?”


Teukie flick her forehead


“Of course we always want to be with you but you will never mature if we’re always beside you. We’re going to miss our house and we still prefer living in a small house”


“So unfair”


“Don’t worry, we’re going to visit you always”




Teukie nod happily


“You better go now and always take care of yourself and don’t give your husband and your in-laws a head ache”


Sungmin nod


“I’ll go with you”




“Prince Junsu and I still need to practice; he told me to comeback after I visit Teukie”




Teukie kissed Kangin


“You take care and watch over Minnie”




Kangin smile brightly and kissed her; Teukie hug Sungmin tight


“Take care and don’t cry anymore. I’m sure your parents will understand you someday, just give them time and don’t pressure yourself. You need to take extra care for the baby”


“I love you Teukie”


“I love you too Minnie”


Teukie walk with them outside; Kangin kissed her before going inside the carriage, Sungmin give her a sweet hug and wave her hand before going inside the carriage.





Junsu welcomes Sungmin and Kangin with a smile on his face; he stares at Sungmin and smile at her, Kangin pats his shoulder


“I’ll wait for you in the field”


“Yes Hyung, this won’t be long”


Kangin nod and left them; Junsu drag Sungmin at the corner


“I hate you for not telling me that you’re my brother’s girlfriend”


Junsu pout


“I didn’t even have any idea that he’s the Prince of North”


Junsu laugh


“He’s really insane, he really change his identity”


Junsu hold his head


“I’m so stupid not to know that you’re the girl he loves. Come to think of it, we’re both stupid because we didn’t even realize that we’re just courting the same girl”


Junsu smile but Sungmin can see the tears that are forming in his eyes


“I’m sorry Junsu”


He shook his head


“It’s not a crime to love my brother”


He cupped her face and brushes his fingers on her cheek


“We’re friends and I understand that”


Junsu stare at her sadly


“It’s really hard because I really love you. But, if you’re going to be happy with my brother then I’ll feel the same way. Father always told me that if it’s not for me, I should let it go; and now I finally understand what he means, we can never have everything in the world”


“You still hate me, don’t you?”


Junsu shook his head


“I never hate you, I’m happy for you and for my brother. If ever you have problems with him, don’t be shy to ask for my help and I’ll punch him for you”


Sungmin smile


“There you go; I always want to see you smiling like that. If my brother is your happiness then that’s fine with me and I never see you smile so bright and sweet, my brother is the only one who can make you smile like that”


Junsu hug her


“Welcome to the family sister in law, I’m glad that you’re my sister in law”


“Thanks Junsu”


Junsu smile


“I need to go now, Kangin Hyung is waiting and we really need to practice. I need to be good for my exam”


“Good luck”


“Brother is waiting for you in your room together”


Sungmin nod; Junsu smile and run away as his tears start falling from his eyes





Kyuhyun was watching Sungmin sleep peacefully beside him. He can’t sleep because of thinking; he’s thinking about Sungmin’s parents, he’s thinking of ways to win their heart. They need their blessings in order for them to get married. He loves Sungmin and he wants to marry her; he wants to live with her, grow old with her and be beside her all the time. He’ll be the next King and he wants Sungmin to be his Queen, the woman who will rule the Northern Land with him. The woman who will always be with him as he leads his people in a right way and the woman who will always support him no matter what happen.


“That’s it; I’m going to talk to them. I need to fight for Minnie”


Kyuhyun kissed Sungmin’s forehead before leaving the room carefully. He was walking outside with his horse when someone calls him. He turns around and found Kangin, smiling at him.


“You’re sneaking again?”


Kyuhyun nod at Kangin who is riding his horse




“Hyung, can you help me?”


Kyuhyun jump on his horse




Kangin notice his sad face


“You’re thinking about Minnie’s parents?”


Kyuhyun nod sadly


“I don’t want them to hate Minnie. I want to prove to them that I love her and I need her in my life all the time. Sungmin is my happiness and I don’t want to lose her. I want to be a good husband and of course a good father to our child”


“What are you planning to do?”


“I’m going to their house and talk to Appa. I need to fight for Sungmin”


Kangin smile at him


“I never knew that a stubborn brat Prince can be a man because of love”




Kangin laugh


“You’re no longer a crybaby”


“I don’t cry and you know that Hyung”


“That’s why you throw tantrums when your teacher told you that you’re not good enough to handle swords. You just lock yourself in your room and cry all night because of anger”


“That’s different”


Kyuhyun stuck his tongue out. Kangin laugh and start driving the horse


“You need to go Prince Kyuhyun, it’s getting late. Minnie’s father might sleep if you won’t go now”


“Are you going home now?”


Kangin nod; Kyuhyun drives his horse and follow Kangin. They talk about Sungmin and other matters as they cross the town. They parted their ways as Kangin needs to go to his house while Kyuhyun needs to go at Sungmin’s house. He ties his horse beside the tree and walk carefully towards the man sitting outside his house while staring at the sky, watching the moon shining so bright.


“Good evening Appa”


Sungmin’s father didn’t turn around


“Please take a seat”


Kyuhyun stare at the empty chair beside Sungmin’s father. He takes a deep breath and sit beside him


“I always knew that you will come”


Kyuhyun stare at him blankly


“It’s about my daughter, right?”


Kyuhyun nod


“I love her”


Sungmin’s father didn’t answer; he remains quiet as he watches the moon shining so bright at the sky.


“I’m sorry, I know that you’re very disappointed towards your daughter but it’s not her fault. Please understand that we both love each other, and being in love is not a big crime”


Sungmin’s father looks at him


“Minnie is a very special girl; she’s so pure and innocent, we always want her to be happy”


“She’s happy with me”


“I know, we’re just afraid that she’ll get hurt someday”


“But I won’t hurt her”


“You can never tell Your Highness”


“Please stop calling me that, you’re my father in law now”


Kyuhyun smile at him


“Appa, I know that you and Umma are really worried about her; you’re worried because I’m a Prince and she’s just an ordinary girl but I love her and she’s the girl that I want to marry and be with for the rest of my life”


Kyuhyun look at the sky and stare at the moon


“I know that it’s hard for you to understand us, but I hope you’ll have a change of heart. I’m not doing this for my own good but for Minnie. I don’t want you to hate her because she’s your daughter and she really loves you a lot. My father once told me that loving someone takes a great risk and responsibilities; maybe you’re right, I never know what true love is but there’s one thing that I know and I’m sure about”


Kyuhyun stare at his eyes


“I love your daughter so much and I think that’s more than true love. My mother always told me that if I already found the other pair of my shoe, I should not let it go and must walk with it no matter what happen. We don’t need to judge a person through his status in life because each of us has the right to be in love and to be loved for who we are. I think, if you love someone, you must embrace her imperfection first for you to see her perfection side. I guess that’s what true love is”


Kyuhyun stand up and kneel in front of Sungmin’s father


“Appa, I’m not kneeling in front of you, to convince you; I’m kneeling in front of you for you to see how much I love your daughter. I’m willing to sacrifice everything for her. Please, I need her in my life and please give Minnie her happiness. I know how much you love your daughter and I promise to love and take care of her. I’ll be a responsible husband and father just like my father”


Sungmin’s father holds his hands and smile at him


“You don’t need to promise anything my dear son. Seeing my daughter happy when she’s with you, is enough for me to understand how much you love each other and I guess that’s the best promise that you both can give me”


“Yes Appa”


“You bring her here tomorrow with you, so we can give you our proper blessing”


Kyuhyun hug him


“Thank you”


“I entrust my daughter to you because I know that you love her and you’re the man who will make her happy”


Kyuhyun nod happily


“You need to go home now, it’s getting late”


“Yes Appa and you must go inside and sleep”


Sungmin’s father ruffles his hair


“Before I let you go, there’s something I want to tell you”


“What is it?”


“Can we just stay here in our house and not in the palace?”


Kyuhyun pout


“Why? Minnie will be sad if you won’t live with us”


“Just tell her that we’re more comfortable here in our simple house”


“But Appa”


“It’s ok, we’re fine”


“Ok but don’t you ever protest when we visit here and sleep”


“That’s a nice idea and of course don’t forget to bring your children with you when you’ll visit here”


Kyuhyun nod happily


“I’m so excited to see my first born grandchild”


Sungmin’s father smile


“You better go now”


Kyuhyun stand up and bows at him


“I’ll see you and Minnie tomorrow”


“Yes Appa”


“Be safe”


“Have a good night rest”


Kyuhyun bow his head before leaving happily







“So you’re parents already give you their blessings?”


Sungmin nod happily; Eunhyuk smile so bright and hug her


“I’m so happy Minnie; finally you can marry the guy that you love”


“He went at our house yesterday night just to talk with Appa”


Eunhyuk stare at her amazingly


“Wow, your future husband is such a romantic guy. He really loves you because he will do everything just to have you”


“He’s really sweet”


“I’m so excited for your wedding; Teukie and I are the maid of honors right?”


Sungmin nod while smiling sweetly at her


“Of course, you’re the only friends that I’ve got”


“By the way, I’m hoping to meet Marcus before the wedding. You never even introduce him to me”


Sungmin hold her forehead






“Actually his name is not Marcus, he’s Pr—“


Eunhyuk stop her from talking


“Wait a second, I’m going to tell you something first”


“Ok, what is it?”


Eunhyuk hold her hand and drag her inside her carriage


“We need to go somewhere”


Sungmin stare at her blankly


“Before we talk about your wedding with Marcus”


“Ah, Hyukkie; his name is not Mar—“


Eunhyuk hold her lips to stop her from talking


“Minnie, let me talk first”


Sungmin just nod


“I’m going to introduce you my crush; the boy that I’m talking about”


“The boy that you love?”


Eunhyuk nod and giggles happily


“I’ve heard that he’s in the palace today; this is my chance to introduce the boy that I love then after that let’s go at Marcus’ house and you introduce him to me”


“Ah, Hyukkie...actually his name is not Ma—“


“I’m sure that you’ll love him for me”


“Hyukkie, I’m telling you something”


Eunhyuk stare at her


“I’ll listen to it later ok?”




Sungmin’s heart keeps on beating fast and she can’t understand why. She feels uneasy and very worried, Eunhyuk notice her; she holds her hands and stares at her worriedly


“Minnie, are you ok?”


“Not that much”


“Was it because of your pregnancy?”


Sungmin nod




“I think you should take a rest after I introduce you to my Prince Charming. Just introduce Marcus to me tomorrow or maybe on the other day”


Sungmin just nod at her. She stares at the window, still feeling uneasy. He heart start jumping when the carriage enters the Northern Palace


“What are we doing here?”


Eunhyuk smile so brightly and hug her


“This is where he lives”




Eunhyuk shook her head


“Prince Kyuhyun”


Sungmin suddenly freeze upon hearing Kyuhyun’s name. She can’t believe that the boy that Eunhyuk keeps on telling her is her future husband. She stares at Eunhyuk nervously


“Hyukkie, I need to tell you something”


Eunhyuk’s servant opens the door of the carriage


“We’re here”


Sungmin hands starts to trembles, she reach for Eunhyuk’s hand but she already goes down before she can stop her


“Minnie, let’s go”


Eunhyuk smile; Sungmin takes a deep breath and goes out of the carriage carefully


“Be careful”


Eunhyuk hold her hands to help her go down


“Hyukkie, I need to tell you something”


Eunhyuk ignores her as she drags her inside the palace.


“I wonder where Prince Kyuhyun of North is”


Sungmin starts to get pale when Kyuhyun came out of the throne room. Her world suddenly stop, she wants to vanish in an instant


“Hi baby”


Kyuhyun smile and walk towards them


“Hi Prince Charming”


Eunhyuk smile at him but to her surprise Kyuhyun ignores her. He just walk passed her and kissed Sungmin


“I keep on looking for you, where have you been?”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes as she avoids Eunhyuk’s serious glare


“I went at Teukie’s house and Hyukkie”


Sungmin stop talking when she saw Eunhyuk crying




Kyuhyun turn around and was shock to see her crying


“Hi there, Lady Eunhyuk of Begonia”


Eunhyuk run towards Sungmin and slap her face so hard


“YAH! What are you doing to her?”


Kyuhyun pulls her away from Sungmin but she manage to escape from his grip and slap Sungmin for the second time


“Hyukkie, please listen to me”


“How dare you Minnie? I thought we’re best of friends but how can you betray me?”


“Hyukkie, pl—“


Eunhyuk slap her for the third time; Kyuhyun grabs her arm and stare at her seriously


“Please leave now or I’ll tell the soldiers to drag you outside”


Eunhyuk slaps him


“Why are you marrying her? Because she’s pregnant?”


“I love her”


“You don’t love her because you love me”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow while staring at her seriously


“Excuse me?”


Eunhyuk hug her but Kyuhyun push her away from him


“Don’t touch me”


“She’s just a lower class girl. You know that I love you so much”


“But I don’t love you and you know that”


“I love you Prince Kyuhyun so please don’t do this to me. I’m begging you”


“Go away”


“You don’t love her”


“I love her and you know very well that I only like you as my little sister”


Eunhyuk’s tears keep on falling from her eyes; she stares at Sungmin who is crying at the corner


“It’s your fault!”




Eunhyuk stare at her seriously and run away. Sungmin follows her




She keeps on shouting her name




Eunhyuk stop and turn around to face her; Sungmin hug her but she pushes her away


“Don’t you dare lay your hands on me, you filthy lower class girl!”


“Hyukkie, please”


“I thought you’re my best friend but why?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I didn’t know that he’s the boy that you’re talking about. I thought it’s Prince Junsu”


Eunhyuk laugh sarcastically


“You’re really stupid”


“Hyukkie, please listen to me”


“What for? You betray me”


“I never did that”


“Oh yes you did!”


Eunhyuk wipes her tears


“We’re over now Lee Sungmin”




“I’m giving you another chance”


Eunhyuk take a deep breath before talking


“If you’re really my best friend and our friendship is important to you...please leave Kyuhyun for me”


“I love him and you know that”


“But I love him too and you also know that. You choose between us. Who is more important, me or Kyuhyun? Love or friendship?”


“Please don’t do this to me, you know that I love you and I don’t want to hurt you”


Eunhyuk slap her face


“But you already did! You choose now”


Sungmin stare at her


“I’m sorry but I love Kyuhyun”


Eunhyuk raised her eyebrow


“Then you’re no longer my best friend”


“Hyukkie, please”


Eunhyuk point her finger towards Sungmin


“I won’t attend your wedding even if you beg me! You’re no longer my best friend Lee Sungmin”




“Don’t call me that lower class girl!”


Eunhyuk pulls her closer and hold her chin tight


“Listen to me Lee Sungmin. I want you to remember this until the day you die...I will hate you forever, and I’ll make sure that you will live your life miserable. I’m going to do everything to make your life miserable because on this day I’m throwing away our friendship, you’re my enemy now. Don’t you forget that?”




Eunhyuk push her away and leave the palace. Sungmin sit on the floor and start crying hard when she felt warm hands around her waist


“She hates me”


Kyuhyun brush his lips on her neck


“Shhh, I’m here; she’ll regret it someday, for throwing your friendship like that”


“She hates me”


“Don’t cry or else our baby will be sad too”


Sungmin stare at him


“Am I a bad person?”


“Of course not”


“But Hyukkie hates me”


“I love you and she’s just a narrow minded woman and she’s lacking of understanding. A true friend is someone who will stay with you no matter what happen, the one who will sacrifice in order for you to be happy. Don’t be sad because Teukie and Kangin are still there for you”


Kyuhyun kissed her


“I’m also here for you”


Kyuhyun carry her on his arms


“You need to take a rest now and stop thinking a lot of things. I love you”


Sungmin close her eyes; Kyuhyun wipe her tears and carry her in their room




Lee Sungmin and Cho Kyuhyun become husband and wife; they were given the title Prince and Princess of North as King Jokwon of Lily still remains as the reigning King of the North. GaIn gives the Red Diamond of Globe Amaranth to her son on his wedding and he then gives it to his loving wife as a sign of his unending love for her. Kyuhyun start training with his father, preparing to be the next King of the Northern Land; Kangin became his upper hand in which he keeps on declining but Kyuhyun keeps on insisting; he even throw tantrums to persuade Kangin in becoming his upper hand; Teukie often sleeps with Sungmin at the palace because Kyuhyun become busy studying with his father and attending missions for their kingdom and people. He always goes with his father at the Southern Land to talk with the King of South about the people and the possible ways to govern them properly and how to attend to their needs especially the needs of the lower class people. Kyuhyun always bring Kangin with him whenever he will be out and he also becomes his advisor especially the times when he and Sungmin fought. They become a happy family who is always there for each other.


“I lose again”


Kyuhyun frown


“I always lose to Kangin Hyung”


Kyuhyun keeps on frowning


“I’m sure you’re proud of him”


“Of course because he’s my friend”


“I’m starting to get jealous”


“You don’t have to be jealous of him”


“You’re really close with each other”


Kyuhyun frowns even more


“If you’ll frown, you’ll get wrinkles and will be very ugly. Kangin, Teukie and I grow up together. We’re childhood friends that are very close with each other and we’re like brother and sister. Teukie and I are the only family of Kangin so don’t be jealous of him.”


Kyuhyun pouts; Sungmin laugh at him and hold his face between her hands. Sungmin stare at him and give him a sweet kiss on his lips


“Of course I’m proud of you more than Kangin”


“Even though I always lose in our practice duel?”


Sungmin nod


“You’ll always be the winner for me. Father and mother are also proud of you”




“Of course, they’re really happy whenever you have a practice duel with Kangin. They love watching you and they enjoy it. Whether you win or lose, they’re always proud of you because you’re really trying your best to win the match”


“I’ll win next time”


Sungmin smile


“Kangin always teach you to be strong and don’t let your weakness defeat you”


“He’s really a good dueling partner but next time I’ll win for sure”


“I’ll always be there to cheer you”


Sungmin brush her fingers on his cheek and smile brightly


“Baby, it doesn’t matter whether you lose or win, what matters most is you enjoy the practice and you learn something”


Kyuhyun nod


“Kangin Hyung is really good”


“That’s why he’s called Kangin”


Kyuhyun laugh


“Don’t worry, when you’re skills are good enough, you can beat Kangin someday. But, you’re always be the winner for us”


Kyuhyun smile and kissed her


“OMO, the baby is listening”


Sungmin rubs her tummy


“See, even your child is cheering for you. He’s kicking inside”


Kyuhyun rub her tummy and feels the kick of their baby; Kyuhyun kissed her tummy and continue to rub it


“Baby, are you listening? Umma and Appa love you and we can’t wait to see you. I’ll hope you’ll be a good baby and don’t give us head ache arasso?”


“Of course he won’t give us head ache; he’ll be good just like you”


Kyuhyun stare at his wife and hug her tight


“I’m the happiest man in the world. I’m so happy with my life because you’re here with me”


“I’m always here for you and I’ll love you always and forever”


Kyuhyun smile


“We’re really going to be a one big happy family”


“Of course”


Kyuhyun brushes his nose from hers and give her a sweet kiss on her cheek

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu