Cinderella's Fairy Tale (Chapter 19)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 19



The Kims are eating their breakfast happily, when someone enters their house without knocking. It was the soldiers from the South.


“Why are you here?”


Kangin asked them, they just push him away and stare at Ryeowook and Heechul


“Who is Kim Heechul?”


Heechul look at them blankly before raising her hand


“I am Kim Heechul, why?”


One of the soldiers grabs her arm and drags her away from her chair




Teukie run towards her eldest daughter, but the soldiers drew their sword and point it to her face


“If you move, you’ll die”


“Where are you taking my daughter?”


“At the Southern Palace; Princess Mimi, wants her”


Ryeowook hug her mother, she feels so scared and her hands start trembling


“Why are they taking Unnie? They can’t take her”


They push Kangin away and drag Heechul forcefully outside the house. She accidentally falls on the ground, but the soldiers didn’t mind and continue dragging her. Her knees are already bleeding but they don’t care. They push her on the carriage and the coachman start driving it.


“Don’t take her away! STOP!”


Kangin shouts


“Give her back!”


Kangin run to chase the carriage but he fails; he sits on the ground and punches it so hard. Teukie run towards him with Ryeowook.


“They can’t take our daughter away”


Teukie hug him


“Kangin, what are we going to do? They seize her”


“I’m going to the Northern Palace and talk to King Kyuhyun”


“No! Don’t do it, he will never listen”


“But, the South violate the rule”


“If you talk to him, Minnie will be in trouble again”


Teukie start to cry


“Minnie already suffer a lot from his hands, I want him to hurt her again. I know that she can help us to get our daughter back, but I don’t want her to help us if the consequence that she needs to face is the grudge of her husband”


“Why did they take Heechul from us?”


Teukie shook her head


“She didn’t do anything, she’s innocent. I’m so worried; we need to get her back no matter what happen”


Ryeowook hug her mother


“I’m going to ask for help”




“I know someone who can help us”


Ryeowook stand up


“I’ll be back later”


“Where are you going sweetheart?”


“Pelagia Palace”


“Just stay here, your father and I will be the one who will seek for help”


Ryeowook ignores her mother and start walking




Krystal goes out of her carriage when she saw Ryeowook standing outside the gate of their palace


“Excuse me?”


Krystal approach her while smiling


“You’re the girlfriend of Prince Yesung, right?”


Ryeowook nod as her answer


“What are you doing here?”


Krystal notice her teary eyes


“Is there something wrong? Did you fight with him? Do you want me to break his bones for you?”


Ryeowook shook her head


“Do you want me to send my messenger at the Northern Palace, to inform him that you’re here? He’ll come here for sure”


Ryeowook shook her head again


“I need to see Lord Jay”




“I need to tell him something, is he around? It’s a very important matter”


Krystal holds her hand and smile


“Let’s go inside”


“Can I?”


“Of course, Oppa will be happy to see you”


Krystal walk inside the palace with Ryeowook; they went inside Jay’s study room, he was sitting on his chair while reading a book




Jay smiles at his sister; Krystal run towards him and give her a hug


“Where have you been? You look so happy today”


Krystal smile sweetly


“I went out with Prince Henry”




Krystal nod


“By the way, are you busy Oppa?”


Jay shook his head


“Not really, just reading some books; just finish with my History class, why?”


“You have a visitor”




Krystal smile and point her finger towards Ryeowook, standing at the corner


“Hi little sister of Lady Kim”


Jay smile brightly at her, he stands up and walk towards her


“What can I do for you?”


Jay stare at her, his smile vanished when he saw tears falling from her eyes


“Why are you crying?”


Ryeowook kneel in front of him; Jay was shock, he holds her hands and help her to stand


“Please don’t kneel, what’s wrong?”


He let her sit on the couch


“Why are you crying?”


Ryeowook wipe her tears


“Lord Jay, please help us”


Jay stares at her curiously


“It’s about my sister”


Jay’s eyes widened


“What about her?”


“The Southern soldiers went at our house awhile ago, they seize her”




Krystal and Jay shout in unison


“Oppa, they can’t take her away. The South don’t have the right to seize our people away”


Jay looks at Ryeowook with a worried face


“Why did they seize her?”


Ryeowook shook her head


“They just told us that Princess Mimi wants her”


Krystal frown


“Aish! I always knew that Princess is really evil. Prince Hangeng should not marry her, I just can’t understand why he needs to pursue their wedding, and he wants it soon. If we count the days, it will be two days from now”


Krystal shook her head


“I don’t want her to be the future Queen; I’m not going to bow my head to that evil”


Krystal pats her brother’s shoulder


“King Kyuhyun needs to know it, Southern Royalties violated the rule. This means war”


Jay stands up


“I’m going at the Northern Palace”


“Can I go with you?”


Jay shook his head


“Just stay here with Lady Kim’s little sister. Tell the coachman to drop her at her house. If Appa will look for me, just tell him that I went at the Northern Palace to talk with Prince Hangeng”


Krystal nod at her brother; Jay cupped Ryeowook’s face and smile


“Don’t worry, we will get her back”


Ryeowook nod sadly; Jay ruffles his sister’s head before leaving the room








“Hi Lord Jay”


Yesung was walking at the hall when he saw Jay; he flash a bright smile to greet him


“Where is Queen Sungmin?”


“In the throne room, why?”


“I need to talk to her, is she with King Kyuhyun?”


Yesung shook his head


“Where is Prince Hangeng?”


“He’s talking with Appa at the meeting room, why?”


“I just need to talk to him”


Yesung nod


“I’m going now, I still have swordsmanship class”


Jay nod and smile at him; Jay went at the throne room, Sungmin smile at him


“Your Majesty?”


Jay bows his head


“You don’t need to bow sweetheart, I’m not King Kyuhyun”


Jay stare at her, Sungmin notice his worried face


“What brings you here?”


“Your Majesty, I need to talk with Prince Hangeng”


“He’s with his father”


Sungmin stand up and walk towards him


“What happen? I can feel that something is bothering you, what is it?”


Sungmin cupped his face


“Your Majesty, Lady Kim is in trouble”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“What happen to her?”


“The Southern soldiers seize her, Princess Mimi wants her”


Sungmin was shock to hear the news


“They can’t take it away, they’re violating the rule. I will not let this happen”


Sungmin frown to control her anger


“Lee Eunhyuk, you really want to have a war, then I’ll give you what you want”


Sungmin whisper, she holds Jay’s hand


“Let’s go sweetheart, we need to talk to Prince Hangeng. I also need to tell the King that his mistress was asking for a war”


Jay just stare at her blankly, Sungmin smirk and drags him with her.





“The servants of the South as well as our servants were already busy preparing for your wedding; they’re already preparing the things to be needed as the wedding will be two days from now”


Kyuhyun smile at his son


“Queen Eunhyuk and I already talk to the priest; Princess Mimi is really excited for that big day. Her wedding dress is really beautiful, we’re going to cel—“


Kyuhyun stop talking


“Prince Hangeng?”


Kyuhyun notice his son staring at him blankly, he’s not even paying attention to every single word that he’s saying


“Prince Hangeng!”


Kyuhyun shout at him; Hangeng just nod


“Are you even listening to me?”


Hangeng sigh and stand up


“Can we just talk about it later? I don’t want to think about it”


“You need to marry her no matter what happen”


Hangeng stare at his father


“Why are you so eager for me to marry her?”


“Well...she’s a Princess and you’re a Prince; there’s nothing wrong with that, and that’s the way it should be”


Hangeng raised his eyebrow


“Is that really your reason?”


“Of course”


Kyuhyun eye him


“Are you accusing me of planning something evil?”


Hangeng smile sarcastically


“I’m not saying anything. I’m just curious Appa, why do we need to pursue the wedding? We should be mourning for King Donghae’s death”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened, Hangeng can see fear in his father’s eyes


“We should at least move the wedding next year because the people of South are still mourning for their King who just died”


“But the Lee family wants the wedding to happen as soon as possible”


“And you agree with that?”


Kyuhyun nod


“What kind of King are you? You should at least mourn for the lost of your precious friend. King Donghae is the King of South, you should at least extend your condolences and respect his death, then why do we need to celebrate when a King just died. Can’t you just understand it?”


“It’s an old tradition, we don’t follow it anymore”


Kyuhyun flash his evil smile


“Don’t forget about our deal”


Hangeng frown at him


“You’re not even following it”


“You’re mother is really hard headed, it’s not my fault”


Hangeng shoot him a deadly glare


“It is your fault for bringing tears in her eyes”


Kyuhyun fell silent


“Let’s just talk about the wedding later”


Hangeng was about to leave, when Sungmin enters the room with Jay




Sungmin stare at Kyuhyun and slap him hard


“Tell your mistress to give Heechul back to her family”


Hangeng’s eyes widened upon hearing Heechul’s name


“What happen to her?”


Sungmin look at her son


“Lord Jay went here to inform me that the Southern soldiers seize her awhile ago. Princess Mimi wants her”


Hangeng look at his father


“This can’t be happening, nobody can’t touch her; she’s my slave”


“Mimi will be your wife two days from now, she has the right to seize her”


Hangeng clench his fist, controlling his anger


“They’re violating the rule”


Sungmin told her husband


“I allow them to seize her”


Jay and Hangeng were shock as they stare at him with wide eyes open; Sungmin smirk at him


“Without my permission?”


Kyuhyun eye her


“You’re just a Queen”


“I am the Queen of North! They also need my permission before they can seize her”


Sungmin cupped his face


“You know what, you’re favoring your dearest mistress”


“Shut up!”


“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that your sons doesn’t even know about it”


Hangeng and Jay stare at them blankly


“I’m going at the Southern Palace to get Heechul and bring her back here”


“Don’t try me”


Sungmin smile


“It’s your fault that you didn’t kill me before; I need to stop your cruelty. Don’t involve innocent people here. I never knew that you will be a coward King, who will always follow Eunhyuk’s will. You let her dominate you; I feel so pity because you’re the bottom in the relationship. You don’t deserve to be a King because you can’t stood up for your people’s right and you even dare to put them in trouble”


Sungmin turn her back and look at her son


“If you want you can come with me”


Sungmin leave the room; Hangeng stare at his father before following his mother, dragging Jay with him








Mimi was staring at Heechul covered in blood; her knees are bleeding nonstop as well as her arms because Mimi slashes it with a knife. Her lips are bleeding as well as her forehead. Her hands and feet are chained in a pole; Mimi pours cold water on her face. She holds her chin tight and smile


“What do you want from me?”


Tears start falling from her eyes, Mimi laughs while staring at her


“I told you that I’ll be sending you to your grave soon”


“You’re really evil”


“Should I ask one of my soldiers to play with you? That will be great”


Mimi smiles devilishly


“Kim, Heechul, you’re now facing your worst nightmare”


Mimi’s smile suddenly vanished when she saw the Red Diamond of Globe Amaranth around her neck


“Where did you get that necklace?”


Heechul manage to smile in spite of the pain that she’s experiencing at that moment


“Can’t you see? Prince Hangeng doesn’t love you. You might have him as your husband but his heart belongs to me”


Mimi slaps her




Mimi stab her knees with a knife




Heechul shouts because of pain; Mimi just laughs at her


“You can never have Prince Hangeng”


She told her before leaving the dungeon; Henry saw his sister left the dungeon; he immediately went inside and saw Heechul




Heechul raised his head


“Why are you here?”




Henry walk towards her


“We need to get out of here”


He gets the key inside his pocket


“We need to go now; I just snatch the keys from the soldiers”


Henry’s hands were trembling as he unlocked the chain. Heechul falls on his arm


“Noona, can you walk?”


Heechul shook her head as blood keeps on drifting out of her body


“This is bad; I need to bring you at the sanatorium”


Heechul brush her fingers on his face


“Just leave me here”


Henry shook his head


“I need to bring you at the sanatorium; we need to get out of here. My sister will kill you”


“I can’t walk anymore, my body is aching”


Henry lay her down at the corner


“Wait for me here, I’m going to look for help. I’m going back”


Heechul nod; Henry immediately run outside to look for help





Sungmin arrives at the Southern Palace with Hangeng and Jay.




Sungmin shouts as she enters inside; Eunhyuk and Mimi were talking at the living room when they heard her voice




Sungmin saw her sitting on the sofa, smiling at her


“Are you here to visit your sweet best friend?”


Eunhyuk told her; Sungmin smile and walk towards her; she stare at her before slapping her face. The soldiers was about to seize her away but Sungmin’s soldier protected her from them


“Where is Heechul?”


Eunhyuk smirk


“I don’t know what you’re talking about”


“Stop lying!”


Sungmin set her eyes upon Mimi who is staring at Hangeng blankly


“Where did you take her?”


Mimi look at Sungmin


“Why is Prince Hangeng here?”


Sungmin was about to answer but Hangeng stop her


“I’m here to fetch Heechul”




“She’s mine, she’s my slave”


“She’s going to be my slave too”


Hangeng frown


“You’re not yet my wife; you still don’t have the right”


Mimi frown


“Where is she?”


Mimi just shook her head


“Tell me, where she is”


Hangeng speak in a very calm manner though he’s already losing his temper towards her


“You can’t have her”


Eunhyuk told them; Sungmin set her eyes back to Eunhyuk


“Give her back to me”


“What if I don’t want?”


“You really want to have a war? I’m telling you, you’re going to regret it”


Eunhyuk clap her hands while laughing


“Are you threatening me? I’m not scared of you Lee Sungmin, you can’t do anything”


Sungmin smile and drew her son’s sword, pointing it at Eunhyuk’s throat


“Don’t forget that my husband taught me how to use a sword, to kill the enemy.”


Eunhyuk turns pale


“You want to have a war?”


Sungmin stare at her seriously; Hangeng try to stop his mother, but she just ignores him


“You’re violating the rule Queen Eunhyuk; you know very well that Southern people don’t have the right to lay a single finger to our people, you must follow it as much as the Northern people follow it; we never give damn to the people that you govern. You can only seize our people if they committed a crime and it was proven after the trials, or the King and Queen will give you a certain permission to seize that person”


Eunhyuk laugh


“King Kyuhyun give me permission”


Sungmin raised her eyebrow while smiling sarcastically


“Only the King, don’t forget that you also need to ask for my permission”


Eunhyuk bite her lips because of anger


“Well, since you violated the rule, you know what will happen. We can call for a war”


Sungmin shoot her a deadly glare


“Are you going to give her back or you want us to call for a war and bring the Southern Palace down? I’m telling, you’re going to regret it. You don’t have enough men to battle in a war”


“You’re just a Queen”


“We’re both just a Queen, but I’m still superior than you because I’ve got the ace”


Eunhyuk stare at Hankyung


“I’m waiting for your answer, don’t wait for me to be impatient and cut your throat”


Eunhyuk smile


“Don’t forget that you’re in my palace, you don’t have the authority”


“I don’t care; I don’t mind being executed for killing you. Anyway, before you forgot...they can’t touch me, because their Queen violated the rule first”


Sungmin laugh


“You’re starting to regret that you have a wise best friend?”


Sungmin told her; Henry came at the living room, panting so hard because of running


“Prince Hangeng”


Hangeng look at him


“You need to come with me; Heechul Noona is in the dungeon”


Henry takes a deep breath and drags him; Jay follows them. Sungmin eye Eunhyuk before putting the sword down and follow her son. They went at the dungeon, Hangeng run immediately towards Heechul




Heechul open her eyes


“Why are you here?”


But before she can hear his answer, Heechul falls unconsciously on his arms. Hangeng carry her with the help of Jay


“Why do you care so much for her?”


Hangeng just ignores Mimi and went inside his carriage. Jay helps Sungmin to get inside the carriage


“Queen Sungmin!”


Eunhyuk shouts, Sungmin go down to face her




“We’re not yet over, you may win this time, but the next time we meet...I’ll make sure that you’ll beg in front of me”


Sungmin smirk


“I’m not scared of you”


She turns her back and went inside the carriage as they all go back at the Northern Palace with Heechul






Heechul was lying on Hangeng’s bed, sleeping peacefully. Hangeng was watching over her when his mother came inside


“How is she?”


“The medics already told me that she’s fine now, she just needs to rest for her wounds”


“Sungie already left to tell her family that she’s fine and she will be home later”


Sungmin sit beside her son and notice him crying; she cupped his face and wipes his tears away




Hangeng look at his mother sadly


“Yes sweetheart?”


“I love Chullie”


Sungmin nod


“I know”


“But I need to marry Mimi”


Sungmin shook her head; she brushes her fingers on his gorgeous face.


“You don’t need to hurt yourself like this”


“But Umma”


“Follow your heart sweetheart, just like what your brother is doing. Don’t think about me, I’ll be fine”


Hangeng drop his head


“Appa will hurt you if he finds out”


“It’s ok, I can face him”


Sungmin hug her son


“Sweetheart, I rather die seeing you and Sungie happy than to live, but seeing my son in agony because of their father”


Hangeng look at her


“I’m sorry Umma”


“You don’t have to. I always want to see you and Sungie happy, so please follow your happiness before it’s too late”


Sungmin Heechul’s hair and stare at her sadly


“Heechul is not the only person who will suffer if you will listen to your father”


She raises her head and look at him


“All of us, please think. Time is running, you should use it wisely”





Heechul woke up from her sleep, she sits on the bed and was shock to see herself inside a big room in which she’s not familiar


“Where am I?”


Heechul notice her watch, the time stop




Heechul stare at the door, the old woman enters




She sits on the bed and holds her hands


“Prince Hangeng will be marrying the evil witch two days from now”


Heechul nod sadly


“The future is in your hand”


“What will I do to stop the wedding?”


The old woman stares at her


“Trust Prince Hangeng”


Heechul nod, the old woman smiles and suddenly vanish




Heechul shouts




Heechul opens her eyes and found herself on the same place




Heechul stare at the owner of the voice


“Where am I?”


Hangeng hold her hand


“You’re inside my room”


“What happen to me?”


“The Southern soldiers seize you, Princess Mimi tortures you”


“I need to go home now”


Heechul try to sit on the bed




Hangeng help her


“Don’t move, your wounds are still fresh. I’ll send you home later”


Hangeng sit beside her


“I’m sorry”


Tears start falling from her eyes; Hangeng move closer and hug her


“I’m sorry, please don’t cry”


“Please...I’m begging you, don’t marry her”


Hangeng look at her and wipe her tears


“Prince Hangeng, I love you. Please don’t marry her, it’s against my will. I don’t want you to marry other girl, it hurts me ok”


Hangeng kissed her lips gently


“I love you, do you still believe me?”


She nods


“I want to protect you; I want to be with you”


He brushes his lips from hers


“Do you still trust me?”


Heechul nod and kissed him


“Please wait for me later”


Heechul stare at him blankly


“I’ll be at your house by twelve midnight”




“Are you willing to come with me?”


Heechul nod


“We’re going far away from the palace; we’re going to elope later”




Hangeng nod


“That’s the only way that I know to be with you. I really don’t want to marry Princess Mimi”


He grabs her hands and holds it tight


“I want to be with you, I’ll fight for you”


Heechul hug him


“I’ll wait for you later”


“We’re going away; don’t worry about your family. I promise to protect them”


Hangeng kissed her forehead and cuddles her into his arms







Hangeng was busy packing some of his things when someone knocks on his room


“Please come in”


Hangeng smile at his best friend; Jay bows his head in front of him


“You don’t need to bow”


Jay flash a bright smile


“Prince Hangeng of North, why did you call for me?”


Jay sits on his soft bed


“Going somewhere?”


Hangeng nod




“Heechul and I will elope”


Jay smile


“Oh, so you already decide to leave that evil fiancée of yours?”


Hangeng nod


“I don’t love her, you know that”


Jay stares at him and pat his shoulder


“How about King Kyuhyun?”


“I don’t care about him; I’ll fight for Chullie until the end”


“Well, that’s the future King”


Jay laughs softly


“And what is my role? Don’t tell me that I’ll be the horse?”


Jay and Hangeng look at each other and laugh




“What do you want me to do? I’m willing to help you”


Hangeng reach his hand out


“I need the key of our secret hiding place in Donggyoro”


Jay raised his eyebrow


“I always knew that you’ll ask for that key. You’re going far away from the palace”


“Chullie and I will be safe there, nobody know the place except the two of us”


Jay gets the key in his pocket


“You’re lucky that I bring it with me...just in case, you’re going to ask for it”




“No problem”


Jay sigh


“You want to see me, just to get the key? You suppose to tell me so I just ask my messenger to send it to you. I travel so far just to get in here”


Hangeng laugh


“Of course not, I need your help Jay”


Jay stares at his eyes


“You look so serious”


“I’m always serious”


Jay picks the figurine on the table and start playing on it


“What can I do to help you?”


Jay smile while playing on the figurine, happily like a child


“I need your soldiers”


“Are we going on a war?”


Jay teases him


“Yah! Stop teasing me”


Hangeng takes a deep breath before talking again


“I need your soldiers to guard the house of my Princess. I’m sure that Appa will do something evil towards her family when he finds out about our relationship”


Jay nod


“How about your soldiers?”


“I will send some of them, Sungie volunteers to send his soldiers too”


Jay nod again


“What else?”


“Let’s communicate with the help of our messenger”




Hangeng smile


“Thanks a lot Jay”


“No problem, we’re best of friends. I’m willing to help you anytime, just take care of yourself and Lady Kim”


“I will”


“And always be happy”


“I will, Lord Jay of Nakai”


Hangeng smile and finished packing his things




Hangeng knocks on the door, before going inside his mother’s study room. Sungmin standing at the balcony, staring at the beautiful moon




She turns around and looks at her son


“How did you know it was me?”


“From the sound of your footstep”


Sungmin smile; Hangeng kneel down and bow his head


“Umma, please give me your blessing”


“You’re going now?”


Sungmin nod






Sungmin gets the sword of the former King of North inside the cabinet, beside the bookshelf


“It’s good that your father hides it here. I use the same sword when I give Sungie my blessing in marrying Wookie”


Hangeng was shock to hear


“They are already married?”


Sungmin nod


“He’s really fast”


Sungmin smile


“I’m going to bestow my blessing to you”


Sungmin raised King Jokwon’s sword in front of him, she taps his son’s shoulders gently with the sword.


“You can go now and follow your happiness. Be careful, take care of Heechul”


Hangeng stand up and hug his mother tight


“Thank you Umma, please be careful”


“I’ll be fine, don’t worry”


Hangeng kissed her mother’s forehead and bow at her before leaving the room. He went inside his younger brother’s room to check him. Yesung was lying on his bed with his eyes closed; Hangeng sit beside him and his hair gently


“I’m going now”


Hangeng smile while staring at his face, sleeping peacefully like a baby. He carefully stand and walk towards the door




Hangeng turn around and found his brother sitting on the bed, staring at him


“I thought you’re already sleeping?”


Yesung nod


“About to promise to comeback right?”


Hangeng nod


“I promise that I’ll be back, we’re going to face our father together and stop his evil ambitions and cruelty”


“Then, I can live with Wookie?”


Hangeng smile


“Yes, you can live with your wife. We will all live happily, I promise you that”


“Please be careful, take care of Heechul Noona or else Wookie will be sad; I don’t want her to be sad”


“I will”


Yesung smile and wave his hand


“You should go now, she’s waiting for you. My soldiers are already guarding the front gate; Lord Jay’s soldiers are waiting for you outside the gate with your horse”


“Thanks for everything”


“No problem”


“Please take care of yourself, watch over Chullie’s family and of course our mother”


Yesung nod, Hangeng smile and wave his hand. He opens the door and went outside





Heechul put a small paper on the table beside their bed. She stares at her sister, sleeping peacefully


“I love you Wookie, please take care and watch over Umma and Appa”


She kissed her sister’s forehead gently and goes out of the room quietly. She opens the door of their house and went outside. Hangeng arrives at twelve midnight with his horse, he saw Heechul sitting on the ground while staring at the sky


“My Princess”


Heechul smile at him


“We need to go now”


Heechul gives him her things, Hangeng hold her hands and help her jump on the horse


“Where are we going?”




“Maybe we can find my car there”


Hangeng give her a weird look




“Well...I was driving at Donggyoro when I hit an old woman accidentally. Maybe, we can find my car there”


Hangeng stare at her


“Chullie, what are you talking about?”


Heechul sigh


“I forgot, I’m not in my own world”




Heechul shook her head


“Never mind, let’s go now before someone can see us”


Heechul kissed him, Hangeng smile and start driving the horse









Hangeng notice Heechul looking for something


“My Princess?”


Heechul ignores him


“My Princess”


Heechul ignores him again; Hangeng hold her arm to catch her attention


“Princess Heechul”




“Why are you doing?”


“I was looking for my car, still hoping that I can find it here”


Hangeng raised his eyebrow


“What car?”


“It’s a...”


Heechul sigh


“There’s no point in explaining, you wouldn’t understand”


Heechul notice a small cabin


“Who owns that cabin?”


She points at the cabin, near the tree. Hangeng smile and carry her inside


“Welcome to our home, my Princess and my future Queen”


Heechul giggles happily as Hangeng lay her down on the bed


“How did you know this place?”


Hangeng sit beside her


“This is my secret hiding place with Lord Jay”


“Secret hiding place?”


Hangeng nod


“Jay and I used to sneak around when we’re in our teenage year, especially when we hate to attend our Literature class”


Heechul frown


“Literature is fun as well as History”


Hangeng shook his head


“But not for us”


Heechul sit on the bed


“You build the cabin?”


Hangeng shook his head


“We can’t do it, we don’t know how. We hire men to build it for us”


“Who knows this place except you and Jay?”


Hangeng shook his head again


“Just the two of us”


“I see”


Hangeng stare at her; he cupped her face and kissed her on her lips. Heechul wraps her hands around his neck and lay down on the bed, making him on top


“I love you Heechul”


“I love you too”


Hangeng kissed her again


“Let’s go to sleep now”


Heechul nod, Hangeng lay down beside her


“I’m happy that I’m with you”


Hangeng whisper to her, he pull her closer to him and cuddles her into his arms


“I hope we can stay like this forever”


“Yes we will, I’ll promise you that”


Hangeng kissed her; Heechul smile and slowly close her eyes








Kyuhyun bang the door of the throne room and stare at his wife seriously


“Where is Hangeng?”


Sungmin shook her head


“What do you mean where is Prince Hangeng?”


Sungmin act in a natural way


“He’s missing”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“What? Did someone kidnap him or what?”


“I don’t know”


Kyuhyun stares at his soldiers and the soldiers of the palace


“You didn’t see him yesterday night?”


They all shook their head




Kyuhyun shout and push the head of the soldiers


“All of you are stupid!”


They keep their head low, afraid of the King


“Don’t just stand! Find my son!”


“Yes Your Majesty”




They run outside to look for the older Prince. Kyuhyun stares at his wife seriously before leaving the throne room





Yesung hugs Ryeowook as she cries on his arms


“Why are you crying?”


“Unnie is missing”


Yesung wipe her tears


“I just saw a note on the table when I wake up awhile ago. She says that she will go somewhere, but she didn’t give the exact place. We’re so worried about her”


Yesung smile


“Don’t cry, Heechul Noona is safe. I’m hundred percent sure that she’s fine and safe”


Ryeowook stare at him blankly


“ do I explain it?”


“You know where she is?”


Yesung nod


“How come you didn’t even tell me? You just watch me cry”


Ryeowook stare at him with teary eyes


“I was about to tell you, but you start crying like a kid”


Yesung wipe her tears


“Stop crying now”


“Where is Unnie?”


Yesung takes a deep breath


“Well...Hyung and Chullie Noona actually eloped yesterday night”




Yesung hold her lips


“Shhh, it’s a secret ok?”


Ryeowook nod


“Where are they?”


Yesung speak in a soft volume, afraid that someone might hear him




“Please take me there, I want to see Unnie”


Yesung shook his head


“I understand, but not now”


Ryeowook pout


“We’re going there when Lord Jay fetches me, not tomorrow but on the next day. He’s busy preparing everything for Hyung’s wedding with your sister”


“They will marry each other”


Yesung touches her lips again


“It’s a secret, ok?”


Ryeowook nod


“Actually, we only have one problem”


Ryeowook stare at him blankly




“Lord Jay can’t find a priest. Well, I know that there are a lot of them, but they are all close with my father. We don’t want to put Hyung and Noona in trouble, Umma has a friend who happens to be a priest, but he already died a long time ago”


Yesung sigh


“I know someone”


Yesung look at him with excitement on his eyes


“He’s Unnie’s friend”


“That’s great, problem solved”


Yesung smile


“We need to go to his house and talk to him. I’m sure Minho can never resist Unnie, they are very close with each other and he’s one of Unnie’s trusted friends”


“Fighting, let’s go now”


Yesung help her jump on his horse


“His house a bit far from here, he’s living at the Eastern part of the town, before Notre Dame Palace”


“It’s ok; we’re not going to walk anyway”


Yesung smile and kissed her


“Let’s go?”


Ryeowook nod happily, Yesung start driving his horse


“I’ll go at the Pelagia Palace later; I’ll tell Lord Jay that we already found a priest”





Sungmin was busy reading a book inside her study room when Eunhyuk went inside with Kyuhyun


“Do you know how to knock before you enter?”


Eunhyuk smirk and slap her


“Where is Prince Hangeng?”


“I don’t know where he is”


Sungmin stare at her eyes and notice the tears that was about to fall from her eyes because of anger. Eunhyuk grab her arm and pull her away from her chair.


“Pabo! The wedding will be tomorrow next day”


Sungmin smirk


“I don’t care, maybe my son suddenly changes his mind and realizes that he doesn’t love your evil daughter or should I say you evil adopted daughter”


Eunhyuk slap her hard; Kyuhyun closed the door so nobody can hear them talking


“Where is our son?”


Kyuhyun shoot his wife a deadly glare


“What kind of love potion did your mistress put on your food for you to follow her like that? I thought you’re the dominant figure, but how can you let a dominates you?”


Kyuhyun slap her


“Where is your son?”




Sungmin shouts; Eunhyuk stand in front of her with teary eyes


“You’re ruining everything!”


Sungmin suddenly laugh


“Do you already taste your defeat?”


Eunhyuk slap her again




“That’s good, how does it feel?”


“We’re not yet over Lee Sungmin”


“I’m not scared of you”


Eunhyuk was about to slap her but Sungmin catches her hand


“One is still bearable, two is going beyond the limit, and three will is more than enough”


Sungmin hit her face, Eunhyuk’s lips bleed


“I’m no longer the Lee Sungmin, who is innocent and pure. You want to have a fight? Then you’ll get it, !”


Sungmin push her but Kyuhyun catch her before she falls on the ground


“Stop it Minnie!”


Sungmin ignores him; she grabs Eunhyuk’s hand and drags her. Sungmin pushes her hard on the wall and immediately grabs King Jokwon’s sword on the table. She points it at Eunhyuk’s throat and stare at her husband seriously


“Go ahead and stab me with your sword”


Sungmin stare at his sword


“But before you can do that, I’ll cut your mistress’ throat first”




Kyuhyun shout to stop her; Sungmin focus her eyes on Eunhyuk and smile at her


“Did my son ruin your evil plan?”


Eunhyuk shoot her a deadly glare


“Don’t cry Queen Eunhyuk”


Sungmin while staring at her teary eyes


“Do you want me to explain everything to you and to my arrogant husband?”


Sungmin smirk


“First, you guys kill the innocent King Donghae of Black-eyed Susan”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened while staring at his wife


“You killed him, because two Kings can’t rule in one kingdom. Since my husband is really arrogant, you plan to kill your own husband, so Kyuhyun can be the King of North and South when the two palaces unite upon the marriage of Hangeng and Mimi”


“Shut up”


“You’re the one who needs to shut up, don’t try me Queen Eunhyuk; I can really cut your throat”


Eunhyuk stare at her nervously


“Second, since you successfully kill King Donghae, your next target is the Prince of Maple...the innocent Prince Henry”


“How did you know?”


“I’m not stupid like you”


Sungmin smile at her


“You’re after the innocent Prince, because you know that Henry will inherit the throne because he’s the first born, though he still doesn’t know about it. He’s the rightful person who will succeed the throne when his father died, because Mimi is an adopted child. According to the rule of Royalties, adopted children can’t inherit the throne not unless the King will bestow it upon him, but sadly, King Donghae didn’t do that”


Sungmin stare at her sadly


“Does your daughter know that she just kills her own mother? She lets her mother be executed because of the crime that she you and my husband did. How can you be so cruel to that poor and innocent woman? First, you steal her daughter, telling her that she died, and then you executed her because of the crime you committed”


Sungmin control her tears from falling


“What kind of human being are you? And you want to kill your own son because of your selfish ambition along with my husband! What kind of mother are you?”


Eunhyuk didn’t answer her, Kyuhyun moves closer to her


“STOP! I told you not to move a muscle”


Sungmin slash Eunhyuk’s right arm




“If you move again, I’ll slash her ing face”


Kyuhyun gulp nervously


“You put down your sword”


Kyuhyun obeys her like a kid, Sungmin smirk


“You’re a fool Cho Kyuhyun, fool for loving another fool”


Sungmin focused her eyes back to Eunhyuk


“Third, if it happens that you successfully kill Henry; you will kill me after the wedding of Hangeng to Mimi. That’s the only way that Kyuhyun can succeed the throne, by marrying you. Since, Henry is no longer there to be a hindrance, my husband is free to succeed the throne and govern the North and South. He can’t succeed unless Henry dies”


“I’m still alive so I can succeed the throne and not my stupid son”


Sungmin suddenly laugh


“Are you really that stupid? You’re just a Queen consort like me, so we can’t succeed the throne. Did you ever understand the rules of the Royalties before marrying King Donghae? Or you just marry him, for you to become a Queen and have a power?”


Eunhyuk’s eyes widened


“Fourth, since Hangeng will be the next King, when my husband also plan to kill him”


Sungmin stare at her husband


“Right Kyuhyun?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer


“After killing him, your next target will be our younger son, so you can be the ruling King forever”


Kyuhyun remains quiet


“Is your power and selfish ambition more important than your family?”


Kyuhyun drops his head


“Why did you become like that? Do you really need to forget everything just for your selfish ambition? Is that more important than us?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer her




Sungmin stare at him seriously


“Why are you like that?”


Kyuhyun raised his head




“You’re really an arrogant King”


Sungmin put down the sword and left the room; Eunhyuk run towards Kyuhyun as her whole body starts to trembles


“What are we going to do now?”


“I’ll try my best to look for my son; we need to pursue the wedding no matter what happen”


“How about Minnie?”


“I’ll take care of her”


Eunhyuk wrap her hands on his arm


“Did you know that the eldest daughter of Kangin is...”


“Kim, Heechul?”


Eunhyuk nod


“She’s the reason why Prince Hangeng suddenly change his heart in marrying my daughter”


Kyuhyun stare at her curiously


“You don’t know?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“She’s Hangeng’s girlfriend”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened




Eunhyuk nod


“Mimi happens to see the Red Diamond of Globe Amaranth around her neck when she tortures her”


Kyuhyun smirk


“That’s why he makes her as his slave”




“Now I know why he’s so caring about her”


“Sungmin knows about it, I’m sure with that”


Kyuhyun flash an evil smile


“My son gives me the idea on how to bring him back and marry Mimi”




Kyuhyun look at her


“I told you before that we can’t kill my stupid wife, right?”


Eunhyuk nod


“But I want to kill her now”


Kyuhyun shook his head and kissed her


“That time will come, please don’t be impatient my dear Queen”


“Why don’t you kill her now?”


Kyuhyun keep his evil smile on his face


“I’ll use her to bring my son back and marry Mimi”


Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk stare at each other and laugh








Heechul scream echoes inside the cabin. She accidentally cut her finger with a knife, Hangeng run towards her


“What happen?”


He holds her hand and start the blood on her finger


“You’re not taking care of yourself”


“I’m trying to cook here”


Heechul stare at him sadly


“But, I really don’t know how”


Hangeng smile and carries her on their bed


“Just take a rest”


Heechul frown at him


“I’m completely fine”


“I know, but I just want you to rest. You’re my Princess; I don’t want you to tire yourself”


“How can be a good wife, if I won’t learn those things?”


Hangeng kissed her


“It’s ok; I’ll be the one who will cook for you”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“You know how to cook?”


Hangeng nod happily




“My grandparents on my mother side taught me, and Umma also taught me”


“That was great”


Hangeng kissed her lips


“Just stay here and rest”


Heechul nod


“I’ll cook our dinner”




Hangeng kissed her before cooking their dinner






Kyuhyun drags Sungmin inside their room, he holds her chin tight


“Where is my mother’s necklace?”


Sungmin didn’t answer her


“You can’t fool me! Hyukkie told everything, you’re such a liar!”


Kyuhyun push her hard on the floor


“You’ll get what you want Lee Sungmin!”


Kyuhyun drew his sword and cut her long beautiful hair. He grabs her hair and drags her outside; he gets the key of the dungeon and opens it. Kyuhyun drags her inside


“You’ll be staying here until your son comes back”


Kyuhyun hit her beautiful face and pushes her hard on the floor. Her knees are already bleeding as well as her feet; her lips are covered in blood. Sungmin crawls on the floor, trying her best to escape from him but Kyuhyun catches her. He kneel down to have the same level with his wife, he pulls her short hair and kiss her forcefully; Sungmin manage to escape from him


“Come on Minnie, don’t play hard to get”


Kyuhyun smirk


“It’s been a long time since we last did it”


Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes, she crawls at the corner




Kyuhyun crawl towards her


“Kyu, I’m begging you don’t do this to me”


Kyuhyun hold her chin tight


“I am your husband, I have the right”


Sungmin shook her head


“Please...just torture me, kill me, but don’t do this to me. Don’t force me to have with you”


“Why? Am I not as good as Kangin?”


Sungmin raise her hand to slap him, but Kyuhyun catches her hand and hold it tight


“Ouch! Let go, you’re hurting me”


Kyuhyun drag her and ties her hands outside the cell


“Kyuhyun, please...don’t do this to me”


Sungmin keeps on crying, begging her husband


“Don’t cry, it will be fun”


Sungmin shook her head as the painful memory flashes back. She suddenly remembers the day when Junsu her. Kyuhyun kissed her lips


“Kyu, please...please, no”


Kyuhyun just ignores her and start ripping her clothes




Sungmin scream




Sungmin keeps on screaming, while her husband enjoys her body




Kyuhyun stare at her


“Shut up!”


“Don’t do this to me...please, have mercy. Don’t do this to me”


Kyuhyun slap her, he gets her clothes and rip it into pieces and tie , so she can’t scream anymore


“Just bear the pain, it won’t last long”


Sungmin cry hard, she feels so helpless and crying is the only thing that she can do at that moment. She can’t do anything to stop her husband in abusing her. Her body is already aching as well as her heart. She just close her eyes as her tears keeps on falling from her eyes, she closes her eyes and bears all the pain.

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu