Cinderella's Fairytale (Chapter 11)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 11


Ryeowook was staring at the necklace that Heechul was wearing on her neck


“Is that really the Red diamond of Globe Amaranth?”


“Red diamond of Globe Amaranth? Is that a flower?”


Ryeowook nod


“Globe Amaranth is the title given to the former Queen of North. It was given by the former King himself and he gives that necklace to her during their wedding, that’s why it is called Red diamond of Globe Amaranth; Globe Amaranth means unfading love and that necklace is the symbol of his unfading love to the Queen”


“I never knew that it has a historical background, Prince Hangeng never told me”


Ryeowook stare at her sister curiously


“I have to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you won’t tell it to anyone”


“I promise”


Heechul take a deep breath before talking in a softer tone


“Prince Hangeng and I are already a couple”


Ryeowook’s eyes widened as she stares at her sister blankly


“Surprise to hear that?”


She nod at her


“How? I mean he’s your enemy right?”


“He likes me”


“For real?”


Heechul poke her


“Of course that’s for real”


“I’m just asking”


Heechul blush


“He went here yesterday night and we go out”


“You sneak around”


“Well yeah, if that’s how you call it”




“We went at the river side and he told me that the house nearby is Queen Sungmin’s former house”


Ryeowook nod


“We watch the moon and he confesses his feelings for me. He told me that he loves me”


“How about the evil witch?”


“He promise that he will take care of it; I mean he will not marry that evil witch”


Ryeowook stare at her nervously


“Does he know what he’s doing? If the King finds out about this, there will be a big chaos”


“I know but I trust him”


Heechul look at her sister and smile


“Are you going to support me about this forbidden love?”


Ryeowook nod happily


“I’m actually scared about it but if you’re happy then it’s fine. Don’t let Umma and Appa know it”


“We won’t tell it to anyone; this secret is between you and me”


“So I can’t tell it to Prince Yesung?”


“My Prince already told his brother”


“How about Lord Jay?”


Heechul shook her head


“We’re just friends”


“Does the older Prince know it?”


“I told him so he won’t get jealous”


Ryeowook hold her sister’s hand and notice the red ribbon around her wrist


“You’re Prince Hangeng’s slave? I thought you’re his teacher but how co—“


Heechul press her finger on her sister’s lips to stop her from talking


“The red ribbon is just a show off”


“Show off?”


“Prince Hangeng wants to protect me against the evil witch and the evil King; he told me that the red ribbon will symbolize that I’m his property so nobody can’t touch me except him”


“You need to be careful Unnie, especially to the evil witch. She will do anything to hurt you if she finds out about this”


“I know what I’m doing so please trust me on this”


“I’m just scared. They might hurt you and execute you and I just don’t want to see you crying or hurt because of love”


Heechul cupped her sister’s face and stare at her with teary eyes


“Wookie, please listen to me”


Heechul paused for a moment before speaking again


“Don’t be afraid to love and express your feelings; love will always be the most wonderful feeling man has ever experienced. I trust Prince Hangeng. I know that the time will come that we need to separate and it will be hard for me but loving him and giving my heart to him is something that I won’t regret for the rest of my life. I take the risk because it’s him and that goes with you and Prince Yesung as well”


Heechul hug her sister


“I always want you to be the best woman living in this era”


“I won’t forget that Unnie”


“I won’t forget you too; if I’ll have a chance to have a sibling in the modern world, I wish it will be you. I’m going to miss you so much if I’m already back in my own world”




Heechul wipe her tears and smile at her


“I’m just practicing on how to be a drama queen”


“You’re going to be the best drama queen ever”


Heechul laugh softly and pinch her sister’s cheek; Teukie came in the room


“Lord Jay wants to see you”


“He’s here?”


Teukie nod at her daughter; Heechul stare at her mother’s sad face


“Why are you sad? Did you and Appa have an argument or something?”


Teukie joins her daughters on the bed


“Is Lord Jay your boyfriend?”


Heechul immediately shook her head


“You’re sad because of that?”


Teukie sigh


“I just don’t want you to get hurt”


“Umma, Lord Jay and I are just friends. We’re good friends, was it wrong to have a friend like him?”


“Of course not, I’m just telling you”


“You don’t have to worry ok. Lord Jay is nice”


Teukie nod


“You need to go out; he’s waiting for you in the living room”


“I’ll be there in a minute”


Teukie nod and leave the room; Heechul jump off the bed and start fixing herself


“Aigoo, I forgot that we will go out today”


Ryeowook raised her eyebrow as she stares at her sister who is busy fixing herself


“You’re going out with Lord Jay?”


Heechul nod


“I thought you and Prince Hangeng are already a couple?”


Heechul nod again


“Why are you going out with Lord Jay? Prince Hangeng will be mad for sure”


Heechul look at her sister and smile


“Don’t worry Prince Hangeng knows it”


“That you’re going out with Lord Jay?”


Heechul shook her head


“He knows that Lord Jay is my friend. There’s nothing wrong about it, we’re not going to have a date. I’m just going to accompany him in buying some History books, that’s all.”


Heechul pats her sister’s cheek


“I’ll be back later; you take care of Umma and Appa”


“I’m going in the city today”


“Why don’t you go with us?”


“I’m going to have a secret date with Prince Yesung”


Heechul chuckles


“I see”


“Don’t tell Umma and Appa”


Heechul kiss her cheek and wink


“Don’t worry; it’s a secret between us”


Heechul smile before going out of the room. Jay smile upon seeing her


“I’m just having a little chat with your mother and father”


Heechul look at her father whose eyes are fix upon her


“I’m going out with Lord Jay”


Heechul smile weakly avoiding her father’s glare


“He already ask for a permission”


“We’re just going at the city and buy some books”


“You need to go home early Cinderella”


“Appa, I’m not going to stay until 12 midnight outside”


“I’m just telling you”


Heechul nod; Jay smile at Kangin


“Don’t worry Sir; I’m going to take care of your Princess. I’ll bring her back safe”


Kangin nod


“We’re going now and thank you”


Jay bows his head before going out; Heechul wave her hand on her parents


“I’ll be back later”


“He’s not your boyfriend right?”


Heechul shook her head


“He’s just a good friend of mine”




Heechul smile and kiss her father’s cheek


“Don’t be jealous Appa”


“Yah! I’m not jealous of him”


Heechul and Teukie suddenly laugh


“Lord Jay is just my friend, please believe me”


Heechul wave her hand again and follow Jay outside





Heechul and Jay were walking down the city while chatting happily


“Do you really enjoy walking?”


Heechul nod


“Beside we’re not rich to have a carriage or rent a carriage that’s why I’m used to walk down the city. Are you tired already?”


Jay shook his head


“I just find it weird”




“Well, it’s my first time walking down the city. I never walk without my soldiers and I always ride the carriage whenever I’m going somewhere”


“Is it my fault that I ask you that we should not ride your carriage and bring your soldiers?”


Jay smile at her


“You’ve done nothing wrong, I’m actually enjoying it”


“Your father will get mad at you if he finds out”


“Father is not like that”


“But you’re a Royal Highness”


“I’m a nor mal being in spite of being a Royal Highness”


Jay smile and notice the red ribbon on her wrist


“Prince Hangeng was the one who tie that ribbon to you?”


Heechul nod and show him her wrist


“He told me that I’ll be his slave and teacher at the same time”


Jay laugh




“That boy is really smart”




Jay stares at the sky while smiling brightly


“Hangeng...Prince Hangeng of North, my dear best friend. You really know how to take care of your property, you defeated me this time”


Heechul look at him blankly


“Is he treating you like a slave?”


“Not really”


Jay suddenly stops


“Hold on”


Heechul stop walking and stare at him


“Where did you get that necklace?”


Heechul immediately hide the necklace under her clothes


“Prince Hangeng didn’t tell you?”


Heechul stare at him nervously


“He’s the one who give it to you?”


Heechul nod


“The Red Diamond of Globe Amaranth, the symbol of unfading love of King Jokwon of Lily to Queen Ga-In of Globe Amaranth. The late Queen gives that necklace to her son, King Kyuhyun of Castile and Leon during his betrothal to Queen Sungmin of Mayflower. So, Queen Sungmin already passed the necklace to Prince Hangeng”


Jay smile at her


“You guys are already a couple?”


Heechul nod


“He didn’t even tell me”


“Maybe he forgot”




Jay flicks her forehead and start walking again; Heechul run to follow him


“I accept my defeat happily Lady Kim”




“Prince Hangeng really loves you”


“You think so?”


Jay nod while smiling brightly


“That necklace is a family heirloom; it is passed to the first born, the one who will inherit the throne and they only give the necklace to the person they truly love”


“Even though they’re not going to get married?”


“Pabo! Prince Geng gives that to you because he will marry you”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“How about that evil Princess?”


“That is your biggest problem”


Jay laughs softly


“Hangeng doesn’t love that woman; his father was the only one who wants him to marry her”


“And he needs to follow”


Jay cupped her face and pinches her nose


“You need to trust him because he is true to his words. I know him very well because we’re best of friends. You guys need to take extra care so nobody will know about this secret love”


Heechul nod


“Don’t worry, I can help you and Hangeng”




“Of course”


Heechul hugs him happily


“Thanks a lot”


“No problem”


Jay pokes her




“You’re forgetting something”




“You must not go near me or else your Prince will be jealous”


“He knows that we’re friends”


“I really don’t know that you’re such a very insensitive young lady”




Jay stuck his tongue out


“Hey what is that for?”


“For being insensitive, but it’s ok because you don’t need to know”


“Know what?”




Jay smile and start walking again


“You don’t need to know that I love you”


Jay whisper while staring at the sky


“Hey! Wait for me”


Jay stops and turns around


“You walk like a turtle, we need to hurry and buy some books. Remember Cinderella, you need to go home early”


“I know”


Heechul run towards him and smile


“But can we just walk slowly?”


Jay bows at her


“Yes Your Highness”


Heechul laugh softly




Heechul stuck her tongue out and continue walking, leaving Jay standing


“Yeah, I am a fool for accepting my defeat so easy. But, I know that you’re going to be happy with him and not with me. Prince Hangeng is such a lucky guy”


Jay smile and follow her










Sungmin was standing at the balcony while watching the stars that are shining brightly. Tears are forming on her eyes as she holds her tummy


“Why did you leave me Tiffany?”


Sungmin’s tears start falling


“Your father change when you die inside my womb. I’m sorry; I just want to save Hyukkie. I didn’t know that my love for my best friend will be the cause of your death, I didn’t know that she’s only fooling me and that she plans everything to ruin our family”


Sungmin stare at the sky sadly


“I know that you’re watching over us, please give Umma strength to overcome everything. Please give me strength in understanding your father. He’s not a bad man but I just can’t understand why he became like that. I hope he will have a change of heart; it’s ok if he will not love me just as he loves me before, I’m just asking that he will have an open mind and a better understanding before it’s too late”


Sungmin stop crying when she felt warm hands around her waist


“Why are you crying my dear Queen?”


Kyuhyun brush his lips on her neck


“Is something bothering you?”


Sungmin wipes her tears


“It’s nothing, I’m fine”


“Please look at me”


Sungmin turn around to face her husband; Kyuhyun stare at her eyes


“What’s wrong?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’m just tired my dear King”


Sungmin was about to go inside their room but Kyuhyun hold her wrist to stop her


“We need to talk”


Kyuhyun cupped her face


“Who gives you the permission to give the second daughter of my servant Kangin a chance to go at the Northern Academy for free?”


“I am the Queen so I have the right to do my own command”


“Are you insane?”


“That girl is musically gifted and very intelligent. She deserves to be educated just like her sister”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Is that really your purpose?”




“She deserves to be educated because of her intelligence and talent or is it because she’s the daughter of your other man?”


Sungmin stare at him as she controls her anger


“How can you think that way?”


“Am I wrong? Kangin is not your other man, the reason why you kill our daughter”


“Kangin is my friend and you know that! Don’t you dare involve him in the death of Tiffany!”


Kyuhyun hold her chin tight


“You kill our daughter!”


“That’s not true”


“You kill her so you can marry your poor childhood friend”


“That’s not true!”


“And you think that I’m such a fool to end our marriage? I’m sorry but I will make you my slave before you can marry that bastard man of yours! I will make you my slave after the marriage of Hangeng to Princess Mimi”


Sungmin cover her ears


“That’s not true, that’s not true... I didn’t kill her, it was an accident. I didn’t kill Tiffany”


“You kill her”




“You kill her because of your selfishness”


Sungmin shook her head, tears keeps on falling from her eyes


“Please stop”


“You kill her because of your other man”


“Kangin and I don’t have any relationship”




“I’m telling you the truth”


Kyuhyun hold her arm tight


“You never love me Lee Sungmin; you only want power and wealth”


“That’s not true, I love you so much and you know that”


“Then why are you opposing me?”


“Because you’ve change and you’re no longer the Cho Kyuhyun that I love before”


“Because you start loving my servant”


“No, I only love you”


“Hyukkie tol—“


“Why do you need to believe that ?”


Kyuhyun slap her face so hard


“You’re the and not her”


Sungmin hold her cheek and start crying hard


“Why are you hurting me like this? Why do you need to listen to her and not to me?”


Kyuhyun fell silent


“You’re killing me each and every day; you don’t know what happen, it hurts me so bad when she died. I am a mother and every mother wants what is good for her children, I can’t kill my own daughter”


“Liar! You’re a liar”


“I’m telling you the truth, what do you want me to do for you to believe me?”


“I want you to die”


Sungmin look at him and drew his sword. She stares at his eyes and without saying a single word; she stabs herself in front of her husband. Sungmin falls on the ground; blood keeps on drifting out of her body. Kyuhyun kneel down and carry her on his arms




Sungmin brush her fingers on his face


“ you”


Tears keep on falling from her eyes as she endures the pain. Kyuhyun stand up carefully and run outside to bring his wife at the sanatorium.




Hangeng and Yesung run at the sanatorium after hearing what happen to their mother




Yesung run towards his mother who is lying on the bed unconsciously




Yesung start crying like a kid; Hangeng sit beside him, trying calm his younger brother


“Hyung, Umma is still alive right?”


Hangeng nod sadly


“She will wake up soon right? Umma will never leave us right?”


“Yes Sungie”


Yesung keeps on crying so hard


“Umma will be fine”


Hangeng told him; he hugs his brother tight


“Stop crying now, Umma will be sad if she wakes up seeing you crying”


“I’m worried”


“Umma will be fine, the medics will watch over her until she’s fine again”


Kyuhyun went inside and saw his sons sitting on the chair beside their mother’s bed. Yesung run towards him, still crying


“Appa, what did you do to Umma?”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about”


“You’re a liar! Why do you want her to die? Don’t you love my mother anymore? Why do you need to hurt her every time that you will set your eyes upon her”


Kyuhyun fell silent as he stares at his younger son, crying so hard in front of him because he hurt his mother


“I hate you! I hate you!”


“Sungie, let me ex—“




Hangeng walk towards his brother and stop him


“Sungie, you need to stop now”


“He wants to kill our mother”


Hangeng gives his brother a warm hug


“Shhh, you stay here and watch over our mother while I talk to our father outside”


“He’s not my father because my father is not rude and selfish”


“Just go back to your seat and watch over Umma”


Yesung look at Kyuhyun seriously before going back to his seat. Hangeng went out, Kyuhyun look at Sungmin who is lying on the bed still unconscious. He drops his head and follows his son outside


“You’re not doing what you promise to me King Kyuhyun”


“Your filthy mother deserves that”


Hangeng turn to face his father. He walks towards him and stare at his eyes seriously


“Stop hurting my mother”


“It’s her fault; she’s so stupid to stab herself”


“She will not do it unless you told her”


“And she’s such a fool to follow my command”


“Fool because of loving a selfish man like you”


Kyuhyun slap his son


“Don’t you dare talk to me like that, you’re just my son”


“You will never hurt my mother again do you understand that King Kyuhyun of Castile and Leon?”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Are you threatening me Prince Hangeng of North?”


Hangeng drew his father’s sword and point the sharp object on his face


“I’m serious father; if you will keep on hurting my mother, I will kill you with my own hands. I don’t mind being executed for killing you. You will see what will happen if this thing happen again”


“You’re just a Prince”


“But I still have the Royal power and don’t you forget that I am the successor of the throne”


“When I die”


Hangeng smirk


“Then don’t give me the idea to completely end your precious life. Don’t expect me to treat you as my father if you hurt my mother again, we have a deal and you need to follow. A King must be true to his words”


Hangeng shoot him a deadly glare before going back inside the sanatorium.

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu