Cinderella's Fairytale (Chapter 7)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 7



Heechul look at her sister happily




Ryeowook was staring at her blankly when their mother enters the room.


“Chullie sweetheart what...”


Teukie’s eyes widened upon seeing her younger daughter wearing a very short black dress. Her hair was tied on a neat ponytail, she’s wearing a very beautiful pearl earrings and of course a make-up


“She look’s perfect right Umma?”


Heechul giggles happily, still staring at her beautiful sister


“What the hell are you guys doing?”


Teukie asked her without taking her eyes away from Ryeowook




Heechul look at Teukie and smile


“Wookie will be going with me today”


Teukie frown at Ryeowook


“Young lady, who gives you the permission to wear weird clothes like that?”




Teukie sigh and look at Heechul who is smiling brightly at her


“Why would you let your sister wear a cloth like that?”


“Its suits her”




Teukie stares at Ryeowook


“You change now ok”


“No, she won’t”


“That dress doesn’t suit her; I mean where did you guys get it?”


“That’s mine”


“Wookie needs to take it off and beside it’s so seductive. How can you wear such short dress?”


“Hey don’t be an old fashion Ahjumma”




Heechul covers her ears




“Wookie will change now, understand?”


Ryeowook nod while Heechul shook her head


“She won’t and I won’t allow her to follow you this time”


Teukie raised her eyebrow


“And why? Why are you being a hard headed girl?”


Heechul cupped her mother’s face and stare at her. She smiles at her mother while holding her face between her hands


“Umma, Wookie is a very beautiful girl and I always want her to look the best”




“The dress suits her and she looks perfect. We maybe poor but we still have the right to be beautiful no matter what happen ok”




“My mom used to tell me that I should look best all the time”


“Did I ever tell you that sweetheart?”


Heechul just smile at her


“By the way Umma, Wookie will start her school next week”


“Sweetheart we don’t have money”


“I have money”


Teukie stares at her blankly


“Don’t worry Umma, I have money and it came in good hands and beside the Queen is paying me for being her son’s teacher”


“I’m sorry sweetheart”


“Don’t be sorry Umma; I’m the eldest so I need to help”


Heechul smile and give her a warm hug


“I don’t want you and Appa to worry too much. I’m fine and Wookie will be going to school next week”


Heechul kissed her mother’s cheek


“And you don’t need to work anymore”




“I want you to stay here and just take care of us, right Wookie?”


Heechul look at her sister who keeps on nodding in agreement


“I’m sure Appa will be happy if you’re just going to stay here”


Heechul look at her watch and heard the carriage outside


“We need to go now Umma or else we’ll be late”


Teukie accompany them outside


“Take care”


She kissed her daughters’ forehead


“And behave”


They both nod at their mother and wave their hand and went inside the carriage




Ryeowook stare at her sister who start reading a book




“Go ahead, I’m listening”


“Why do you need to drag me along?”


Heechul look at her


“The Queen ask me to bring you with me the next time that I went to the Palace”




“I don’t know, she just told me to bring you with me”


Heechul lied and focus her attention back to the book that she’s reading


“Then why do I need to wear a short dress like this? You even put crayons on my face”


“I want you to look the best and you’re visiting the Palace so you need to look elegant”


“How about you?”




“You’re only wearing a simple cloth and you don’t even put crayons on your face”


“My case is different ok”


“How is it different?”


Heechul stare at her and frown


“Will you please stop asking a lot of question? I’m getting irritated already and don’t wait for me to get mad at you”




“I know what I’m doing and I’m your older sister so you must follow me”


Ryeowook nod


“I’m not going to put you in danger or what, just follow everything that I say”




“You look so beautiful and I want you to look best all the time, understand?”


“Yes Unnie”


“Now, you give me your sweetest smile before I get mad at you”


Ryeowook smile sweetly


“That’s better”


Heechul smile at her and continue reading






Heechul and Ryeowook arrive at the Palace; they have been welcomed by Sungmin who is smiling brightly at them


“Hi Your Majesty, it’s good to see you again”


Heechul smile at her


“It’s good to see you too dear. I’m actually waiting for you, what took you so long?”




Sungmin stares at her blankly


“Just kidding, by the way I bring my sister with me”


Sungmin smile while looking at Ryeowook; she bows her head to pay respect


“You don’t need to bow, I’m not the King”


“You’re still My Majesty”


Sungmin cupped her face and smile


“You look so beautiful like your older sister and your mother”


“Thanks Your Majesty”


“Now I know why he’s always sneaking every night”


“Excuse me Your Majesty?”


“Nothing, I’m just happy to see you here. Thank you for coming”


Ryeowook smile at her


“Unnie told me that you wanted to see me, for what reason Your Majesty?”


Sungmin look at Heechul who start shaking her head while murmuring the words “I didn’t say anything to her. She doesn’t know”. Sungmin just smile and look at Ryeowook again


“I ask Heechul to bring you here because I’m going to give you a music lesson”


Ryeowook stare at her curiously


“Well, you can have your music class here under the teacher of my younger son”




“Because that’s what I want and there’s nothing wrong with that”


“But Your Majesty”


Sungmin hold Ryeowook’s lips


“Just do this as a favor”


“I’m afraid that I can’t accept it Your Majesty”


“Why not?”


“You help our family a lot but I think this is too much. The King and the aristocrats might think that we’re abusing your kindness to us”


“Don’t mind them, it’s my own decision and I have the right to decide on my own”




Sungmin cupped her face


“Wookie, I’ve heard from your sister that you love music and it’s my free will to give you a music class. I’m sure Sungie will be happy if you’ll be his classmate”




Sungmin hold her hand


“He’s actually waiting for you, so we need to go now”


Sungmin wink at Heechul


“You take care of my older Prince”


Heechul nod and wave her hand


“I’ll see you later Wookie. Enjoy your class”


Heechul smile and went at Hangeng’s study room. She opens the door of the study room and enters quietly


“I’m sorry for being late Your Hig—“


Heechul look at the girl who is sitting on the sofa


“Who are you?”


“I’m Prince Hangeng’s teacher”


Mimi stands up and walks towards her


“Do you know how to pay respect to your Royal Highness?”




“You should bow in front of me”


Heechul smirk


“Why will I bow my head in front of you? Who do you think you are?”


Mimi smiles sarcastically


“You don’t know me?”


“Yes because you’re not even popular”


Mimi cupped her face and holds her chin tight


“Lower class girl, I’m Princess Mimi of South”


Heechul’s eyes widened while staring at her; she can’t believe that the girl in front of her is actually the evil witch that the old lady and her sister was talking about


“Evil witch!”


“Who are you calling evil?”




Mimi slaps her face


“You don’t have any respect! You should lower your head in front of me”


“You’re not my Royal Highness”


“I am your Royal Highness because I’ll be Prince Hangeng’s wife soon”


“But you guys are not yet married so don’t be too confident”


“Are you going to lower your head or should I lower it for you?”


“Even if you beg, I won’t lower my head to a person like you”


Mimi shoots her a deadly glare before slapping her hard


“You have a very sharp tongue”


“You have a very evil aura. Yes, you’re beautiful and rich but nobody will love an evil person like you”


Mimi slaps her beautiful face for the third time


“Watch your mouth young lady! I can cut it whenever I want!”


“I’m not scared of you”


Mimi laughs so hard while staring at her


“What can you expect from a lower class girl? I bet your parents didn’t teach you good manners because they are uneducated like you. So pity, people like you should be vanished in the society. Poor, uneducated and social climber people; you’re a beggar just like your parents”


Heechul can’t control her temper anymore; she stares at Mimi seriously and was about to slap her hard on her face but someone grabs her hand and holds it tight


“If you hurt her, you’ll die”


Heechul look at the owner of the voice


“Don’t you dare touch my fiancée”


Hangeng push Heechul away; Mimi run towards him and hug him tight


“She’s hurting me honey, that girl has a very sharp tongue. I don’t like her”


Hangeng look at Heechul seriously


“If you do this again you will see what will happen to you”


Mimi smile devilishly at Heechul and kissed Hangeng’s lips before going out of the room. Hangeng grabs Heechul arm and push her hard on the wall


“What the hell are you doing to my fiancée?”


Heechul didn’t answer


“I’m asking you!”


Tears start to form in her eyes because of anger


“That girl insults my parents”


“Don’t be pathetic, she’s just telling you the truth. You’re a lower class girl and you’re a beggar just like your parents”


Heechul slaps him but Hangeng caught her hand and hold her arms tight


“Am I wrong young lady? You’re a beggar who is dreaming to be an aristocrat, that’s why you always cling with my mom”




“Your intention is to capture my mom’s heart for you to have a position in the society and you even dare to bring your sister here with you”


“The Queen ask for her”


Hangeng smirk


“Oh really! You let her wear seductive clothes to seduce my brother because you know that Sungie loves her so much. You already win my mom’s heart and now you want to win my brother’s heart so he will marry your sister and if that happens you and your family will have a better life. What a very nice plan young lady”


Heechul slaps him hard


“Why are you so arrogant?”


Heechul’s tears start falling from her eyes


“Enough of your drama and start the class”


Hangeng sits on his chair


“Do you really think my family is like that?”


Hangeng opens his book


“I told you to start the class now”


“I’m not the kind of girl as what you’re thinking and my family is not like that”




Hangeng raise his voice while staring at her seriously


“I’m already losing my temper to you young lady!”


“You know what”




“You’re not different with your evil fiancée and with your dad; you always have a wrong impression to the lower class people because you always discriminate us from your society. I maybe poor but my parents didn’t raised me to be a and do you think I love fame and money? You’re wrong, we may be poor and lacks a lot of thing but we’re happy unlike you”


“SHUT UP! If you don’t shut your mouth I’ll cut your tongue”


Heechul grabs Hangeng’s sword on the table and give it to him


“Then do it now”


Hangeng stand and point his sword on Heechul’s face


“Don’t try me young lady, I can do everything”


“Then kill me if you want”


Hangeng stare at her face and notice her red cheek and a cut on her lips; he puts down his sword and touches her face but Heechul push his hand away


“Don’t touch it”


“What happen to you?”


“It’s none of your business”


Heechul wipe her tears


“I think we should start your class now your Highness because I need to go home early”


Heechul pick up the book on his table


“Shall we start now?”


Hangeng look at her face for the last time before sitting on his chair


“Start the class now”








Yesung was busy playing the piano in his music room while waiting for his teacher when his mother came in. Yesung stop playing and smile at her


“Hi Umma, why are you here?”


Sungmin kissed his cheek and smile


“I have a surprise for you”


“If your surprise is Prince Henry, I already saw him awhile ago. We actually for a long time before he went home with his evil sister”


Sungmin pouts


“Of course it’s not Prince Henry”


“Should I guess what is it?”


Sungmin shook her head


“You wait here for a second”




Sungmin went outside to fetch Ryeowook. She goes back inside the room smiling so bright while holding Ryeowook’s hand


“Wookie will be your new classmate”


Yesung stare at her


“She will be studying music here with you”


Yesung keeps his eyes upon her


“Sweetheart are you listening to me?”


Yesung stand up and hug Ryeowook


“You’re here”


He holds Ryeowook’s beautiful face


“I’m not dreaming right? Please tell me that I’m not dreaming my Princess”


Ryeowook was looking at him blankly; she tries to escape but Yesung hold her closer. Sungmin coughs to catch her son’s attention. Yesung looks at her while flashing a big smile


“I’m afraid that you’re not dreaming sweetheart”


“So it’s true? This isn’t a dream?”


Sungmin nod


“She will be my classmate?”




“Meaning she will be here every day to join me in my music class?”


“Yes sweetheart. I just found it too boring if you will study music alone so I thought it will be great if you’ll have a classmate so you will enjoy your lessons more. Well, if you don’t want her to be your classmate then I should give her a private lesson at their home and ask Prince Henry to be your classmate instead”


Yesung run towards his mother and hug shook his head


“No Umma, please don’t do that. I will be happy if my Princess will be my classmate”




Yesung nod his head like a kid and flash his puppy eyes on his mother




Sungmin smile at him


“Of course sweetheart, wish granted”


Yesung smile and hug his mother


“I love you Umma”


“I love you too sweetheart”


She pinches his nose


“I’m happy seeing you like this”


“And I’m also happy that I’ll be seeing my Princess every day”


“So no more sneaking out of the Palace ok?”


Yesung nod happily; Sungmin kissed his forehead


“Your teacher will be arriving in a minute; you take care of your Princess and teach her all the lessons that she missed”


“Yes Umma, it’s my pleasure to teach her”


Sungmin smile at Ryeowook


“Don’t worry the teacher is really nice and my son will take care of you. Please enjoy your music class”


“Thank you Your Majesty”


Ryeowook bows to her


“I told you not to bow in front of me”




“Just give me your sweet smile like what your sister is doing every time that we will see each other, that’s more than bowing your head in front of me”


Ryeowook smile


“I’ll leave you now”


Sungmin pats her son’s cheek


“Take care of her ok”


“I will Umma”


Sungmin smile at them before going out of the room; Yesung look at Ryeowook and drags her on the chair


“This will be the best class ever”


“Your Highness is it ok if I jo—“


Yesung kissed her lips to stop her from talking


“I always want to be with you. Each and every day my heart always beats for you”


He holds her hand and stares at her eyes


“I love you my Princess”


“This is wrong Prince Yesung”


“Is it wrong to love you?”


Ryeowook turn her eyes away from him; Yesung cupped her face forcing her to look at him




“You’re a Prince and I’m just a beggar; this love is wrong and we should stop it now”


Yesung shook his head as tears start forming in his eyes


“Please don’t tell me to stop loving you because I can’t do that”


Ryeowook brush her fingers on his face


“But you have to”


“NO! I’ll fight for you”


“You don’t know what you’re talking about”


“Of course I know what I’m doing”


“Please stop now”


Yesung hug her tight


“I don’t want to stop loving you. I don’t care if my father disowns me or what because I can live any life as long as I’m with you”


“You’re not for me; you’re for Lady Krystal of Rose of Sharon”


“I won’t marry her because we don’t love each other. She’s just my childhood friend”


Yesung hold her beautiful face between his hands and kissed her


“I love you”


“But we don’t deserve each other”


“Please don’t hurt me like this”


“I’m sorry Your Highness but that’s the truth”


Ryeowook push him away from her and turn her gaze away from him


“I don’t love you anyway”


Yesung’s tears was about to fall but he controls it; he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes and wait for their teacher quietly





Hangeng was listening attentively to Heechul while staring at her beautiful face and was still wondering what happen to her cheek; why is her check swelling and her lips bleeding? Heechul notice him staring at her


“Is there any problem Your Highness?”


Hangeng shook his head


“Please continue”


Heechul continue reading when someone knocks on the door


“Please come in”


Hangeng smile upon seeing his childhood friend


“Did I disturb you Prince Hangeng of North?”


Jay smiles at him


“Of course not Lord Jay of Nakai”


Hangeng walk towards him and give him a brotherly hug


“I’m just having my Literature class but we’re about to finish”


Jay smiles at Heechul who is staring at him


“Hi there beautiful and snobbish lady, I never knew that we will meet again”


Hangeng stare at his childhood friend curiously


“You guys know each other?”


Jay shook his head


“We just encounter each other at the city; she’s the enemy of my sister Krystal”




Jay walk towards her and kissed her hand


“But you know that she’s the one who start it”


“Yes and I reprimand her at home”


“You don’t need to do that”


“Well as her older brother I need to discipline her whenever she commits mistakes”


Jay notices her cheek and brushes his fingers on it gently




“What happen to you My Lady?”


“I’m fine Lord...”


Jay smile at her


“Oh yes, I haven’t formally introduce myself to you before”


Heechul just stare at him as he kissed her hand


“Lady Kim, I’m Lord Jay of Nakai”


“It’s a pleasure to know you”


“It’s a pleasure to know you too Kim Heechul”


Hangeng look at Heechul


“Hey you’re Kim Heechul?”


Heechul nod; Jay look at Hangeng and laugh softly


“You don’t know?”


“I don’t have any idea”


“Then what is she doing here then?”


“She’s my new Literature teacher because Appa sends my old teacher at the Northern Academy to teach”


“But how come you don’t know her name?”


“She didn’t introduce herself and Umma didn’t even tell me her name”


Jay just smile at him


“How did you know her name?”


“Krystal told me and I just found out that she’s daughter of your father’s servant”


Hangeng just nod


“So that was your house?”


Heechul stare at Hangeng blankly


“I’ve been to your house before because Umma told us to deliver your birthday cake”


“I see”


Heechul closed the book that she’s reading and place it on the table


“I think we should end the class Your Highness”


“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow”


“I’m afraid that we’re not going to meet again”


“Then that’s better”


Heechul bows to him and to Jay


“It’s good to meet you again My Lord”


Jay holds her arm to stop her from leaving


“Yes My Lord?”


Jay gives her a small envelope


“I’ll be celebrating my party and I want to see you there. You can bring your sister with you or some friends if you want”


“I’m not sure if I can attend that party”


“Please My Lady; I’ll be happy if I see you there”


“I’ll try”


Heechul bows her head and leave the room





Ryeowook was staring at the window blankly; Heechul hugs her from behind


“Is there something wrong?”


Ryeowook shook her head


“You’re waiting for him right?”


“He’s not coming and he won’t come anymore”




Ryeowook start crying


“Wookie, what’s wrong?”


Ryeowook hug her sister tight


“I told him not to come anymore and to stop loving me”


“So you guys just broke up?”


Ryeowook nod; Heechul look at her sadly while wiping her sister’s tears away


“Why do you need to hurt yourself like this?”


“Unnie, we’re not for each other”


“But he loves you and you love him”


“Our world is far from each other”


“Wookie, don’t ever let your status hold you from doing what you want. Don’t let it hold you for reaching your dreams and for loving someone”


“He’s for Lady Krystal of Rose of Sharon”


Heechul raised her eyebrow


“Is she the girl that I just fought before?”


Ryeowook nod


“That !”


“His father wants him to marry her”


“Oh please”


Ryeowook sits on the bed


“By the way Unnie, why are you crying in the carriage awhile ago? Is something happen between you and Prince Hangeng?”


Heechul smile weakly and joins her sister on the bed; she gets her pillow and hugs it sadly


“I met the evil Princess awhile ago”


Ryeowook look at her with wide eyes open


“Princess of Mimi of South?”


Heechul nod


“What happen?”


“She’s really evil; she slaps me thrice and insults our family”


“That’s why your cheek is swelling”


“I lose my patience and I was about to slap her but that arrogant Prince Hangeng stop me. Is he really like that?”




“He’s like his father, very arrogant”


“I don’t know Unnie”


Heechul pouts and hug her pillow tight while controlling her tears from falling


“I think we’re both heartbroken today”


Heechul lean her head on her sister’s shoulder sadly







Yesung was crying on his mother’s lap


“Umma, why is it so hard? My Princess doesn’t love me anymore and we’re over”


Sungmin her son’s hair gently


“Did you guys talk about it?”


“She ask me to stop loving her”




“Because she’s from the lower class and I’m bound to marry Lady Krystal”


“I’m sorry sweetheart”


Sungmin stare at him sadly; Hangeng went inside his brother’s room bringing the invitation for Jay’s birthday celebration


“What’s wrong?”


“Heart ache”


Hangeng sigh and sit beside his mother


“So, your Princess broke up with you?”


Yesung nod sadly


“She just realizes that you can’t marry her?”


Yesung nod again


“I told you she doesn’t love you, she only wants power and position in the society”


“That’s not true Hyung; she left me because she don’t want me to sacrifice my life for her”


“What a very stupid reason”


“Because you don’t understand”


Sungmin hold Hangeng’s face


“What are you talking about Geng?”


“Will you please stop seeing Kim Heechul? She’s just winning your heart so her family can have a better life. She wants my brother to marry her sister so they can have a position in the society and that’s why she’s winning your heart and Sungie’s heart”


Sungmin frown at him


“Is that the reason why she resigns as your Literature teacher?”




“She talks to me awhile ago and tells me that she’s don’t want to be your Literature teacher anymore and told me that her younger sister won’t be attending the music class here in the Palace anymore”


“She’s a social climber as well as her sister”


Sungmin slaps him


“This is the first time that I’m going to hurt you”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes


“Why are you favoring them? I’m just telling you the truth, lower class people are like that”


“What happen to you Geng sweetheart? Did your father already brainwash you? I’m so disappointed because you look at lower class people like that”


“But that’s the truth!”




Sungmin stand up


“That’s not true; you don’t know what you’re talking about. Is that what all you can say about them? Is that really what you think? Sweetheart, Chullie doesn’t even know that she’ll be your Literature teacher. I love you so much that I want you to be the best and learn a lot of things that’s why I choose the best teacher for you but what did you do? You insulted her and make her cry, did I raised you that way?”


Hangeng bows his head


“I offer her sister a music lesson with your brother because Heechul doesn’t want to accept the money that I’m giving her as a payment for being your teacher. I’m so disappointed because you look at us like an insect, what’s wrong in being a lower class?”


“Stop defending her Umma”


Sungmin hold her son’s face


“I’m not defending her; you know what you’re being like your father. You’re being cruel, arrogant and self centered like him and I’m so sad”


Sungmin keeps on controlling her tears from falling


“You know, it breaks my heart whenever you insult the lower class people because whenever you do that you’re also insulting your own mother. Don’t forget that I came from the lower class before I become a Queen and we’re not like what you’re thinking. We work hard to live and to send our children to school, to give them good education even though we’re poor”


Sungmin pats his cheek


“I hope you realize what you’re doing. You’ll be the future King and being a King doesn’t mean that you need to abuse your power just like what your father is doing. If you want to be a great King, you must learn to consider and respect other people’s emotion and status in the society. Money and power can’t buy everything, not even true happiness”


Sungmin went out of the room; she wipes her tears and went inside the throne room to look for her husband but he’s no longer inside. She takes a deep breath and went to their room. Kyuhyun was sitting on the bed while staring at her


“Kyuhyun we need to talk?”


“About your stupidity? You’re deciding without my permission again”


Kyuhyun smirk; he stand up and grabs Sungmin’s arm and push her on the wall, holding her chin tight


“I told you not to decide without consulting me, what the hell are you doing? Why are you giving our servant’s daughter a music lesson here with your son?”


“It’s a payment for Kangin’s eldest daughter because she’s Geng’s new teacher”


“Who told you to get her as Geng’s new Literature teacher?”


Kyuhyun hold her chin even tighter


“Kyuhyun please let go of me, you’re hurting me”


“I don’t care”


Kyuhyun pushes her hard on the floor


“Don’t you ever oppose me again, do you understand?”


Sungmin didn’t answer


“I’m going to throw you out of the Palace after Geng’s wedding to Princess Mimi”


Kyuhyun look at her seriously before going out of the room

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu