Cinderella's Fairytale (Chapter 2)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 2



Heechul was lying happily on the bathtub while taking a bubble milk bath. She was thinking deeply; she was thinking about her dream. That was not the first time she dreams about it, she keeps on dreaming it over and over again and sometimes she can hear soft whispers and she can’t understand if she’s just day dreaming, hallucinating or it was for real. She was recalling her dreams while one of her nannies washes her hair with the most expensive shampoo in the world.


“Please put more shampoo on my hair”


“But young lady I already put a lot of it on your hair”


Heechul hold her long beautiful hair and smells it


“You already put a lot of it?”


Her nanny nods


“I still can’t smell the fragrance of the shampoo so you need to put more”


“But you—“


Heechul stares at her seriously


“What? Are you going to oppose me?”


“But young lady this shampoo is very expensive; it will cost you 1 million dollar”


Heechul raised her eyebrow and smirk


“So? That’s my shampoo so I can use it whenever I want”


“Young lady just think how expensive the shampoo is. I mean you must take in consideration the expenses of your parents and that they are working hard for you so don’t waste lots of money. You’re not going to be rich forever, what if you’ll wake up and everything is gone you will regret it”


Heechul smile sarcastically while clapping her hands


“That was a very nice morning speech nanny dear”


Heechul saw her bathing perfume and throws it on the floor


“Who are you to tell me that? Did I ask you to reprimand me?”


“Young lady I ju—“


“You shut up your mouth! My parents are paying you for you to take care of me and follow my commands”


Heechul shoot her a deadly glare


“Now if you don’t want to get fired right away you must FOLLOW ME, do I make myself clear nanny dear?”


Her nanny nods nervously




“Ye...yes...young lady Heechul”


Heechul smile


“Good, now continue washing my hair and put more shampoo on it”


“Yes young lady”






Heechul went downstairs after taking a bath to have her breakfast. Her butler pulls the chair for her; Heechul sit and look at him


“Where are my parents?”


Hongki clears his throat before answering her


“They left early for work young lady”


“So it only means that I will eat alone again”


Hongki nods sadly


“Where is my breakfast?”


“Wait a second young lady; I shall call the chef to bring your breakfast”


“Then move faster!”


Heechul rolls her eyes while her butler calls for the chef. Onew came in carrying Heechul’s breakfast and place it on the table. She stares at her food for the meantime before looking at Onew and Hongki seriously


“What is this?”


Onew stares at her nervously


“Are you deaf? I’m asking you what the hell is this?”


Onew gulp nervously


“It’s with ch—“


Heechul raised her hand to stop him from talking


“I can’t understand what you’re talking about!”


Hongki taps Onew’s back


“Don’t be scared ok”




“Shhh, just answer her or else there will be a big chaos”


Onew takes a deep breath


“It’s penne with chicken and ham sauce”


“Did I say I want pasta for my breakfast? I told you yesterday that I want tomato bacon salad for breakfast”


“But that’s what your parents want for breakfast young lady”


"I don’t want to eat this! You keep me waiting for about a minute though you know exactly that I hate waiting then you’ll come in bringing this!”


Onew bows his head, Heechul bang her hand on the table and stare at him seriously


“I want tomato bacon salad and not this stupid pasta. I tell you what I want to eat so you need to follow it because my command is different from my parents’ command. Is that hard to understand Onew? Even a kindergarten student will understand that simple instruction, stupid!”


Onew keeps his head low


“Answer me!”


“I understand young lady. I’ll make your breakfast now”


Heechul smirk and throw everything on the floor


“Do you know what time is it? I’m going to be late in school if I’m going to wait for that stupid breakfast!”


Heechul look at Hongki


“You call my driver now and tell him that I’m leaving before I cut your throat”


Hongki bows to her and immediately run outside to call her driver. Heechul look at her nanny


“Don’t just stand there you fool! Get my bag and my things in my room!”


Her nanny bows and run upstairs. Heechul look at Onew


“I want fresh ravioli for dinner and gelato de café for dessert, do you understand?”


“Yes young lady”




Heechul walks away leaving Onew trembling






Heechul has been escorted by her bodyguards inside her classroom


“I’m safe you can leave now”


The bodyguards bow before leaving. Taemin look at her best friend who keeps on frowning


“What happen to you? The morning is so good but you’re already frowning like you lose a lottery”


“What’s good in the morning if you have stupid helpers at home?”


“You’re just a brat and demanding princess”




Taemin smile at her


“You must treat them properly and stop being a brat”


“Are you reprimanding me?”


“No, I’m just telling you to be nice or else all of them will leave you”


“How can I be nice to them if they can’t follow my simple order?”


“At least appreciate what they are doing for you and don’t call them stupid, consider their emotion”




“After our class let’s go at the library”


Heechul nod still frowning









Heechul was reading History of China’s Dynasty while Taemin is busy doing her homework


“Chullie why don’t you finish your homework before reading?”


“I’ll just continue it at home, I’m tired of writing”


“What are you reading?”


Heechul shows her the title of the book


“You really love to read boring books”


“It’s not boring. I love history”


Heechul opens her bag to get her book about the history of the Royal Families of the old Korea to show it to her best friend but unfortunately the book was not inside her bag.


“Aish! Stupid nanny”


Heechul frown


“What happen to you?”


“My nanny didn’t put the book that Umma give me last week”




“It’s about the history of the Royal Families in Korea”


Taemin stares at her blankly


“That book makes me so curious”




Heechul sigh


“About the Royal Families; I never knew that Korea has a monarchy before. I mean that book was unveiling if Korea has been ruled by a monarchy, I thought we only have dynasties; I never knew that we also have monarchies”


“I don’t know either. Why don’t you asked your mom she’s a historian maybe she knows”


“Umma is always busy and she already told me that Korea has been under the rule of the monarchies after the era of the dynasties


“Ok I’m not interested so no need to show it to me”


Heechul moves closer and lower her voice so the librarian won’t hear them talking to each other


“Taemin do you believe in your dreams sometimes?”


Taemin shook her head


“Chullie dreams are just not real ok; it’s the product of our subconscious mind”


“I know, but I keep on dreaming something over and over again”




“It’s a bit weird you know but in my dream I always saw a very pretty lady who is looking for me then all of a sudden an old woman will appear and keeps on telling me that I should not let my Prince marry the evil witch”


Taemin bites her lower lips to control her laughter


“And you believe in that?”


“I don’t know but I also heard her voice telling me that even if I’m awake”


Taemin laugh so hard causing the librarian to shoot them a deadly glare




Taemin covers and controls her laughter while staring at her best friend


“Why are you laughing?”


Taemin takes a deep breath


“You’re right, it’s weird...very weird”


“Aish! If you don’t want to believe me then fine”


Taemin cough before talking


“It’s just hard to believe ok”


“I know but I’m telling you the truth, maybe there’s some kind of a hidden fantasy in my life?”


Taemin raised her eyebrow


“And what the hell is that?”


“That I’m a Princess in my past life or I’ll be a Princess in the future or maybe in my second life”


Taemin was about to laugh again but Heechul shoot her a serious glare


“Ok I get it Princess Heechul; I’m not going to laugh”


 “You know I wonder how is it to be a princess. I love it and hoping to become one”


Taemin poke her


“You’re already a princess isn’t it? Every girls envy you”


“For what?”


Taemin sigh before talking


“Choi Heechul the daughter of the Prime Minister Choi Siwon. You are born with a golden spoon in your mouth, you’re beautiful and boys are all dying to be your man. You are living in a bed of roses with lots of money, you can get everything that you want, you’re a princess inside a mansion and girls will exchange everything and do everything just to be on your position”


“I’m a Princess without a Prince Charming”


“Then you better find one soon”


Heechul sigh


“That’s the problem because no boys had passed my standard”


“Because you want to marry Prince William that’s why”


“Because I want to be a Queen someday that’s why I want to marry a Royal Highness”


“Good luck if you can find one”


Taemin smiles sarcastically


“Of course I can find one”


“Speaking of being a Queen, you’ve been nominated as the Queen of the ball on our upcoming graduation ball”


“That’s nice; I hope I win so I’ll get the crown”


“Of course you’ll win because nobody wants to compete with you and if ever there is you’ll still win because you’re so popular and very beautiful and no one can ever beat that beauty”


“What about you?”


“I am the princess of the ball”


Heechul smile and gives her a high five


“By the way Chullie you want to go with me at the mall later? I’ll buy new shoes and make-up”


“I want to come with you but I need to go home early because Marc Jacobs will be going in our house today so I can fit my gown for the ball”


“It’s ok, no problem”









Marc Jacobs is already at the mansion when Heechul arrives. She smiles upon seeing the designer


“I’m sorry if I’m late”


“It’s ok I didn’t wait that long. Shall we go to your dressing room and fit your gown?”




Heechul was smiling brightly while staring at the mirror wearing her black lace gown which reveals her beautiful back and y figure


“It looks good on you. You’re very beautiful and you really look like a princess”




Heechul smile at the designer and calls her mother


“Umma my gown is already here”

Sweetheart I put the blank cheque inside the drawer. Just get it in our room and put whatever the amount of that gown is”




Heechul excuse herself to get the cheque in her parents’ room and immediately return to pay Marc Jacobs


“How much?”


“Five million dollars”




“Yes young lady”


“Aish! You suppose to make me a gown that cost 10 million dollars “


The designer laughs softly. Heechul write down the amount and give it to him


“You can join us for dinner, Umma and Appa will be arriving soon”


“I need to go now because I still need to finish lots of designs”


“Are you sure?”


“Yes, just call me anytime you need my help again”


“No problem and by the way I want a new shoes so please send me some designs so I can choose. I want the best designs and don’t ever sell it to anyone except me ok”


“Yes Chullie”




Heechul calls their family driver and asked him to drop Marc Jacobs at the airport





Siwon and Kibum arrive just in time for dinner. Their beautiful princess is waiting at the living room still wearing her five million dollar gown. She run towards her parents and kissed them


“Umma, Appa How do I look?”


Kibum smile t her daughter


“You’re really beautiful sweetheart and the gown is perfect for you”


“How much did you pay Marc Jacobs for that lovely gown?”


“Five million dollars”


Siwon nods


“Go to your dressing room and change now. We’re going to talk young lady after dinner”




“You’ll know it later”


Heechul looks at her mother but Kibum didn’t answer. She stares at her father before going upstairs and change her clothes






After dinner Heechul went to her room with Siwon and Kibum. She sits on her bed with her mother who is holding her hands


“What is it that you want to tell me Appa?”


Siwon look at her seriously


“What happen awhile ago?”


Heechul stares at him blankly


“You throw tantrums again”


“So someone blabs you about it”


“No. Onew passed a resignation letter to me awhile ago and your butler told me you’re the reason why our chef wants to resign”


Heechul smirk


“Do not smirk young lady. Do you really need to throw tantrums and speak to him like that because he didn’t cook your breakfast? For your information young lady your mom was the one who told him not to cook it”


“He’s just stupid”


Siwon’s eyes widened


“What did you say?”


“He’s stupid!”


Siwon slaps his daughter; Kibum stand and hold her husband’s arm


“How dare you slap your daughter?”


“You’re spoiling her that’s why she’s growing up like that!”


“You also spoiled her! How many times do I need to tell you that you should not lay your hand on Chullie?”


“She will never learn”


“But you don’t need to hurt her like that! I am her mother and I never lay a single finger on her when I’m mad and reprimanding her then all of a sudden you’ll just slap her like that”


“That girl is going beyond her limitation!”


“At least try to talk to her instead of hurting her. That’s the thing that I hate when you discipline”


Siwon push his wife away and face Heechul


“This is the last time that you’re going to do that young lady. You need to learn how to respect other people”


“We are paying for them so they need to follow!”


“So what if they are working for us? You still need to respect and appreciate them because you will be nothing without them. You may be beautiful and rich but nobody will love you if you’re like that. You need to apologize to Onew and to our other helpers”




“Ok then you will be grounded for a week and you will not attend that graduation ball”


Heechul’s tears start forming in her eyes because of anger


“That’s unfair, I already have a gown”


“I don’t care”


Heechul looks t her mother


“Umma you need to change Appa’s mind. I’ll be the grad ball’s Queen so I need to attend it”


Kibum hold her daughter’s cheek


“You need to follow sweetheart”


“Aish! You can’t do this to me. I’m going to run away from home and I mean it!”


Siwon raised his eyebrow


“Go ahead; I’m going to cut your allowance if you do that”




“You will not attend that ball unless you apologize to them”


“I’m not going to apologize”


“It’s fine”


Siwon went out of her room


“Go away Umma! I don’t want to talk to you. I hate you and Appa”


“Chullie let’s talk please”


Heechul grabs a pillow and hug it while frowning


“Just leave me alone!”


“Ok but you need to talk to me tomorrow after your English and French class”


Heechul ignores her mother; Kibum takes a deep breath and leave the room

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu