Cinderella's Fairy Tale (Chapter 22)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 22


Yesung went inside the throne room with his soldiers.


“Hi there my stupid son, what brings you here?”


Kyuhyun smile at him; Yesung walk towards him and point his sword on his face


“You’re being rebellious”


Kyuhyun snap his finger and his soldiers surround Yesung; it’s good that he brings his own soldiers with him; they run towards their master to protect him from the enemy.


“And you also bring your soldiers”


Yesung keeps his eyes on his father


“Are you asking for a war?”


“Where is my mother? You bring her out or we will have a duel here”


Kyuhyun laugh and ruffles his son’s hair


“Is that what you learn from your lower class wife?”


Yesung’s eyes widened


“Do you really think that I’m a fool? Of course I know that you always drop and fetch her at the Northern Academy, and you even dare to marry her”


“Shut up, don’t involve her here and don’t you ever insult her”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“What kind of love potion did he put on your food or drink?”


Yesung smirk


“I love her, we both love each other. That is true love, how about you? What kind of evil love potion did the Queen of South put on your food or drink?”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened


“Are you accusing me of having an affair with Queen Eunhyuk?”


Yesung shook his head


“You’re the one who is telling me that, it only means that you’re guilty. You’re going down King Kyuhyun; I’ll make sure that Umma will have your head and your mistress’ head”


Yesung smile while staring at his father’s scared face


“Hyung will be the King and you’re going to die”


“You can’t do that, I’m still the reigning King”


“Then let’s have a war, let’s see who will win in the end”


Yesung put down his sword; Kyuhyun laugh softly


“Of course I will win”


Kyuhyun eye his son


“You’re looking for your mother, right?”


“Where is she?”


“If you will follow me, you’ll know where she is”


Kyuhyun went out of the throne room, Yesung run to follow him. His father opens the dungeon and went inside, he follows him nervously. Yesung’s eyes widened upon seeing his mother, her hands and feet are chained on a pole as well as her neck. Yesung immediately run towards her, his tears start falling from his eyes while hugging his mother.


“Umma, what did they do to you?”


Sungmin shook her head




Yesung brush his fingers on her face


“Who did this to your face?”


Sungmin manage to smile


“Shhh, don’t cry sweetheart. I’ll be sad”




“I’m fine”


Yesung shoot his father a deadly glare, he run towards him and punch his face as hard as he can


“How can you do this to my mother?”


Kyuhyun smirk while wiping the blood on his lips


“She deserves it”


Yesung clench his fist, he was about to punch him again but Kyuhyun caught his fist


“I’m going to tell you something, you have to listen to me”


Kyuhyun pulls him closer and hold his son’s chin tight


“Listen to me, if you want to see your mother alive, you need to bring your brother back to the palace”


Yesung shoot him a deadly glare


“You have to promise me first, you’re not going to hurt my mother again and you will set her free. You will not hurt any of the family members of my wife”


Kyuhyun nod


“You have my words, just bring Hangeng here”


Kyuhyun let go of his son


“Tell him that if he really loves your mother, he will return here immediately”


Yesung run towards Sungmin


“I’ll be back Umma”


Sungmin shook his head


“No, don’t listen to him”


“But Umma”


“Sweet heart, please listen to me. Don’t follow your father”


Yesung’s tears fall from his eyes while shaking his head


“You need to live”


“You don’t have to do this; it’s ok if I die. He can’t take your happiness away”


“I’m sorry Umma”


Yesung kissed her forehead before running outside




Sungmin shouts; Kyuhyun look at her


“Why do you need to hurt your son like this? You don’t have any heart!”


Kyuhyun smirk


“That’s the way it should be, they want to have a war with me, then let’s see who will win until the end. I know there weakness, they will be under me. I will surely win against your arrogant son”


“I swear, you will surely face your defeat someday and when that day come, I wouldn’t stop them to cut your head and your mistress head!”


Kyuhyun slaps her


“Go ahead and rejoice, but someday you will face your own defeat and welcome your grave. You will never be a King forever”


“I will protect my throne until the end”


“Your selfishness will be the one who will brings you to your grave”


Kyuhyun eye her and laugh softly


“I forgot to tell you something”


The soldiers bring Kangin inside the dungeon, Sungmin’s eyes widened


“I forgot to tell you that I abduct your friend whom you love the most”


“YAH! Don’t involve him here”


“You should thank me my dear wife, I was just thinking of you. I bring him here so you won’t feel lonely”


The soldiers tie him inside the cell


“You’re not alone anymore; your friend is already here”


“Let him go!”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“The reunion of old friends, I think someone is missing here”


Sungmin’s eyes widened while staring at him nervously


“Don’t you dare involve Teukie here!!!”


Kangin shouts at him; Kyuhyun laugh


“It’s much beautiful to see you guys complete. The lower class friends”


“Please, don’t involve her here”


Sungmin begs him


“Of course not, I don’t need that ; I only need you and your bastard Kangin. I told you that I will win because I’ve got the ace”


Kyuhyun flash his evil smile


“I’ll see you soon. I wonder how my bastard sons will react if they knew that I’ve got their mother and their wives’ father”


Kyuhyun stare at them before leaving the dungeon.






Hangeng was watching Heechul sleep; he was her hair gently and brushes his fingers on her beautiful face. He smiles while staring at her, sleeping peacefully like a baby.


“I love you”


Hangeng whisper to her ear; he lies down and hugs his wife.


“I promise to protect you and our baby. We’re going to live peacefully and happy”


Hangeng stare at her, he heard a soft knock on the door. He kissed Heechul’s forehead before opening the door, he was surprised to see his brother




Yesung stare at him


“Hyung, I need to talk to you”


Hangeng went outside; they sit on the wood


“What’s wrong?”


Yesung takes a deep breath and stare at him nervously


“You need to go home now”


Hangeng shook his head


“I’m going home soon but not now, I need to settle everything first. I’m going to face our father and have a war against him”


“But you don’t understand”


“Sungie, I know what I’m doing”


Yesung’s tears start forming in his eyes


“Hyung, you need to go home. Umma is in danger”


Hangeng stare at him with wide eyes open


“Appa torture her, he throws her in the dungeon”


“What? How can he do that?”


“I think his having an affair with Queen Eunhyuk”


“Huh? So Umma is right?”


Yesung stare at him blankly


“I heard her telling Appa about his mistress, and that mistress is Queen Eunhyuk?”


Yesung nod


“But we still need to prove it. I saw them at the palace, the day that Umma is missing. I think, the Queen of South got something to do with it”


Yesung hold his brother’s hands


“Hyung, you need to come with me or else Umma will die. Appa will kill her, please you need to go home now.”


“Wait for me here”


Yesung nod, Hangeng went inside the cabin. He stares at his wife, still sleeping peacefully. He grabs his things and put a small paper on the table.


“I love you”


Hangeng whisper to her, he kissed her forehead and leave the house quietly.








Kyuhyun smile upon seeing his eldest son


“Welcome back Hangeng”


Kyuhyun hugs him but he pushes him away


“Is that the proper way to treat your father who longs for your comeback?”


Hangeng stare at him


“Where is my mother?”


Kyuhyun smile and look at his younger son


“Well done Sungie”


“Shut up! You need to do your promise, release our mother now”


“Not too fast”


Hangeng clench his fist, controlling his anger


“What do you want? Why do you need to involve our mother here?”


“Simple, she’s so stupid to go on your side. She’s spoiling you and your stupid brother so much”


Kyuhyun smirk


“It’s your fault anyway”


He pats his son’s cheek


“If you didn’t disobey me, I wouldn’t do that to your lower class mother”


“You’re the one who disobey the agreement first. I told you to stop hurting my mother, but you never listen to me. You even dare to involve the woman that I love”


Kyuhyun smile


“I disobey it first? How dare you blame it on me? You’re having an affair with that lower class girl behind my back. You fool me, you run away so you can’t marry Princess Mimi. You leave me no choice, I need to ask for a certain payment for disobeying our agreement, and that is your mother”


“You’re an evil”


Kyuhyun laugh


“Evil? If I’m an evil, I should have killed your mother when you run away. Be thankful that I feel a little pity on her and I still consider you and Sungie as my son or else you will be mourning by now because you will see your mother’s head on a pole.”


“Where is she? You need to release her”


Kyuhyun smile and look at his soldiers


“You bring my wife here and our new prisoner. I think my kids are really eager to see them”


The soldiers bow at him and went outside.


“They’re here”


The soldiers drag Sungmin inside the throne room; Hangeng run towards her




Sungmin brush her fingers on his face and wipe his tears


“Why did you come back?”




“I told you that I’ll be fine”


Hangeng shook his head


“I won’t let you die”


“Don’t listen to your father”


Hangeng hugs her; Kyuhyun smile


“How sweet, where is the other prisoner?”


The soldiers drag Kangin inside; Yesung’s eyes widened upon seeing him, he drew his sword and run towards his father and manages to slash his father’s arm, he was about to stab his father but Hangeng stop him on time


“Sungie, no”


Yesung was staring at his father seriously, holding his sword on his hands


“Let go of me Hyung, I need to kill that man”


“No, you’ll be executed if you kill him”


“I don’t care!”


Yesung shoot his a father a deadly glare


“You draw your sword King Kyuhyun! Fight me!”


Kyuhyun eye him


“You’re really an arrogant son of mine”


“You’re not true to your words. You told me that if I bring Hyung back here in the palace, you will release our mother”


“Of course I’ll do that”


“You also promise that you won’t hurt any of the family members of my wife!”


Kyuhyun laugh


“And you think that I’m a fool to do that? Sungie, I’m still smarter than you and your brother. Even though you send a lot of soldiers to guard and protect them, don’t forget that Kangin is my servant. I still have the right to control his life. You’re planning to throw me out of my throne? Well, you can never win against me”


Kyuhyun laugh harder


“You’re just a bunch of stupid kids”


“Just draw your sword and fight me”


“You really want to have a fight? I’ll give you what you want”


Kyuhyun was about to draw his sword, but Hangeng immediately draw his own sword and point it towards his father


“Go ahead and draw it King Kyuhyun or I’ll be your enemy. You face me and not my brother!”


Kyuhyun stare at him


“Why are you being so rebellious?”


“If you want to have a duel, fight me and not my brother”


“I didn’t remember raising a rebellious and arrogant son like you”


Hangeng smirk and point his sword on his throat. Kyuhyun’s soldiers run towards him and draw their swords


“One wrong move, your King will die”


Hangeng told them


“I become like this because of you”


He told his father


“You want to kill me?”


“I won’t kill you here but I’ll make sure that you will die on the war”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Hangeng you don’t know me so well”


He points his finger towards Kangin and Sungmin. The soldiers were holding their swords, ready to kill Sungmin and Kangin any minute


“You coward!”


Hangeng told him while staring at him seriously


“Let them go, this war is between you and me”


“You think that I will let you win easily? If you cut my throat, my soldiers will kill them too”


Hangeng put down his sword


“What do you want?”


Kyuhyun clear his throat before speaking


“Simple, I just want you to marry Princess Mimi”


“And if I do that?”


“I will release your mother and Kangin right away”


“Release them first”


“You need to promise me first that you will marry Princess Mimi tomorrow”


Yesung shook his head while staring at his brother; Hangeng stare at Sungmin and Kangin before looking at his father


“Prince Hangeng, I need your words”


Hangeng’s tears start forming in his eyes, he’s thinking about Heechul and their baby


“You’ll marry her or I’ll kill your mother and the father of the girl you love”


Hangeng takes a deep breath and hand his sword on his father


“You have my words, please release them now”


Kyuhyun smile while holding his son’s sword


“That’s my boy”


He looks at his soldiers and raises his hand


“Release the prisoners; drop Kangin safely in his home”


Kyuhyun calls his messenger


“Tell Queen Eunhyuk that my son is back, tell them that we will pursue the wedding tomorrow”


“Yes Your Majesty”


His messenger bows at him and left the Palace. Kyuhyun look at Hangeng and smile


“You won’t regret it son”


“Can I ask a favor?”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“Just let me talk with Heechul for the last time”


“I’ll let you talk to her, in one condition”


Hangeng look at him


“You’re going with my soldiers, just to make sure that you won’t do stupid things again”


Hangeng bows his head and left the throne room






Heechul was sitting under the tree, watching the moon’s reflection on the river. She was holding the paper that Hangeng left on the table before he leaves the cabin.


“I wonder where he is”


Heechul stare on the letter and read it clearly.



My Princess...


     I’ll see you in our meeting place; my messenger will drop you there. I love you


                                                        -Prince Hangeng-



Heechul sigh


“His messenger just drops me here, I ask him where Prince Hangeng is, but he just ignores me and left. Aish! Are we playing hide and seek here? Where on earth did my husband go? He didn’t even tell it on his letter”


Heechul stare on her watch


“I’m waiting here for an hour and a half, how long does he plan to keep me waiting? Where is he? I’m so worried now”


She smiles while staring at her infinite ring.


“I can’t believe that I’m already married; I’m sure Umma and Appa will be very happy if they find out”


She rubs her tummy


“They will be very happy when they find out that I’m pregnant”


Heechul smile while rubbing her tummy


“Baby, I want you to grow like your father. You need to be good ok, and grow as a responsible person. We love you so much, and don’t give me a hard time. Your father promise us that he will do his best to give us a peaceful life”


Heechul look at the moon


“Wait a minute”


Heechul stare at her watch




Heechul call out the old woman, hoping that she will appear




Heechul calls for the second time




Heechul shouts, but the old woman didn’t appear


“Aish! I need you now, I need to clear something. Where are you?”


The wind starts to blow, Heechul look around but she still find herself alone


“I wonder what will happen; Ahjumma, if you’re listening, please show up”


Heechul stares on her watch, but the time continues to run


“I guess she will not show up today”


Heechul sigh


“I just want to ask her, what will happen to my baby? What will happen to me and Prince Hangeng? I just realize that I will return to my own world, no matter what happen I will surely return to my own world. What will happen to me?”


Heechul hold her lips


“OMO! If I’m already married with Prince Hangeng, it only means that I already win. I already change the history, because Prince Hangeng marries me and not that evil witch. But, why am I still here? Ahjumma told me that I’ll be back in my own world as soon as I change the history, but why? It’s not that I don’t want to stay, I’m just confused. What will happen? Will I return to my own world, carrying the baby?”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“If that happens, Appa will surely kill me. My parents will surely kill me, how will explain to them that I travel back in time and the father of my child is a Prince? They will not believe me, this is a major problem. How will I raise the child without a father? AIGOO!!!”


Heechul heard a footstep; she stands carefully and looks around


“Ahjumma, is that you?”


Heechul smile when she recognize the owner of the footstep; she run towards him and give him a hug


“Where have you been? I’m so worried about you. I woke up seeing the letter that you left; you didn’t even tell me where you go. I thought you left me and wouldn’t come back”


Hangeng stare at her


“I’m not here for that, I’m here to tell you something. I just want to clear something”


Heechul look at him curiously


“Kim, Heechul”


Hangeng takes a deep breath


“We’re over”


Heechul’s eyes widened


“What do you mean by that?”


Tears start to form in her eyes


“Are you playing with me?”


Hangeng nod


“I don’t love you, you’re just my toy. I’m going to marry Princess Mimi tomorrow; she is the girl who deserves to be my wife and the girl that I really love”


Heechul slap him


“Please tell me that you’re lying. This is not true right?”


Hangeng turn around


“We’re over, I don’t love you”


Tears start to fall from Heechul’s eyes


“We’re already married, why are you telling me this?”


“I’m sorry”


“How about us? How about our child? Are you going to abandon us?”


Hangeng didn’t answer


“We’re going to be a family soon, then why are you changing your mind all of a sudden? I’m your wife, but how can you marry other woman?”


“You don’t understand”


“I don’t understand what?”


Hangeng turn around to face her. He holds her arms


“I am bound to marry Princess Mimi”


“But we love each other, we just got married”


“That’s not important to me anymore. I need to give you up; I need to marry Princess Mimi. She’s for me and I’m for her. Royalties is for royalties, not for a lower class girl like you”


Heechul’s tears keep on falling from her eyes


“You told me that you will fight for me no matter what happen. We’re going to have a child soon, don’t be so selfish”


“I’m sorry, but I won’t recognize that child inside your womb”


Heechul slap him for the second time


“You’re the most coward person that I ever met”


Heechul push him away, Hangeng hold her hand to stop her from leaving


“Chullie, I’m really sorry but I need to do it. I don’t have any choice”


Hangeng’s tears start to fall


“I love you but we need to let go. I’m so sorry, I need to give up and stop fighting for you”


Heechul push his hand away from her


“You’re leaving me because it’s easier to walk away, than fight for something that you really love.”


Heechul removes her necklace and throw it on him


“I don’t need your promises; I don’t need a man who can’t stand for what he believe is right. I don’t need a coward like you. I feel so sorry for you, because you have a brain but you let other think for you.”




“Don’t explain, if you’re happy with that girl. I won’t stop you; I can raise our child without you. Congratulation on your wedding day”


Heechul wipe her tear and leave him





Kangin opens the door when he heard a continues; his eyes widened upon seeing his eldest daughter, crying so hard






Kangin let her enter the house; Teukie run towards her and hug her tight


“Where have you been?”


“I’m so sorry”


Teukie shook her head while wiping her daughter’s tears


“Shhh, it’s ok. What’s wrong?”


“He broke up with me”




Heechul hugs her mother tight


“Prince Hangeng broke up with me. He told me that he don’t love me anymore and he will marry the evil witch tomorrow”


Teukie stare at her husband sadly


“Umma, it’s really painful. It hurts me so badly but why? Why does he need to hurt me like this? He told me that he loves me, but he’s leaving me. I don’t understand it anymore”


Heechul keeps on crying


“Sweetheart, you need to let go. Maybe, you’re not meant to be together”


Heechul shook her head and show her ring to her parents


“We just got married”


Kangin and Teukie stare at each other blankly


“Umma, he broke my heart into pieces”


Teukie wipe her daughter’s tears and hug her


“Well, if you really love him, you need to set him free if he’s not for you”


“He promise to fight for me”


Teukie sigh


“I don’t want to see you crying, that’s why I won’t let you and your sister mingle with Aristocrats and Royalties. I told you, our world will always be far away from them”


“It will always be far away if we will always let them treat us like this. If you dream high, then you need to aim for it no matter what happen. We don’t need to let our status in life hinder our dreams, I know that poor people and rich people’s world will always be apart, but if you try to bring them close, then it won’t be impossible anymore. You can only go as far as you push; impossible things can be possible if you will do your best to make it possible. There’s nothing in loving someone far from your reach”


Teukie hold her face between her hands


“Do you trust him?”


Heechul nod


“Then you need to hold on to that until the end”


“But he already left me”


Teukie shook her head


“If you trust him, you will believe on the promise that he told you”


Teukie smile


“You’re the one who tell me that impossible things can be possible if you will try all your best to make it possible. You don’t need to give up, if you trust him, you will never give up on him and you’ll wait”


“He’s getting married tomorrow”


“But it doesn’t mean that you need to give up the fight”


Heechul stare at her mother, she suddenly felt dizzy and falls unconsciously on her arms. Kangin carries her on his arms and bring her inside her room; Ryeowook look at them nervously


“What happen to Unnie?”


“She falls unconsciously on my arms”


“Since when did she arrive?”


“Awhile ago”


Kangin run outside and ask the old woman in their neighborhood to check Heechul; he then return to their house with the old woman. She examines her very carefully


“Your daughter needs to rest”


Ryeowook look at her


“How’s her baby?”


Kangin and Teukie stare at their younger daughter blankly


“Well, the baby is fine. Your sister just needs to rest for the meantime”


Ryeowook sigh in relief


“Wait, our daughter is pregnant?”


The old woman nod at Kangin


“Enough rest will be fine Kangin”




Kangin walk with her outside; he bows at the old woman before returning inside her daughters’ room


“Your sister is pregnant?”


Ryeowook nod at her father


“Who is the father?”


“Prince Hangeng”


Kangin sigh


“How come you didn’t even tell us?”


Ryeowook stare at her father nervously


“Well, Unnie wants to keep it a secret. I’m sorry Appa and Umma”


Teukie shook her head


“It’s ok, we understand. But please don’t hide anything from us again”


Ryeowook nod


“We need to take care of your sister and her baby”


Ryeowook nod again; Teukie kissed her forehead


“You sleep now, your father and I will watch over you and your sister”


Ryeowook hug her parents


“Unnie will be ok, right?”


Kangin nod


“Everything will be ok, right Appa?”


Kangin smile at her weakly


“I hope so, but if everything becomes worse; I will protect you, your sister, your mother and Chullie’s baby no matter what happen. Nobody can hurt us, I won’t let that happen”


Kangin kissed her forehead


“You need to sleep now”


Ryeowook hug her parents


“I love you Umma and Appa”


She lies down beside her sister and hugs her tight, closing her eyes


“When will this thing end?”


Kangin embrace his wife


“We don’t know what will happen, but I promise to protect you and our daughter, and our grandchild”


“I’m afraid Kangin”


“I’m also afraid but we need to believe in Prince Hangeng””


Teukie lean her head on her husband’s chest and watch her daughters sleeping peacefully.






Sungmin was busy writing when someone knocks on her study room


“Please come in”


She stares at the door




Sungmin smile while staring at his younger son, carrying his pillow with him


“I can’t sleep, can I come in?”


Sungmin nod; she stands up and sit on the sofa. Yesung put his pillow on his mother’s lap and lay down on her lap


“What’s bothering you sweetheart?”


Sungmin his hair gently


“I’m scared”




“The future; Umma, I want to live with Wookie. I guess it won’t happen anymore, Hyung will be marrying Princess Mimi tomorrow. If that happens, Appa will take over the North and South. He will rule it with his selfish ambition. I’m scared of my future with my wife and for Hyung’s baby”


Sungmin stare at him curiously


“Hangeng’s baby?”


Yesung nod


“Heechul Noona is carrying his child”


Sungmin smile


“That’s great news”


Yesung smile suddenly vanished


“But what will happen to them? Hyung will be marrying that evil witch tomorrow. If only I can stop it, but I really don’t know how. I guess Appa will really win, there’s no more hope”


“Of course there’s still hope”


“You think so?”


Sungmin nod


“Sweetheart, don’t forget that whenever you’re in the dark there will always a light waiting for you.”




Sungmin hold her son’s cheek


“We should never let go of that hope, we only lose if we surrender and give up the fight; but as long as you keep on fighting, there’s still hope to win the battle”


Sungmin smile at him; they heard a knock on the door, Hangeng came in


“Please join us sweetheart”


Hangeng close the door and walk towards them


“Your brother can’t sleep”


He sat down on the floor and places his head on his mother’s lap




Tears start falling from his eyes


“When will this thing stop?”


Sungmin cupped his face and wipe his tears


“You’re the only one who can answer it. It’s not my decision to marry Princess Mimi, it’s your decision”


“That’s the way it should be”


Sungmin shook her head


“Don’t let your father control your decisions in life. It’s your life, you don’t need to hurt yourself like this”




Sungmin hold his hands


“If you look at my face, what will you see?”


Hangeng stare at her sadly




“This scar will tell you that I fight for my own principles. I stand for what I believe is right, then why don’t you do the same? Why do you need to be a coward? You’re afraid because your father will kill me if you will disobey him again? I’ll rather die than to see you and your brother living in hell”


Sungmin look at him sadly


“You have brain for you to think wisely and a heart for you to follow. Think about your child, what will be his future if you will give up like this? He will suffer and you won’t do anything? How about the girl that you love? Would you let her suffer too? Do you understand what will happen to all of us if you marry Princess Mimi? I’m not telling you this not because I hate that girl, but because I love you. I don’t want you to regret everything in the end”


Yesung look at his brother


“Hyung, please don’t marry her”


“Then what should I do?”


Yesung smile


“Just do the right thing, Umma and I are here for you”




“It’s better to die fighting than live without doing anything”


Hangeng ruffles his hair and look at his mother


“Please give me strength Umma”


Sungmin smile at him


“Heechul and your child with her will be the one who will give you strength. This battle is not just for you, for us, for everyone, but for your child and his mother. We’re not yet giving up for you, so please don’t give up for us”


Hangeng nod


“I’ll fight Appa no matter what happen, I will sit on the throne and I will not let him conquer the North and South”


“Hyung, fighting! We will support you; I’ll go with you until the end”


Sungmin smile at them and hold their hands


“It’s really painful because the enemy is your father, but we need to do the right thing. We need to correct all the mistakes and let each of us live peacefully”






Kyuhyun went inside Hangeng’s room. He was shock to see his wife sitting beside the bed while watching Yesung and Hangeng sleep.


“If you’re here to talk to him about the wedding, just save it for tomorrow; your son needs to rest”


Kyuhyun nod and stare at her


“Are you not going to sleep with me?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’m not your wife anymore”


She stands up and gives her ring to him


“I don’t need it; just give it to your mistress. I’m sure she will be very happy. After the wedding tomorrow, I’ll go back in my old house”


“Who told you?”


“That’s my decision”


Kyuhyun stare at her and notice that she’s not wearing her crown


“Where is your crown?”


“I already put it on my throne and you know what it means”


Sungmin bow at him before returning to her seat


“I just want to see them sleeping like this for the last time”


She stares at her husband with teary eyes


“Is this really what you want?”


Kyuhyun take his gaze away from her


“Are we not really important to you?”


Tears start to fall from her eyes


“Baby, I’m not asking you to love me again. I don’t care if you will hate me forever; all I’m asking you is for you to open your heart for your children. You’re their father and they need your love, don’t let them hate you like this”


Kyuhyun drop his head


“Are you not happy seeing them smiling and sleeping like this? Honestly, since when did the last time you watch them sleep peacefully?”


Kyuhyun remains silent; he stares at his sons and look at his wife before leaving the room quietly.

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu