Cinderella's Fairytale (Chapter 14)

Cinderella's Fairytale


Chapter 14



“Unnie, wake up!”


Ryeowook keeps on shaking her sister


“Unnie! Please wake up”


Heechul wakes up, sweating. Her hands are shaking, tears keeps on falling from her eyes and her heart beats so fast. She look at her sister who is looking at her with worried face, she sit on the bed and hug her tight




“I had a dream...a very bad dream”


“It’s ok, it’s just a dream”


Heechul shook her head


“It’s not an ordinary dream Wookie”




“Listen to me”


Heechul wipe her tears and hold her sister’s face


“I need to go at the Southern Palace now”


“You can’t go there without any permission from the Southern Royalties, unless our Royal Majesties or Highnesses gives you permission”


“How do I get permission?”


“Tell them the reason why you need to go at the Southern Palace”


Heechul hold her sister’s hand


“You know Prince Henry right?”


Ryeowook nod


“Can you ask help from him?”


“I don’t know, I need to talk to him first but South is very far”


“I need to go there immediately”




Heechul stare at her nervously


“King Donghae of Black-eyed Susan will die today”


“What? Where did you get that idea?”


“I saw it in my dreams; his wife will kill him. King Kyuhyun and Queen Eunhyuk plan everything to kill him”


“How can she kill her own husband?”


“She’s having a secret affair with King Kyuhyun”


Ryeowook’s eyes widened


“Are you sure about that Unnie?”


“I saw it on my dreams”


“It’s just a dream”


“I know but it’s not an ordinary dream; I know that it’s not just a dream, it’s actually happening. We need to stop them before King Donghae die”


“But how are we going to do that? Nobody will believe us”


Heechul jump off the bed and get her clothes inside the closet


“I’ll take a bath and go at the Northern Palace to ask some help from Prince Hangeng”


“But Unnie”


“We need to save the King before it’s too late. I don’t care if he’s not our Royal Majesty, but he’s still a human being that has the right to live peacefully. He also needs to know that his wife is cheating on him”


“Nobody will listen to you; they will think that you’re crazy”


“Then I’ll make them believe me”


Heechul went inside the bathroom and takes a bath quickly.






Heechul run at Hangeng’s study room ignoring Kyuhyun who is sitting on the sofa at the living room. She went inside the room without knocking; Hangeng was sitting on his chair while writing something


“Prince Hangeng”


He was shock to see Heechul early in the morning


“It’s still early for our class”


Hangeng notice her panting


“Are you ok my Princess?”


Heechul nod; she takes a deep breath and run towards his desk


“We need to go at the Southern Palace now”


“Why do you want to go there?”


She grabs his hand and pulls him away from his chair


“We need to go there now”




Heechul’s tears start forming in her eyes


“We need to save King Donghae’s life?”


“What are you talking about?”


“His life is at risk...Queen Eunhyuk will kill him”


Hangeng suddenly laugh


“There’s nothing funny”


“Queen Eunhyuk will kill her own husband?”


Heechul nod; Hangeng hold her hands and calm her


“Princess, please calm down and don’t be insane”


“I’m telling you the truth; we need to go there now before it’s too late”


“What are you talking about?”


“I’m telling you...King Donghae’s life is at risk, his wife wants to kill him”


Hangeng raised his eyebrow; still can’t believe what Heechul is telling him


“Please calm down”


“How can I calm down? We need to go now”


Heechul keeps on pulling him




Hangeng cupped her face; Heechul’s tears are about to fall down


“King Donghae is fine ok; Queen Eunhyuk can’t kill her own husband. She loves him a lot and she can’t do that to her own husband”


“She plans it; your father and he—“


Hangeng raised his hand to stop her from talking


“Did I hear it right? My father wants to kill King Donghae?”


Heechul nod


“They plan everything; they want to kill King Donghae so King Kyuhyun will be the ruler of the North and South”


“Are you insane or you didn’t get enough sleep last night?”


“No, please believe me. I saw it in my dreams”


Hangeng smile


“It’s just a dream”


“But it’s not just an ordinary dream; I know it’s true”


“My father can’t do that, he can’t kill innocent people”


“If that’s what you believe; your father and that Queen has a secret affair”


Hangeng stare at her seriously


“Enough of your craziness”


Heechul hold his face but Hangeng push her away


“Don’t touch me!”


“I’m not crazy; I’m just telling you the truth”


“Since when did a dream come true? It’s just a dream; I just can’t accept that you’re talking nonsense thing about my father”


“He’s not what you think he is. He has a very selfish ambition along with Queen Eunhyuk. They will kill King Donghae because two Kings ca—“


Hangeng hold her arm tight


“Shut up! Don’t you dare involve my father here; how can you accuse him of planning to kill King Donghae and having a secret affair with his wife?”


“Prince Hangeng I’m not lying”


“Watch your words Kim Heechul; I can kill you because of your false accusation against my father. Now, if you don’t have anything to say, please leave the room now because I need to finish a lot of things.”


Heechul stare at him with teary eyes


“You don’t understand what you’re talking about”


“Please leave now”


Heechul was about to live when Yesung enters the room, breathless. He looks at his brother as he keeps on breathing hard


“Yes Sungie?”


Yesung takes a deep breath as tears start falling from his eyes




“Why are you crying? Did you and Wookie fight or what?”


Yesung shook his head


“Hyung! We need to go at the...we need to go at the Southern Palace now”


Heechul’s heart start beating so fast as she stares at Yesung with wide eyes open




“The messenger of the Queen just informs Umma and Appa that King Donghae is...”


Yesung pause for a moment as tears keep on falling from his eyes


“King Donghae is dead”


Heechul drops the book that she’s holding; Hangeng stare at his brother with wide eyes open


“Is is true?”


Yesung nod


“We need to go now; Appa already went there, Umma is waiting for us outside”


Hangeng look at Heechul who is staring at Yesung blankly


“Let’s just cancel our class today; I need to attend to an urgent matter first”


Heechul nod and watch Hangeng and Yesung left the room; Heechul’s knees start shaking, she sits on the floor and start crying hard.




She heard a familiar voice; she stares at her watch, the time stops running.




Heechul look around and found the old lady standing at the doorway




Heechul’s tears keep on falling from her eyes; the old lady walks towards her and help her stand


“I fail...King Donghae is dead”


The old lady shook her head


“It’s not yet over Heechul”


“I fail to stop them from killing the King of South”


“You still have a battle to finish”


She brush her fingers on Heechul’s beautiful face


“Time is running sweetheart, we already lose one of the very important people and you must not let another person die”


“Who’s next after King Donghae?”


The old lady stares at her sadly


“It’s the Prince of Maple”


Heechul stare at her with wide eyes open


“Why do they need to involve Prince Henry here? He’s innocent, so damn innocent.”


“Because he is the rightful person to inherit the throne when King Donghae die”


“Is that a common law? I mean, do they practice the male-preference primogeniture?”


The old lady shook her head and holds her hands tight


“Heechul, you need to stop Prince Hangeng in marrying Princess Mimi; your mission will fail once the he marries Princess Mimi.”


“But how can I stop it? I don’t even know what to do; I don’t even know what will happen to me when I successfully stopped that stupid wedding.”


“You’re the one who will make the history”


“How can I do that?”


“You’re already starting it and it’s up to you how will you end story”


The old lady flash a weak smile


“Time is running Heechul, just always remember...always believe in your dreams while you’re here because those dreams are important”


The old lady snaps her fingers and vanished.









Eunhyuk run towards Kyuhyun and hug him tight as she start crying hard; Sungmin stare at them, she knew very well that everything is just an act. Those tears are not a pure tears, it’s a tears of joy. Tears of selfish ambition and tears of rejoicing that their plan is going smoothly.


“What happen here?”


“My King is dead...someone kills him”




Eunhyuk shook her head


“We’re having our breakfast together with our kids, when he suddenly falls on the floor. He’s so pale and there’s no more pulse and his heart also stop beating. The medics told us that someone put a poison on his food.”


Kyuhyun hug her tight; Sungmin set her eyes upon Eunhyuk who is acting very well. She wants to clap her hands and congratulate her from killing her own husband and for acting very well in front of other people and her kids.


“Why are you staring at me?”


Eunhyuk ask her when she notices Sungmin looking at her; Sungmin just raised her eyebrow and ignores her. The soldiers walk towards them, dragging one of the Palace’s servants.


“Your Majesty, this girl is the culprit”


The old woman shook her head and kneels down in front of Eunhyuk


“Your Majesty, I didn’t do anything. I’m innocent”


One of the soldiers gives Eunhyuk a small bottle


“We found it in her room; the medics told us that it’s the same poison used to kill our King”


Eunhyuk stare at the old woman and slap her


“How can you kill my husband?”


“I didn’t kill him your Majesty”


“Then explain what is this bottle doing in your room?”


The old lady didn’t answer; she just bows her head and start crying


“I don’t know, I swear I’m innocent. I dint kill anyone and I don’t have plan in killing anyone. King Donghae is my King and I serve him since he’s a child”


Sungmin stare at the old woman sadly, she wants to help her but Kyuhyun was holding her wrist tight, stopping her from doing any act that will ruin their perfect show.


“I love him as my own child”


“I’m asking for an explanation!”


The old didn’t answer


“I swear I’m innocent; I didn’t know anything about that bottle”




“Your Majesty, I’m telling you the truth”


“Then explain yourself”


The old woman just shook her head as tears keeps on falling from her eyes


“Then you leave me no choice”


Sungmin stare at Eunhyuk nervously


“Execute this woman without trials from the court”


The soldiers nod at her


“Please, I’m begging you Your Majesty. I’m innocent”


The old woman hugs her feet but Eunhyuk push her away


“Don’t touch me with your dirty hands!”


Eunhyuk look at the soldiers


“Take this woman away from me and execute her now!”


Sungmin manage to escape from Kyuhyun and stop the soldiers before they can drag the old woman away.


“What are you doing Queen Sungmin?”


Sungmin stare at Eunhyuk seriously


“I’m the one who suppose to ask you that, what are you doing Queen Eunhyuk?”


“I need to punish that woman because she kills my husband”


“You have no evidence”


Eunhyuk smirk and show her the small bottle


“Then what is this thing? Is this not evidence in the crime?”


“You must investigate first”


“Why will I do that? It’s very clear that this woman”


Eunhyuk points her finger at the old woman whose hands and feet are chained.


“She kills my husband!”


Sungmin raised her eyebrow


“Who told you?”


“It’s very clear; they found the poison that is used to kill my husband in her room.”


“But it’s not yet proven”


Eunhyuk shoot her a deadly glare; Kyuhyun hold her arm tight to stop her from talking but Sungmin just ignores him and the pain as her husband keep his grip tighter.


“What are you talking about?”


“What if the soldiers are lying or let’s say someone told them to put on a show and make the people believe that the old woman kills King Donghae”


Kyuhyun stare at his wife seriously


“Will you please stop this nonsense thing Sungmin?”


Sungmin look at him before setting her eyes upon Eunhyuk


“As a Queen, you must know the rule; a person can’t be executed without trials in the court. You can’t imprison or execute someone without further investigation and evidences.”


“Are you blind or what? They found the bottle inside her room”


“But you’re not the one who saw it. You don’t even have another witness to prove that the soldiers indeed found that bottle in her room.”


Eunhyuk slap her hard, releasing her anger towards her


“You don’t have the right to contradict me! I’m the Queen of South and this is my palace”


“And you don’t have the right to execute an order of execution because you’re not the heiress of the throne”


“I’m sure Mimi will order for an execution, right my dear daughter?”


Eunhyuk stare at her daughter who is sitting beside Hangeng; she’s hugging him tight as she mourns for her father.


“That woman needs to die for killing my father”


Eunhyuk look at Sungmin and smirk


“You heard her”


“Don’t be insane, Princess Mimi is not the righ—“


“STOP! You heard my daughter, we demand for an execution”


Eunhyuk hold Sungmin’s chin tight


“We’re the one who will decide and don’t forget that you’re here in my palace, so you don’t have the power to contradict us. Please respect the wake of my husband”


Eunhyuk look at the soldiers


“Execute her!”


Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes as she watches the soldiers drag the innocent old woman like an animal. Kyuhyun move closer and whisper something to her.


“We’re not yet done. I’ll shut your mouth when we arrive at our palace”


He let go of her arm and hug Eunhyuk who just flash her evil smile at her.






Ryeowook was hugging her sister who keeps on crying hard; she tries her best to stop her from crying but Heechul keeps on crying ever since she arrives at home.


“Umma and Appa are worried”


Heechul remains quiet


“You haven’t eaten anything since you arrive here”


Ryeowook her sister’s hair gently


“What really happen? We heard the news about the sudden death of the King of South”


Heechul look at Ryeowook


“I told you, he will die because his wife kills him. She plans everything as well as the King of North”


Ryeowook stare at her with wide eyes open




Heechul wipes her tears


“She’s the one who kill King Donghae”


“Why? I mean, how can she kill her own husband?”


“So King Kyuhyun will be the ruler of the North and South”


“I don’t understand”


Heechul cupped her sister’s face as tears start falling again from her eyes


“I don’t understand it either. I’m getting confuse now, I don’t know what to do and how to change everything”






Heechul look at her, Ryeowook can see sadness in her eyes


“I don’t want to fail”


“But you’re not a failure, Unnie”


Heechul shook her head


“I am a failure; I fail to save King Donghae’s life and now they are planning to kill the Prince of Maple”


Ryeowook’s eyes widened as she stares at her sister nervously


“Prince Henry? No way, they can’t do that to him. Why will they do that?”


“I don’t know, the old woman just told me that Prince Henry is the rightful person who will inherit the throne.”


“That can never happen; Prince Henry can only inherit the throne if Princess Mimi dies, unless...”


Ryeowook’s eyes widened




Heechul ask her curiously


“Unless...Princess Mimi is not the real daughter of King Donghae and Queen Eunhyuk”


Heechul’s heart start beating fast


“Wookie, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”


“Unnie, it’s hard to prove that thing and they can execute us for giving a false accusation.”


“What if it’s true?”


“We don’t have evidence”


“I’m so confuse now”


Heechul hug her sister and start crying again.









Kyuhyun drags his wife at their room and pushes her hard on the wall


“What the hell is that Minnie?”


He holds her chin tight and stares at her seriously


“I told you before we go at the Southern Palace to shut your mouth”


Kyuhyun clench his fist and punch the wall; purposely missed Sungmin’s face


“You’re disobeying me again”


Sungmin’s knees start shaking because of fear. Her tears start falling from her eyes as she stares at her husband sadly


“Why do you need to involve that innocent woman?”


“It’s her fault”


“It’s her fault? It’s her fault because she’s just a servant who can never win against her master even if she’s not guilty?”


Kyuhyun slap her


“Shut your mouth you fool!”


“Don’t you understand it Kyu? You just kill two innocent people; you kill the innocent King so you can rule the North and South when the two kingdoms finally unite through the marriage of our son to the Princess of South. After killing the King of South, you let the innocent old woman carry the punishment that was supposed to be yours and Queen Eunhyuk”


Sungmin brush her fingers on his face


“How many more innocent people will die just because of your cruelty and selfishness? How many people will suffer on your hands?”


Sungmin’s tears keeps on falling from her eyes


“Your parents won’t be proud of you if they’re still alive”


Kyuhyun shoot her a deadly glare


“Don’t involve my parents here”


“They didn’t teach you to be like that”


Kyuhyun laugh at her


“Yes, they didn’t teach me to be like this because you’re the one who teach me to be like this”


Sungmin covers her ears


“Why are you covering your ears? You don’t want to hear all your lies?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Everything is a lie; Eunhyuk taught you to be like that and you choose to live in lies”


“When will you stop blaming Eunhyuk and admit that everything is your fault?”


“I will never admit the crime that I didn’t even commit”


Kyuhyun slap her again


“And you dare to act innocent? I wonder how your sons will react if they find out that their mother...the mother that they respect so much, the mother that they love so much is such a . I bet they will never respect you anymore when they find out that you kill Tiffany and sleep with my servant”


Sungmin slaps him


“Don’t involve my friends here”


Kyuhyun stare at Sungmin with teary eyes


“When will you stop defending Kangin?”


“You’re jealous of him and Eunhyuk use that to control you”


“Minnie, can’t you understand that it’s his entire fault that’s why we’re like this?”


Sungmin shook her head


“It’s your fault”


“Because you never love me, that’s always see him and not me”


Kyuhyun drops his head but Sungmin cupped his face and stare at his eyes


“When will you stop being a bastard baby?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer her


“Who told you that I don’t love you? Who gives you the idea that I don’t love you?”


“You never love me, you just marry me because I’m a Royal Highness and you just marry me because of power”


“Did Hyukkie really infect your mind like that?”


“She just open my eyes because you let me live in lies”


Sungmin start crying hard; her tears keeps on falling from her eyes, tears of sadness and pain


“Why do you believe her more than your own wife?”


“She’s just telling me the truth”


“What truth?”


“That you don’t love me and she’s fulfilling my needs...the things that you can’t give me because you love someone else.”


Kyuhyun stare at her sadly


“You never love me, Lee Sungmin”


“I love you”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Stop lying”


“I love you; you close your heart and your mind that’s why you fail to understand. I love you with all my heart; I sacrifice a lot of things just to follow my heart. I fight with my parents just to be with you, my father almost disown me when they find out that I’m carrying your son out of wedlock. Hyukkie hate me forever because I choose my love for you over our friendship, and now you’re accusing me that I don’t love you?”


Sungmin wipe her tears


“You accuse my friends without hearing any explanation”


“Why will I need to hear any explanation if I saw it with my own eyes?”


“You never know what really happen. You let Hyukkie control your emotion, you let her ruin us”


Sungmin hold his face between her hands


“Is Geng and Sungie are not enough evidence to prove that I love you? I hope whenever you look at your children, you’ll open your mind and heart for you to understand that they are the fruit of our love. They are the living evidence of my promise to you when I marry you; that I will love you until the day that I die, and I never broke that promise until now.”


Sungmin’s tears start falling again


“Kyuhyun, I love you and you know that. I never love you because you’re a Royal Highness and not because of your power. I love you for who you are; I never wanted to be a Queen and you know that, I never want any power or wealth because all I ever wanted is you.”


Sungmin brush her fingers on his cheek


“You’re accusing me of having an affair with it really me who’s cheating or you?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer her


“Why can’t you answer me? Because deep inside your heart, you knew that I’m innocent. I never cheated on you because you’re the one who is cheating on me”


Sungmin push him away and run outside, leaving her husband alone in their room.


“I should have kill her on the day that I caught her sleeping with him”


Kyuhyun punch the wall


“I should have listen to Hyukkie and kill her”


Kyuhyun stare at the mirror and flash his evil smile


“You’re going next Lee Sungmin. Yes, you will be next before the Prince of Maple”


Kyuhyun whisper

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 25: I feel so happy now that they got their happy ending~
Chapter 25: ,.waaaaahhg,this is.daebak,you're really a ggreat,author!! I salute you!! Hail dear Kayetin!
Chapter 4: ,waaaaadhhh.YeWook,,sweeeeet!
Chapter 25: What a beautiful story! <3 I really loved it! <3
AHAHAHA I READ IT AGAIN AGAIN HAHA *kilig to the bone* oh my god i feel i'm addicted to this story
I am so weird, I read the sequel first before this, I read the yewook story first. Haha, that's why I got confused on some of chullie and hannie's convo there. Well, I'm not yet done finishing this but I'm already really interested and I know that this story will be great :D fighting author-nim
Chapter 17: why my hyukie is evil here?? aish. it hurts..- (
Chapter 11: i'm re reading it and i'm still blushing AIGOO!!
Chapter 13: i'm having this idea that the ahjumma was sungmin...
Chapter 25: yah! do you purposely want to make me cry Aish! huhuhu but i love your story not a boring ending because...OMO im starting to cry again huhuhu im sorry for being a cry baby huhuhu