
Stuck With You
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Minjoo was inside her room, sprawled out on the bed with her phone in her hand. It was already a week after the contest ended and three days since the graduation of her friends.


She was casually scrolling through her social media account, liking and commenting on every posts that her friends posted about graduation.


It was all that Minjoo could do as of the moment because none of her friends and family had plans for the summer. For all she knew, she might spend summer this year being stuck in her room with her phone always in hand, playing guitar, reading books, trying out new things like crocheting, and the like—things that she also did last year.


She didn't mind spending another year in her small little safe haven but as someone who'll graduate next year just like her friends, she wanted to make the last summer before her final senior year memorable. But alas, nothing seems to be happening for her.


She looked at the time on her phone and saw that it was 15 minutes past one. She just had her lunch earlier, only the time when she left her room. Now, she had nothing else to do but to stay here and continue using her phone like she always does.


Speaking of which, it was weird that she didn't receive any messages from Yujin today.


After the contest, the two decided to keep in contact with each other. They have been messaging each other nonstop since then, eager to keep up with the other ever since they have parted.


But today, she didn't hear from Yujin. Nothing from her usual good morning texts, about asking her for her plans today, telling her to eat on time, her stories of how Azzo learned a new trick today, seeing something that reminds her of them, and the random things that pop up in her head.


Minjoo let out a sigh. She didn't want to message her as she thought the younger might be busy, she did say something about going somewhere the past few days.


Just when she could overthink more about whether to message Yujin or not, her phone suddenly rang—signalling that someone was calling.


The shock from her ringtone made her drop her phone to the ground. She let out a sharp sigh, sitting down to retrieve her phone on the floor.


She got a good look on the caller's ID and saw that it was Yujin calling her. Her breath instantly got stuck on , wondering why she called when they always messaged each other instead of calling.


Still unable to know why, she answered it.


"H-Hello? Yujin?" Minjoo hesitantly asked.


"Oh, Minjoo unnie. Hi."


Minjoo could hear Yujin smiling at the other line.


"What made you call? Is there something wrong?"


There was a slight tone of panic evident in Minjoo's voice when she asked.


"Oh, no. I'm okay. I just wanted to see if you're free for the day."


The younger said, chuckling.


"I'm sorry if I made you worry. I know we don't usually call each other but it'll be easier if I did. Besides, I wanted to hear your voice. It's been too long since I heard it."


Minjoo felt her cheeks getting warm at Yujin's comment. All the worries inside her suddenly went away.


"I, uhm..." She cleared . "Yeah, I'm free for today. Why did you ask?"


There was some light shuffling at the end of the line.


"Well, it's because I wanted to take you somewhere."


She heard her say after a few seconds.


"Oh, you do? And where just might that be?" Minjoo asked, smiling.


"Hmm, I'll let you know once you let me in."


Yujin finally says before ending the call as a knock was heard from the door.


Minjoo put her phone down, eyebrows furrowing as she went near the door to open it. She doubted if it was really Yujin behind it.


The moment she opened it, she was immediately greeted with a hug.


"Hi." Yujin started, having Minjoo in her hold. "I missed you."


Minjoo was thankful that Yujin was holding her or she would've fallen on the spot due to her jelly legs.


Yujin really did have that effect on her.




"Ready to go?" Yujin asked when Minjoo and her were now in her car, preparing to leave.


"Mhm." Minjoo answered as she nodded.


Yujin then started the car and drove to the destination she had in mind.


For today, she wanted to bring Minjoo to the mall for a hangout. She remembered the time before the contest when Minjoo and her wasn't able to go together and so, she wanted to experience it today (with a little something up her sleeve).


They reached the place after driving for a few minutes. Yujin immediately went down the driver's side to go and open the door for Minjoo.


"Well, chivalry isn't dead after all." Minjoo joked, the moment she got down. Yujin could only laugh at the joke.


They first went to the ice cream shop where Yujin's favorite ice cream was being sold.


Minjoo grabbed a table for them as Yujin went to order. She came back a few minutes later, having the ice creams with her. She gave one to Minjoo and one for herself.


"Twinberry cheesecake ice cream for you and for me." Yujin says, grinning.


"I'm glad you liked that flavor too. It won't be hard for me now to know what to get you. I'll remember yours by remembering what I like." She then took a scoop of her ice cream, eating it as she continued smiling at Minjoo.


"Ahh, but I never said I like it." Minjoo says, playfully rolling her eyes as she too ate some of her ice cream.


The spoon was still in Yujin's mouth when she laughed, almost dropping it. She quickly covered with her hand, still laughing as she shakes her head.


"Wait, sorry." Yujin regained herself, making sure that the spoon was back inside the cup. "You said you didn't like it and yet you finished it."


Yujin crossed her arms as she shakes her head, pretending to be disappointed.


"Okay, maybe I did like it." Minjoo admitted as she takes a scoop of it. "Well, alright. I really did like it."


Minjoo's comment made the two of them laugh, Yujin now failing to look disappointed.


"I knew you did." Yujin smugly says, also getting some of her ice cream.


They ate in silence for a few minutes, just wanting to taste every bit of the treat in front of them. When they were done eating, they didn't immediately leave. Minjoo thought this was a good place for them to chat and to catch up on things.


"So, how's your summer break been?" Minjoo asked.


Yujin just returned from getting them two bottles of water when Minjoo started speaking. She opened one bottle and gave it to the older, sitting yet again in front of her.


"Hmm, same old, same old. Nothing new ever happened since the contest ended and the unnies graduated." Yujin shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. "And you? Anything new that has happened since we last talked?"


Minjoo shook her head no. "Like you, nothing ever did happen."


A smile then suddenly made it's way to Yujin's face when she heard Minjoo's answer.


"Ohh, what's that? Why are you smiling?" Minjoo asked her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


"Hmm, nothing." Yujin still had that same smile on her face. "If I did ask you if you're free for the week, would you say yes?"


Yujin was now on the edge of her seat, leaning closer to Minjoo as she waited for her answer.


Minjoo stopped to think for a bit. "Well, yeah. I guess. There's nothing better to do at home anyways."


Yujin leaned back in her seat, eyes forming in crescent as she grinned. "Okay, nice nice."


"Why did you ask though?" Minjoo still wasn't sure why the younger is acting that way.


Yujin composed herself before answering Minjoo's question.


"The truth is, the girls and I planned a trip for us this summer and we'll leave the day after tomorrow." Yujin checked her phone to make sure she had the date right. "Apart from Chaewon unnie and Hitomi unnie, all of us are going on a trip."


"Oh, yeah. Their flight is scheduled for tomorrow morning, right?" Minjoo asked as Yujin nodded. "And did everyone else say yes to it already or there are still some of us who haven't?"


"Hmm, I don't know about that. There's still someone who I haven't ask and I'm really, really hoping that she would come." Yujin said in a sad voice, looking down.


This again, made Minjoo confused.


"Who is it? Is it Eunbi unnie? Yena unnie? Oh wait, I think it's Hyewon unnie." Minjoo listed all of their friends who she thinks will be busy for the summer.


Yujin was chuckling as she shakes her head.


"Minjoo unnie." She called that made Minjoo stopped from thinking out loud and look at her. "It's actually you. You're the one who I haven't asked yet."


"Oh." Minjoo felt a blush creep up on her face from embarrassment. "W-Well, you're asking me now so I didn't think it would be me."


Yujin reached across the table to take one of Minjoo's hands in hers. "Believe me, you're the one who I look forward to spending this trip with the most."


Minjoo tried to be nonchalant about Yujin's comment, acting as if it didn't affect her much.


"Oh, uhm. Yeah. Of course I'll come." She answered, her voice not being as stable as she expected.


Yujin immediately grinned upon hearing it. "Okay, yes! Let's go buy some of the stuff we need so we'll be prepared for it."


"But wait," Minjoo interrupted just before Yujin could stand up. "you haven't told me where we're going."


Yujin could only smile at her, not answering her question.


"You'll see."




Two days have passed since Yujin told Minjoo about their plan for the summer break. It was also the said date in which they'll leave for their trip. They decided to meet up at the parking lot in school so that everyone will be familiar with it.


The time for their meet-up was 7 in the morning.


Yujin picked Minjoo up in her house 30 minutes before 7, that made them the earliest one who arrive in the meeting place. Next to arrive was Yena and Yuri, who came at exactly the said time. While the last ones to arrive were Eunbi, Hyewon, Sakura, Chaeyeon, Nako, and Wonyoung who were all riding in a single van.


Eunbi was the first one to get out the van, sighing when she did.


"You guys have no idea how hard that thing is to drive." She tells the four as the others started going down as well.


"Unnie, I told you we should've asked help from my dad. He could've given you a driver for your van." Yujin said.


Eunbi shook her head no. "It's okay, Yujin. This is our trip and I want this to be only us. Plus, your girlie here is already a college student next year. It's nothing I couldn't handle."


Eunbi looked proud with her comment, her chin up as she smugly smiled at them. The others can only chuckle at the eldest.


"Yeah, sure. Don't go giving up on us when we're in the middle of the road." Yena joked, wrapping an arm around Eunbi. Eunbi can only glare at her.


"Alright, now that everyone's here, why don't we start leaving?" Yujin says, checking the time on her phone. "We're a little behind as planned so, let's go?"


The others agreed, going back to their cars for the road trip.


Overall, they had three vehicles with them: Yujin's car, Yena's, and Eunbi's van.


At first, they insisted that they should ride a single one. But seeing how there were many of them, they decided to bring their own. Yujin and Yena already had their parents' approval for their cars and so, they brought it along with them. The remaining six decided to go with Eunbi in her family van as she had volunteered for them to use it.


They did a convoy with Yujin leading as she had already input their destination on her phone to know where they were going.


Back in their car, Minjoo decided to strike up a conversation between them, seeing that it'll be a few hours before they reach their destination.


"So, are you going to tell me where we're going now?" She asked, her gaze shifting to Yujin.


Yujin's eyes were focused on the road. She glanced at Minjoo the moment she spoke up, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.


"Should I? You'll see where once we get there." She answered, still avoiding Minjoo's question. "Besides, I told mom where we're going. She already knows where and she approved. Plus, she helped you with your stuff, didn't she? I'm pretty sure you have all the things you need."


Hearing Yujin still call her mother as mom made Minjoo feel all warm inside. She didn't forget what her mom said back in auditorium, where she told Yujin that she already considered her as her daughter and so, she should call her mom.


Minjoo wasn't able to further ask Yujin about the place as she became to fixated on the younger's words.


"O-Oh, yeah. I think you're right." She says, gently lowering her head as a shy smile showed in her face.


Yujin could only smile after hearing Minjoo's response. She gently reached out to take Minjoo's hand in hers, while still keeping her other hand firmly on the steering wheel.


Minjoo did her best not to smile too much. She pressed her lips together to avoid the smile spreading across her face.


Yujin noticed what Minjoo was trying to do. She shook her head, a playful smile forming on her face as she said, "You know, fighting it only tempts me to make you smile more."


"Ahh." Minjoo whines, using her free hand to cover her face. "Okay, okay. I won't. Just why do you have to be so cute?"


Yujin could only chuckle in response.




After driving for a few hours, they finally reached their destination. All three of them parked their cars to the nearest open space that they could find. The group then got out of their cars, doing a little stretch to ease the stiffness from their muscles, and gathered their things.


They still needed to walk from the parking space up to the place that they'll be staying. And so, they carried their things with them as they went on their way.


Minjoo didn't notice it at first but as soon as they got closer to the place, she finally had an idea on where they were.


As they got there, they were greeted by a majestic canopy of tall trees that surrounded the place. Various tents of different sizes also dotted the area, with each having its own unique charm.


In the distance, they could see a lake sparkling under the sunlight that added a soothing feeling to the picturesque landscape. They had arrived at a campsite—a luxurious one to be exact.


"You should have told me we were going camping!" Minjoo exclaimed, facing Yujin beside her who was watching her reaction.


Yujin let out a small laugh. "If I told you where we're going it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." She stepped forward, urging Minjoo to follow. "Come on, let's go see where we're staying."


Minjoo, along with the others, followed Yujin further into the place. She was the one who talked to the campsite hostess for their check-in and to find the tents that they'll be staying in.


Just like how Yujin and the others decided, they'll be sharing the tent in pairs—the same pairing that they had for the contest.


"Uh oh. I guess you'll be stuck with me again." Yujin says, going over to Minjoo and pretending to be sad.


Minjoo can't help but to chuckle at the younger's antics. "Just like how I want it."


She gave Yujin a soft kiss on the cheek that made Yujin blush.


"Glad we're on the same boat." Yujin said, giving Minjoo a shy smile.


"Alright, lovebirds. If you guys are done flirting there, why don't we go find our tents?" Yena suddenly says, breaking the two from their own little world.


"Oh, y-yeah. We should go do that." Yujin answers, taking a hold of Minjoo's hand as they followed Yena and the others.




Upon reaching their assigned tent, Minjoo can't help but to stare in awe about how beautiful it looked.


"This tent is huge!" Minjoo commented, going inside and sitting on the bed in the middle. "Actually, this looks more like a room than a tent. I haven't seen a tent with a bed before."


"Well, we are going camping but we're gonna do it in style." Yujin took a seat next to Minjoo on the bed. "Think of it as glamping. Have you ever tried that?"


Minjoo decided to think for a bit, shaking her head no afterwards. "We used to do camping before, but not like this."


Yujin smiled after hearing it. "I'm happy that you get to experience this first with me."


Minjoo leaned her head on Yujin's shoulder, also smiling. "Yeah, me too. Thanks for bringing me here."


They stayed like that for a few minutes, only moving when Yujin received a messaged from Eunbi.


"Oh, Eunbi unnie is asking when can we go swimming in the lake." Yujin said after reading the message on her phone.


"We can go now." Minjoo sat straight up, facing Yujin. "I mean after we eat lunch. Let's tell unnie that."


"Oh, yeah." Yujin checked the time and saw that it was already past lunch. "I'll go tell unnie that."


With that, they decided to grab lunch together before partaking on their first activity for the day. They then went to change after doing so, heading straight for the lake next.


"This place is so pretty!" Wonyoung exclaimed, getting her phone out to take a picture.


"Ha, I can't believe this is what Chaewon and Hitomi are missing out." Yena says as she takes a good look of the lake.


Yujin, Yena, Nako, Hyewon, and Chaeyeon immediately went in the water, splashing each other and playing with the beach ball that they brought.


The remaining girls stayed on the land, watching the others with smiles on their faces.


"What are you guys still doing there? Come on! The water is fine." Yena tells them as Yujin pulled her down from below, making the others laugh.


With Yena's words, the others went in the water as well. The only one that was left still standing dry was Minjoo.


She gave her mom an update on their

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Chapter 30: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
723 streak #2
Chapter 1: Looking for jinjoo stories to read and I found this! Planning to read it soon, tysm for this story 🫶🏻
snsdsoshigg #3
Chapter 30: i love this story sm 😭🩷
Chapter 30: can i just say that i reallyyyyy loved the way SWY ended? 🥹 like the conclusion and realisation is just chef’s kiss ;—; YOUR PACING AND STORYTELLING IS REALLY NICE I LOVED IT SM 🫶🏻

i was honestly just smiling and feeling giddy whenever jinjoo are together here. and yk just when i thought they couldn’t be cuter then a cuter and fluffier scene shows up XD (mga bonak nag-enjoy ako sa kanila masyado fr fr)

ahhhhh but this is kinda bittersweet tho since ending means no next part 🥲 (i’ll just read it if i miss it i just know it but let me be dramtic hhhhhhhh) it was indeed a long ride, had fun reading every bit of it :D kinda sad that you won’t be writing anymore and this is like your farewell work but life gets you sometimes ig (buti once lang tayo mabuhay please)
if you still have school i hope you do well and if you have work (resign na char) i hope it goes well too. i also hope good things come to you :) tysm for writing this and updating despite your busy sched. see you in the future in whatever way that maybe hshahahaha 🫡
bluejin #5
Chapter 30: its finally over huh? haha its been so worth it to wait for each chapter. thank you author-nim :)
bluejin #6
Chapter 29: hehe i hope theres an epilogue bcs this is too sweet to end like this XD
JJFinal-Testicleese #7
Chapter 29: well done
Chapter 29: awwwwwwww ;-; omg that was so nice! i was just smiling while reading the whole chapter :D mj’s mom and yuj are so cute please and also jinjoo being sweet is just way too adorable. and i expected ssambbang to win so yey for me XD

this is such a nice read fr! i feel like i was way too serious in commenting before that i was not able to express my admiration for you and this work— i rlly love the pacing, the character development and overall mood of the story. good job and you are just so awesome for this :D i just realized i really love swy a lot now that we’re on the last chapter :’)

and yes to the epilogue please 🥹 your story and cut-nim’s are the only story i’m currently reading. i feel like i’ll lose a part of my heart if this will end now ;-; (and i need jj more like beh mamanhikan na si yuj ganern XD)

tysm for writing this! hope to see you sa epilogue (yes assumera si beshy 🤸🏼‍♀️)
Chapter 29: Need an epilogue of lovey dovey jinjoo hehehe
Chapter 28: I literally squealed!!!!!! When the kissing scene came, I also the music and IT REALLY FELT SO SPECIAL WHAT. Ugh!!! This is literally the best!!!