Chapter 5

Unexpected Marriage Life With A Fighter?!




“I know you want.” Your eyes widened . you gave him a disgust-looked.
“I know you---hmpppp” you covered his mouth with your hand.
“Stop creating a story!” you pushed him. His eyes widened.

You walked towards your packs and carried it to your room.
*where’s my room?* you stopped. You weren’t know your room yet.
“your room is the door that colored pink pastel.” He shouted out. You found your room.

You entered in, your furniture full of pastel-colored. You crept a small smile. This room is actually for visitor room. Your mom and Mrs. Nam thoughts that you’d share a room with woohyun.
you started to unpacking your stuffs. The clothes bags will be deliver 2 hours again. So you couldn’t change your wedding gown.

You walked out struggling. You putted your gown little up. You walking around from here to there. Woohyun noticed you. He raised his eyebrow. You walked across him. But his leg treaded on your gown. You immediately fell down. You felt your knee ‘ill. *damn woohyun!!*
you turned your head back to him. You gave him a mad-looked.

“it’s your punishment for what you did earlier.” Woohyun said satisfied. You straightened  your legs. “I DID WHAT?!!!” you shouted at him . he laughed sheepishly.
“you pushed me.” He answered. You frowned.
“YOU!!!!” you stood up then you pointed at him with your index finger.


“YOU!!!! Would be regret for what you did to me!!”
he crossed his arm. he gave you so-what’s-your-problem-looked.
“I HATE YOU NAM WOOHYUN!!” you yelled.
“AH! I hate you too. Haha.”  You scoffed. Woohyun’s phone suddenly rang. He hung on the phone. “uh? Hello. Yeah. Now? WHAT? THAT BRAT?! Okay see you there.” He hung up the phone as he left out. *that brat? You brat!*

2 hours passed by.
your clothes had delivered. You change your gown. you wore a simple-blue-dress. You loved wearing a knee-dress and pastel color. Your mom always remind you to be girlie as you can.

It was 1 am. You weren’t feel sleepy yet. You felt a little dizzy. Woohyun hasn’t come. But you didn’t worry at him. You sat in the sofa while reading a magazine. *it’s so rare. I’d feel sleppy at this time. I feel something bad happen.!*

Suddenly, someone knocked the door. *is it woohyun?* you threw the magazine to the table and got up to open the door. You gasped as you opened the door. You saw woohyun with his friend. there’s a blue wounds at his face. “what happened? Why he was fainted?” you asked confusedly.

His friend gave woohyun to you. “uhm.. something bad. He fought and he was lose.” His friend explained. “fought?” you asked again.
“you’re his wife right? And you were never know that he was a fighter?!”


“yeah as you heard. I leave now. Bye.” He waved at you.

You dragged woohyun to his room. *he’s so heavy!!!*
you laid him down to his bead. *what should I do?!* you held your head. You felt guilty.
you were still mad at him. You decided to leave him. When you were about to walk to out.
woohyun pulled your wrist. You turned your head to him. “where will you go?” woohyun asked with husky voice. But his eyes was still shut.

“of course my room. Why?” you answered. He opened his eyes.
“c-can you t-t…” he stuttered. You ducked your head. *what he’s actually want?!*
“c-can you t-t what?!” you asked sarcastically. You pushed his arm off.
“AISSH! Treat my wounds. Can YOU?!” he shouted out .

You softened. It was the first time he asked a help.*I-I like woohyun’s weak side.*
you crept a small smile as you nodded at him. “okay.. just wait.” You went to the bathroom to took the aid box and went back to woohyun’s room.

“sit up!” you uttered. You sat beside him. You poured an alcohol into the cotton. You started caressing his wound with the cotton carefully.

“AWW!!  WHY YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING BETTER?!!” He whined as he snatched the cotton from you. “OK, SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT!! DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!!” woohyun’s word actually hurt you. You headed back to your room. “SURE! I CAN DO IT BY MYSELF SINCE YOU CAN’T” he nagged. Woohyun banged the cotton against the floor.

you threw your body against the bed. You touched your forehead. *it’s so hot. I HATE THIS!!! I was totally sick. It is the effects of lack-of-sleep. I hadn’t enough sleep lately*

You headed to bathroom to get the temperature. You started check your temperature.
*!!! 39⁰!!!!* you threw the temperature to aside. *it’s all because the marriage!!*.
then, after a few minutes later, you had fallen asleep.

“HYERI-AH!!! HYERI-AH!!!” You heard woohyun called you in the morning. You ignored him.
“HYERI-AH!!!!!!!!” he called you out of loud. Again. You were so irritated. You covered your head with the pillow. *it was the problem that makes me lack of sleep!*

“HYERI-AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” you gave up of his non-stop-shouting . you decided to got up.
you were feel more dizzy than last night. And your face were so pale. You hold your forehead and it was more warm than the last night. You headed to his room.

“What do you want?!” you asked with weak voice. He pointed at his wound with his index finger.
“what is up with that huh?” you leaned your head against the wall to keep you standing since you were feel so dizzy. “treat.” He coldly answered. You crossed your arms disbelief.
“last night I was. Let me sleep..” you turned back to your room. But woohyun shouted again.
“YA YA YA YA YA!!!!!! I WASN’T DONE!!!!” You stopped. Your sight was blur out. You can’t managed to stand anymore. You were fell down, Faint in that time.


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serhine #1
wow, found this story on random stories! xD
please update
I really miss it
Update soon

the story is really good and the two couples are so cute
mechuu #4
teenfinitelover13 #5
nice story
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been a long time since you didn't update. ;AAAAAAAAA; I LOVE YOU AUTHOR-NIM.
LeeNiNaCho #7
The kiss scene made me go breathless and i need my inhaler right now!the scene mad me gasp loudly and my face is red now!WTHzjkasdnjkdsbcajeravafsjjvreo,IMMA GOING CRAZY
FaaDevera #8
hahaha ^^
they're so cute together
keep up the good work