Oh.... Getting worried/ Lover's Quarrel.

Made from Heaven


Minhee's POV

On the next morning we went to my uncle again to ask for some advice. He told us that even though we know where Kyuhyun’s body is. It’s still not easy. It’s the body who’s going to say that it’s ready to accept the spirit back again not the spirit. And maybe there is something happening to Kyuhyun's body that's why it can't accept his spirit.

---skip to the scene you're on your way to school----

“What are we going to do?” he asked me.

“I don’t know."

“You should go there at the hospital. You should ask my parents. Tell them that you can see me. Then ask them what's my condition” he said

“Are you out of your mind?! They will surely think that I am going crazy. And the fact that I can never get inside how would I even manages to get near your parents.”

“But that’s the only way for us.”

“I won’t do it! There must be another way.” I am walking really fast now. I'm going to be late again.

“Where are you going?” he shout

“I’m going to my class because I’m still a student. You stay here and wait for me. I might think of a plan. So you stay. Okay?” As soon as I told him to stay he’s walking away from me.

“Yah! Where do you think you’re going?”

“I can’t wait and do nothing. I’ll go to the hospital and try to observe the people there; maybe I'll find out what's really happening to me. You should get inside you might be late for class. I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about me!”

“Hey! I didn’t say I’m worried about you. You can do whatever you want just don’t scare people at the hospital or try not to make fun of them. Okay?!”

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” And he’s gone. I can’t see him everywhere all of a sudden he disappear on my sight.


I guess that’s the way he orbs..... What am I thinking? I should get into my class now.

Even though I’m in class I can’t help myself to think of a plan on how I could get inside the hospital and be able to know what's really happening to Kyuhyun. After 4 straight classes I’m about to head to the library when I saw the group of girls that I saw yesterday. They were talking about super junior again. The taller girl says that her Aunt had a hard time to sneak them in because the security is very tight. They have to pretend that they’re going to visit a family member so that they could pass the security but then they didn’t see either Leeteuk or Kyuhyun because there securities in front of their rooms.

I must be going crazy if I just go there and tell them that I can see Kyuhyun’s spirit but how am I going to get inside and pass through the tight security. I can’t believe this. I can’t think of anything. My head is aching.

“What am I going to do?” I mumble to myself. 


unless someone could guide me when I’m inside. Yeah! That’s right! Kyuhyun!”

After my last class I went straight to the gate to see Kyuhyun but instead of seeing him I saw someone else. It’s Donghae. I pretend not to see him and kept looking for Kyuhyun to appear I even whisper his name hoping he’ll come out.

“Kyuhyunshii…..” I tried so hard to speak so low so that no one could hear me.

“Kyuhyunhii….. Where are you? I need to talk to you….. Kyuhyun shii…..." I whisper.

"Minheeshii...." Donghae must heard me....

"Minheeshii.... Are you looking for someone?" He asked and have this worried eyes.

"huh? Me? Aniyo. Aniyo." I said try to lie...

"I thought I heard you called..., Kyuhyunshii?" He said.

"Ah.... Yes. My pet Kyuhyun. Isn't a great name?" I told him.... Kyuhyun will surely kill me if he knows this...

"Pet? I didn't know that they allow pets in here." 

"Ah..... It's for a project thing. Very grade school right?! It's for my subjects. They asked us to bring our pet." I lied again. 

Liar Minhee. If you're going to lie please make a good one not a lame one like this.

"You're a student here?!" Surprised again.


"How old are you?" he asked.

"18. Turning 18 this year."

"You're so young to be here. You are the youngest student that I met here. What level are you?" he said.


“I’m still in my first year I studied abroad but things suddenly got change so I have to go back here and fortunately I passed the acceleration exam so they allowed me to continue my college but I have to in first year again”

“Wow. That’s must be hard and amazing at the same time”


We sit on a bench near the gate. Then things got quiet. I’m now hoping for Kyuhyun to appear so that I can leave here. What’s taking him so long at the hospital?

"You're different from the other girls who study here?" He said. Trying to start a conversation again.

"Me? Different? Maybe because I'm weird or I'm younger." I said.

"No. You don't scream or go hysterical when you saw me last time?" he said while smiling and looking up.

"Why would I scream at you? Should I be mad at you?" I asked. I really don't have any idea why would I scream and go hysterical.

"Don't you recognize me? Don't you know who I am?" he asked.

I sway my head to tell him no.

"Don't you watch tv?  I'm part of a boy group named Super Junior." he said.

"What?! Super Junior! You part! Super Junior! You know Kyuhyun?!" I asked him. He knows Kyuhyun maybe he can help us. Maybe Donghae knows about Kyuhyun's condition.

"Woow.... You change into a fan girl now lady. One question at a time." he said.

" Sorry." I said then bow my head.

"Its okay. At least I know you know us except for me." he said while pouting.

"A-Aniyo... I don't really know Super Junior. It's just that?" Minhee this is your chance ask him.Ask him about Kyuhyun.

"That?....." he's waiting.

"I heard that some of you met an accident. That's why I got to know Super Junior because of the accident." I said.

"Ahhhh.....Publicity. Good or bad still publicity." he said while breathing and looking around us.

"I'm sorry." I hope I didn't hurt his feeling from what I said.

"You're always saying sorry to me." he said while tapping my head like what a big brother do to his dongsaeng. 'You're cute you know?" he added.

"Huh? me? cute? wae?" I asked. Is he trying to make me blush in front of him.

"You're funny too. I hope we could be friends and go out sometime?" he said.

Is he asking me on a date now? Super Junior member asking me to go out. I just met you Lee Donghae what made you think that I would go out with you.

"Friends is possible but going out is a bit impossible?" I answered.

"Why? Boyfriend thing?" he said.

"No. I don't have a boyfriend." I said.

"Good. Then we can go out sometimes." he said.

Just when I was about to refuse a black van stopped in front of the university gate.

"Oopps..... Gotta go Minhee. It was nice talking to you. And I really hope we could go out sometimes." He said then smiled then leave.

What?! Is he joking? I just met him and he already asked me to go out with him. Saying this to myself; still I can't believe it.

"Minheeshii. Minheeshii!" he called me again from the window of van.

I looked at him.

"We're friend now. Right?" he asked then smile at me. Oh gosh. His smile could melt anyone.

"yes. Friends." I said. Then he smiled and wave to me. Then the van leaves.

"Oh ! I forgot to ask about Kyuhyun. Bapo! Minhee! You should've ask Donghae." I mumble to myself.

"Ask Donghae Hyung what?!" Kyuhyun just popped in front of me.

“What the?! Stop doing that?!” 

“What?!” he said.

“That! Popping out of nowhere I could die of heart attack because of you do you know that?”

“Why? Do you have a heart ailment?” he asked again bringing his face closely to mine.


“ So why are you so mad?”

“Aish! Just don’t do that anymore okay?!”

He didn’t answer he just make a quirk again.

“Just don’t do it!” I throw him an evil looked so that he can see that I’m serious.

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! So what about Donghae hyung? Have you seen him? Have you met him?" he asked.

"Neh. I met him." I said.

"So what happened?" he asked again.

"Ah..... we talked." I said. 

"Did you ask about me? about my condition?" he asked.

"Ahmmmm......" Gosh don't know what to say.

"What?! Did you ask him?" he asked again. Now glaring at me his eyes are starting get big now.

"I didn't ask. I wasn't able to ask." I said.

"WHAT?! You didn't ask him! What! Why you didn't asked him! You should! What were you thinking this might be our chance to know what's happening. Then you didn't do anything! What did you do? Maybe you just act cute in front of him. Trying to be beautiful so that he could notice you!"

"What are you trying to say here?! What do you think of me cheap girl?! Who would do anything to be noticed by a guy like him. Why? It's just that I forgot to ask him that's all why are you saying all these bad things to me huh?"

"You know why?! Because I'm going crazy thinking of how to get back on my body then you. You just sit and talk and act cute in front of my hyung instead of asking him about my condition. Instead of helping me. You are so selfish!

"Selfish?! I am selfish! After all the things I've done. After I spent all day thinking on how we could get an information. Is this what you call being selfish. You're selfish. Because all you think is yourself. You are just arrogant, selfish bastard!"

"Arrogant?! Me?! How about you? Trying to be intelligent/ genius. You're no genius for me. You are just an ordinary students who wants fame and wants everyones attention."

"Its that it! Its that what you think of me?! Fine!" I said then walk away.

"Where the hell are you going now?" He yell.

"Somewhere where I can't see you anymore! I hate you! I don't to see you again! You don't know how hard it is thinking how to get you back on your body. Spending all day thinking. You don't have any considerations. Ah yes. Its because. You only thinks about yourself. You're the selfish one not me. You're selfish CHO KYUHYUN!"

I said and walked away. I have never been angry. This is the first time. I feel anger and hurt at the same time. I'm hurt to what he just call me and said to me.



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This story is fun !! XD
livihwang #2
Chapter 39: Aaa.. Really love your story! <3
Chapter 39: Damn this is a good story. Authornim, this story made me cry and I can assure you that's a good thing.
iloveyou_saranghae #4
Reading this for the third time, still loving it. Seriously, this story is JJANG!<br />
oh my... sorry to make my readers cry. I don't want you to cry. Thank you for reading and for posting great comments here. Hope to see you at made from heaven part 2. Thank you again. ELF Fighting! ^^
You made me and my co-worker...I mean another ELF cry ;(<br />
but because this fanfic is EPIC!<br />
I can't wait for you to finish made from heaven part 2 :D
iloveyou_saranghae #7
I've read this months ago but I read it again. Omo~! I'm crying again. Totally love this fic ^^,
@ayenshoo12: sorry if I made you cry... to tell you the truth i cried to when I'm writing this ff.<br />
@mashiiimaroo: thank you for your comment.
this is CRAP. really really crap<br />
WHY?<br />
'cause you made me cry soooooo hard. I MEAN it. SOOOO HARD. T.T<br />
you don't know how this story made me realize how much i love someone. ><