Evil VS Fish

Made from Heaven


On the next day I woke up. I opened my phone and saw 25 messages 5 missed calls. All the message came from Donghae.

From: Donghae

Minheeya. Where are you? Are you home already? What happened to you? Call me.

From: Donghae

Minheeya. Are you home? Why are you not answering my call. I’m worried. Please call me.

From: Donghae

Minheeya. I’m really worried. Call me Minheeya. Please.


All his messages says the same; call him and he’s worried. Then one message caught my eye. It’s an unregistered number.

From: Unknown number

Where are you? We need to talk. I’ll see you tomorrow.


I immediately delete that message.

“Jerk!”  I said then throw my phone to my bed.

Even though I don’t want to go to work that day; I still have too. So I dragged myself to SM entertainment and pretend like nothing happened; Just like I didn’t heard Kyuhyun say that things about me.

“Minheeshii. Where are you?” Nari asked.

She wants to check if I’m okay so she called me.

“I’m almost there Unnie. Wait for me at the lobby.” I said.

“Where are you?” She asked again.

“I’m almost there. Oh I can see you.” I said then I run to her.

“You’re here. Are you okay now? You still need to explain to me what happened.” she asked.


“Okay. Okay. I won’t ask. If you need someone to talk to I’m here. You know that I don’t have any sisters that’s why I treat as my own little sister.”

“Unnie.” I said then hug her.

“Aigoo. My maknae is acting cute now. I won’t ask you about anything. Just promise me something just be strong. Okay?”

“Thanks Unnie.”

“Welcome. Now. Let’s go to work I bet Eunbyeolshii is looking for us already.” She said then we head to the elevator.

We were on the elevator when it stops at the 2nd floor. The door opens and I saw the last person that I would wish to see that day. CHO KYUHYUN.

He went inside the elevator. Nari and I were at the back area of the elevator while Kyuhyun is near the door. Everyone got off on the 4th floor leaving me, Nari and Kyuhyun inside. The elevator stops at 5th floor that’s our stop. Nari and I were about to get out the elevator when Kyuhyun grabbed my left arm.


“We need to talk.” He said.

I didn’t answer him and try to release my arm from his grip but he holds me too tight.

He looked at Nari.

“I should go ahead. See you later Minheeshii.” Nari went ahead leaving me with Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun closed the elevator door and took me to the 6th floor. He pulled me inside the practice room.

“What do you want?!” I said.

“I just need to talk to you.” He said.

“What do you want to talk about? You? Me? You playing tricks on me; using me to feed your ego!” I said.

“What?!” what are you talking about?” he said.

“Don’t deny it. I heard you. You were talking to your members. You were talking about me. You’re talking about me having a big crush on you; on how you are trying to prove yourself by using me by being close to me.” I said.

“Minheeshii. I didn’t mean to….”

“Didn’t mean to? What? Hurt me? You didn’t mean to hurt me? Well you already hurt me. For the last two years you are hurting me. You ignored me. You shouted at me. You even won’t recognized or remember who am I to you. But still I’m here; waiting for you to remember me. Keeping my promise to you and I’m still hoping that you kept your promise to me that you will remember me. But I guess; I’m just waiting for nothing. I’m glad that you already moved on but it hurts so bad that I didn’t. I’m sorry I am so tired of waiting that I can’t keep my promise anymore Kyuhyunshii.” I said.

“I can’t understand you. What are you saying? Two years. Remember you?” He said.

“You know what?! You don’t deserve to remember anything. You don’t deserve anything!” I said then walk to the door.

“Minhee. Minheeshiii. Minheeshii.” He’s calling me.

I opened the door and I saw Donghae standing behind it.

“Oppa.” I said.


----------------------skip to the rooftop with Donghae---------------------

I told Donghae everything from Kyuhyun’s spirit up to the promise that Kyuhyun made me.

“You don’t have to force yourself to believe me.” I said.


“No. It’s just that it is still unbelievable but something tells me that I should believe you.” He said.

“Thank you.” I told him.

“For what?” he said.

“For being nice to me; for trying to convince yourself to believe to what I just told you.”

“Minheeya. I believe you. Believe it or not I know that you’re telling the truth because I actually experience that.” He said.


“yes. I dreamt about my dad. Though it was a dream I knew that it was real that he really talked to me.” He said. “well it’s not the same just like what you experienced but I certainly believe in those kind of things.” He added.

“You’re just saying that.” I said.

“No. I’m not. I know when a person is lying or not I can see them through their eyes. And I can see through your eyes that you’re not lying and…”


“you are sad right now.” He said.

I wasn’t able to answer him.

“Do you still love him?” he ask

“I don’t know. “ I said.

“Well maybe it’s time for you to move on. Right?” He said while looking up in the sky.

“Neh. Maybe.” I said.

“Minheeya. Cheer up!” He said while tapping my head just like a big brother used to do to his little sister. “Let’s go home. Let’s pack our things.” He said.

“Pack my things?” I asked.

“Minheeya. Tomorrow is our flight to Thailand. Aren’t you coming?” He said.

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This story is fun !! XD
livihwang #2
Chapter 39: Aaa.. Really love your story! <3
Chapter 39: Damn this is a good story. Authornim, this story made me cry and I can assure you that's a good thing.
iloveyou_saranghae #4
Reading this for the third time, still loving it. Seriously, this story is JJANG!<br />
oh my... sorry to make my readers cry. I don't want you to cry. Thank you for reading and for posting great comments here. Hope to see you at made from heaven part 2. Thank you again. ELF Fighting! ^^
You made me and my co-worker...I mean another ELF cry ;(<br />
but because this fanfic is EPIC!<br />
I can't wait for you to finish made from heaven part 2 :D
iloveyou_saranghae #7
I've read this months ago but I read it again. Omo~! I'm crying again. Totally love this fic ^^,
@ayenshoo12: sorry if I made you cry... to tell you the truth i cried to when I'm writing this ff.<br />
@mashiiimaroo: thank you for your comment.
this is CRAP. really really crap<br />
WHY?<br />
'cause you made me cry soooooo hard. I MEAN it. SOOOO HARD. T.T<br />
you don't know how this story made me realize how much i love someone. ><