First love dies but it comes back like a ghost

Made from Heaven


Two years have passed when Kyuhyun went back to his life. For those 2 years I tried everything to see him and for him to remember me but as what I expected he just ignore me. I was even accused of stalking by one of their bodyguards; luckily that guard didn’t see my face. Sometimes I was thinking of giving up or turn my back from him. But the thought of him on the night that he asked me to promise to do everything for us to see each other again still bears in my mind. 

He’s back in his normal life but I’m the one who needs help now to be back in my own life. 

When I stop from studying at Myongji because of financial problems that’s the time I started to lay low on the plans of helping him to remember me. That maybe I should stop my plans and forget about the promise.


Now, I still live in Seoul but I move in to my Uncle’s house; I didn’t leave Seoul because I have to help my mom by working especially now that she’s sick. I’m helping my Uncle on his store in exchange of him taking me in at first he didn’t want it but he eventually gives in to my condition and at the same time I had two jobs in order for me to save money for my mom and for my studies. I work as makeup artist at small salon in the morning and a barista at night on a coffee shop. That doesn’t include my sidelines as a piano and English tutor on weekends and I also help at the store after work. My mom doesn’t approve this jobs and the thought that I have 5 jobs in all. But I told her that I have to do all those job to save money and to help her; even uncle and grandma wants me to quit from my job or find one high paying job so that I could quit my 5 jobs; but I don’t want to quit any of it. I love what I’m doing and I need those jobs to earn money.

After my duty at the coffee shop I decided to go to the store and help my uncle to close.


“What are you doing here? Do you need something?”

“ah…. Aniya. I came here to help you close the store.”

“aish! Minhee. You shouldn’t bother at all I can do this alone.” He said as he put all the crystal inside the cabinet. “You should’ve gone straight home. You’re already tired you’ve been working all day. To think that you have to start your day at 7 in the morning then transfer to the coffee shop and work there for another 6 hours.”


“Uncle. Don’t worry about me huh? I’m doing fine! I’m okay. And I enjoy what I’m doing.”

“Why is that you still have to work I told you I can give you money to continue your studies. You don’t need to have two” he started counting with his hands “fours jobs!”

“Ah. I really appreciate your offer but I know you need money too. I know that you’re helping gomo’s appa and umma. I don’t want to be added on that. And you let me stay in your house that’s a big help already.”



Uncle is also having financial problems nowadays. His store is starting to lose customers, they said that feng shui is not that important as before and at the same time he’s helping auntie’s parents because one of them is sick.



“yeah uncle.”

“My friend called this afternoon. He’s became a Human resource head at a company. He mentioned that there’s an opening at their company. They in need of a production assistant I told him about you. Why don’t you dropped by at his office and inquire about it.”

“Uncle. I’m not gonna quit any of my job.”

“I’m not telling you to quit your job. I’m just asking you maybe you could drop by there and try to think about the job. I heard that they offer a high salary for production assistant. Why don’t you try to apply maybe you can get the job then you don’t have to have 4 jobs you’ll just need one.”

“Okay. I’ll think about it.”

“Here is his number. He told me to call him if ever you’re interested or if you want to inquire. His name is Park Gihun” He said then gave me a calling card.


On the next day I only have one tutorial session and I didn’t have anything to do for the rest of the day. I was staring at Park Gihun’s number which Uncle gave me last night.

“Hmp! What the heck” then I started dialing his number. After 2 rings he already picked it up.


“yeah. Annyeong hasayo. I’m Park Minhee; Park Seojun’s niece. He told me to call you regarding the production assistant position in your company.

“ah yes. I remember. Why don’t you come here at our office after lunch so that I could tell you all the details regarding it.”

“Okay. Where is your office located?”

He gave me the directions on how to go to their office. And to my surprise I was standing in front of SM entertainment building.

“Oh my! Uncle! Aish! He’s! Aish! Uncle!

I was on my way back to the train station when my phone rings. And it’s Gihun asking where I am. He’s waiting for me. I don’t what to do. I don’t my uncle to have an issue between him and  Gihun. Aish! Money! Minhee just think about money.

I decided to still meet Gihun.

“Annyeonghasayo” I greeted him.

“Have a seat please”.


We discuss about the things that a production assistant will do and another surprised hit the position is a cordi to one of their artist. Aish! Uncle! I was thinking of not pushing my application but when I heard how much does a cordi receives every monthly I changed my mind and immediately ask whose artist is in need of cordi. And fortunately he said:

“Shinee! I guess you know them. They were hot these days. The management decided to give them another cordi because 5 people are too much for two cordis we need another one to help them. So would you accept the job? If you accept are job offer you can start next week or if you can start by tomorrow you can.”

----------------skip to your Uncle's house----------------------------

Minhee's talking to her mom on the phone.


“Yeah. I did accept his offer. I already signed the contract!” I said to my mom while walking and talking with her on the phone.

“Yeah! I guess I have to quit my jobs but not the tutorial because I can still accept tutorials during my free time.” I insist to her.

“Okay. Yeah. Okay. Umma. Take care of yourself. Don’t worry too much about me okay. I love you so much.” I put the phone down and stare at the dried moonflower that Kyuhyun gave me.

What if we saw each other at SM? Would he recognize me? Could I handle it if he doesn’t? But it has a least chance to happen. That would be 100,000 to 1. But I promise to myself that I would rely to whatever God’s willing. If God wants us to see each other again it will happen. I really don't want to have another hope again. I guess I'm tired of hoping and praying everyday that he would at least recognize me.


I woke up early the next day. It’s my first day on my new job. Gihun ask me to come early to his office because he will be introducing me to the staff that I’ll be working with and of course to the members of Shinee.

As I enter his office I saw two men sitting beside his table.

“Oh. Minhee come in. Take a seat please.” He said. And I sat infront of the two guys.

“Minhee. I’m sorry but there have been change of plans.”

“Change of plans?! Am I being fired on my first day?” I asked Gihun.

“NO. You’re not. There has been some change of plans. Instead of you being assigned to Shinee you’re being transferred to Super Junior as one their cordis.”

“WHAT?! I mean why?” I asked. I still can't believe. Someone must be playing tricks on me now.

“As you know SHinee is in need of another cordi that’s why we hired you but unfortunately one of cordi of SJ quit yesterday so we decided to put you there instead on Shinee.”

“But I thought that shinee is need of cordi if I was being re assign to another team who will be taking my place.” I asked again.

“Ah yes. We’re still hiring for another staff for them but definitely SJ staff need another cordi more than the Shinee staff because 13 is more difficult than five right?.”

This is not supposed to happen. Can somebody tell me this is not happening? I thought of backing out from the job but I already signed a contract with them. There’s no other way but to face this.

“Minhee these are Sj’s managers; they will be the one who will introduce you to the staff and to the members as well.”

Left with no choice I followed these two men and we take a van to go to the location where SJ members are doing their rehearsal.

“Minhee. Don’t worry we’re harmful than Shinee staff” The first manager who’s seating on the passenger’s seat said to me.


“And we’re more exciting and lovable and greater than them.” The one who’s driving said while giving me a smile through the rear view mirror.


What will happen to Minhee now? Instead of Shinee she was transferred to SJ. 

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This story is fun !! XD
livihwang #2
Chapter 39: Aaa.. Really love your story! <3
Chapter 39: Damn this is a good story. Authornim, this story made me cry and I can assure you that's a good thing.
iloveyou_saranghae #4
Reading this for the third time, still loving it. Seriously, this story is JJANG!<br />
oh my... sorry to make my readers cry. I don't want you to cry. Thank you for reading and for posting great comments here. Hope to see you at made from heaven part 2. Thank you again. ELF Fighting! ^^
You made me and my co-worker...I mean another ELF cry ;(<br />
but because this fanfic is EPIC!<br />
I can't wait for you to finish made from heaven part 2 :D
iloveyou_saranghae #7
I've read this months ago but I read it again. Omo~! I'm crying again. Totally love this fic ^^,
@ayenshoo12: sorry if I made you cry... to tell you the truth i cried to when I'm writing this ff.<br />
@mashiiimaroo: thank you for your comment.
this is CRAP. really really crap<br />
WHY?<br />
'cause you made me cry soooooo hard. I MEAN it. SOOOO HARD. T.T<br />
you don't know how this story made me realize how much i love someone. ><