Good News or Bad News? I guess Good news can turn to bad news.

Made from Heaven

Minhee's POV


On the next day I decided to skip my afternoon classes and  go home early because I'm really worried about Kyuhyun. He's all alone at my apartment and don't to go anywhere.

“Minhee!” someone call my name. Then I see Donghae running towards me.

“Annyoenghasayo.” I greet him and he greeted me back with his usual smile.

“Are you going home?” he ask


“Can I walk with you to the gate?”

“sure." I said.


I ask Donghae about Kyuhyun. And he told me it’s been the same. He’s still unconscious. I ask him if Kyuhyun’s dad already knows about Kyuhyun’s condition.

“yeah. But he didn’t approve it.”

“he didn’t. but why?” I was so surprised to hear this; Kyuhyun told me that he’s sure that his dad will be agreeing with the procedure and won’t care about the consequence.

“His dad told the doctor that if they perform tracheotomy operation, it will only take Kyuhyun’s remaining hope away, then how can he live even if he survives?” He said.

“But Kyuhyun could die. They have to do the tracheotomy. He could die.” I said.

“yeah that’s what the doctors said too. They were still contradicting with each other. But Kyuhyun's dad already decided and he said that he will look for another doctor to help Kyuhyun." He said.

I didn’t know if I would be happy for what Donghae had told me. Kyuhyun could die and at the same time Kyuhyun’s dad is right. Tracheotomy operation will only take the only hope that Kyuhyun’s have.

I just let a big sighed. Then Donghae tap me on my shoulder.

"Don't worry. Kyuhyun's dad is probably looking for another doctor as we speak. I know he will do anything for Kyuhyun."

"Yes. I know. I just hope that they will find another doctor right away. Kyuhyun don't have a lot of time." I said.

"Yes. Because of his lungs." Donghae said.

"huh? Ahhhh. Yes." I was surprised because when I said that Kyuhyun don't have a lot of time I am referring to his time here on earth as a ghost.


"If you want I can call you if there'll be any news about Kyuhyunshii. I know you're very worried about him." Donghae said.

"Is that okay? I mean. I'm a fan." I said.

"It's okay. We're friends now right?" He said.

I gave him my number and he also gave me his number.

"I'll call you if there will be news about him. Okay?" He said.


"I'll go ahead now." he said

"Donghaeshii..." I called him then he turn around. "Thank you. Thank you so much." I tell him then bow.

"It's Okay Minhee. And also call me Oppa. Okay?" He smiled again. Oh my. His smile is like sunshine that can lighten your darkest day.

"Okay. Dong...... Oppa." I said then waved at him.

I got to my apartment then I saw Kyuhyun. I told him about his dad. And all of sudden he started crying in front of me. AGAIN.

“Kyuhyunshii…. I’m sorry. I thought you should know. I’m sorry.”

“I can’t believe it. My dad actually protects my dreams. Are you sure that it’s him who said those things?” He asked.

“yeah. Donghae Oppa I mean Donghaeshii told me that your dad and your doctors are contradicting with each other.”

I saw tears that falling on his eyes are tears of joy.

“It’s my dad. He protect me, he protects my dreams when I’m unconscious.”

His tears are different on that night he’s crying because of happiness. His dad who is against his dream before is now the only one who stands to protect his dreams when he’s not able to protect it himself. Though I’m happy for him but still I can’t help myself to be worried because his life is still in danger and it means that he could never get back to his normal life. 

Ring ring.

As I look at my phone. It's Donghae.



"Neh. Donghae Oppa." When I mentioned Donghae's name Kyuhyun suddenly looks at me.

"Minheeshii. I've got good news. They already found a doctor that can do another procedure for Kyuhyunshii. It will saved him without doing anything on his vocal chords. The doctor will be arriving here tomorrow they will proceed with the operation right away." he said.

"That's great news. Thank you Oppa. Thank you Oppa." To excitement I put the phone down and tell Kyuhyunshii right away. I can still here Donghae calling me on other line but I already accidentally end the call.

"Is that Hyung?" Kyuhyun asked while he he wipes his tears.

"Kyuhyunshii. You're gonna live. You're gonna live. They found a doctor. They found a new doctor. You can live and you can sing again." I said.

He stood up. And I hugged him. To my surprised he hugged me back. We just stood there hugging each other.

Kyuhyun's POV

I was so happy to what Minhee told me that my dad didn't allow the operation when her phone rings.

"yubuseyo." she said.

"Neh. Donghae oppa. That's great news. Thank you Oppa. Thank you." She said then end the call.

"Is that Hyung?" I ask Minhee.

"Kyuhyunshii. You're gonna live. You're gonna live. They found a doctor. They found a new doctor. You can live and sing again." she said.

She was so happy. I'm happy too. I stood up and she suddenly hugged me. And I hug her also. Then I realized that I don't want to let her go not only from my arms but also in my life. I don't want to leave her. I hugged her so tight. We just stood there hugging each other.

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This story is fun !! XD
livihwang #2
Chapter 39: Aaa.. Really love your story! <3
Chapter 39: Damn this is a good story. Authornim, this story made me cry and I can assure you that's a good thing.
iloveyou_saranghae #4
Reading this for the third time, still loving it. Seriously, this story is JJANG!<br />
oh my... sorry to make my readers cry. I don't want you to cry. Thank you for reading and for posting great comments here. Hope to see you at made from heaven part 2. Thank you again. ELF Fighting! ^^
You made me and my co-worker...I mean another ELF cry ;(<br />
but because this fanfic is EPIC!<br />
I can't wait for you to finish made from heaven part 2 :D
iloveyou_saranghae #7
I've read this months ago but I read it again. Omo~! I'm crying again. Totally love this fic ^^,
@ayenshoo12: sorry if I made you cry... to tell you the truth i cried to when I'm writing this ff.<br />
@mashiiimaroo: thank you for your comment.
this is CRAP. really really crap<br />
WHY?<br />
'cause you made me cry soooooo hard. I MEAN it. SOOOO HARD. T.T<br />
you don't know how this story made me realize how much i love someone. ><