Moon Flower: Dreaming of Love

Made from Heaven

Minhee's POV

On the next day I woke up. My eyes hurt because of too much crying last night. I get up from my bed feeling so low. Drag myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth then to the kitchen. There I saw these beautiful flowers on the table.

"Moonflower?!" I exclaimed.

I've never seen a moonflower for ages. They are so rare. They grew twice a year and only at night. How they got in here?

"Moonflower? Very rare. Just like you. You are very rare." Someone said.

As I turned around. I saw him. This jerk who made me cry last night. He was smiling at me. I didn't  look at him.

"Oh! Come on Minheeshii! Don't you know how hard it is to look for Moon flower. It's just like looking for a needle on the haystack."

"Did I ask you to give me moonflower?" I said. I pick up the flowers and put it on a vase.

"No. But I want to give them to you. I hope that you could forgive from last night. I am very sorry. I didn't mean to..; what I mean is I am wrong to call you selfish. I am so sorry."

"Uncle?!" i said.


"Uncle told you about my moon flower right?"

"yes and you know I've got a hard time searching for moonflower. It took me all night to find one."

He's complaining now; how hard it is to get one and search for just one. With all this whining he made me smile. I don't know why maybe because I like the sounds of his voice while he's complaining.

"I saw that." he said talking about me smiling.


"you smile already. that means we're okay now. You forgive." He said then jumping around like a little kid.

"yah! yah! I never said that you're forgiven already." I said.

he stop then look at me then pout and put this puppy eyes on my sight. He's so cute. Aigoo... Kyuhyun don't do that.

"Okay. Okay. You're forgiven. You're making me puke because of that face." I said.

"Yah! Don't you know this face makes girls swoon over me." He said.

"yeah. yeah. yeah." i said while getting a the milk.

"You're still not eating?" he said while pointing at the milk.

"I don't feel like eating today." I said.

"You always don't like to eat every day. You should eat at least." he said.

"we don't have time to eat we have to go to the hospital and find out what's happening to you?" I said.

"Wae. You've been crying all night but you still think of a plan. You're really something....." he said.

"what? Genius? Intelligent? Fantastic?" I ask.

"No. Better than all of that. You are adorably cute." he said while looking at me and smiling.

What did he say? Me? cute? Kyuhyun you're such a player. Making me fall for the puppy eyes and now saying that I'm cute. But i like it though the part that he says I'm adorably cute.

"yah! Don't call me that. I don't like to be called cute." I said then turned around.

"Okay. not cute. So what's plan?" he said.

---------skip at the hospital scene------

Kyuhyun's POV

Minhee told me about her plan. She will go to the hospital personally and will investigate. I don't know what she's planning. I didn't ask her anything about it because I trust her and at the same time I am so happy that I am with again. Not that I'm falling for her. It's just that I'm happy that we're okay again. 

She asked me to guide her all the way to my room; which is the ICU. She went inside the hospital. No one seems to care about this lady walking in a hospital. She went straight to the elevator and I followed her.

Minhee's POV


“Kyuhyunshii…. Are you there?” I whisper.

“Yeah. I’m here.”

“Gosh. I never thought I'll be nervous. I am getting more and more nervous. Promise me you won't leave me. Okay?”

“Don’t worry I’ll be here with you no matter what happened.”


The elevator stopped at the Eight floor because that's what Kyuhyun told me where the ICU is located.

I was planning to talk to Kyuhyun's doctor or at least the staff at the ICU but then I saw at the glass panel. Kyuhyunshii laying on the bed with tube on his mouth. It's so different from the one who usually annoys me everyday.

"You want to go inside." Kyuhyun whisper to my ear.

I just nod to him. Then he smile. He pointed at the lab gown and mask under a stretcher and told me to wear it.

I wasn't able to ask on how will I be able to get inside I just follow his instructions and ALAS! I'm already inside the ICU. There I saw closely Kyuhyun. Who looks lifeless at the bed with tube and apparatus on his side.

"Kyuhyunshiii." I called him.

"I'm here Minhee...." He said.


“yeah.” I answered him as I get near to the bed. His face has some bruises. He’s breathing through a tube. He really looks like he’s dying. I can’t help myself to be emotional and not to mention to compare the Kyuhyun that I see all day and the one that is lying in front of me.

“Minhee. It’s okay. Don’t be sad.”

“Sorry. Kyuhyun. It’s just that I remember my dad. I can’t help myself.”

“That’s okay. I understand” he said as he moves closer to his body he even try to put his face closely by putting his head in front of his face. “I look so pale and my pimple mark are visible. They didn’t even put a makeup on my face to cover that huh?”

I suddenly laughed when he said that.

“You’re unconscious and you still think about your looks?” I said

“Yeah. Why not? I should still look handsome awake or not.” he said while still looking at his body

“Yeah. Right.”

“Well at least I did make you laugh.” He said while still looking at his face. I just smiled at him.

 Just as we were waiting for the doctors we heard a noise outside his room.

“It’s them!” Kyunhyun said as he looks so nervous.

“Who? You’re mom? I asked while I went to see it but kyuhyun stop before I could take a peak.

“No. It’s my co members. They are here….”

“What?!  Why are they here? Are they supposed to be here?” I’m in panicked. “Oh God what should we do? I’m gonna get caught…”

“Minhee here!” Kyuhyun showed me a cabinet which I can use to hide myself. “In here fast.” He said.

I follow what he told me and hid at the cabinet. Just as I close the cabinet I heard the door open at there’s a lot of voices.

“whoa! Kyuhyun shii. Our magnae! How are you? We’re all here! We also brought teukie hyung here!”

Then a man speaks.

“Kyuhyun shii. Aish! You’re still sleeping. When are you going to wake up? Hyung miss you so much. All of us miss you. And Elf too.” He said.

Everyone is quiet when he’s talking; it seemed like they were all listening to what he’s saying.

“Kyuhyunshii. I hope to see you singing again huh? Promise that to Elf and to us okay?” He continued.

“ah….. Hyung is crying again!” a comedic voice said. “Heehul hyung teukie hyung is crying here!”

“aish! Jungsu! Stop crying. Look at you. Don’t you know that there’s a surveillance camera in here.” Heechul said

“ah…. There is? Is that true hyung? Where is it?”

“Yah! Donghaeya! That’s a joke there’s no camera in here.” Heechul said

“Donghae is here?” I mumble.

“It’s a hospital why would they put a surveillance camera.” Heechul added.

“I thought that City hospitals like this one have camera.” Donghae said while feeling shy

Ah he’s so innocent that he could fall for any jokes he really came from a province.

“Aish! Stop it. Kyuhyunshii is sleeping we don’t want to we wake him up right?” another voice said.

“ah…. Kangin hyung isn’t that great if Kyuhyunshii will wake up?” Another voice came.

How many are they in total. It seems like Super Junior have a lot of members. What a big boy group?!

“Yah! Sungminah! I know that! I’m trying to crack a joke here!” Kangin annoyingly said to Sungmin.

“Aish! You’re so noisy

“Yah! Sungminah! I know that! I’m trying to crack a joke here!” Kangin annoyingly said to Sungmin.

“Aish! You’re so noisy Youngwon! Go look for auntie. She’s maybe at the cafeteria. Shindong shiii! Go with Youngwon! We are crowded in here.” Heechul told them.

“The kids can take care of that! Ryewookshii! Go look for auntie! Sungminah! Go with him!” Kangin ask the others members.

I wonder who their leader is. Aish! How long do they have to stay? I’m starting to get uncomfortable sitting on this small cabinet without creating any noise.

“Ah. Hyung here’s Auntie with Dr. Kang”

“Annyeong Hasayo!” They greeted each other.

“Auntie is there something wrong? Doctor is everything alright?” Leeteuk ask Kyuhyun’s mom and his doctor.


“It’s okay Doc. You can tell. They are brothers to my kyuhyun shii. They should know about this?” a soft voice said.

“Ok. If you say so Mrs. Cho.” The room got quiet all of a sudden. Everyone’s attention is on the doctor.

“Kyuhyun shii’s condition is not that good. As you can see he’s unconscious right now. He’s in comatose. At this moment he’s lungs is now starting to be filled with blood which will cause him to have hard time breathing without the apparatus. His broken ribs pierced his lungs that are how blood flowing unto his lungs. We have to perform a tracheotomy operation. But even it is succeeded; there’d be only 20%of chance for him to live.”

“But trachea is where the vocal cords located; right doc?” One of them asked. “If you operate him on that spot he might lose his voice or wouldn’t be able to sing at all?”

“yes. That is one of the consequences for the operation. But that is the only way we can save him.”

I was shocked when I heard this. I wonder if Kyuhyun is hearing this. What would be his reactions? What would he do? He can live but in exchange of his voice.

The room gets quieter this time; I can’t hear any one speaking. They were all bothered by what the doctor have told them.

The members have stayed long so I have to stay long too. After 4 hours of suffering they finally said goodbye to Kyuhyun’s mom. Kyuhyun’s mom went with them because she needs to make a call. I take a peek at the room just to check that no one stays behind so that I can go home already. And at last the coast is clear. Because of 4 hours of curling my knees and elbows it became hard for me to stand up I eventually fell because of the numbness I feel on both legs. When I about to get up the door opens again and I tried to stand as soon as I can but it’s still hurts and left me for being visible to the one who opens the door.  I close my and whisper to myself:“Oh God. Please. Please. Appa! Please help me!

To my surprise Donghae is in front of me. He’s also was surprised seeing me there.

“Weh? What are you doing there? I mean here? What are you doing here?” his eyes are getting big now because of seeing me.

I tried to stand up again but then my knees are still weak. But when I tried to speak someone yells at the door and he immediately came in front of me. So that no one can see through the door.

“Yah! Donghae shii! Why are you taking so long?” It’s his co member again checking him.

“Hyung. Just go ahead. I’ll catch up with you. I just left something.” He said.

“Okay. We’ll be at the parking lot then.” Then he leaves.

Donghae turn to me again and said: “Do you need help standing up?” I just nod at him. He put my right arm on his shoulder and put his left arm to my waist and lifts me up and help me sits on the chair.

“What happened to your legs?” he asked me while kneeling down and tries to check it for any injuries.


“Did you say cabinet? Were you hiding in the cabinet?”

Aish! My stupid mouth; always gets me into trouble. What would I do now? And where is Kyuhyun. I can’t see him here.

“Ah. Donghae shii. Can you help me get out in here?” I asked him.


Donghae help me get out of the ICU and took to the cafeteria.


“Are your legs okay now?” he seems to be concern about me.

“Yes. I can’t feel the numbness anymore. Thank you.”

“That’s good. I didn’t know you’re an avid fan of Kyuhyunshii?” he curiously asks.

“avid fan? me? of Kyuhyunshii?”

“yeah. Because you kind a stalking us especially Kyuhyun shii. Going to ICU just to see him; that is a fan thing. That’s what avid fan does; yours is just a little intense or extreme.”

Why is he asking a lot of questions now? Think Minhee. Lie. Think of a good alibi.

“Yes. I’m his avid fan. In fact I’m his number one fan. In korea. That’s why I went here to see him personally because I’m worried. I didn’t tell you because….. Because I thought you will avoid me. Yeah.”


“I won’t avoid. I’m happy that Kyuhyunshii have an avid fan like you. I’m sure that he’ll be thrilled when he got to know what you did. He really likes this kind of stuff how would fans go beyond extreme for him. He’s such a narcissist; always proud of himself. I miss him so much.”

“yeah I miss him too.”

“so aside from Kyuhyunshii who else do you like?”

“Like? from your group?”

"You!" I said. I don't know anyone aside from him and Kyuhyun.

"Liar." Some one whispers to my ear. I knew who it is.

“Really!" Donghae said then I saw Kyuhyun sitting beside him.

“I'm glad to hear that but I'm only second to Kyuhyun but its okay at least you like me. What’s your favorite song?”

Damn! I don’t know anything about their songs. Then Kyuhyun said: tell him you like “U”

“What?!” I said it loudly without realizing.

“Huh?” Donghae said.

I looked at Kyuhyun and he told me again: Tell him you like the song “U”

“I like the song “U”.


“wow. A lot of people like that song. It’s a great song.”

“yeah it is. It’s a great ballad song.” I said then I saw Kyuhyun erased his face with his hand.

“Huh? Ballad? It’s not ballad it’s a dance song.”

“yeah. A dance song. Yes it is! I’m just testing if you’re listening.” I said. Lying again. Sorry Donghae.

“That’s when Kyuhyun joined us as our 13th member. So I guess that song is very memorable to him.”

“Yes. I guess so.”

Ring. Ring.

“Yubuseyo?!” Donghae’s phone rings. “Hyung sorry. I’ll be there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah!”

“Minhee. I have to go; my co members are waiting. Heechul hyung must be angry now.”

“ahm. Yeah sure. I have to go too.” I said.

Then we both stand up and Kyuhyun followed us.

As I about to step out the elevator; Donghae called me.




From the look on his eyes I already know what he’s going to say.

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone of what I heard at ICU. It’s not my intention to spread rumors. I’m just worried about him.”

“Thanks.” And he smiled and I smiled at him too. The elevator door was about to close when he stopped it and call me again.

“I didn’t say that you will spread rumors.” He said waiting for acknowledgment

“I know.”


I went straight on my apartment I was worried that I didn’t see Kyuhyun after we left the hospital.

“Kyuhyun shii….. Kyuhyunshii. Where are you? Why are you not letting me see you? Come out. I need to see you. Kyuhyun shii. I know you’re here. Will you please show yourself to me? I know what you feel. Kyuhyun shii. You’re not alone on this okay? I’m here. They will figure something else. I’m sure your dad….”

“My dad will go ahead to the procedure.” He finally shows himself.

“He will agree to what the doctor says even if it would affect my singing. He’s always against my dream of becoming a singer. Well I guess that’s how it supposed to be. They have to take my voice in order for me to live again; my voice, which is the biggest part of my dream. I’ve been living to be a singer. Even though I will live I would still feel dead. Being not able to sing is like taking my dreams away from me.  Now do you understand my situation? Both options are the same they will kill me either way.  Now tell me; Do you know how I feel? What are you going to do? Tell me. What am I supposed to do?”

He’s trying so hard not to cry in front of me. But I can see his eyes are getting teary. I want to say something to make him feel good but I don’t know what to say.

“Kyuhyunshii….” All I can do is to say his name and tears are now starting to fell from my eyes.

I don't want to see him crying. It breaks my heart when I see him cry. Oh God. Please help him. Please help us.

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This story is fun !! XD
livihwang #2
Chapter 39: Aaa.. Really love your story! <3
Chapter 39: Damn this is a good story. Authornim, this story made me cry and I can assure you that's a good thing.
iloveyou_saranghae #4
Reading this for the third time, still loving it. Seriously, this story is JJANG!<br />
oh my... sorry to make my readers cry. I don't want you to cry. Thank you for reading and for posting great comments here. Hope to see you at made from heaven part 2. Thank you again. ELF Fighting! ^^
You made me and my co-worker...I mean another ELF cry ;(<br />
but because this fanfic is EPIC!<br />
I can't wait for you to finish made from heaven part 2 :D
iloveyou_saranghae #7
I've read this months ago but I read it again. Omo~! I'm crying again. Totally love this fic ^^,
@ayenshoo12: sorry if I made you cry... to tell you the truth i cried to when I'm writing this ff.<br />
@mashiiimaroo: thank you for your comment.
this is CRAP. really really crap<br />
WHY?<br />
'cause you made me cry soooooo hard. I MEAN it. SOOOO HARD. T.T<br />
you don't know how this story made me realize how much i love someone. ><