Jealousy, Fights are all parts of LOVE

Made from Heaven


On the next day Donghae went to my apartment early in the morning. He just came from the airport then went straight there. He told me that he wanted to see me before I go to work. He actually went there 5 in the morning so it’s still early for me to go to work.

We stayed on my bed just to cuddle around. He was hugging me from the back while we’re watching tv.

“How’s my baby?” He asked me while she kissed me my shoulder.

“I’m good. How’s the MV?

“It turns out to be pretty good.” He said.

“I heard that you were pair up with Ariel Lin?”

“Hehehe.Yes. There scenes that aren’t suitable for you?” he said.

“what kind of scenes?!” I told him then faced him.

“Aigoo my baby is jealous.” He said.

“What kind of unsuitable scenes?” I asked him again.

“Nothing. We just hold hands. That’s it.” He said.

“That’s it? No kissing in the forehead? You always wanted to do that with a girl on tv.”

“That’s it. No kissing and when did I say that I like to kiss girls in the forehead. I like to kiss them on lips.”

“See. See. See. You.”

“Ani. I didn’t kiss her. There’s no kiss.” He said.




“Though I let her sleep on my shoulder.” He teased me again.

“You let her what?!”

“On the music video; it’s part of the script.” He said.

I pout.

“You’re so cute when you’re jealous.” He said

“that’s why you’re making me jealous.”

“Aniyo.” He said. Then he hugged me.

“I love you. So much. Park Minhee.” He said.

“I love you too.” I replied.

Then break away from our hug and looked me in the eye. He brushed my hair and tucked it on my ear. Then he started bringing his lips closer to mine. I closed my eyes then our lips touch. His lip was so soft and sweet. He held my face closer to him. Oh God. His kiss is like a drug I could really really get high from his lips. Then he breaks the kiss and smile. Kiss me in the forehead on my nose then on lips again. His breathe just made me fall in a deep spell. Then he breaks our kiss again.

“I love you Park Minhee.” He said then hugs me.

“I love you too.”

Donghae took me to SM before he went to their dorm and to rest for a bit. Teukie Oppa’s schedule is so full that day. He has guestings, variety show, MC and radio show until 12 midnight.

This is what you get when you’re assigned to the great leader. Teukie Oppa is nice even though he used to tease me when I’m still new. He’s like a big brother to Donghae Oppa and I guess he’s like a big brother to me also. Plus he already knows everything about me.

We were at KBS for his radio show with Eunhyukshii when he asked me If he could talk to me for a moment.

We went out the studio.

“How are you and Donghaeya?” he asked.

“We’re okay oppa.”

“How about you and Kyuhyunah?”

“We’re good. We’re friends.”

“Is he bothering you?”


“I know what happened Kyuhyunah told me he sleeps in your apartment and you went to carnival then yesterday he met your family.”

I wasn’t able to say anything because he might get angry.

“Does Donghaeya knows about this?” he asked.

I just sway my head to tell him no.

He just let out a big sigh.

“Oppa. I’m going to tell him about Kyuhyunshiii. I am planning to tell him it’s just that I don’t want to him to get worry.” I told him.

“I know. You don’t want him to get hurt that’s why you can’t tell him.”

“Ahm..... yes.” I said then looked down

“How about Kyuhyunah? Did he tell you that he’s planning to steal you from Donghae?”

I just looked at him.

“Minheeya. Do you still love Kyuhyunah?”

This just made my heart stop beating the moment someone asks me if I still love Kyuhyunshii.

“Oppa. I’m with Donghae Oppa now.”

“Still you didn’t answer my question.”


He let out a big sigh again.

“I love both of these guys. They were like little brothers to me or you could say that they were sons to me. I know you don’t want to hurt either of them. I know you love Donghaeya and he loves you so much. But Kyuhyunah loves you also and I think you still love him even though you keep on telling yourself that you don’t. Minheeya believe it or not I’ve learned to love you as my little sister. And I don’t want my little sister to be hurt. You have to tell them about what you truly feel inside; in order for you to do that you have to be true to yourself first.” he said.


I cried because I love Donghae and I don’t want to hurt him and also the fact that I might still love Kyuhyunshii. Teukie Oppa hug me and told me to be brave not only for myself but also for the two people who loves me that is Kyuhyunshii and Donghae Oppa.

After SUKIRA we went back to SM because Teukie Oppa still has a rehearsal with Eunhyukshii and Shindongshii.

I was walking on the hallway when I saw Kyuhyunshii talking to a staff I moved back then turned arouns so that we will not see each other but too late he saw me.

“Minheeshii. Minheeshii. Minheeshii.” He called me.

I pretend that I didn’t hear him and walk fast. But he walks so fast; he grabbed my arm.

“Why are you walking away from me?” he aked.


“I was calling you but you started to walk away.”

“I didn’t hear you. I’ll go ahead.”

“Wait.” He still has my arm but when he notices that I was trying to get my arms free from him he let it go.

“Let’s talk first” he said.

“Aniyo. I still have a lot of things to do.” I said then turn around but he grabbed my arm again.

“Are you trying to avoid me now?”

“No. It’s just that I have to go.”

“Did Donghae hyung told you to stay away from me?”

Why did he have to bring oppa’s name again?

“No. What are you talking about? I really have to go so let me go.”

“No. Not until we talk.” He said then starts pulling me.

“Let go. What do you think you’re doing? Let me go.”

“No!” he said.

Then suddenly someone  came from our behind and punch him. Kyuhyun suddenly let go of me so I stumble on the floor

“I told you to stay away from her!” The guys said then turn. It’s Donghae Oppa.

He went to me and cupped my face and asked: “Are you okay?”

I just give him a nod then he suddenly wipes my eyes I didn’t realize that I was crying.

He helped me to stand up and brought me to a room.

There I started crying.

“shhhhhhh…… It’s okay. He can’t go near you anymore. I’m here. I’m already here.” He said while hugging me.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

“sshhhhh. It’s not your fault.” He said.

“It is my fault.” I break away from our hug. “If I didn’t let him to be near to me again if I became stronger then this will not happen.” I said.

“Minheeya. What are you talking about?”

Kyuhyun’s POV

I was about to give Donghae hyung a punch when I saw Minhee crying. She’s crying. She’s crying because of me. And Donghae hyung is helping her stand up after he wipes her tears. It really breaks my heart to see her cry and at the same time I’m not the one who could wipe her tears away.

They left me in the hallway.

Why can’t I be him? Why can’t she just love me again? Why?

Minhee’s POV

I told him everything. Everything that happened when he was away; but I omit the pretending to be my boyfriend part because I don’t want any worst to happen.

He took me home that night. He stays quiet while we’re on the road. I am so afraid to ask him anything so I stay quiet too.

When we got to apartment; I asked him to stay for a bit but he refuse he told me that he have to go back to their dorm because Teukie Oppa might notice that he’s not there.

This just made me so down. I walked him to my door. I’m trying not to cry again.

He held my hand and said “as long as this ring is around your finger.” He was talking about the ring he gave me on the day that he proposed. “ I will believe that you still love me and that you will never leave me.” Then he hugged me. I hugged him so tight that I don’t want to let him go.

“I love you so much.” I told him.

“I know. I love you too.” He said.

Then he kissed me on my forehead and left.

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This story is fun !! XD
livihwang #2
Chapter 39: Aaa.. Really love your story! <3
Chapter 39: Damn this is a good story. Authornim, this story made me cry and I can assure you that's a good thing.
iloveyou_saranghae #4
Reading this for the third time, still loving it. Seriously, this story is JJANG!<br />
oh my... sorry to make my readers cry. I don't want you to cry. Thank you for reading and for posting great comments here. Hope to see you at made from heaven part 2. Thank you again. ELF Fighting! ^^
You made me and my co-worker...I mean another ELF cry ;(<br />
but because this fanfic is EPIC!<br />
I can't wait for you to finish made from heaven part 2 :D
iloveyou_saranghae #7
I've read this months ago but I read it again. Omo~! I'm crying again. Totally love this fic ^^,
@ayenshoo12: sorry if I made you cry... to tell you the truth i cried to when I'm writing this ff.<br />
@mashiiimaroo: thank you for your comment.
this is CRAP. really really crap<br />
WHY?<br />
'cause you made me cry soooooo hard. I MEAN it. SOOOO HARD. T.T<br />
you don't know how this story made me realize how much i love someone. ><