Love Can Kill

Divine Secrets

Suzy's POV

She stares at me again today. Doesn't speak just gazes at me again as if she wishes she can speak. Her form every so often disappears its only then when I remeber she is a ghost. Not part of this world anymore. Her emotions tell so much. I can not describe them only feel them.

A sadness that mirrors my own.

The death of her which occured to soon. It wasn't by natural causes. 

She would have prefered that.

I close the book. I won't be able to study if she constantly shows me those sad eyes of hers.


She says nothing but words appear in my head as if by magic.

"I have died to young. I have a lover waiting for me back on earth. Could you possibly help me?" She says

"You can talk?" I ask

She shakes her head,"No. When I was killed the man cut out my tongue and sewed my mouth shut I am never able to speak again."

"How can I help?"

She smiled happily,"You can bring me back to life!"

"I don't know how to do such a thing!"

She frowned her form disappearing a little,"Oh."

I could try. I mean i didn't know how to summon water but, I did it. I didn't know how to cook but I learned. I never saw a ghost until now! Anything is possible in my world.

I sighed,"I can try."

She floated happily in glee,"YAY!"

"Okay then before we start I'm Suzy nice to meet you."

Jessica hovered above me,"I'm Jessica. I would shake you but I can't."

"So, how do we start this?"

Jessica's eyes widened,"I thought YOU knew!"

"Uh yeah I do. I was just joking. So come over here."

Jessica floated a few feet off the ground. Her form more visble than before. I reached out a hand towards her concertaing on the emotion I felt when my family was killed, when Taemin was hurt, and the night I was attacked by the wolves. I thought of life. How it could be wonderful for people.

Having your first steps with your parents smiling. First day of preschool. Your graduation day. You meet the love of your life and get married. You have children. Die of old age with your loved one. I released the energy I  felt from all this actions into Jessica.

"It's working!" She mouthed.

A blast of green light hit her. She fell back to the table. Her form pratically disappearing. 

"What's happening?" I shouted.

"I don't know," Her form disappared all together.

Had I sent her to heaven or killed her? Neither question was answered but I knew one for sure.

She was gone.

A/N: OMO! OMO! Bad Suzy did you just kill another person? Just kidding. I wrote this chapter while in a good mood kind of ironic considering its talking about sadness. Also I would like to say that I just took a shower and smell like rapsberry. I love it. Don't look at me like that! You would smell me too if you were in my presence! Comment I want you to tell me what is bad about this chapter and what is not. Don't leave a simple comment saying you like it or update. Please do this for me! I need to improve and can't do that unless you tell me!!

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kycheii #2
Chapter 25: Awwww. Please don't kill anyone! Kekeke. :D
Holy freaking crap!!!!!!! Please I am begging you to update. Don't get me wrong I love the cliff hanger but just wow I have to know what happens next
It has been too long! Finally I have internet connection that lets me on this amazing site. I m now going back to the beginning of this story and rereading it!
so now her memory back?
Happy birthday for you! And update soon and ah best wishes for you author ^^
your gif with junsu behind taecyeon is funny! like he's not happy at all!
sayuri03 #8
so L now knows about suzy :)
TOP is controlling hyoyeons mind, what is he going to do?
ilovesuzy #9
i dont mind who comes long as suzys part still there
Ah Myungzy moment there :33
don't be angry with your dad, just talk with him :) hwaiting!