
Divine Secrets

"Suzy!" Taemin yelled.

"Shh Taemin. She's sleeping." Nana signaled, pulling the cover over her freezing body.

Ever since she had fainted, her body temperature had gotten dangerously low. Kind of like she was a demon but something just wasn't right. 

"How did she even get here?" Taemin asked."I thought humans can't travel to Gaia."

"Maybe she is already immortal?" I offered.

The room fell into a scary silent. Only Suzy's slow breathing offered some sound.

"No she isn't......she can't be," Taemin muttered, pacing back and forth.

Jessica stood a huge smile plastered on her face,"Don't worry she isn't. She's just.....special."

Taemin stared at her, confused. Nana placed a trembling hand on his shoulder, shaking her head.

"Maybe Minho can help."

All heads me, shaking their head in disapproval.

About a year after Suzy left, I had found Minho wasn't human. He was in fact a demon also. I had discovered he was when he practically killed me for yelling at Taemin.

Yes, yelling.

Despite his lack of control he was very useful and knew a lot about Suzy's case. He was the one who even assumed that Suzy would start gaining new powers.

"Uh that's not such a good idea," Jessica said bitting her lip.


"BECAUSE HE WANTED AND I TOLD HIM I DIDN'T WANT TO!" Taemin yelled, slamming a hand on the table.

"Taeminnie why did you scream ohh then?" Minho questioned, leaning on the wall smirking.

"God damn it Minho! Use the door!" Taemin told him."You know I hate it when you don't listen."

"That's not what you were saying in bed last night-"

"Uh Minho. I love to hear more about you and Taemin's life-actually no I don't! So if you don't mind. Why are you here?" Nana interrupted, rubbing her head in annoyance.

"Oh because I need to talk to Suzy."

"She isn't even awake," I argued.

"Hi Suzy. Remember me?"

Suzy lay up on the couch, pushing her golden hair back from her eyes. Her green eyes concentrated and glowing dimly.


"Yup," He smiled."Listen you lose your memories but I'm going to unlock them. Once that happens this house is probably going to blow up! Okay?"

"WHAT?!" We all yelled.

Minho touched a finger to the area between Suzy's eyes, a bright light glowed before spreading all over the room. Minho stepped away, grabbing Taemin."You guys should all run now."

Jessica and Me clung onto Nana just as the house exploded into flames.


Out of the fire came Suzy, her hand absorbing the fire. Fire surrounded her protectively but she didn't stagger away from it. She acknowledged it.

She sighed, putting out the fire immediately. Behind her the house began to reconstruct itself. Nana and the others gasped in surprise but Minho just smiled happily holding out a hand to her.

"I think it's about time I show appa Sungmin and appa Kyuhyun who's boss." She said."A little friend of mine wants to come along too."


In a instant we all stood in the wet rainforest, as beasts gathered around us, growling but careful not to come to close. Suzy was still on fire.

"Yubin! Top! Taecyeon!"

Jessica pulled back, hiding behind Suzy only to be pushed to the front. Out of all the beasts the three biggest came forward, the fur standing on end. Taecyeon stared dazed at Jessica.

"Human! How dare you come-"

"Top as you can see i have unlocked my potential." She told him."This isn't even all of it. Are you on my side or not?"

Yubin growled, transforming back into her human form. Her long black hair reached to her hips, swaying freely. She walked confident to Suzy's side,"She has protected us from the demons. I am on her side. Are you not?"

Taecyeon raised his head high, transforming into a golden muscle man, he stood before Jessica bringing a warm hand to her face,"Please....love me again."

"I never stopped."

Taecyeon smiled, picking the small brunette up, he too walked over to Suzy's side,"We will win."

Top sighed, refusing to transform, he spoke in the deep growl of his beast form,"I will join you but don't be mistaken. I will never stop being your enemy."

"Suzy?" I called.

"Yes L," She answered, something told me she wanted to cry at my face.

"We may have an army of super naturals but we need everyone we can get."

"What are you saying?"

"While your were gone I had met some more humans with special abilities and super naturals. In fact I even got some abilities myself that Jessica taught me-"

"No," She simply said.

"You will not join this fight. It's my war. Not yours."

I frowned,"At least use the friends I'm talking about."


"Just please!" I begged. 

Suzy took in a breath,"Fine."

I smiled, hugging her,"I love you. Please be safe."

"I will Myungsoo."

My eyes widened, just as Suzy sent me back to the house.

She never called me Myungsoo.


A/N: Hey sorry! It's been some time! Since over the weekened I have so much homework and then I have to deal with kids and my boyfriend. Overall I've been busy since school started and very tired. So if this chapter doesn't appeal to you. Sorry but either the next chapter will the be last one or the one after that. Also I wanted to know if you guys want anyone to die. Tell me and I'll think about it. Thanks! Comment & Subscribe! 



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kycheii #2
Chapter 25: Awwww. Please don't kill anyone! Kekeke. :D
Holy freaking crap!!!!!!! Please I am begging you to update. Don't get me wrong I love the cliff hanger but just wow I have to know what happens next
It has been too long! Finally I have internet connection that lets me on this amazing site. I m now going back to the beginning of this story and rereading it!
so now her memory back?
Happy birthday for you! And update soon and ah best wishes for you author ^^
your gif with junsu behind taecyeon is funny! like he's not happy at all!
sayuri03 #8
so L now knows about suzy :)
TOP is controlling hyoyeons mind, what is he going to do?
ilovesuzy #9
i dont mind who comes next..as long as suzys part still there
Ah Myungzy moment there :33
don't be angry with your dad, just talk with him :) hwaiting!