
From Your Style to Your Smile.


Saturday!! Finally it was Saturday. I didn't work today but I was getting my check today and with that, shopping!! Since it was Saturday I was feeling a little casual and so I pulled on a simple pair of shorts and a nice white top. I grab my bag and then I go pick up my check. I walk into the shop and to the back room where I see Daniel Oppa. "Oppa!" "Here to pick up your check?" "Yes!" "What are you doing with your check?" "Shopping?!" Joon Oppa asked. "Yes!!" "Let's go together!" Joon Oppa said. "Oh? Arraso!" I grab my check and since Joon Oppa was done with his shift, he put on his coat and then we left to do some shopping.


"Oppa, it's not even that cold why are you wearing a coat?" I asked. "Well because it was colder this morning when I came to work babo." He said. "Arraso, arasso. Let's do some major shopping!!" Me and Joon went to quite a few stores and we each bought a good amount of things. I got 4 new tights/leggings, 2 new coats, a cute floral bag, 2 cuffed earrings and the Palette 2. And with those purchases my check had gone all the way down.




"I am super satisfied!" I said as me and Joon stepped into a small restaurant. It had been a long day so the two of us decided to get something to eat. "Order whatever you want, this is on me." Joon Oppa said to me. "Oppa? Really?" "Yeah, I know how much you spent today so order whatever." He smiled. "Arraso, kamsamnida oppa, jalmukesumneda." We ordered and we happily ate a long day, a day of shopping success.

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As me and Joon Oppa were finishing up I hear a voice behind me. "Oh? Haeri-ah!" It was Hara, she came and touched my shoulder. "Oh Hello." I said back. "Hi Haeri." Junhyung said coming next to me. "Hi." I said back to him. "Who is this? Did we interrupt something here? Are you on a date?" Hara smiled. "With this Oppa? Aniyo. He's my co-worker. We just work together." I said glancing at Junhyung. "Ahaha, I am Joon." He said. "I'm Hara and this is Junhyung." Hara said. "Nice to meet you." Junhyung said shaking Joon's hand. "I see you guys are almost done. How about you two join us for some norebang?!" Hara said. "Yeah join us." Junhyung smiled. Ouh, his smile...>.<. "Well I can't but Haeri can." Joon said looking at me. "Oh why?" Hara asked Joon. "I've got things to do." He said. "Haeri, you're coming right?" Junhyung asked. "...I can't I have to take these home." I said looking at my bags of clothes. "No, I'll take them. I'll take them with me and I'll drop them off to you later or I can leave them at the shop and you can get them there." Joon said. "Ah..." I didn't know what to say. "No reason for you not to come then." Junhyung said. "Yeah, let's go then!" Hara said pulling my hand. "Oh. Arraso. Komawoyo Oppa." I said and just like that I was out of the restaurant and walking the streets with Junhyung and Hara.

I'm walking the streets with my crush, Junhyung!! Well Hara was there too but a girl can dream right? I can't help it if he is super handsome. Just let me have this happiness. We walked into a room where there were already people inside. "Oh? Kikwang Oppa!?" I said upon seeing him. "Haeri! What are you doing here?" He asked. "I came here with them." I said pointing at Junhyung and Hara. "You know him?" Junhyung asked. "Yeah, he's another one of my co-workers." I said. "Yah, we aren't working so it's okay to just say I am your oppa or your friend jeez." He said slighly pushing my head. I laughed. "Oh, do you know Junhyung and Hara here?" I asked Kikwang Oppa. "No I don't I came here with them." He said pointing at a few people who were singing. "Oh well this is Hara and Junhyung. You guys this is Kikwang." "Nice to meet you Kikwang." Hara said. "Nice to meet you both too." Kikwang said to the both of them. Kikwang walked back to his seat and then Hara came to me and said, "Wow, where do you work to be working with such handsome men!" Hara said smiling and then taking a seat. Junhyung then said, "Yeah, you seem to be getting very popular. Save me some room, won't you?" He smiled and then walked away. Ouh, my crush on him might just have grown. And did I just hear him correctly?! Save me some room. Does that mean he likes me? He likes me? He likes me!! x) I looked at him who was now sitting down and next to Hara, his girlfriend. What does that mean?!!?!?!


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tahlima #1
Forgot to subcribe in the past and spent about two days trying to find it as i counldnt remember the title.
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 40: Sequel please~
sarachan #3
Chapter 40: omggg this story is so good :D you're very creative. i liked it (Y)
pipsqueak110 #4
Chapter 40: I really liked this! the ending was good but I little part of me wished they ended together, but well see right? Ill be looking out for the sequel, that's if you haven't started it yet lol
anitaichwana #5
I love your own. I really want more. Just want the next of this story. I want the '2nd' well.
miamoreva #6
Chapter 40: Noo why do they have to be apart :(
Chapter 40: Wow. Just finished reading it. Waiting for the sequel!
Chapter 40: really love this story!! can't wait for the sequel ♥
aylinn #9
Chapter 40: New reader, I took some time reading this cus I don´t have much free time, but I have to say this I really did LOVE your story, the plot was amazing, the way you described everything, the felings, it all felt so true!
I totally got why it ended how it ended
I´m totally waiting for the sequel ♥
Chapter 40: Honestly I didn't want them to end up together yet.
I'm glad you ended it like this. It's not cliche now. XD