
From Your Style to Your Smile.

The next day at work Teddy oppa stopped by and so Yanggaeng pulled me to the back. "Hello Haeri! I haven't seen you in a while. Why have you been MIA?" He asked. "Hi oppa. I have just been really busy with my collection, graduation and other things." I said. "Ahh, that's right, you are graduating. Well I hear I am needed for something?" He asked. "Yeah, well I'm putting on a fashion show and I was wondering if you could help with the music." I said to him. "Ohhhh! Sure. What would you like?" He asked. I looked over at Yanggaeng and he started explaing to Teddy what type of music was best. I listened carefully so that the next time I could do it all on my own and not need help. "I seee. I can work with that. When do you need this by?" Teddy asked. "Well my show in in about 3 and half weeks?" I said. "..." Teddy said nothing. "Is it too soon?" I asked worried that I had asked him too late. "No, I can do it. I was just thinking." He smiled. "Thank you oppa!" I said very thankful he was willing to help. "No problem. I'll let you know when the product is completed." He said leaving. So now it seemed everything was really going. Yanggaeng showed me the sketches he and Daniel made, they offered to find people to do it but I said no because it felt like I had asked too much already. I told them they could watch over it and everything but I would find people to do the labor work and everything. The image they had was amazing and showed me what amazing designers they are, more so than I had thought before. 

I asked Jieun to help me with the advertisements since she was a part of the student council meeting, I talked about where I could have my show and everything. I had Lizzy, Seungho, Eli, Kai, and Tao help with placing flyers wherever. I asked some of the other departments for help, like the workshop students and other students who didn't mind helping with decorations and everything. I told them I would pay them, even though it wasn't a lot it was enough for them to help and do it happily. They told me they would have done it for free but I couldn't let them do it for free, it just didn't feel right. With all the purchases needing to be made and paying the helpers I decided to put my collection up for auction after the show. So with that money I would pay the helpers and donate the rest. Everything was slowly starting to piece together and I was definitely getting more busy, I had the entire show, I had to overlook everything, make sure everything went smoothly, make sure people weren't confused, complete my collection, practice with Junhyung and it was just very, very busy. So busy I had to cut down on hours at work but I still needed money so I couldn't stop completely. I was in the back for my break and ended up sort of falling asleep. Everything had been so hectic, I was physically and mentally tired, I just needed some shut eye and it happened at work. I had fallen asleep but I could hear Daniel talking, "She must be so tired."I heard him saying. "I've heard. How is everything coming along though?" Someone else asked. "Good, everything is going well." Daniel answered. I woke up after an hour nap. "Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I asked touching my cheek. "Just wanted you to get some sleep." Joon oppa said. I would have said more but I know they were just helping so I walked away and continued working. It was weird, I felt relaxed for some reason and not because I had snapped, I just felt like my mind was very clear. I touched my cheek again, for some reason it felt a little, I don't know there was just a tingly feeeling on my cheek. After work I headed straight to the workroom. I spent the rest of the hours working away. Everything was coming along and I wasn't nervous or anything. There was also a change in my schedule, the student council decided to just make an event, like a festival you could say one day for all senior projects, meaning I was singing and showing my collection on the same day/night just at different times. This was making me a little nervous but since the two were at different times I wasn't too stressed about it although it was going to be one very hectic day. I went home and fell right asleep.

The next day I had practice with Junhyung. We went straight to his place after school and got straight to work. We sung the song and decided we were just going to stand and not really dance which was fine with me because dancing wasn't my forte. "That was awesome!" Junhyung said coming to me with two hands in the air, I returned the high five with a smile. I may not be the best singer but I had to admit, we didn't sound too bad, not at all. "Should we eat before we run through it again?" He asked. Instead of going out I offered to cook and so we went up to his kitchen and he told me to make whatever and he'll help along the way. We spent an hour making ourselves a very grand meal. It was really fun, we were talking, laughing, playing around and I had a genuine time with him, it was the first time I felt my worries go away and just relax. While eating I looked at Junhyung, who would have ever thought I would be here, right now with this relationship with Junhyung, my forever first crush. I wonder if he knows I'm that same Haeri as before. Right at this moment I felt like asking him, I felt like letting him know, before we graduated and move on with our lives. "Junhyung." I said slowly. "Yeah?" He asked looking me right in the eyes. "I wanted to ask if. I'm...the same Haeri you've known ever since we were kids. I'm the same fat Haeri you knew." I told him. He just looked at me. "I had a feeling." He said. "From when?" I asked. "From the start I guess." He answered. "...are you disappointed?" I asked. "No. I mean look at you now, you're the most popular girl in school. I'm glad to be friends with the most popular girl." He said.  I just laughed. I feel like something was suddenly lifted off of me. We went back to practice and then I went home. That was sort of strange, although it is a relief. I mean I don't really know what I expected when everyone found out I was that same Haeri I was back then. Hm, I don't really know how to explain this but it's okay it's done and over with.

I was working my hardest right now, it was a week before my show, my performance with Junhyung and I had to get everything done pronto. I went through everyday on 4 hours of sleep because I just had so much to do, I had work, homework, my collection, my entire show, my performance with Junhyung and it was just crunch time. I had one more day to work on my collection and it felt like I had so much to do, too much I needed to finish. I was in the workroom trying to go fast and get everything done, fixed my models and everything. It was around 5am and I sat on the floor just looking at everything. I was basically done with my collection and my show was later tonight at 7pm and then my performance at 8:30-ish. I sat on the ground for maybe 5 minutes before getting up. I decided to go out for a breather by the river to clear my head and just to prepare myself for tomorrow. I locked up, stopped by the nearest shop to grab a kimbap roll and then made my way to the river. I sat down, looking at the river and ate. I was going to have a very long day tomorrow. I had school, then right after school I had to go pick up my collection, get back to school to set up the stage and everything, I had to be there and  make sure everything was going as planned. I had to fit my models, send them out on the runway, hold a quick auction, then I have to get changed and meet Junhyung at the other side of school to get ready for our performance. Ahhh so much to do. I wonder how I'm going to get through it all. I was sitting there thinking each step I had to take when I felt like I was being watched. I looked around but there was no one, well there were people but they were all in their own world, plus it was dark so I couldn't really see everyone. I felt eyes still on me, even though I had a feeling these eyes weren't neccessarily bad, it still felt strange so I got up and went home.

I had maybe 2 hours of sleep? I had been used to it though so it wasn't too bad, although I had darker circles than I usually had. I basically went to school with what I went to sleep in, probably the most underdressed I've ever been in to school, but who cares I had been working too hard for too long. Plus afterschool I was going to get changed for my show and performance so whatever. I got to school and all I could think about was the event later today, I couldn't concentrate on classwork, all I could think about was if my models were going to be on time, if they knew where to be, if my clothing would fit, everything basically. I had many questions as lunch came around. I had to track people down, sooo much. Afterschool I went straight to the workroom to grab everything. I get there and to my surprise everything was packed. I see Yanggaeng and Daniel packing my clothes, "What are you two doing?" I asked. "Came to help." Daniel said. "You had been working so hard, we decided to help by at least, packing everything up." Yanggaeng said. I just stood there speechless, such wonderful oppas. "Thank you two so much, after this I am going to repay you two big time! Any thing you want!" I said. The two laughed and we packed everything up and got into Daniel's car. We made a few stops so that I could pick up stuff for my show. We also stopped for some early dinner.

I got changed and then they drove me to school, helped me bring my things in and then even stayed to make sure everything was going smoothly. They helped watch over everything and tell people what they needed to do. I was fitting my models, fixing things as the models were in them and it was soooo hectic. Running around doing this, that, making sure things were done correctly, talking to people. Eventually 7pm came. I walked out to the runway first to introduce myself and my collection. "Hello everyone." There were so many people watching, people from students, to non-students, to even a few fashion designers I noticed from attending parties with Yanggaeng and Daniel. "I am Kim Haeri. Fashion is my passion and without it I am no one. This collection is my very first collection and the concept is, well let it speak for itself. Thank you and enjoy." I got off the stage and y models walked the runway. The show ended and I talked to a few people who commented saying, "Your collection was great." "It was amazing." "You did all of that, wow!" "Loved it." And so much more good words. "It was beautiful." Yanggaeng and Daniel said. I walked over to them and gave them a big hug. A weight had been lifted off but now I had to rush over to my performance. I helped cleaned up as much as I could and then rushed over to the performance stage.

"Hey! I watched your show! I can't believe you made all of that! It was amazing!" Junhyung said. I smiled at him, "Thank you, now let's do this." I said. "Yeah!" He said. I waited with Junhyung for our time to come. "Don't be nervous and just do what we practiced." Junhyung said as if he could see I was getting nervous. "I'll try." I said thinking about all the people who were probably going to be watching. It was nerve wrecking, standing backstage hearing the acts before us go, receving chants, shouts, screams, clapping. Ahhhh...somehow I am much more nervous for this than for my show earlier. Must be because I've always designed clothes and had been to a few shows already. "You guys are up." The coordinator said to be and Junhyung. I took a deep breathe before following Junhyung onto stage. Junhyung looked at me, I at him and then we began. [ SONGCHOICE ] I sang looking out into the darkness, the shadows of people. It was an amazing feeling, it was a new feeling and I sort of liked it. The song ended and Junhyung and I walked off stage. "We did great! You were amazing!" Junhyung said high fiving me. "You were great too. That was fun." I said to him. Jieun came by, "That was amazing Haeri!!" She smiled. "Thanks." I said back. "I have to get back." I said to Junhyung, I had to go get my things from the show before going home. Junhyung and I went down backstage when I heard my name being called.

"Haeri!!!" I look to see Chaerin, Minzy, and Hayi all waving their hands in the air. I walk over to them and they all hugged me. "You were amazing!" Hayi said. "You really were!" Minzy said. "Never knew you had that in you!" Chaerin said. "Thanks." I replied. "By the way, your fashion show was spectacular!" Minzy said. "I loved it all! I'm so jealous! You have such great talent." Hayi said. "I even bought a piece!" Chaerin said. "What? You did?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, I bought one of the coats you made! It was too awesome to pass up!" She continued. "You didn't have to do that! I would have just given it to you!" I said to her since we were friends and I really would have just given it to her for free if I had known she liked it. "Who is this?" Minzy asked. "Oh. This is my friend, Junhyung. Junhyung this is Chaerin, Minzy and Hayi." I said introducing them to each other. They greeted each other. "You were great too!" Hayi said to Junhyung. "Thanks." He replied. "What are you three doing here?" I asked. "Oh! We came to see GD&TOP!" Minzy said. "They're performing!" Hayi added. I just looked at them. "Next is the amazing GD&TOP!!!" The announcer introduced them. I looked at the stage and sure enough there they were standing. I stood there watching, listening to the screams. They started performing [ SONGCHOICE ]. I stood there watching and listening. Wow. They were amazing on stage, naturals. I turned to the crowd and they too were enjoying it very much, the best response received. My eyes shifted back to the stage where Jiyong and Seunghyun were. Wow, just wow. "You okay?" I hear Junhyung say. I turn to him and was brought back to reality, or at least it felt like I was, I didn't even know I had left in the first place. "Yeah. Let's go." I said walking away from the crowd.

While walking back with Junhyung the thought of Seunghyun crossed my mind. I hadn't thought about him earlier but now I was. This was the first time I had seen him in like what? 3,4 months? He looks well. How do I feel about him? I don't really know. I don't really feel anything. I can't believe I don't feel anything. Do I really feel nothing upon seeing him after so long? After everything? I couldn't come to a conclusion as to what I felt. "Haeri!" Tao called out seeing me walking towards them. "You were amazing back there!" He said putting his arms on my shoulder. "Thanks!" I said back. I guess everyone had watched because they were commenting about my performance. "Thank you all so so so much." I said to them all, they had all helped me so much and I couldn't have done what I did without their help. "All your items sold. Here is the money." Yanggaeng said handing me an envelope. "They all sold?! Wow!" I said surprised that all items sold, I wasn't expecting them all to sell, I also wanted a few pieces to keep for myself since it was my first ever collection but oh well, for the greater good. "Of course they did! They were all amazing pieces!" Daniel said. I chased down my helpers and paid them and then gave the rest to the school as donation.





Hope you all enjoyed! :)

And I'm currently in Florida!!! I love Florida! Really wished I lived here!! :)))

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tahlima #1
Forgot to subcribe in the past and spent about two days trying to find it as i counldnt remember the title.
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 40: Sequel please~
sarachan #3
Chapter 40: omggg this story is so good :D you're very creative. i liked it (Y)
pipsqueak110 #4
Chapter 40: I really liked this! the ending was good but I little part of me wished they ended together, but well see right? Ill be looking out for the sequel, that's if you haven't started it yet lol
anitaichwana #5
I love your own. I really want more. Just want the next of this story. I want the '2nd' well.
miamoreva #6
Chapter 40: Noo why do they have to be apart :(
Chapter 40: Wow. Just finished reading it. Waiting for the sequel!
Chapter 40: really love this story!! can't wait for the sequel ♥
aylinn #9
Chapter 40: New reader, I took some time reading this cus I don´t have much free time, but I have to say this I really did LOVE your story, the plot was amazing, the way you described everything, the felings, it all felt so true!
I totally got why it ended how it ended
I´m totally waiting for the sequel ♥
Chapter 40: Honestly I didn't want them to end up together yet.
I'm glad you ended it like this. It's not cliche now. XD