
From Your Style to Your Smile.

Friday! I put on my outfit I had already planned and pulled on my combat boots. After school I was going out with Jiyeon! My first 'date' with cutie Jiyeon. I grabbed my back pack and left for school already ready for it to end. I got to school, sat down and Junhyung came in, I smiled at him and he at me. "Are you busy today?" He asked. "I am! I have a date!" I smiled. "You sure are getting popular..." He said. "Ahahah, I have a date with Jiyeon, my friend." I said. Me popular? I actually wasn't. I was only the girl who had an amazing fashion sense, I didn't have that many friends, my only friends were...is Jiyeon...well...Jiyong and Chaerin, are they friends? I don't know if I can consider them friends, other than YG I really have no interaction with those two, same goes to Seunghyun...wait...actually I don't know what we are. I guess I can consider Junhyung a friend. As for everyone else, I think they just talk to me to be nice. "Oh? A girl? Well that's a relief." He said making me think what that meant. Just as I was about to ask him..."Junhyungie!" Said a voice I knew well, a voice that made me realize something. "Oh, hi Haeri. I'm finally all better." Hara said as she grabbed a hold of Junhyung and the two made there way to their seats.

Hara...Junhyung's girlfriend. I turn back to see Hara smiling at Junhyung. She doesn't look too well, she's lost a bit of her color. If Junhyung was interested in me, why is he still with Hara? Orrr am I the only interpreting this wrong? I guess everything that happened was just something that happens between friends. For some reason I thought it meant a little more, well I should have known, I didn't even think about Hara the entire time I was out with Junhyung. Did she even know we went out? Either she knew and doesn't care because she trusts him or she doesn't know at all. I take a look again at Hara and Junhyung and well I don't know. Okay, whatever. Thinking back to cutie Jiyeon, I wonder what we should do today. I met up with Jiyeon after school. And such a cutie she was.

"Unnie!" She yelled as soon as she saw me coming out of the school doors. "Hello Jiyeon." I smiled. "Let's gooo!" She excitedly said. We walk off school grounds and talked about what to do. "I'm sort of hungry." Jiyeon said patting her belly. "Okay, let's go get a little snack." I said as we walked into a waffle shop. We both ordered and finished very delicious waffles. "How are things with Daehyun?" I asked her. She turned a little red and slightly smiled. "Good." "Are you two dating? If you are, I'm disappointed you haven't introduced him to me." I said. "Oh no! We are not dating...we're just friends and you would be the first person I would tell if we were dating!" She said. "Okay...make sure you tell me first then." I said. "I promise! What should we do now?" Jiyeon asked. "...Oh, do you mind if we stop by YG first?" I said. "Oh, okay, sure." She said as we got up to leave to YG. I had to pick up my paycheck so me and Jiyeon walked to YG. I went in and saw Daniel on the floor. He smiled at me knowing what I came for and went back to get it, give it to me and then I went over to the cash register to get it changed to money since I didn't want to go to the bank. "Who is this?" Kikwang asked me and Jiyeon were at the register. "Oh! Oppa, this is my friend, Jiyeon. Jiyeon this is Kikwang." "Hello." Jiyeon said. "Hello. It's nice to meet you." Kikwang smiled. Jay Oppa then came by and I introduced him to Jiyeon. "Where are you ladies going?" He asked. "We just going with the flow." I told him because we really didn't have a plan to do anything. Jiyeon and I left and was walking for a while when I noticed Jiyeon keep looking back. "What is it?!" I said turning back and seeing Seunghyun. "He's been following us since we left YG." Jiyeon whispered to me. "Oh?" What is wrong with him?! Is he a stalker now? Such a cold, deadly man...I can totally see him being a stalker. It's usually the quiet ones who are crazy. "Just ignore him, come on let's go!" I said.

We were walking when we spotted a carnival/fair going on. I looked at Jiyeon who was already smiling at me. We walked on forward when Jiyeon sort of stops. I look at her who with her eyes in front of us. I follow her eyes and I see a group of boys. I turn back to look at her, then the boys then back at her. I nudged her. "Who are they?" I asked. "Oh, oh. Unnie, that's Daehyun." She whispered. Daehyun? Jiyeon's Daehyun? I look at the group to see if I could figure out which one Daehyun was. "He's the blonde, with the cap." She said. I look and I spot him.

"He's a cutie. I approve." I smiled at Jiyeon. "Unnie, he's just a friend." She said. "Okay. Well friends greet each other so you should go greet him. And use this time to introduce him to me." I said wanting to meet the one who captured Jiyeon's heart. "No, he's with his friends. Let's just go around them." She said. I could tell she didn't want to talk to him but I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass by so I did what I thought of first. "DAEHYUN!" I shouted. Jiyeon looked at me shocked at what I had just done, I smiled at her. Daehyun looked around and then saw Jiyeon and waved. Jiyeon waved back. "Come on." I said walking forward and hearing Jiyeon follow close by. Daehyun also removed himself from his group and was walking towards us. I nudged Jiyeon as we got closer. "Hi Daehyun." She smiled. "Hi Jiyeon. Who is this?" He asked looking at me. I could see why Jiyeon would like such a boy. He's cute, just like cutie Jiyeon. I really approve of them. "I'm Haeri. Jiyeon's friend." I smiled at him. "She's a sunbae at our school." Jiyeon added. "Oh! Well nice to meet you Haeri sunbae." He bowed. "Ahah, no need, you're a friend of Jiyeon's so you're a friend of mine. Just call me by my name." I said. "Okay, well what are you two doing?" He asked. "Oh we were just hanging out, but we're going to the fair right now." Jiyeon told him. "Oh, awesome." Daehyun said. I could see this was going no where so a brillant idea ran through my mind. "Join us!" I suggested. Jiyeon looked at me shocked again. I smiled. "Invite him to join us Jiyeon." I smiled. "...If you're not busy, join us." Jiyeon managed to say. Aww, such a cute girl, growing up right in front of me. "...You know what? Okay, sure! I would love to! Just let me tell my friends." Daehyun smiled and walked back to his friends. And that was settled. "Are you sure unnie?! Won't it be weird? I always imagined that when this happened we both would have someone with us." She said. Oh. I hadn't thought about that, I was like the third wheel here. Shoot. What should I do? Why don't I think things through? "I'll just leave then. Tell Daehyun something came up." I said. "No! I wanted to spend the day with you! I don't want to go if you're not there! Umm...do you mind if I ask Daehyun if one of his friends would like to tag along?" Jiyeon suggested. Before I could say anything a voice appeared out of no where. "No need. I'll come as Haeri's date." I knew exactly whose voice that was.

"No thank you, I rather go home." I said ready to leave. "Wait unnie! Please?!" Jiyeon said as Seunghyun put his arms around my shoulder. "You owe me!" She smiled. Sigh, I knew it. Just because I invited Daehyun she's going to make me suffer by going with Seunghyun. But I couldn't turn away from such a cute girl. "Ready!" Daehyun said running over to us. "Oh sunbae. Hi." Daehyun said as he made a 90 degree bow to Seunghyun. Seunghyun nodded. "Seunghyun sunbae is going with us too!" Jiyeon told Daehyun. I sighed but if this is what Jiyeon wants, okay. I tried to walk forward but Seunghyun tightened his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him and he was just smiling. I put enough energy to move away from him and walked over to Jiyeon. "Okay, well then let's get going!" I said grabbing Jiyeon and walking ahead of the boys. "You want me to die?!" I whispered to Jiyeon. "Unnie started it. It would have been fine if you had not invited Daehyun." She whispered back. "Aish, but you like Daehyun!" I said to her. "Seunghyun sunbae is really cool and you guys really do match! You two look so good right now when Seunghyun had his arms around you...wait! Is something going one between the two of you?! I mean I don't think he would just put his arm around someone like that, unless he knew them!" Jiyeon started to sound excited. "No! Nothing is going on...(flashbacks of what happened between us replayed in my mind.)...crap." I said. "Something is going on! Tell me!" She said tugging on my arm. "Nothing! Stop it!" I said as we got closer to the gate. We went inside and stopped by a gift shop first. Jiyeon and I looked through the cute headbands...they were meant for couples, well I always saw couples wearing them and I wanted Jiyeon and Daehyun to get a pair but I knew if I suggested that, Jiyeon would make me and Seunghyun get a pair and Seunghyun in a headband? I don't think so. Jiyeon and I eventually decided that we should just get a pair. Jiyeon and I decided on a pair of cute bear ear headbands. I purchased it for us and we excitedly put them on. "You look cute." Daehyun said to the now smiling Jiyeon. I knew I wasn't going to get anything but I looked at Seunghyun and indeed I got nothing so I just stuck my tongue out at him.

We walked around for a bit, stopped at the first ride we wanted to go on but of course, Seunghyun didn't want to. "Why would you come to a fair if you don't even want to ride on the rides?!" I asked him. Sigh. I wanted to ride it but just as I was walking in, Seunghyun pulled me back. "What are you doing?!" I asked him. "Unnie?!" Jiyeon asked. "You guys go ahead." I sadly said as the two went on to the ride. "Yah! If you didn't want to ride on the rides why did you tag a long? Or at least let me ride them!" I said looking at Seunghyun. "Don't feel like it. Things like this are lame." He said. "You're lame!" I said without realizing what I had just said. I looked at Seunghyun and it seemed like he was about to do something so I quickly moved to sit on a nearby bench. Seunghyun sat next to me. Stupid Seunghyun. I start to notice people looking at Seunghyun and whisper to each other. A few seconds later a pretty girl came over to Seunghyun. "Are you busy? Want to go somewhere?" She asked. Wow. She's pretty, she's tall, has long legs, is attractive and definitely knows it. I looked at Seunghyun not knowing what he was going to say. Compared to me, this girl is better, was he going to leave me and go with her? I was sort of excited at that thought, if he left, I would be able to ride all the rides I wanted...but if he left me I would be alone with Jiyeon and Daehyun...that and well I sort of just didn't want him to..."Sorry, I'm with her right now." He said looking at the girl and then at me. "Oh, well it's your lost." She said walking away. I looked at Seunghyun sort of surprised, I mean I really didn't think he'd say that. I was sort of, happy. I must be crazy. I shook my head. Jiyeon and Daehyun came out with smiles on their faces.

"Did you two have fun?!" I asked. "Sure did, I screamed my head off!" Jiyeon laughed. "Me too!" Daehyun said. "By the way, you two look seriously great together. As we were walking here I heard those girls say that you two look like models. And that you two were probably together." Jiyeon smiled. Me and Seunghyun? Look great together? What are these people thinking?! They are just crazy. But somehow, that made me a little happy inside, a warm feeling appeared. "Well, let's go on." Seunghyun said getting up. We went to a few more rides, some of them Seunghyun agreed to go on, some of them he didn't. It was getting dark so the fair's night lights came on and well it was beautiful! We were sitting down just talking about whatever when Seunghyun got up. "Come on." I looked up at him as he grabbed my hand and we were walking ahead. I tried to pull my hands free but he had a tight grip on them. "Look." He said slightly turning his head back. I turn my head back and I see a very special moment. Jiyeon and Daehyun were walking side by side, with their hands brushing against the others. I smiled and turned my head back when I see Daehyun go in to hold Jiyeon's hand. I didn't want to see their moment, that was a moment meant for just the two of them. "So cute." I heard myself saying. Seunghyun laughed. I wanted to beat him up but that would just ruin the moment for Jiyeon. We walked past the ferris wheel and I stopped. Seunghyun looked at me. "We have to, for Jiyeon." I said thinking about how this ride is usually meant for couples. I wanted to help Jiyeon just like Seunghyun had. I guess he understood because we got into a cart.

"Wow! So beautiful! If it already feels this amazing, I wonder how it must feel for those who are in love." I said looking out at the dark night sky, looking at all the colorful lights from the fair, the sea. Truly beautiful. I just have to come back when I find him, my Mr. It's too bad I'm here with Seunghyun though, as the first. I turn to see Seunghyun sitting across from me, giving the usual intense stare but somehow this stare felt different. It was something in his eyes that seemed to reach me in a place it hadn't before. It was as though it was the look of...I heard the fireworks go up in the air, I saw them even though my eyes were now closed, it was still, it was quiet, it was beautiful, a sort of pink feeling went through me, I could see this pink matter and it made me wonder what it was. It was gone in a matter of seconds, a moment that felt like an eternity was gone in seconds. I open my eyes to see Seunghyun looking at me, the look in his eyes was different, I don't know how to explain it, they were the same eyes I had seen since the beginning, but somehow now different. 

I was across from him, he from me, sitting so close to him, my legs/knees between his legs/knees, his hands on the bench I was sitting on, slightly touching my hips, our eyes locked on to one another. The look in his eyes drew me in to him, my hands that were tightly clenched together slowly made their up to his face, going up his defined jaw line, I went in closer, his lips the focus of my eyes, soon my vision went dark. I felt as though I saw everything in this darkness, his hands pulled me in closer, our lips touched longer than they had before, my lips had slightly parted, lips were no longer connected, my lips felt slightly moist, my eyes opened, he his lips, his thumb ran against my lower lip, my nails dug into his pants and tightened as I clenched onto them. He moved in and gave me a soft peck. He grabbed my hand that was still clenched onto his pants and interlocked fingers. With no words spoken we got out of the cart.





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tahlima #1
Forgot to subcribe in the past and spent about two days trying to find it as i counldnt remember the title.
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 40: Sequel please~
sarachan #3
Chapter 40: omggg this story is so good :D you're very creative. i liked it (Y)
pipsqueak110 #4
Chapter 40: I really liked this! the ending was good but I little part of me wished they ended together, but well see right? Ill be looking out for the sequel, that's if you haven't started it yet lol
anitaichwana #5
I love your own. I really want more. Just want the next of this story. I want the '2nd' well.
miamoreva #6
Chapter 40: Noo why do they have to be apart :(
Chapter 40: Wow. Just finished reading it. Waiting for the sequel!
Chapter 40: really love this story!! can't wait for the sequel ♥
aylinn #9
Chapter 40: New reader, I took some time reading this cus I don´t have much free time, but I have to say this I really did LOVE your story, the plot was amazing, the way you described everything, the felings, it all felt so true!
I totally got why it ended how it ended
I´m totally waiting for the sequel ♥
Chapter 40: Honestly I didn't want them to end up together yet.
I'm glad you ended it like this. It's not cliche now. XD