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The four of them were huddled around Hyejin’s desk before the teacher came in the next morning. Junmyeon was already back, insisting that he was fine despite the constant worrying from her.


“There’s something fishy definitely going on,” Seungwan declared loudly. “A fire again? In a Park place?!”


Hyejin nodded, glancing at the unusually-looking fresh boy beside her. “Something’s definitely going on. Junmyeon almost got hurt.”


“Do they have any enemies? It’s possible, you know.” Jongdae responded.


“The fire started from Chanyeol’s office though,” Hyejin pointed out. “And he said that he worked there. He told me. There wouldn’t have been anyone else inside either.”


“An accident, maybe?”


“I doubt it,” Junmyeon spoke up for the first time, successfully getting everyone’s attention. “Either he has an enemy who is really skilled, or he’s the one starting the fires himself.”


There was a tense silence before Seungwan said something. “I really hope this gets solved quickly. It’s even scary to think about; there are so many buildings and small businesses under Park Industries. Maybe Suho can unravel everything.”


“Yeah!” Hyejin interjected forcefully. “I almost expected him to show up at the café yesterday. Luckily Junmyeon was brave enough to go back.”


“He looks practically unscathed!” Seungwan observed, eyeing his unscarred skin. “Are you sure you were caught in any fire?”


Hyejin looked offended at the remark. “You should have seen him yesterday! He looked like he was about to pass out after he dragged the remaining people out.”


Junmyeon smiled sheepishly and pulled his sleeves further down his arms.






“Okay, now I’m really convinced that you’re stalking me.”


Chanyeol jogged a little and caught up to her pace with his long legs. She was on the way home from school alone after Seungwan had opted to join Jongdae for some food. Chanyeol was wearing casual clothes this time and it made her wonder what his job really was.


He clutched his heart dramatically. “Perhaps fate wants us to meet.”


Hyejin chuckled, at the same moment scrutinizing him. She noticed that, like Junmyeon, he didn’t have a hint of any burns. “Are you alright?”




“The fire yesterday came from the room you were in, right? How come you look so healthy?”


“Oh,” he chuckled nervously, ruffling his hair a little. “Makeup does wonders, doesn’t it? And I wasn’t that hurt anyway.”


“How did the fire occur?” she asked him curiously.


“Actually, I’m not so sure myself.” His answer was smooth. “It kind of just happened, you know? All of a sudden there was fire and smoke, and then your boyfriend came in pulling me out.”


Hyejin felt a bit embarrassed that Junmyeon was referred to as her boyfriend but didn’t attempt to correct him. She was more interested in his explanation anyway. “Do you think this is related to the Park Industries, like someone targeting them? This isn’t the first time they got attacked.”


His eyes twinkled in amusement. “Oh, I don’t think so. Maybe these are all coincidental accidents.”


“This is so weird though,” she breathed, pulling on the straps of her backpack. “Both you and Junmyeon are totally fine and unscarred but you guys were supposed to be the most injured. It’s so strange to think about.”


He smiled a special type of smile, the type she couldn’t really decipher. “Who knows? It’s all up to fate.”


She smiled unsurely. Chanyeol was giving her mixed vibes and she wasn’t fully sure if she felt comfortable around him yet.


He stopped at an expensive-looking car that was parked by the pavement. It was a different car from before, and she was very curious as to what he did for a living because it was surely paying well. Being a manager at that café surely didn’t pay that much. However, if she asked, he would undoubtedly give her a vague answer once again, and she wasn’t up for those type of mind games.


“You want a ride home? I can drop you off.”


“No, it’s okay,” she shook her head, not even thinking twice about the situation. “I can walk home.”


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Chapter 9: So jongdae also has a power too in this fic? Cool!
KeemNoona #2
Chapter 30: ❤️❤️❤️
Suho deserves more fics!!!!!!!!!! Love this
bookworm514 #4
Chapter 30: i really want to find out what happened to the rest of the 12. what if Yifan found yixing and is best friends with him? who knows.
Chapter 30: But what happened to yifan though?? Is he alive?? Yixing?? The rest of them? Why is chayeol lonely :’( poor baby :(
Chapter 30: I kind of expected Yixing to turn up and heal her burns ha
Finding out what happened to Yifan, the others’ powers awakening, so many things I’ll be thinking about but that’s the fun! Thanks for this story.
Chapter 30: It was so cute! As a Superman fan I got excited to see my boy Suho as a superhero. Thanks for this! ✌✌
Spanglepants #8
This was so cute. It was nice to see a fanfic mostly about suho for once too. They seem to be pretty few and far between
Chapter 30: Ended already? Sad. But atleast t Park Industries was somehow stopped from their illegal doings and that everyone had they're happy ending except maybe for Sehun? Hope there will be a bonus chapter or epilogue to know what happened to Chanyeol and that he and Sehun can return to being friends again. I felt like Chanyeol really grew attached to him too.