Who is Bangtan?


Unexpected《CH 2》

Yerin soon became good friends with Sohee, who was a fun girl who loves reading novels the same as Yerin. Sohee introduced her to all her friends, who all greeted her with a friendly vibe.

Sohee guided Yerin through the big school, telling her what’s the purpose of the place and all the details. The bell soon rang and they had to go back to class to start lessons.

At the door, Yerin bumped into a handsome-looking boy, who she assumed was one of her classmates.

‘Hi, are you the new student? I’m Jungkook, one of your classmates,’ the boy smiled at her.

‘Yeah, I’m the new student, Yerin. Nice to meet you,’ Yerin greeted Jungkook politely.

They stared at each other for a while and the teacher came in suddenly, making them go back to their respective seats. All the students stood up to greet their teacher.

‘Oh my, isn’t she the new student, Jeong Yerin?’ the teacher noticed the new face at the back of the class. ‘Can you introduce yourself, Yerin?’

The students shot their heads to the back to Yerin, who smiled at the question and nodded her head. They sat down, anticipating her introduction. She walked to the front, bowing politely.

‘Hello everyone, I’m Jeong Yerin, the new student. Please treat me well,’ Yerin bowed again.

The students clapped and the teacher introduced herself as Ms Hyomin to Yerin, also thanking her for the introduction and asking her to go back to her seat. As she sat down, a angelic-looking boy who sat in front, turned to her.

‘Hi, Yerin, I’m Taehyung,’ the boy introduced himself and held out his hand to shake hands with her. Yerin went with it, immediately greeting Taehyung. He turned back to the front, paying attention.

‘Hey, you’re lucky. You bumped into Jeon Jungkook just now and he greeted you with a friendly manner. Now, Kim Taehyung’s talking to you,’ Sohee whispered to Yerin beside her.

‘Who are they? Well, I know they’re classmates but why is it such a big deal?’ Yerin whispered back.

‘They’re one the school’s most popular boys. They’re in Bangtan, the famous boy group of Yeomsin High. Bangtan consists of 7 members, Namjoon, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Jin and Hoseok. It’s not even easy to talk to them. It’s more surprising that two of them talked to you first,’ Sohee whispered carefully, hoping Ms Hyomin won’t notice her. ‘I’ll tell you more about them later.’

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