You're my love drug~

Daehyun’s POV

Should I be happy or sad that hyejin doesn’t recognize me as the bad guy? Happy that she did not have to remember her sad memories. Sad that she have to be in this state now and i kinda felt bad for Sunggyu although my hatred for him was still present. I sighed dejectedly and walked out of the room.

Sunggyu’s POV

Ugh, the nerve of that jung daehyun. If hyejin wasn’t there, I would probably have whacked him into a pulp. After causing her to be in this state, he still dared to show up in front of her. Enough of him.

I still couldn’t get over the fact that she couldn’t remember me….…Maybe I was too insignificant in her life. Should I just leave her now, so she can probably start her life afresh without me, after all I was the one who caused her to be in this state now.

Nah, who am I kidding, I love her way too much to leave her. After that ordeal, I came to realize that I love her more than I actually thought. My heart broke when she collapsed in my arms with blooding flowing out and staining her white blouse. God damn it, given a chance, I would probably take over her position then.

Hyejin’s POV

I’m just confused.  That sunggyu guy said daehyun was the one who caused me to be in this state? But he looks like a nice guy to me. But sunggyu said I was staying with him at his house. The last time I remembered, I was staying in my own house with my mum.

Suddenly, my chain of thoughts were broken.

“So….. do you really not remember me?” Sunggyu casually asked me while playing with his fingers.

“uh…. No I don’t. sorry”

The awkward tension between the both of us was pretty evident as we didn’t know what to say to each other.  Soon, Sunggyu left the room. I supposed he left the room for him and me to get a breather.

It feels like this whole part of my life just disappeared and there’s a gap that needs to be filled. I tried hard to think about it for a long while and suddenly my head started to pound really badly.

“Ughhhhhhhhhhh” I crouched down and it felt like my head is about to burst. The door opened and Sunggyu immediately rushed to my side.

“Are you okay??”

“My head hurts but after a little rest, I’ll be fine.”  He lowered the bed for me and as I lay down, the headache slowly disappeared and I fell into a deep slumber.

Narrator’s POV

Sunggyu watched her as her chest rised up and down evenly. He stepped forward and brushed off a few strands of hair on her face.

“If only you would remember me right now….” He muttered to himself.

“You still haven’t told me your reply, I’m still waiting. Don’t keep me waiting for long, I don’t like it.”

“I’ll tell you over and over again that I love you”

Sunggyu kissed her forehead and looked at her for a while before making his way out of the room.

He knocked at the doctor’s door and entered the room.

“How long does it take for her to regain her memories?”

“It can take days, months or even years. It really depends on the patient itself. Some will remember gradually or some may need a trigger to help them to remember.”

“hmmm okay thanks doc”

Sunggyu thanked the doctor and made his way home. He thought hard on how to make hyejin remember him and a plan soon formed in his mind.







A/N: hi....? idk if you still remember me or the story, but i just want to thank all those who have supported me all the way, you really make my day :') here's a short update from me :D

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pupils #1
Chapter 20: update soon i really want to know the plan
Chapter 20: Yeay thanks for updating author nim sob :')
enaj888 #3
Chapter 20: I'm still reading the story! Thanks for the update!
whiteconfession_ #4
omg hi everyone ;---; i'm like having a serious writer's block omg :( sorry to keep all of you waiting >< i promise i'll be back soon(:
Chapter 19: omg update soon pleaseeeee
me_kpop #6
Chapter 19: OMG~ I hope Daehyun is not up to anything bad ;--;
Great update!
Update soon ^^
me_kpop #7
Chapter 18: OMO NOO DON'T DIE REALLLYYYYY!!!!! U GOTTA WAKE UP!!!!!! ;; Waaaah the story is sooo goooood ;3;
Chapter 18: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
DON'T DIE!!!!!!!!!!
I know that l said I luv DAEHYUN
But stupid DAEHYUN !!!!!!!!
Why did u have to do that!!!!!!!!!!
Just because of ur stupid cousin?!?!?!?
Chapter 12: OMG
DAEHYUN !!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... hwaiting!!...