You're my love drug~


Hyejin’s POV

What…what…did he just say?! He can’t be serious right? My ears are definitely playing tricks on me. Nah. I bet it’s just an excuse to cover up for his hate letter.

“That’s…that’s…an excuse. Don’t try to cover up for your hate letter.”

“It’s not. I know it seems really sudden and everything. But it’s my true feelings towards you…”

“I…I….” I was speechless; I didn’t know how to react. I wanted to speak but it felt as if there was something stuck in my throat that was preventing me from talking. Was that the reason why he didn’t like me hanging out with Daehyun? But how does it explain the hate letter…? Before I  could even speak, Sunggyu already continued speaking.

“You know you don’t have to accept my—“

“Sorry, but I don’t like you.”

What did I just say…? Omg why was I so straightforward? I didn’t mean to be so blunt…

Sunggyu’s POV

“Sorry, but I don’t like you.”

I felt like my heart had just broken into a million pieces.

It hurts really bad.

Real bad.

This is a joke right? I can’t believe I got rejected by my first crush. AND YES, SHE’S MY FIRST EVER CRUSH. I NEVER EVER HAD ANY FEELINGS FOR ALL THE GIRLS I USED TO HANG OUT WITH.

It’s okay. Now I know how you feel about me, it’s okay, I… I… won’t pester you anymore. I’m going to the toilet.”

I dashed off into the toilet. My heart was a mess, my brain was a mess. What am I going to do? Am I going to give up on her so easily? Or should I continue to chase her? (A/N: THE CHASER!!!! LOL) I’m at a total loss. I wish there was someone to guide me….

That night, we avoided each other totally, feeling awkward after that incident.



Daehyun’s POV

The bell for the second period rang, signaling that it was time for PE lesson. All the students scrambled out of class and headed for the field. The PE teacher, Mr Park, blew his whistle to get our attention. “Alright, listen up! Today, we are going to the swimming pool for lesson. Everyone, please get into your swim suits and assemble at the pool in 15 minutes time. Ready, the time starts now!”

Everyone grumbled. The weather was so chilly today, we’re definitely gonna freeze in the cold waters. But nonetheless, we did as we were told as we all know didn’t want to get punished by Mr Park.

Just then, I saw Hyejin walk past me. She looked forlorn and did not look like her usual self. “Hey Hyejin! What’s with you today? You don’t look too good. Did something happen at home? Sunggyu bullied you?” I asked.

Hyejin froze. “N.. No, he didn’t bully me. I’m fine.” With that, she hurried off to the changing room. I sensed that something must be wrong, and it had to do with Sunggyu. They must have had a quarrel or something. It’s just as well… Things are going way too smoothly for me. I smirked.

I changed into my swimming trunks then took a mineral bottle from the huge box filled with mineral bottles and hastily went back to class without anyone noticing. I went to my seat and fished out a packet of white powder from my bag. I unsealed the packet, opened the bottle and poured half of the white powder I had into it. I closed back the bottle and shook it to dissolve the powder then ran back all the way to the pool. Most of the students were just strolling in to the pool and I quickly blended myself in. I placed the bottle on the table where Sunggyu put his belongings.

“Good, everyone is all here already. Let’s begin. Today, I’m going to teach all of you the most basic swimming style, which is the freestyle. Those who can’t swim, don’t worry I will help you. Now, everyone please go and take a swim board and do kickings with it to warm up first,” Mr Park said, “Straighten your arms and hold the board. Then immerse yourself in the water and kick with your legs.”

Since I had learnt all these when I was younger, they were chicken feet to me. On the other hand, Hyejin seemed to have difficulty. I went over to help her. “You’re doing it wrongly. Let me teach you. You have to hold the board this way…” I told her.

Just then, Sunggyu came over and shoved me aside. “I will teach her. Your help is not needed here.” I reluctantly moved away.

Sunggyu’s POV

The moment I saw Daehyun approach Hyejin, I immediately thought to myself: What is he doing? No, he must not snatch Hyejin away. I will show her that I am sincere and really like her…

I hurried over and told Daehyun that I’ll teach her myself. However, after Daehyun left, Hyejin said, “Err… I can manage myself. You don’t have to help me. If I need help, I’ll ask Mr Park.” I was hurt by her words.

Minutes later, Mr Park gave us a 10-minute break. I took the bottle from my table and gave Hyejin. “Here, have a drink. You must be thirsty.” Hyejin took the bottle, gave me a forced smile and thanked me.

She took a gulp from the mineral bottle and then made her way back to the pool. But as I watched her walk towards the pool, she suddenly started staggering and because she was walking near the edge of the pool, she fell backwards into the pool. She struggled and shouted for  help, taking in huge gulps of air.

I gasped. “HYEJIN!” I ran towards her, but it was too late. I wanted to jump into the pool to save her but I had a phobia of deep swimming pools after a horrible incident happened when I was really young, plus the fact that I couldn’t swim at all. I had been putting up a front and everyone thought I was a good swimmer. My heart was thudding so loudly, and I didn’t know what to do.

“Sunggyu! Why are you standing there? Go and save Hyejin!”

“Yeah Sunggyu, hurry jump into the pool!”

Everyone was prompting me to save Hyejin but they didn’t know that I couldn’t swim for nuts. I just stood there idly in a dilemma. I decided to forget my phobia and reach for the pool, but I was a tad too late. Someone had jumped into the pool before me.


A/N: Hello! Yay new chapter and 48 subbies already!! Thank you to all of you for your support! We're really grateful to you guys~ Oh by the way, is there any one who's willing to help us do up a poster for our fanfic? If there is, I hope you'll leave a comment for us. Thanks! ^^

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pupils #1
Chapter 20: update soon i really want to know the plan
Chapter 20: Yeay thanks for updating author nim sob :')
enaj888 #3
Chapter 20: I'm still reading the story! Thanks for the update!
whiteconfession_ #4
omg hi everyone ;---; i'm like having a serious writer's block omg :( sorry to keep all of you waiting >< i promise i'll be back soon(:
Chapter 19: omg update soon pleaseeeee
me_kpop #6
Chapter 19: OMG~ I hope Daehyun is not up to anything bad ;--;
Great update!
Update soon ^^
me_kpop #7
Chapter 18: OMO NOO DON'T DIE REALLLYYYYY!!!!! U GOTTA WAKE UP!!!!!! ;; Waaaah the story is sooo goooood ;3;
Chapter 18: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
DON'T DIE!!!!!!!!!!
I know that l said I luv DAEHYUN
But stupid DAEHYUN !!!!!!!!
Why did u have to do that!!!!!!!!!!
Just because of ur stupid cousin?!?!?!?
Chapter 12: OMG
DAEHYUN !!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... hwaiting!!...