You're my love drug~


Hyejin’s POV

I stirred in my sleep as I saw the bright light right above me. I groaned slightly as I saw a blurry figure in front of me. As my vision became clearer, I could hear them constantly calling my name.

“Hyejin ahhh!”

“Can you hear us noona?”

I saw Sungyeol and Sungjong call out for me. Omg, what are those brats doing here?!

“Hyejin ahhh, do you remember me? I’m Sunggyu! I’m so glad you woke up, you scared me to death.  Don’t you eve--- ” he tried to hug me.

I stared at him for a very long time before I pushed him away.

“YAHHHHHH!! Who are you, scary ahjussi?! Why are you hugging me like this?” I screamed, terrified of the strange ahjussi right in front of me and moved farther away from him.

“Hyejin yahhhh….” He moved closer to me and I observed his facial features carefully before I snapped back into reality.

“Go away!!!” I covered the blanket over my head, refusing to see anyone.


Sunggyu’s POV

She…can’t…remember…me…? This cannot be happening. I haven’t even accepted her feelings. How could she forget about me? I quickly made my way to the doctor’s office.

“I’m sorry Mr Kim, but it seems like Ms Lee is suffering from amnesia. She may or may not recover her memories due to the strong impact on her head. She may forget certain memories, probably because it has been a great blow to her and doesn’t want to remember it. But it is still possible to make her recall them if you expose her to places where these memories occurred.”

“What……? Doctor, you must do your best to help her recover her past memories!” I exclaimed.

“What did the doctor say?” Woohyun asked me somberly.

“She’s… suffering from… amnesia.” I told him, not bothering to look up and face him.

I walked out of the room, crestfallen and still reeling from the shock. How can Hyejin not remember me…? I slowly made my way back to her room and saw her fast asleep already. I sat at the side of the bed as tears threatened to spill out from my eyes. I held back my tears. I must be strong for the sake of Hyejin. I will and must be. I will make you remember me, Kim Sunggyu, the man whom you fell in love with. I sat there and held her hand for a good one minute before making my way out of the room.


Sunggyu’s POV

I went to the hospital to visit Hyejin again, hoping that she would remember me, well, at least my name. “Morning!” I said in a bright and cheery voice. Hyejin was awake in bed, reading a magazine.

“You again? What do you want? Why are you always here? I don’t even know you!” Hyejin sighed.

“What do you mean you don’t know me? Of course you do! I’m Sunggyu, Kim Sunggyu! You are my…  “ I can’t possibly say girlfriend ‘cause she’ll probably freak out, “You live in my house!”

“WHAT?! How is that possible? I have no connections with you or whatsoever…”

“You do… You just forgot about everything,” I mumbled to myself.

We just continued to be in awkward silence until another voice decided to break the silence. “Hey Hyejin! How are you doing?”

“Daehyun oppa, you’re here! Ask this ahjussi to leave please. He keeps claiming that I know him!” Hyejin complained to Daehyun.

My jaw dropped. Did Hyejin just call that bastard by his name? Plus an ‘oppa’ behind?! What in the world? How come she remembers him but not me? This is ridiculous.

“Jung Daehyun! What are you doing here? Haven’t you caused enough harm to Hyejin injuring her and now you’re playing the good guy by visiting her?!” I exploded.

Hyejin’s POV

I was in total confusion. What’s this about Daehyun injuring me?

“Look, I’m really apologetic that I had hit Hyejin unintentionally. I really wasn’t aware that she was gonna protect you! YOU were the one I was after, not Hyejin.” Daehyun said remorsefully.

So… Daehyun was the cause that I was admitted to the hospital? But a nurse told me that I had fallen down from a slope while roller blading. So who’s speaking the truth?

Although I was curious, I didn’t dare to ask them anything about it as I was afraid they would get into a serious fight and I definitely didn’t want that to happen.

“DON’T. Give that excuse. If you had no intention to injure her, why did you use her to threaten me to find you at some deserted area? Just admit that you’re a weakling ‘cause you had to use such tactics to lure me into your trap!” Sunggyu spat.

“Know that this is not the end, Jung Daehyun. JUST BECAUSE. THERE IS INFINITE.”

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pupils #1
Chapter 20: update soon i really want to know the plan
Chapter 20: Yeay thanks for updating author nim sob :')
enaj888 #3
Chapter 20: I'm still reading the story! Thanks for the update!
whiteconfession_ #4
omg hi everyone ;---; i'm like having a serious writer's block omg :( sorry to keep all of you waiting >< i promise i'll be back soon(:
Chapter 19: omg update soon pleaseeeee
me_kpop #6
Chapter 19: OMG~ I hope Daehyun is not up to anything bad ;--;
Great update!
Update soon ^^
me_kpop #7
Chapter 18: OMO NOO DON'T DIE REALLLYYYYY!!!!! U GOTTA WAKE UP!!!!!! ;; Waaaah the story is sooo goooood ;3;
Chapter 18: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
DON'T DIE!!!!!!!!!!
I know that l said I luv DAEHYUN
But stupid DAEHYUN !!!!!!!!
Why did u have to do that!!!!!!!!!!
Just because of ur stupid cousin?!?!?!?
Chapter 12: OMG
DAEHYUN !!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... hwaiting!!...