You're my love drug~


Sunggyu’s POV

My eyelids kept on twitching. Is there something wrong with my eye? Or is something bad going to happen? That sentence kept on ringing in my head. “shung….guuuu…  saveeee meeee” I couldn’t really discern the voice but it sounded like hyejin’s. But she’s in school right…? But something in my heart keeps tugging at me, telling me that something’s not right. I decided to give her a call anyway…

“Ring… ring…ring… The number you dialled is unavailable. Please try again later.” I dialled her number again but it was still the same reply.

Impossible, Hyejin never switches off her phone. Her phone must have died. Yes that must be it. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. Hurriedly, I walked towards my house and opened the main door as I tried to assure myself that everything’s fine.

“How was school today?” my mum asked casually.

“Erm, it was fine.” I answered nonchalantly.

“Naekko haja, naega neol saranghae--.” I reached out for my phone lazily, thinking that it was another fangirl who got my number. As I opened the message, I was stupefied, astonished, shocked, horrified, whatever words that could explain how I was feeling as I picked up the phone.


“Your pretty soon to be girlfriend is having a… fun, or should i say, wild? time with me now.  maybe you should hurry here before I’ll continue having loads of fun with her. If you don’t hurry here in 1hr, I’ll probably give her an even wilder time with me.” I could hear him smirking at the other end of the phone.

I IMMEDIATELY KNEW HE WAS TALKING ABOUT HYEJIN. I tried to control my anger but I was already fuming mad.

“She’s none of my business. What future girlfriend. I already have one. Stop calling me.” I tried to stay calm as my brain processed the plan I had in mind. I hung up the phone and took action quickly. I dialled for my personal assistant.

“Mr Lee. I need you to use my phone to track down the location of the last call I received.” I put down the phone as I called infinite up.

“Guys. It’s an emergency. Can we meet at the usual place?” they all agreed before I headed out.

(In the car)

My heart was all jittery and flipping around. What if something bad happened to hyejin?! I’ll be guilty for the rest of my life. It was the first time I was feeling this way. I have never wanted to protect someone so desperately in my life. It feels like something important was being taken away from me… I stepped on the accelerator as I sped through the roads.


Hyejin’s POV

I remember myself being dragged away… before I arrived here. I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar surrounding. I tried to stretch my hands only to find out that is bounded by ropes.

“someone’s finally awake.” The familiar voice echoed in my head.

I finally lifted up my head. Reality finally struck me. This cannot be happening to me.

“Why…why..why me?” I managed to even mutter. Millions of questions ran through my head as tears trickled down my face.

“For that question, you gotta ask your future boyfriend who’s probably not going to appear since he has a girlfriend already. So I guess you’ll have some fun time with me.” He smirked at me.

Jung Daehyun.

How did he become like this? I thought he was my good friend all along. He always comforted me when Sunggyu was being an to me, always there for me. Why the sudden change in him? Why? I started to recall what Sunggyu had told me the other day. Maybe I should have heeded his advice. Sigh, no point crying over spilt milk. I still can’t believe my eyes.

“Daehyun ahhhhh~” a sharp voice could be heard from miles away.

Her silhouette became more visible as she strutted down the corridor.

“Why is she still here? Shouldn’t we have just finished her off? Hurry daehyun ahhhh”

That familiar voice… Minzy….2NE1…

“Patience Minzy. Good things come to those who wait.” He smirked at her.

Minzy stood up slowly, walked over to me and gave me a big slap. I was taken aback and stunned.

“First one, this is for not heeding my advice.”

She slapped me again.

“second one, this is on behalf of 2NE1.”

Her hand landed on my face yet again.

“Lastly, this is for being too close to Infinite and especially Sunggyu.”

By this time, hot tears were already gushing down my cheeks. I felt as if my cheeks were on fire, stinging from the pain. I couldn’t help but let out a little sob.

“So I heard you have taken a liking to that small eyed guy?” Daehyun eyed me.

Daehyun smirked at me and inched closer towards me. He fished out a penknife from his pocket and placed it close to my face. I jumped back at the sudden touch of the cold metal.

“Maybe he should feel the pain I went through…” daehyun said softly.

SUNGGYU AHH, SAVE MEEEEE. I mentally screamed in my head. I don’t want to be scarred. I don’t want to die so early. I haven’t got a chance to tell you that I like you. I wanna marry you. I wanna spend my life with you.

I saw the knife slipping out of the case (A/n:  I have no idea how to describe this part )8 )as  he placed the knife on my cheek.

“Andwaeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!” I screamed as loud as I could. He started to cut through my skin as blood oozed out from my skin. I started to thrash around in my seat as held a firm grip on me. I’m sorry Sunggyu…

Sunggyu’s POV

Nothing must happen to you. I’ll blame myself for the rest of my life. I got out of the car at our destination.

“Let’s put our plan in action now.” I told the guys. I knew that daehyun would probably have a gazillion number of guards stationed outside the warehouse. Dongwoo and woohyun fought off the many guards that were stationed outside.  When the coast was clear, I sped into the warehouse as I tried to navigate my way through the warehouse. I heard an earpiercing scream coming from downstairs.

“Andwaeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!” I peered over the railings and only to see hyejin thrashing around wildly in the seat.

My heart felt as if it was pierced by an arrow. Her screams, her shouts, her pain. I could feel her pain. Her pain was my pain. Wait for me, I’ll be there. I dashed down the stairs, only to be greeted by daehyun. I rushed over to hyejin. Her face was bloody with cuts all over. She looked at me teary-eyed.

“I see you’re finally here.”

“Daehyun….? I knew you were up to no good. Cut the crap out, What do you want.”

“Revenge. You may not remember this since you offended a lot ofpeople. But I guess you’ll probably remember him. Don’t I remind you of somebody?”

I stared at him before pictures of that guy came flashing back at me. Tall… bespectacled… scrawny… Jung..Hyunjin….?

“Jung Hyun Jin?”

“Absolutely right. He’s my brother and he’s living in a HORRIBLE STATE BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!!” He snarled at me and pointed the knife at my throat. I jumped back a little. How…how…? He has an uncanny resemblance to his brother.

“Two years back, when my brother was still studying in school, he was bullied every single day. He would come home with bruises and cuts everywhere. Nonetheless, he still had to work odd jobs everyday to support me. My parents passed away when I was just 6. My brother had to work till midnight every night to earn enough money to support me and himself. It was hell, living every day was torture. But YOUUUU, STILL CONTINUED TO BULLY HIM AND TORTURE HIM IN SCHOOL EVERYDAY. BEATING HIM UP AND EXTORTING MONEY FROM HIM, MAKING HIM RUN ODD JOBS FOR YOU. HE WAS SO TROUBLED THAT HE GOT RUN DOWN BY A CAR!!!”

I was astonished. I really didn’t know what happened. I cannot remember anything. I didn’t know how to react. What should I do? God, help me.

“Until now, he’s paralysed from waist down. I WANT YOU TO FEEL THE PAIN OF LOSING YOUR LOVED ONES.”

I turned around and saw Daehyun pointing the gun at her temple.

“Andwaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”I screamed.

“What do you want me to do? The person you’re after is me, just take me. Let her go.”

Hyejin was furiously shaking her head at me.

“Kneel down and beg for my forgiveness.”

It was against my pride to kneel down. But a live was at stake here. I can’t afford to lose hyejin. Hyejin was the one who changed my life.

I dropped down on my knees to the astonishment of everybody.

“i… I’m….i….” I just couldn’t say it. Instead, I decided to throw a punch at Daehyun which was utterly failed. This angered Daehyun even more as he signalled to his men to start beating me up. I tried to resist. But they were just too strong for me. They kicked me, stepped on me, punched me. The excruciating pain. Blood smeared all over my face. I was just rolling and trying to protect my defenseless self.  

“ARE YOU GOING TO SAY IT NOW?!” he hollered at me.

“Over my dead body.” I smirked at him.


“Over my dead body.” WHAT WAS THAT GUY THINKING OF?! WHY IS HIS PRIDE GETTING IN THE WAY?! JUST SAY A SORRY AND EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. I noticed daehyun picking up a wooden plank from behind. No… this isn’t going to happen… I felt the urge to save him, I couldn’t lose him. Or at least if I did, I wouldn’t feel so guilty, I couldn’t bear to see him in pain anymore.  And I did the wildest thing I ever did.

Narrator’s POV

Daehyun raised up the wooden plank and sunggyu was just bracing himself for the strong impact that might leave him in a bad state after that. The wooden plank came down but the imapct never came. Instead, Hyejin was lying on the floor  in a semi- conscious state with pieces of the wooden plank beside her

“HYEJIN AHHHHH!!!! WAKE UPPP!!! YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!!!! ANDWAEEEE!!!! WAKE UP!!!!” Sunggyu crawled over to her body and took her into his embrace. He shaked her body furiously.


“Sunggyu yah…” hyejin managed to mutter a few words.

“Don’t talk. Hushhh.  You’re gonna be okay.”

“if I don’t say this now, I don’t know If I’ll ever get the chance to say this…”

“Saranghae Sunggyu oppa…” before her eyes closed to darkness as a tear rolled down her cheeks.


A/N: Hello everyone! sorry for not updating regularly :( school started so we have been really busy *sobs* DONT HATE ME FOR MAKING DAEHYUN INTO SUCH A BAD PERSON TT AND I WANNA THANK OUR AWESOME SUBBIES FOR STICKING WITH US DESPITE OUR INFREQUENT UPDATES! (: we'll be back soon! 8D enjoy this chapter and leave comments!!





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pupils #1
Chapter 20: update soon i really want to know the plan
Chapter 20: Yeay thanks for updating author nim sob :')
enaj888 #3
Chapter 20: I'm still reading the story! Thanks for the update!
whiteconfession_ #4
omg hi everyone ;---; i'm like having a serious writer's block omg :( sorry to keep all of you waiting >< i promise i'll be back soon(:
Chapter 19: omg update soon pleaseeeee
me_kpop #6
Chapter 19: OMG~ I hope Daehyun is not up to anything bad ;--;
Great update!
Update soon ^^
me_kpop #7
Chapter 18: OMO NOO DON'T DIE REALLLYYYYY!!!!! U GOTTA WAKE UP!!!!!! ;; Waaaah the story is sooo goooood ;3;
Chapter 18: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
DON'T DIE!!!!!!!!!!
I know that l said I luv DAEHYUN
But stupid DAEHYUN !!!!!!!!
Why did u have to do that!!!!!!!!!!
Just because of ur stupid cousin?!?!?!?
Chapter 12: OMG
DAEHYUN !!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... hwaiting!!...