Chapter 24;


After ditching school, the both of you headed towards where you've always wanted to go.

Lotte World.

It's really cliche actually, but you always dreamed of coming here with your future boyfriend when you were young. You just never expected it to be your own twin brother.

 You rushed excitedly to the ticket booth and bought the couple package.

"Wow... the package is so cheap compared to the normal prices!!!" You tugged at Chunji's finger as he grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him.

"Yeah... Gosh... When we get married, I assure you, with your 'cheap cheap cheap' values, we will sure save a lot of money!" Chunji ruffled your hair.

You stopped. *M-married?*

"Erm... yeah... let's go in now!!!" You dragged Chunji inside Lotte World.

As it was a school day, it was quite empty and you took Chunji to the most thrilling roller-coaster. "I WANNA SIT THAT." You pointed like a little girl.

"M-maybe... l-let's not... L-let's go on the relaxing river ride!!!" Chunji pointed to the kiddy-ride.

"Coward." You made a face.

"I'm not. And stop doing that. You're ugly." Chunji pouted.

"Eww. Your pouts are worse." You stuck out your tongue.

Chunji pouted even more.

"Okay I give up. They are irresistable. Let's go on the roller-coaster now." You dragged the unwilling Chunji to the big roller-coaster.

You chose the two front seats.

"ENJOY THE RIDE TO... HELLLLLL!!!" The person managing the ride yelled and off the both of you went.

You were screaming your off as the roller-coasted twirled here and there and Chunji grabbed the seat so hard, the next person would definitely suffer from seat malfunctioning.

As the ride went to an abrupt stop, you laughed heartily but Chunji refused to open his mouth.

"Chan Hee? You alright over there?" You giggled.

He made a hand gesture and ran for the toilet.

As he came out, you bought two candy-floss for the both of you. ". That was the worst few minutes of my life." He cursed.

"There, eat this!" You stuffed the candy-floss in his face.

Chunji opened his mouth widely and you fed him some. Chunji grinned widely as he let the sweetness melt in his mouth and then he locked arms with you. You ate some candy-floss but you didn't notice that your lips were stained pink.

Chunji laughed out loud and then said, "Your... lips!!!"

"You think I'm the only one?" You pointed at his blue-stained lips.

He yelled and then grabbed some tissues to clean his mouth. "What a sissy..." You said and then he stopped using the tissue.

"Well... there is another way to get rid of the stain. This one kills two birds with one stone." He smirked.

"W-" Before you could ask him, Chunji tilted his head and leaned in to give you a kiss.

Your lips lingered on his for awhile but he quickly pulled away. "There. All better." He chuckled.

You awkwardly pointed at the gift shop, "We should go there."

Chunji then pulled you in the shop and got matching head-bands. "You get the blue. I get the pink!" He clapped his hands.

"SISSY!!!" You pointed at him and then he grabbed your finger.

"Now now... whose finger has been pointing for so many times today? It's my turn." Chunji his lips and then used your finger to wipe against his lips and he placed it on your own.

"Indirect kiss." He bounced happily and went to pay for the head-bands.

You were stunned for awhile but then Chunji quickly came back and put the head-bands on for you and himself.

"It's time for us to go on my ride now!!!" Chunji pushed you all the way to the ferris wheel.

One thing about you is that even though you love thrilling roller-coasters, you were afraid of heights. Especially ferris-wheels, as you were always afraid that it would stop mid-air.

"Not that one..." You muttered and Chunji laughed, "REVENGE!"

Chunji brought you into one cabin and then the person said, "Enjoy your relaxing 1 hour ride here~"

"ONE HOUR!?!?!?" You exclaimed and then Chunji pulled you down.

"Relax and enjoy the scenery." He looked out.

You covered your eyes with your fingers but then Chunji pulled them down.

"Everything will be fine... Trust me." He looked into your eyes.

Chunji sat closer to you and then met noses with you.

"Just look at me and everything will be alright." Chunji smiled.

You then hugged him tightly and then whispered, "Oppa... saranghae..."


Unknowingly, tears rolled down your cheek at this time.

*Please... you are making it harder for me...*


A/N: Hey everyone!!! I reached over 80 subscribers!!! Thank you ALL so much for following this fanfic<3 It will be ending soon, and I already have ideas for the SEQUEL!!! However, I am not sure what do YOU readers want! Please comment whether you want a sequel; if I get majority votes to have a sequel (You can say you don't want a sequel and just leave the story like this :D), I will create a new story, and if the majority of you say no... then... it will be that! SO PLEASE COMMENT!!! [I don't know how to create a poll, thus the request to comment HEHEHE~^^] Thanks everyone!!! Once again, SUBSCRIBE. COMMENT. ENJOY.

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Chapter 26: Whoa...this is so sweet story ever. One side i feel that i live both of them being couple but another sides of me feel that that's wrong coz they are sibling, ood related...

Anyway....nice story....and i will read the sequel ^^
i don't know what to say. i'm speechless of how awesome writer you are. really you're a good writer :)

you know what? i've been screaming and spazzing the whole time! i really really love this fanfic. this is the first time i've read a fanfic about Chunji 'coz i always read L.Joe fanfics... (l.joe is my bias)

i hope you read this comment since you said you like reading stuffs like this :)
keep up the good work. your readers are here to support you! hwaiting~!
Love it. ♥ Heading to read the sequel now.
T_T ended…. anyway SEQUEL!
there's no more ...... :[
Awwwwww i really love this story but there's no more :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :/ :[ :/ :/ :/
vivi2133 #6
YESSSSSSSSSSSSH SEQUEL!!!! :D <3 thank you ;____; lol
when it said that Chunji had dyed his hair red, i was like, 'what, is this? his comeback already?' xD aha...probably not funny, but i was spazzing pretty hard LOL. GOING TO READ DA SEQUEL RIGHT NOW :D
is it really the end ?
YAYYAY! Sequel~ sequel~
Author-nim, SARANGHAE!
1say16 #9
what ? the ending is confusing sequel pls